Calling Kid Buu. After all, it's the strongest version, with him being tamed down after having those other lord of lords
I voted Kid Buu because he has no restraint. Physically, he is a child and is weaker than Super Buu, who is an adult. Super Buu however, harbors the good Buu within him, making him have a sense of self control.
Kid Buu. If you had said any other version of Super Buu(Gotenks/Piccolo/Gohan absorbed) it would definitely be Super Buu. Gohan alone is leagues above Buu's basic forms and it's been shown that his absorbed forms(Gotenks/Piccolo/Gohan) are stronger than Kid Buu. Since you're asking between Super Buu's base and Kid Buu though, well Kid Buu has more evil energy. Technically Super Buu and even Fat Buu are stronger than Kid Buu but as other characters have noted, Buu can tap into "evil energy" or whatever and since Kid Buu is nothing but pure evil, he can tap into more of it than either Fat Buu or Super Buu can to compensate for his own lack of raw power. The more people he absorbs, the more it seems to distance him from that source of power and in the case of absorbing the Kais, it ultimately made Buu less of a threat. tl;dr: Kid Buu.
For me it basically goes Buuhan, Buutenks, Buff Buu (South supreme Kai absorbed), Buucollo, Super Buu, Kid Buu, Fat Buu. Buuhan and Buutenks really need no explanation Buff Buu was basically a stronger version of Kid Buu. South Supreme Kai was incredibly powerful. Piccolo isn't as great as he was before but the added brains + power allows Buucallo above Kid Buu. At this point I'd say Kid Buu and Super Buu are really equals and the fight can go either way, but in the end I'd say Super Buu would be victorious. Sure what made Kid Buu the biggest threat was his unrestrained power, but in the end I believe that Super Buu has potential to do more than what Kid Buu can do. Super Buu has more of a mind and even if his plans are veeeeeeeeeery stupid, its still something that can put Super Buu above Kid Buu.
Really now? Then what do you think of this link? Just something, convincing and interesting I found.
I voted kid buu. Because he has no restraints. And because a pattern. And that is every final boss. Or main baddie in that arc/season is usually stronger than the last bad guy they fought. Ie. buu > cell >frieza > raditz . Not sure about movies though.Because I haven't watched any of the DBZ movies. As big of a fan I am.....
I wasn't talking about Raw Strength. Raw Strength, of course a kid will be weaker. But with no restraint, kid Buu will eat you without a second glance, therefore making him tougher to beat. SB would at least you with you, KB would just kill you.
Where to begin. This does depend on which Kid Buu and Super Buu you are referring to. There are two of each entity that exist. Super Buu compared to Kid Buu: Bibadi In this case, Super Buu would be the stronger one. He as kid buu absorbed a Kai and granted himself more power from such. This also gave him more of a conscious. In this case however, that really didn't help him. He still was just crazy and wanted destruction. Once turning into Majin Buu aka Fat Buu, the Kai he absorbed basically put a seal on his powers making him lose a good portion of that inner power. Now once Fat Buu releases that seal through love and hatred thanks to the man who thought it would be funny if he shot Buu's dog (That ass), Dark Buu was formed and managed to regain his power. Super Buu basically was reborn but had a mental handicap thanks to Hercule. Now enter Gotenks and Piccolo, literally. This is what gives this current Super Buu a huge mental strength. Piccolo being of great knowledge and critical thinking gave him a great power to use other than just his fists. Once Gohan is included into that concoction, the knowledge grows even further as well as his power. This is basically the pinnacle of his strength. This is the strongest Buu, its just Vegito was stronger. Now comes the point where the original Buu is removed from the interior as well as many of the Z Warriors. Basically he just got a big downgrade, BUT he is stronger than Fat Buu and it was most likely that the only one who could beat him single handily was dead (Gohan). Not even SSJ3 Goku had enough to stop him. He may have been weaker, but without the mental knowledge of his limits, he basically just let loose all his power unlike Super Buu who liked to show off more, well, until Vegito irritated him enough to show his true potential. This makes Kid Buu more dangerous because he will just go explode and reassemble himself. Physical Strength = Super Buu Mental Strength = Super Buu One that gets things done - Kid Buu
Kid. Idk ebough about DBZ to write a paper about it, but going from what I've read Kid seems to be more powerful.
Super Buu, easily. He's absorbed Gohan at his full potential, Gotenks in SSJ3 (though that obviously only lasts so long), and Piccolo (still a nice addition even if nowhere near the other two), along with his own strength. Kid Buu's only got his own strength as far as I remember. Of course, fighting a crazy opponent is a lot harder than fighting a (marginally) sane one, so Kid Buu is a larger danger only because he has no restraint. Had Super Buu also had no restraint...well, let's just say that Vegetto would have to actually try fighting him then (makes me wonder if he could beat Super Buu then...)
That's... huh. Pretty convincing. And going off of that, even the base form of Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu by a noticeable margin. Even if you want to make the argument of who's crazier, the original Super Buu is pretty unhinged. The only thing that stopped him from wiping out everyone on the look-out was the fact that someone had promised him a good fight. Kid Buu also doesn't try to absorb anyone at any point. I can't recall if he straight-up lost the power, or if it simply didn't occur to him... in which case, he lacks the rudimentary survival instincts that Super Buu has. Knowing that he can beat anybody if he can catch them off-guard, he has no qualms about using that advantage. So it sounds like we have a clear winner, no matter which way you slice it.
Super Buu trumps Kid Buu easily. Kid Buu lacks restraint but that doesn't particularly give him power against Super Buu. Super Buu absorbed powerful Z-fighters and fought Vegito head on. Kid Buu fought Goku and in the end Goku won. It proves a point that two of them fused couldn't win, yet one of them won against Kid Buu.
Dude your logic kind of confuses me. Since Vegito intentionally lost when he was clearly dominating the fight which means how did you come to the conclusion that fused they couldn't win?