Parents who don't appreciate their children for who they're shouldn't be allowed to

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Patsy Stone, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    keep them. Basically, say a son comes out to his parents as being gay. In my case, my parents accepted me for who I am. They respected and loved me enough to do so. But in my boyfriend's case, his dad hasn't accepted it. This angers and disgusts me to no end. In my mind he should not be allowed to call himself a father. A dad is a man who produces and loves and respects his children. ALL OF THEM. Not just the ones he finds "acceptable". Otherwise he is just a father. And as everyone knows, any man with a functioning penis can be a father, but it takes something special to be a dad.
  2. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    With what you said, there isn't enough to argue in defense of the father but the situation itself can be.

    Biologically speaking, people(and other animals) are naturally inclined to find a mate and produce offspring that will carry on their genes(and all that good stuff)...Under most cases, you can't do that if you're homosexual so it might be natural if a parent doesn't accept his/her child for a time for what the child chooses/feels. Of course that can only go so far, if the parent never learns to accept it then that's bad obviously and that can go to various degrees. Just because a parent doesn't give their children all of their love and respect doesn't mean that the parent does not deserve that child. Once again, that goes to various degrees and in more extreme cases your opinion would be valid.

    I'm not against "gays" at all and things would be better if they had all those rights and stuff but that's not the point here...Anyways, you have to look at it from both sides, sometimes a feeling just comes naturally and the parent has to adjust(with mixed results at times). Some parents do it well while others just disown their children for being different.