The right side of my throat has been sore since Wednesday. However, seeing as it's been that way since Wednesday, I think that's, luckily, all it will be and it won't turn into a full-blown cold. I haven't been sick since late December 2012. Okay, sore throat, you can go away now. kthx Edit: I've also been taking aspirin since Wednesday because I've also been dealing with headaches. *sighs*
As someone who is frequently sick, there's no such thing as 'partially sick'. You're either sick or you're not.
Don't you need "the works" to call it being sick, such as having a fever? The stages of the common cold, for example: Sore throat Stuffy nose Headache* Fever* Mucus drainage Cough * Not always. The last two are more in the "getting better" and "residual effects" stages.
I call "partially sick" being a real thing, since for me I only ever get it with headaches and/or sleepiness, then a day of sore throat, and finally the last day is kind of meh.
You do not need to have a fever to be sick. This past 3 weeks, I felt miserable[ and I do still feel miserable]. I was coughing, sneezing, my throat was sore because my lymph nodes were so swollen, definitely had the mucus drainage. I did not sleep for at least a week because I spent all night coughing. And I was sent home from work at least once because of this. If my shift manager deems me as unable to work, then I must fit someone's definition of 'sick'. But I didn't have a fever any of the times I took my temperature. I normally run at 97.7F. That is what I consider normal for me. Anytime I took my temperature, there was no really measurable increase. Aside from a degree or two.
Started getting better yesterday. Throat's still sore, but I noticed a small difference when I woke up yesterday and very noticeable difference when I woke up about 59 minutes ago.
Now just shout at someone and blame them for you not being able to get better again because of them Also, is it strange i passed over this title so fast on a thread page that I thought it read "Partial Six-pack"?