This is a good game right Sabby? I mean come on who doesn't like this game. MY MOM LOVES THIS GAME! >: edit: you are welcome. Love Sabby
I love this game! I like Miss. Pac-Man better though XD I think this is my grandma's favorite game... xD That shows how old it is.
I've never been really good at it, but that doesn't mean I hate it. I just don't play it. But I have a friend who is obsesed with the game. I mean, he made his own pac-man arcade game in Little Big Planet 2.
To be honest, I've never actually gotten past the first level, I actually am really terrible at this game, but I like playing it in my free time when I remember that it exists.
Pac-Man and Galaga, they shall always be remembered. IPod, phones, other games stations, I remember my dad telling me how he had to go down to the bowling ally to play them. Playing them on the old arcade systems is still fun.
I remember having my dad take me to Gameworks every weekend and how i'd always pass by the Donkey Kong, Frogger, and Mrs Pac-Man machines. Sometimes i'd take a play but I sucked so I usually ragequit... Then there was also this restaurant that had a two player Pac-Man machine. It's hard to describe but the screen was parallel to the floor and it was like a table with each set of controls on opposite sides. I loved that too... X)
I love the game tables, they have one at this car wash down the road. I was playing Donkey Kong against my dad on it, he smoked twas a sad day..
I love pac-man even though i wasn't that good xD I especially enjoyed the series on the Playstation 2, bring back soo many memories :P