This was on the shelf with the new shipments today at BAM and the volume 1 cover looked so nice. I wonder if anyone's heard of the manga and if they thought it was good. Or is this a brand new manga (though I HIGHLY doubt it brand friggin new) and does no one not know about it yet. I read about a thrid because I didn't have enough time. (That's what I do, I go to the bookstore and read the books there instead of buying them. I'm a broke cheapo.)
That manga? I think it was done by the guy who did Peacemaker Kurogane(anime). If so then, Yay! It was about a kid who wanted to get revenge for parents death if I remember correctly. They finally have the manga here ^_^. I shall go seek them out and read them all.
Omfg, finally. A reply. And yah, it's that manga. =D I didn't know there was an anime, too. =o >w> Hmm. But yeah, there's already 3 volumes out. >w> Which came first, the manga or the anime...?