I've been having this weird pain on my left side. It's on the rib cage, just a few inches below my armpit. It's fine when I'm leaning on something or having something pressed against it (Like leaning back in a chair). But if I lean forward (which I'm normally very comfortable in), it starts to hurt. I noticed today that it hurt while I was walking. So it's literally to the point where I'm either sitting back in a chair or I'm in pain. It's not so bad that I can't function. And I have a high pain tolerance. If I know it won't kill me, I can work through it. You wouldn't even know I'm in pain. But because of that, sometimes things are worse than I really think they are. I don't have time to even think about seeing a doctor until after the 11th of May when I'm done for the semester and go back home, nor do I have the money for it, but if it gets too bad, I don't think I have a choice. Does anyone know what this could be?
Did you fall on your torso recently? If so then maybe your ribs made a tiny hole in your lungs? Or it snapped a bit and a part of it is pressing against said lungs or something. Just wild guesses though. Do you have trouble breathing when you experience this pain?
I haven't fallen or injured myself at all. I'm premature, so I already have underdeveloped lungs. To the point where I tend to sleep with my mouth open or I can't breathe. (Although I'm able to close it now) I'm not having anymore trouble breathing than usual.
This happens to me from time to time. I don't know what it is, but it stops if i stand still and take a deep breath. And when it stops it usually takes a few days to come back.
Maybe you coughed too hard at some point and caused a slight crack in your ribs? Only other thing I'm thinking of is it's a "stitch" in your side, when sometimes the muscles between the ribs tense up and it becomes painful to breathe or move. But I know when I get them, it's a bit further down from the armpit (maybe mid-rib). Any other symptoms you notice, other than the pain? Kind of odd that it goes away when you apply pressure; usually that would make it worse.
I've had similar pains to this. I'll have to say that whenever I think about having this pain...it actually comes. You might have moved in a position, perhaps you might have hiccuped or coughed in order to make your ribs slightly shift...Just VERY slightly... Don't think about it much, and get as much rest as possible.
What kind of pain is it? If it's a quick, almost like being pricked with a long needle type of pain, it could have something to do with pollen allergies. I get that kinda pain usually in the spring/summer time, whenever I've been walking out doors for a while, and I'm really allergic to some stuff. It usually helps when I take my medication (antihistamine pills), so you might wanna see an allergist. Other possibility is that you've cracked or bruised your ribs.
hmm, ive had a pain like this before. have you been stressed about something lately? because when i get stressed or anxious i get pains in my torso, mainly my chest, but sometimes on the side too =)