And I thought they were just being prudes, but this really qualifies as Panty Quest. Get Ar Tonelico Qoga for the Ps3 at your local Gamestop. Power to the player.
You know whats odd? I'm 100 percent weeaboo and I have NEVER played a hentai game. I haven't even played Katawa Shojo (ok I know that's not really hentai) and my friends beg me to play it.
This isn't a hentai game actually, it's just one of those types of JRPGs. The game is actually rated 12+ here in Europe, which is pretty strange since this game has all the bad content.
It's an M rated game in America. Moreover, this scene is intentionally voiced with innunendo in mind. Let's not play dumb here. In reality, she has a socket in her back with a crystal used for living and installing/uninstalling song magic (they're a special kind of humanoid) and it takes a lot of precision to do the process. It is described as a painful process when done haphazardly.
The socket also apperantly looks like a vagina. You play Panty Quest games, Chev? Which ones have you played?
Actually, it is hentai, it's just the kind of hentai with such a well done emotional aspect that the sex scenes turn out to be much nicer than in hentai. Each girl has a really great plot and their stories are pretty good too.[DOUBLEPOST=1374367685][/DOUBLEPOST] Forget the pants. His ankles are exposed!
I've played Ar Tonelico 2 & 3. For all the slightly questionable stuff, the games have nice characters and very amazing music. The mechanics of the Reyvateil system are very amazing too. I love the concept of song/word being strong enough to create the world. The harmonies in the hymnos are top notch.
Well, maybe it's not the music ( because it's actually pretty nice ), but in this situation, it's just kind of . . . . . . Yeah.