
Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by BlindingLight, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. BlindingLight Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 17, 2009
    I never said they didn't know. Just because thery didn't say anythign doesn't mean they didn't know.
  2. AStaffOfWonderAndRuin Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 13, 2009
    Their parents were probably mean/emotionally abusive. I can relate, and i can see why they're so connected to their friends.
  3. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    ...o__o why would you think that?
    There is absolutely nothing in the game that evidences their parents were mean.
  4. Toshi Banned

    Apr 27, 2007
    Who says that their parents didn't get to search for their kids when they disappeared after the storm. Maybe they went to different places, and that's why they didn't find them. Maybe they have their own story too.
  5. Jⱥy King's Apprentice

    Jul 7, 2009
    It was a bit weird that his parents were never heard of again. It might of been cool if his dad parents turned out to be some sort of heroes xD
  6. fadedxxlovesong Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 7, 2009
    Raleigh, NC
    I'm pretty sure that Sora, Kairi, and Riku [and technically only Sora and Riku made it because Kairi stored her heart within Sora] were the only people that made it off the island while everyone else on the island vanished or possibly became heartless? Because once Kingdom Hearts was sealed, all the worlds were restored & I'm sure all the hearts were restored along with it [this is the first game I'm talking about]. So everyone that disappeared with the island has no recollection of anything ever happening.

    & to quote Selphie about Riku, "Whatever happened to him? I sure miss him." and Kairi replies, "He's far away. But I know we'll see him again." Which seems to imply that Kairi didn't really remember the events of KH either, since she couldn't remember Sora completely.

    So the parents wouldn't worry about their kids if they didn't know anything was wrong. As for Sora's mom, since Naminè messed up everyone's links to Sora she probably didn't remember she even had a kid >.< Riku's parents...I have no idea. And does Sora have a Dad? Because many fanfic writers, myself included, always have Sora's mom as being widowed or just single. Just another question to throw out there.
  7. AStaffOfWonderAndRuin Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 13, 2009
    sora and his friends spent practicall ALL their time with eachother, away from their parents. in COM when it showed people in Sora's heart (people like Leon, Yuffie, then people closer like Riku and Kairi), there were no new faces, therefore his parents weren't in his heart. so he probably didn't care about them. a reason could be that they're just bad parents.

    i don't know if i'm explaining it well. but it makes sense to me because the way he desperately searches for his friends, like they're the only ones who care about him and vice versa.

    i guess everyone has a different situation.
  8. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I kind of see what your saying but I don't really think it's the case. Mostly because of the scene where his mother calls Sora to dinner. She sounds kind and is worried when she discovers she is missing. I just figured that Destiny Islands was such a peaceful place that their parrents weren't worried and who would honestly say that they would be at home with thier parrents when they could hang out all day with their friends. I will grant you that the bonds between them are stronger than the bonds with thier parrents, but that doesn't mean the parrents were abusive.
  9. AStaffOfWonderAndRuin Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 13, 2009
    i understand what you're saying too. I thought that also, but that doesn't explain why he never mentioned them and they weren't in his heart.
    Maybe his mom was bi-polar or something.
  10. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    The scene you mentioned didn't have everyone in Sora's heart. If they tried that then every single character in the game would of been shown there. Those were simply the strongest links. And honestly I think they would of included the parrents but skins were never created for them. Though that would of been a cool place to finally show them.
  11. TwilightTownShadow Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 23, 2009
    Twilight Town
    I thought the same thing XD!!! I mean Sora,Kairi, and Riku aparrently don't care if they never see thier parents again. What i also thought was when Sora and Riku returned to Destiny Islands they would have a grounding of a life time for being gone for a year lol.
  12. Xeitr The False Image Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 5, 2006
    your tummy
    341 about it...everyone forgot about sora while he was in stasis....that means his parents completely forgot about him up to the point he returned...XD video game chars. parents never act like they care....they all act like its perfectly normal to send a 12-15 yr old out into the world by himself on a worldwide adventure...i mean just look at pokemon XD
  13. Kubo Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 6, 2010
    Penalty area, ready to shoot
    Actually, their parents might have a different story to tell.
    Sora's mother was in Destiny Isnalds right?
    Did anyone see her face?
    Nope. But that happened because as we all know Nomura plans as he goes, so he didn't show her face because he thought she might be a character in another KH game.
  14. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    Their parents must be worried sick, at least Riku's, considering people didn't forget him like they did Sora. It must be pretty weird though, after a year realising that you have a son. Sora don't seem to think much about his parents at least. :B
  15. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I still love Sora's line of "What happened to my home? My Island? Riku? Kairi?" mostly because I can see him trailing off with it. "The neighbor's dog Fido? my 2 leaf clover? my stash of shrooms? etc"
  16. Gaming Reploid Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 20, 2008
    Sora definately has a dad.
    In BbS, when Terra talks with Riku, Riku tells him that they live on the main island. That they only come here on his friends's dad's boat. When he says that, you see Sora waiting by the boat. So they imply that the friend he is speaking of is Sora.
    Well, unless his dad dies before the events of KH1. You know what would be interesting?
    In BbS, we know that Xehanort used to live on Destiny Islands. Until he was a young man even. Perhaps he had a family? A wife and child? Granted, He was already an old man when Riku and Sora were born, but he could very well be their grandfather or great grandfather. Riku does have similar hair...

