I made a watercolour of the sea, it's prettyful ^_^. CnC please. My scanner ate up the colour a bit, any way to avoid this?
Paint, >D . . . xDD I think it looks good. I just think it looks 'plain', like there's not enough detail. Dx Sorry, I haven't seen a painting in forever, trust me. But I think it did a good job, overall. :3 Oh, and I think you should take the picture next time. :3
Yeah, I know. :3 Like I said Im sorry because i haven't seen a painting in some time. but you did a great job! :3
It's not bad, you blended the colors well. The only thing that should be fixed is the boats. They seem to be floating on top of the water instead of in it, so when painting them in next time, don't draw the entire bottom, cover up the lowest part with water.
Ooo, painting!!! I love to see those, not many dare to try that path. Looks pretty good, how long have you done watercolours in general? With scanner issues, you could try to tweak around with the intensity of the colours in an image program like photoshop or something else. I've only recently started doing that tho so you should be fine just scanning it. If it's something that you want to continue to work with, then I recommend you to get many different brushes, ones that are of GOOD QUALITY - you can see it by the hair used, if it is smooth and fine or just cheap and hard/stiff. It's smart to have an arsenal of brushes, because eventually it will get ruined by the hair no matter how well you treat them. (which is importaint, always get ALL of the paint out - when you use the glass with water treat the brush as you would treat a spoon when stirring in the tea, only hitting the "walls" of the glass) There is also a masking fluid that can be bought in an art suply store, it is a fluid that turns into rubber once it dries. The purpose of it is to protect the area from getting any colour on it, something you want to stay white and untouched - something like the shine of the water or the white paint of the boats. Sorry, got a little technical there... I just love to use watercolours a lot, if you ever have any questions feel free to ask. Riiight, onwards to actual CnC. .Kairi. is right about the boats. Depending on the weight of the boat it should show very little of the bottom. It's mostly the yellow striped sailboat that gives that impression, but I honestly don't think that the boats are a problem. The problem I would say is that the water doesn't look like it has any type of waves. At all. The surface almost only have one colour instead of parts indicating movement of the water. I see some lines under the boats but that's it, and also hard to spot. Try to add more strokes to give the impresion that there is a surface. One thing that will help to make the painting look realistic is to give a hint of reflection from the things in and surrounding the water. Water is actually almost like a liquid mirror - when far away you'll see it reflecting something, most of all the sky. BUT also the land and mountains, and if you look extra carefully you might see it with the boats as well. And don't forget that the boats needs shadows as well, at least to help define the bowing shape of it. The mountain looks a little uneven in some parts, like the certain area became too wet and dried with a circle effect. Try to cover that up. So, if you really like to paint, I highly recommend that you go to a book store or a library and find yourself books about watercolours and how to use them. They contain LOADS of stuff that may seem wacked, but it does great effects to a painting! Like, for the last watercolour painting I made I used olive oil for flame effects because it said so in a book I had bought. It's insane. XD Trust me, you won't regret it. Keep painting!! You're on a very good road, and if you develope your paintings will pown.
I did use masking fluid to mask the boats and I have a three Hake wash brushes (used for the sky and water) A brush for masking fluid, A Rigger, An 8mm round brugh and a filler brush as well as some spare sable ones which I am nervous about using. I use student quality paint and for that picture I used: Ultramarine Prussian Blue Sap Green Cadmium Yellow Alizerin Crimson Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna. In general this is my second painting. The first one was a vase of glass flowers but There is a barked imporvement from that to this one.
Wow you're a great artist. Add a little more stuff to the painting such as seagulls flying, maybe a ship in the harbour, and to be funny, put some KH or FF people on the beach.:)
i like this very much, but as everyone said the boats do look like they are just floating on top of the water, the water looks very still to me. the sky is it cloudy or clear because the blue looks like there are clouds, i think there should be more in the picture i mean maybe be a few seagulls or something small that will add to make the picture more complete, just one last thing the mast on the yellow and white striped boat looks a bit to long for the boat. But pretty good i like the colours used