My adoptive daddy FuzzyBlueLights likes him :'D I think.. I adore Adam Young. My favorite album is "Ocean Eyes" and favorite song from the album is "If My Heart Was a House" 'cus I find too adorable. I also believe Owl City has released a new album or something this year but I'm not sure since I'm not really a big fan, I will listen to him occasionally. I'm surprised there hasn't a thread about Owl City in this section yet if there has, I haven't seen it.
I really like Owl City, it always puts a smile on my face. (Good songs to dance around my bedroom to) Also, although Fireflies was the song that introduced my to Owl City, I've found I prefer some of the other songs like Vannila Twighlight and Bird and the Worm.
Since the Owls Of Ga'hoole movie came out, I believe more people have come to like them. I know I have, they're songs are catchy.
^Yes they are.^ I like Rainbow Veins the most. And Fireflies! And The Techinicolor Phase and Vanilla Twilight! Good songs. @KellyJelly- I think Maybe I'm Dreaming is the Album you're talking bout.
I adore them, my adorable daughter. o: Lol Look at my name. He mentioned Florida and he has a new album out. o: Adam is a brilliant little introvert. My favorite song by him is 'Sunburn'.
Haha, same here. I like hearing his similes, his metaphors, his verses of comparison, and the incredible way he always manages to paint this amazing surrealistic imagery in your head.
I love Owl City, but of course like most other people, my first song of his was Fireflies, and then I went to download his self-released album "Maybe I'm Dreaming", and it has some fantastic songs in it like "Dear Vienna". I haven't had the chance to look at his other two albums, but I hope to do so soon.
I think the album is called 'All Things Bright and Beautiful' actually. I listened to a song from it today and it certanily made my mood better. Linky -