umm I'm having a problem with the mc config in pcsx2 I'm able to config everything else but when I try to start up the game I want to play from the ISO file I have it gives me a failed error telling me that it can't find the mc.............. srry don't remember the whole thing anyway I can't play my game cus what I want to do is make a code vid that I can post on the coders corner on the code vault but I can't until I can fix this prob please help thx edit: ok this prob is driving me out of my mind I'm despret for help somebody please help me.
pm any member that uses it ask soonny boy and you can not post code videos in the coder's corner because you arent a coder AND you don't post videos in the code vault you DO post them in the video warehouse
the only reason i said pm them is so you get faster results ;) ya know because this section isnt 100% helpful with this kinda stuff especially if it is urgent just don't ask for BIOS or ISOs
ok thx luxord! I no that cus I no you can't pm files or emus on the code vault but I already have bios files and acoule ISOs so I don't need them anyways so....... edit: by the way send me a visitor mssge when you get the chance to pm me help on finding the values in ps2dis I'll keep my eye out for your mssge sorry if I'm off topic I just wanted to tell you tht