Peace Camp

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Dinny, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    It's NEVER too late to join! We will help you out in getting started so don't worry <3

    We all know how this race goes against another, and then a whole war begins. Well, that's usually the case. And well, in the kingdom of Margal a family decides to let their dreams take off. For the kingdom to finally have peace in it's land. And that's where this starts off. The family decides to put up a camp where different races colide. But the people seem restless, they just won't get along... Could this camp actually be a bad idea? Will chaos just devour the persevering people who started this?

    Yes I'm bored 8D Supposed to be an academy but I'm tired of school :/

    1. No killing anyone please :/
    2. No extreme gore since it should be chaotic :P
    3. Please do use * when you swear, this are younger members around
    4. No Godmoding. Please.
    5. No controlling other characters either.
    6. Keep it P -13 please. Nice and clean, got it?
    7. If other rules come up, I will inform you guys.
    8. I expect you to follow the rules x] You'll get warnings if ya don't. Push it too far and you'll be sorry.
    9. Please say 'Chocolate Orange Pocky' if you have read the rules [yes this is needed]
    10.Enjoy =D

    Character form:
    Username/Played by:
    Appearance: [please give links if the pic is too big]
    Power: [only 2-3 allowed]
    Weapon: [optional, not really needed actually xD]


    Username/Played by: Death Twister
    Name: Karie Malbeur
    Age: 17
    Gender: female
    Race: hybrid; elf/angel
    Power: Earth powers - mostly thorns, and flight
    Weapon: in the pic =D [yes I dunno what it is xD]
    Bio: Her parents go with the idea of the camp, even though she doesn't at all. She was sent here, but none of her other siblings were, cause she's the 'rebel' in the family. Not only was she the only girl and the only hybrid, but was the only one who gets blamed for everything. And she got a bad reputation for it. The reason behind all of Karie's rebelliousness, it was because her family treated her like dirt. When she was younger, she'd always act like a sweet little angel to everyone - but her family never respected her. Her family was never supportive to her and when she couldn't handle that any longer she just flipped with a total change in personality. All she ever wanted was her family to be proud of her, but she gave up on that.
    Personality: Sarcastic, punk/rebellious, but still has a soft side for others [mostly those of her kind - hybrids]
    Other: ~

    Username/Played by: Xioayugoth
    Name: Zachary ("Zack") White
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Race: Hybrid; human/black fox
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Only with little ears and a tail. XD
    Power: Pretty agile, can teleport at will.
    Weapon: Um, knows martial arts... but not particularly well.
    Bio: He was picked on and discriminated against because everyone thought he wasn't a "proper" human. Eventually, to avoid trouble, since many students at his school were starting to get aggressive, he was moved to the camp in an attempt to keep the peace. Like it or not, he knows he's stuck there until he turns eighteen, because of his parents, so he's decided to give living there a fair try.
    Personality: Although he's grown to resent the "proper" humans, he still shows compassion for anyone like him... (Basically, outcasts and other hybrids). Cheeky, naiive, and sometimes a tiny bit flirtacious, he's best taken in small doses, or you might end up wanting to tape his mouth shut. x]
    Other: ...

    Username/Played by: Xioayugoth
    Name: Will Parry.
    Age: 14.
    Gender: Male.
    Race: Human.
    Power: Has command over the weather; storms, sun, anything he wants to cause, he can cause it.
    Weapon: Relies on his powers, rather than using one.
    Bio: He was outcasted because he was different, and sent to Peace camp in an attempt to fix his anger issues and problem with being any way different to other humans.
    Personality: Grouchy, with a short temper. Holds grudges easily, and never foregts them.
    Other: Ended up stuck in a cabin with Zack, of all people.

    Username/Played by: godsgirl
    Name: Mika
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Race: Angel
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: Mind tricks, fire, psychic abilities
    Weapon: A long staff with a point on the end
    Bio: She was born the perfect angel, but after having spurts of evil, her wings turned black. Her parents were appalled and sent her to the camp so she could be perfect again.
    Personality: She's sweet and feisty.
    Other: She enjoys playing tricks on people, but is really nice.

