Paris Hilton, Emos, etc...

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Tammylita, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. kaseykockroach Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 2, 2007
    There's so many things wrong with the world right now, so ranting about them is fun. Nothing wrong with that.
    And hating something is NOT ALWAYS a bad thing, really. People like racists deserve to be hated. I know that sounds cold, but that's how I feel about those people. I can't stand emos, either. What obnoxious and irratating people to attempt to talk with.
  2. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    In case you two have forgotten, we are in the 'Intelligent Discussion' can we please get back to the subject of Paris Hilton and Emos?
  3. kingdom945 Banned

    May 20, 2007
    Jeromeykins will always be my darrellcake. <3
    Well. Our world is so messed up, that one day it will be... it's a depressing thought, but we're going to have to deal with it.
  4. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008

    Never had an emo gf.. my current gf is well petite.

    Oh! my friends have a video on youtube were the find Paris Hilton... and they did... He told me i'm going to be in his in search of Ronald Regan video

    Well here's " In Search of Paris Hilton"
  5. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    She was pretty, but I just didn't like her anymore.
  6. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Oh I hate when people act all familiar about celebrities. You don't know them; don't pretend to.
  7. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle <3
    Really, what does Paris Hilton have to do with Emos? It's not like she is one so what is the problem?
  8. JorrellVsRoxas Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 14, 2008
    People hate Paris because their poor.
  9. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    So let's take this knife Yeah.
  10. Star_Seeker King's Apprentice

    Jun 2, 2007
    Good question...
    Paris Hilton is not emo. No one said she was. She's got absolutely nothing to do with them.

    But I didn't make it a priority to keep up with her life when I have my own, so I don't really know her situation, nor do I care. What I do know is that instead of going against her, people should learn from her mistake and move on. But she does need to stop acting the way she does, though. Seriously.

    Emos. I'm not one, and I don't know any, but I don't have a problem with them. They can be whoever they want to be, dress however they like, act however they like, etc. But like I said, I'm not emo, so I don't necessarily have a clear understanding of what it's like. Neither does anyone else who judges them unfairly.

    Some people might have a problem with life or family, and they're emo to help themselves escape from it, and I don't see anything wrong with that. Everyone has a different way of expressing themselves, so leave them be.

    But this is all just from a spectator's point of view... :/
  11. Repliku Chaser

    I've already pretty well voiced my opinion of Paris and emoes earlier. But something just bothered me here about what people are saying to go against those that may 'hate' either. It is showing that the side defending them is also biased.

    I do not agree with people saying others -hate- Paris Hilton because she's rich and they are jealous. It is such a childish response anymore when someone says "I hate this person" someone else automatically says "It's because you're jealous". If all these people have 'hated' others because they are jealous each time, that's pretty pathetic. Some people do have reasons such as perhaps they are tired of seeing Paris in the news etc and being fed Paris stories ridiculously when there are more important things to be concerned with in this world. Also, perhaps her music sucks to them and when she tries to influence others to act like her it always bombs for them and those actresses' lives are in rehab after. There could be reasons for it that you don't understand. On one hand people want others to open their minds and not hate on Paris or emos and yet they are just as closed-minded by giving 'reasons' for why people might 'hate' and it's so superficial and stupid. Give people a chance to explain their own biases and reasons for them. Then we truly understand either side of the fence and those of us who sit in the middle or who don't care so much can just go on too.
  12. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    No you can be rich and hate her, I'm poorish but I don't hate her, like I said before, she's just another random person to me.
  13. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    I dislike the stereotypical "emos", but for people who actually have a reason to react so strongly to things, (such as having experienced something truly tragic or having any kind of mental disorder that might make one overly sensitive) I feel compassion. Not everyone is capable of coping with bad things in life and those people need support rather than becoming victims of people with unfair prejudices who can't seem to accept that some people might be different from them. Labeling people emo based solely on the way they dress is also stupid.
    Way to go making huge generalizations. <.< Not every human being on earth wants to be rich, and not everyone wants to have sex with random people they barely know. I fit in both categories, sure I'm a bit too young to have sex so I don't really know how it feels, but if sex starts taking over your life, you need help. As for money, I wouldn't mind having a lot of money, but I don't really feel the need to have more than I actually need. Maybe you just want sex and money out of life, but I, personally, want to live a happy life. I do realize you might have been sarcastic, but I felt like saying that just in case.
    I'm sure few people really hate her since hate is a pretty strong word, but I am one of the people who dislike her. Not because she's rich, but because she really seems to be trying to make herself look like an idiot. I've seen a couple of reality shows with her (although I really wish I would have done something enjoyable with the time) and I lost count of how many times I facepalmed over her stupidity and overall annoying attitude. I don't mind if she wants to act like an idiot, but I do mind when she acts like an idiot while taking away screentime from something potentially enjoyable.