Here's the story: I know it's not global, but this is really hitting me hard. Because I went to high school with this girl and I knew her. I swear, this world is just getting more and more fucked up with each passing day. There isn't a lot of news on this, because her body was just found today. I'll put more when it's released. In the meantime, what are your guys' opinions on, not just this, but about kidnapping and murder in general. My hearts and sentiments go to her family. I hope they find who did it and just give him life in jail with a jail mate that loves to plug anuses. Constantly. :B|:
I'm really really really sorry to hear this. I went through the same thing three years ago when a local teen near me was snatched up while he was walking home from school. His body was found two wees later a mile from where he disappeared. He wasn't a close friend in our group, but there were ties, and they were pretty strong, so hearing about him getting murdered was a huge blow. Just saying I know where you're coming from, and that I'm always around if you need an Internet hug. Let's hope they catch the guy and punish him to the fullest extent of the law.
They've arrested three men suspected of her murder. Her body was found on East 235 Street and East K Highway. They murdered her and threw her body in a field in Cass County, Missouri. Seriously, I don't know what's wrong with people these days. It's just downright ridiculous. I just wish I could have known her better. She seemed like a nice person when I first met her.
Really sad when bad things like that happen to such nice people. Espically for people who didn't do anything to the person who killed them. Seems so unfair...but if the killer is sane, they must be feeling a lot of guilt. And every single day they will see that same scene flash into their mind and probably wish that they could go back in time and stop themselves from doing what they did. If the killer is not sane...well it always makes me think. What happened to this person that made them so..messed up? That would make them so mess up that they would stain their own hands with blood of one of their own kind? Sad how cruel the world is....its not all bad, but its defintely not all good. Espically if someone fits: Gluttony, lust, sloth, envy, pride, wrath and greed. Greed is one that really pisses me off for some reason. (I was going to use another word for Messed up, but I'm pretty sure its against the rules.)
They've arrested 3 people that are allegedly involved. And one of the people arrested is one of my friends' cousins.
I'm really sorry for whoever this affected for having to deal with this loss. I know ut's really hard dealing with losing people. However, the world isn't getting that much more fucked up, I've come to realize that the world has always been, and always be fucked up. That's the only way we appreciate all the goodness this world has to offer.
Was it just a random murder and dumping of the body? either way whoever did it was most likely drunk and thought itd be a laugh for 'em. I feel sorry for this girls friends and family...I hope she rests in piece on the other side.
Whether it was a random killing or drug-induced has yet to be released. There's an upcoming story about it on the news at 5. I plan on watching this.
That reminds me of one person that got stabbed at my alma mater.
Hey, here's an update on this story, if you guys were interested. I swear, the human race is just beginning to disgust me nowadays. Especially when it's teenagers doing this.,0,6130591.story
That's sick. She begged them to let her go and they stabbed her anyway. Glad they've found enough evidence to charge them. Thanks for the update; I was getting curious since we haven't heard anything in a while.
Two kids have disappeared from my area, and three more have been found dead. Two others commited suicide recently, because of what the local gang threatened them with. The world sucks, and I don't understand why people get any pleasure out of hurting them, or why they just do it in general. I'm sorry for the girl's family, and I don't mean to be cruel when I say that there are too many other parents going through this kind of thing.
It's just sad that this is what the human race is degrading down to. Taking the life of innocent others because they have no self control and are just selfish pricks.