    Username/Played by:#8 Axel
    Race:half Cat demon
    Power:Can Turn in to a cat(only in emergencies), and controls water
    Weapon: A sword she calls MoonLight
    Bio: Losing her parents when she was 6 she wondered around until a group picked her up and took care of her.When she was 10 there was another fight and it ended up with her and another from the group they made to a camp to try to start a new life hoping there will be no more fighting.
    Personality: has a fighting spirit,can be abit cocky, Suprisingly she can keep a cheerful aura when sadness is around.
    Other: can Cook,spends her practicing with her sword

    Username/Played by:#8 Axel
    Race:Wolf Demon
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: controls lightning
    Weapon: Spear
    Bio:He really doesn't remember much of his past only bits and pieces.All he mainly remembers is the group he was with and then
    a girl named claire joined them and they took care of her. Within a few years on a stormy night some demons surrounded them and
    killed of everyone besides him and claire.Together they went to the camp.He had always taken care of claire when she needed it.
    Personality:has a fighting spirit,doesn't talk to anyone besides claire.
    Other:he like claire will not fight unless there is no other choice.

    Username/Played by: Catfish
    Name: Melissa Tidmarsh
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: mermaid
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: control water, able to walk on land, but changes to mermaid when wet
    Weapon: n/a
    Bio: Raised by her uncle, [as her parents were to busy] she wasn't given the best advice whe growing up. Being picked on and bullied, she was repeatedly being sprayed with water so she couldn't go where she needed to, failing school and fired from jobs.
    Personality: queit, withdrawn
    Other: likes cats.. coz they like to be dry.. and they're cuddly

    Username/Played by:Catfish
    Name: Joe Mitchells
    Age: 17
    Gender: Ladeh Boi.... lol Male
    Race: Human/Spider Hybrid
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: he can make web like items, (nets, ropes, etc), he can also conjure up a paralyzing venom.
    Weapon: N/A
    Bio: Joe was raised in a very rich and powerful family, thus so thinking he was better than everyone else. He signed up for the camp himself, believing that peace wasn't the answer, that everyone should bow to him, he had to start somewhere
    Personality: reckless, aggresive, likes things going his way
    Other: He has been watchig everyone from the start, he is very intellectual, taking i every piece of evidence so he can use that against them

    Played by: Dexnail
    Name: Kevin Foxfang
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Race: humen (half fox but its not noticable)
    Appearance: He has green eyes and shaggy silver hair. He wears jeans and a grey hoodie. Also he wears an silver chain that has an fox pendent on it.
    Power: He is able to turn into a silver fox and he can make clones of himself
    Weapon: claws and fangs when he is in his fox form
    Bio: both of his parents died and his uncle sent him to the camp to get rid of him. A lot of people dont like his kind. He was born with a gift but yet viewed by the people of his society as a curse.
    Personality: He is very laid back and he likes to hang out with people. He does not like to fight but will if he has to. He loves to play tricks on people
    Other: He likes to be in his fox form a lot

    Username/Played by: Dexnail
    Race: human(half fox but not noticable)
    Power: able to turn into a red fox and she can controll flowers
    Weapon: none
    Bio: she was an child hood friend of kevin. She always hung out with him and one day she accidently turned into an fox infront of her parents and they sent her here. But when kevin turned into a fox he was locked up into a cage and they havnt seen each other since then. She been at the camp but too scared and nervouse to talk.
    Personality: nice,playfull,relaxed,hates to fight
    Other: she had an crush on kevin since they was kids

    Username/Played by: Momo
    Name: Thalia
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female :]
    Race: Witch [ specializes in illusions]
    Power: Illusion, speed and strength
    Weapon: Whip
    Bio: She was born poor and has been fending for herself all this time. Once, she barely even ate, so in order to keep herself healthy and lively she steals food from the marketplace. Thalia loves Greek Mythology.
    Personality: Somewhat cheerful but sometimes arrogant. She is hot- headed but is willing to sacrifice herself for the good of her friends.
    Other: When Thalia doesn't want to talk about the topic, she says something totally random.

