GAMES MADE MY SON KILL I am not sure if this article is old or not, but what are your thoughts on this? Judging from the looks of it, this all probably could have been avoided if Harling would have actually paid attention to the games she gets her kid.
Like you said. Before she goes and buys her children violent games, why doesn't she look to see what the ratings are first. What do people think games are? Mario?
Well I think that they didn't pay attention to the ratings(which is not good) because as the mother of that guy said her son was a normal kid both in school and home.They had no idea that this could happen and lots of parents are like that too.Perhaps they should be more aware of what things they're buying to their kids.
I say it's the parents fault not the developers,they put the rating on there for a reason it's just that the parents are so godamn stupid.
Bullocks! It's not the game's fault, it was the parents. I mean people who imitate things from television or Video Games are idiots and pathetic just aswell as the parents who let them buy it.
Well this guy is 18 years old so the parents don't have to be watiching over him anymore. They expext him to be responsible and make wise choices. Obviusly he made an unwise choice. In a small little way you could say it was the games fault. but it's not like the makers were intending for this to happen.
his parents didnt look at the ratings? that was kinda stupid. the game he played sounds horrible. i wouldnt want to play a game where you kill people like that...
lol, another Manhunt controversy topic. What a surprise. Well it's obviously the parents fault for allowing their child to play whatever game he wants without even knowing what it is.
Firstly, why was a game like that invented? It sounds horrible... Secondly, the parents are idiots for not checking the rating. That's the biggest, and in this case, most fatal mistake a parent can make when buying their kid a game. Thirdly, that guy was 18! He's old enough to know right from wrong. He was smart and had a bright future...and he just threw it away because he had an unhealthy overdose of blood and violence. Hmph, sounds to me like he wasn't smart at all... Over all, it wasn't the game's fault, but it encouraged him.
seriously that is the parents fault. the raring is on the front and back and there are signs and things in gaming areas tell u to look at the ratings. she was just a lazy whore. and dosnet she at least sheck what he does every now and then on the comuter. atleast come and see what it is 4 1 minute. and dosent she walk in and see him playing the game. he probly had mental issues cuz the game it self wasnt the only cause. there was more.
Did i read that right? The guy ditched his "killing kit" that had his name and address on it. I thought they said he was smart. Anyway, how can the parents say they didn't know the rating? How can you miss MA's and R's. They're bright red. What do these parents need? Neon lights? You cant blame video games cos your sons a psychopath.
If the game was enough to influence him into murder, there was already something wrong with him. "He was so normal.", or "He seemed like such a nice person." is something people say about murderers, and serial killers all time. Mentally stable people are very rarely, if at all influenced by violent media. I don't think anyone can be blamed for this tragedy but the culprit him self. His parents obviously saw no signs of what was to come. It's unfair to blame the parents of an adult for his behavior, just as it is unfair to blame the game, or game manufacturers. He would most likely have engaged in violent behavior with out the game, and without his parents knowing what he would do.