So I'm just playin' Rufuz like I do every day, nothin special, and I get a blister. I'm like: "Ah, no big deal. I just started so DUH I'm gonna get a blister now and then." So I keep playing and I'm working on L's theme and Don't Say Lazy and then- WAHBAMALAM -my finger splits open. It hurts :-: Should I get a bandaid, keep playing, or wait and go to target to get more school supplies and possibly a new pair of shoes if any are on sale[which I doubt]?
Well,lick it or run it under water and wrap a tissue or something around it,it will eventually stop bleeding. You should keep some bandaids in the house :/
Gross ;A; Put tissue on it and hold it there until it stops bleeding. Try running it under warm water or something.
Cut your finger off. That will stop the bleeding AND you don't have to worry about any other blisters on that finger.