    Username/Played by: Silver The Hedgehog/Entity/Crescent Angel
    Name: Veril Lyshall
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Race: Lycan(Human Language: Werewolf)
    Appearance(s): Lycan form:
    Human form: [​IMG]
    Power: Strength, Speed.
    Weapon: Lycan Form: Claws; Human Form: Double Handguns.
    Bio: Unknown to him, even me(ME, Silver/Entity/Crescent, doi!).
    Personality: Dark as others with an evil heart but kind with light in his heart, powerful and strong, perfect in most ways, except some.
    Other: N/A

    Username/Played by: Lonely Breeze
    Name: Hailey
    Age: 16 1/2
    Gender: Female
    Race: Half human and half fairy
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: Mind Reading and Healing
    Weapon: A black rose which is bewitched to turn into a gun when in need of one.
    Bio: Ever since Hailey and her family moved to that musty old farmhouse which had never been painted, they were isolated from society. Hailey somehow managed to escape the silence of that house by walking for days through a dense forest. Now, she had mastered the art of traveling and just goes wherever the wind takes her.
    Personality: Hailey is a shy and meek creature. She has a hard time opening up to others because she had only known very few people in her life.
    Other: Hailey is horrible in hand to hand combat and lacks strength and determination.

    Username/Played by: Naruto Uzumaki
    Name: Shiko
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Race: Four-Tailed fox demon
    Power: Telepathy and Telekinesis
    Bio: Shiko had been fending for herself since she was little. She has no memory of her parents but she hopes to find them one day in hope of finding out more about her bizzare background. She's been solitary most of her life so she hasn't gotten used to the idea of 'friends' yet.
    Personality:Quiet, shy, tends to daydream.
    Other: almost forgot this: Chocolate Orange Pocky

    Username/Played by: Random Angel
    Name: Kyra
    Age: Looks 16
    Gender: Female
    Race: Half Demon/Angel
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: Darkness, light, transformation.
    Weapon: None
    Bio: She's an outcast in her family since her demon mother had an affair with an angel. She was recently sent to the peace camp for trouble making as an exucse to get rid of her.
    Personality: Reblious
    Other: Her wings can grow

    Username/Played by: Random Angel
    Name: Terri
    Age: Looks 14ish but lived for least a 100 years
    Gender: Female
    Race: Day Walker (since we have none)
    Appearance: The girl in this pic: [​IMG]
    Power: Can turn into mist and the normal vampire stuff, only doesn't burn in the light
    Bio: Her and her brother are own their own and stopped by the peace camp to have somewhere to sleep and 'gathering information'
    Personality: Cheerful but not social
    Other: Would kill for her 'brother'

    Username/Played by: Random Angel
    Name: Ty
    Age: Looks 16ish but is older then his sister
    Gender: Male
    Race: Blood Stalker
    Appearance: The boy in above pic
    Power: Same as his sister's
    Bio: Same as sis (cause I'm lazy today)
    Personality: Protactive of his sister and a loner
    Other: Blood Stalker: Few of this kind exist in the world these days, but there was a time where they were just as common as the Morbid kind. But some unknown factor accord and afterwards there weren't as many Blood Stalkers around. These type of vampires is where some of the myths came from. They have pale skin, bright eye colors, transformation powers, and inhuman strength and speed. Unlike other vampires, Blood Stalkers are born vampire. Though, in rare cases, one can become a Blood Stalker if their blood is 'pure' enough when bitten. Also they rare ever have to feed and are able to eat normal human food, expect they might thirst for blood on an odd night. These tend to be born loners.
  2. Xioayugoth Destiny Islands Resident

    May 12, 2007
    Heh... Since the last RP is down the drain, mind if I join here? x3

    Username/Played by: Xioayugoth
    Name: Zachary ("Zack") White
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Race: Hybrid; human/black fox
    Appearance: [​IMG] Only with little ears and a tail. XD
    Power: Pretty agile, can teleport at will.
    Weapon: Um, knows martial arts... but not particularly well.
    Bio: He was picked on and discriminated against because everyone thought he wasn't a "proper" human. Eventually, to avoid trouble, since many students at his school were starting to get aggressive, he was moved to the camp in an attempt to keep the peace. Like it or not, he knows he's stuck there until he turns eighteen, because of his parents, so he's decided to give living there a fair try.
    Personality: Although he's grown to resent the "proper" humans, he still shows compassion for anyone like him... (Basically, outcasts and other hybrids). Cheeky, naiive, and sometimes a tiny bit flirtacious, he's best taken in small doses, or you might end up wanting to tape his mouth shut. x]
    Other: ...