    Anyway, back to the families missing them. Sora's family doesn't remember him due to the events of Castle Oblivion. (hopefully there weren't any pictures of him in the house. That would REALLY confuse them!) Riku's parents must've known about his hate for the island and the need to explore the world. Perhaps they talked to Kairi who told them about the raft and they must've assumed that Riku made one and left to explore. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they were worried and tried to find him, but there was nothing they could do.
  17. kingdom_hearts_loverXX Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 30, 2006
    I really wish they could show his parents..maybe in later games; but to be honest it really wouldn't be that important...unless
    Xion/Aqua looks likes his mom and Ventus looks like his dad...somehow; DUN DUN DUN :p just older though.
    - But yea lol I wonder if his parents within the game even know that their son is choosen as the Keyblade Master and can apparently save the WORLD xD
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Ugh. The last thing this franchise needs is parent-problems. It's right before time-travel on the list of things that screw up plot-lines. The only thing worse is if the two are mixed together.

    What's the bet MF is going to turn out to be Riku's father?
  19. Umiyuri Papaeyra Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 2, 2010
    In a box!
    And yet, parental abandonment is a huge part of the monomyth, the specific plot that all stories are based on.

    So anyway, here's a mad rundown:

    Sora has a mom and a dad he recalls in CoM. In BBS it's mentioned that Sora's dad is the one that takes them out to the islet to play. However, during KH1 only his mother is heard. There's a possibility that his dad was there but just didn't speak, but it's also an option that, at that point, Sora's mom and dad were separated by some means. Available to us are divorce and death (because a hospital stay is never an option in fiction or any kind). Whatever happened to Sora's dad, though, doesn't seem to negatively affect Sora in any fashion.

    Riku maybe has a mom and dad too. We're not entirely sure. Riku was an independent spirit who didn't want to remain tied down any longer; he was likely indifferent to his parents and they were quite indifferent to him as well.

    Kairi's adoptive father is the Mayor of Destiny Islands. He's the ruler of the world, akin to characters like King Triton, King Mickey and Jack Skellington. Her real parents aren't around during BBS and the KH1 flashbacks; it may be that either her parents had no time to look after her or that they were both dead by the time she was four years old.

    And of course we have no idea what happened to any of these adults when the Heartless took over the world. If any one of them turned into a Heartless at that time, there's a chance they never reappeared when Sora restored the worlds to normal.
  20. Key master Sora Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 24, 2009
    In everyone's hearts as the connection....
    so hey guys...? Do you think sora's mom forgot him when he was put to sleep between com and kh 2? I mean the game mentioned that everyone forgot about him until he awakened again...

    And what is wrong with you people??? Ven, terra and aqua have nothing to do with sora, riku and kairi.... The only things i have seen with them is that aqua met all three of them, terra met riku.... and Ven has only a connection with sora.... sheesh! XP