    You gotta love that chocolate orange pocky, huh?
  3. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    XD Okie, you're in :]
  4. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Username/Played by: godsgirl
    Name: Mika
    Age: 16
    Gender: female
    Race: Angel
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Power: Mind tricks, fire, pyscic abilities
    Weapon: A long staff with a point on the end
    Bio: She was born the perfect angel, but after having spurts of evil, her wings turned black. Her parents were appalled and sent her to the camp so she could be perfct again.
    Personality: She's sweet and feisty.
    Other: She enjoys playing tricks on people, but is really nice.
  5. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    OOC: Oh another one? Cool xD Kk, you're in :]
  6. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    when do we start??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  7. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    I hope this is ok?

    Username/Played by:#8 Axel
    Race:half Cat demon
    Power:Can Turn in to a cat(only in emergencies), and controls water
    Weapon: A sword she calls MoonLight
    Bio:Losing her parents when she was 6 she wondered around until a group picked her up and took care of her.When she was 10 there was another fight and it ended up with her and another from the group they made to a camp to try to start a new life hoping there will be no more fighting.
    Personality:has a fighting spirit,can be abit cocky, Suprisingly she can keep a cheerful aura when sadness is around.
    Other:can Cook,spends her practicing with her sword
  8. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City

    OOC: Anytime ya guys want :3
    You're in :]
  9. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    ooc:yay thank you ^_^...I guess I'll start it up if thats ok?

    Walking around she let out a sigh of contentment.Its been afew weeks since Evelyn and her came to this Camp and so far things were going smoothly.

    "There are still fighting going on but we're safe" Claire said to herself as she walked to her normal grassy spot looking up at the blue sky.
  10. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Mika folded her wings and walked around. a ball of fire appeared in her hand and a michivious look crossed her face. "" she told herself and it dispersed.
  11. Dinny I am Anime ( ⚈้̤͡ ◡ ⚈้̤͡ )

    Jun 16, 2007
    Gotham City
    Karie grunted, she just came in yesterday and she bets that she's already got a bad reputation. 'Some other people are still coming in.' she remembers, and kicked the door with her right foot hard. 'It was like being trapped in a cage here. It's so irritating... and I've got no one to pick on since I'm the first one in this cabin.'
  12. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Mika flapped her wings, creating a gust which blew some of the other kids around. She snickered and folded them quickly, looking innocent.
  13. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Sitting up she let out a yawn and stretched. Standing up she took out her sword and began her daily practice.

    "There is still hope but it can't always be this peaceful"she said as she thrusted her blade in front of her.
  14. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    "Hey! Stop it!" one dwarf yelled at her.

    "I didn't do anything!" Mika screamed back at him, clentching her teeth and knuckles.

    "Yes, you did!" He persisted.

    Mika reared back, getting ready to punch the small guy. "Say that to my face!" she barked at him.
  15. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Claire walked back seeing a group of people gathering around she walked toward it.

    "well this is interesting wonder whats goin on?"she said trying to look but growled knowing she is small to get around.
  16. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    Mika was stil in her fighting potitin, teeth bared and wings spread. The dwarf's friend, a warrior elf (Which was as tall as Mika) had come.
    "Stop causing trouble, you demon!" The elf cried.
    Mika snarled. "" she said through clentched teeth.
    Mika thrust her fist forward, and the fight had begun. Mika vs a Warrior elf and a Dwarf.
  17. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Pushing and squeezing her way through the crowd she popped out in front.Seeing a fight beginning she ran in and tried to stop it.

    "People Stop the fighting"she said in a stern voice.
  18. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    "How dare you call me Heathen!" Mika screamed, rage in her eyes. She looked like she wanted to kill the Elf and Dwarf, but stepped back at the order to stop fighting.

    "Too scared?" the dwarf prodded.

    "Dude, this is a PEACE CAMP. Don't prod her, she'll kill you." the elf said wisely.
  19. #8 Axel Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Hopping through Pure Dreams
    Claire walked up to the Dwarf with little anger. Leaving her blade on the side she glared at him.

    "There is to be NO fighting is that understood? or do I have to break it down to you...this is a place for peace if you want to start something your place is out there then" Claire said pointing to the outside.
  20. godsgirl Merlin's Housekeeper

    May 19, 2008
    The dwarf spat on the ground next toher, gave her a scowl, and went his way, taking the elf and crowd with him.
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