Over Population and Population Loss

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by reptar, Oct 8, 2007.

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    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    The Reason i have for Over Population

    More girls are getting pregnant at younger ages (in high school)

    Reason for Population Loss

    People are dying of suicidal (sp?), gunshot,drugs,factory waste which comes into your drinking supply,and our world is now a dump
  2. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    No you are way off. While it is true that people in the U.S. are giving birth at a younger age. It doesn't stack up against the amount of children being born in africa and asia and mexico. These countries to be blunt are popping out kids like no ones buisness. That is a cultural defect in todays world though, because they need more kids to be able to survive.

    And don't even say that we are dying fast people are living longer and healthier lifes than ever. The sucide rate doesn't come close to these numbers. Before people died of diesase and as of now we have a cure for so many conditions that people now live soooo much longer than before.

    Pregancy and suicide rates are some of the most minute reasons for the world being over populated. Its is all thanks to technology coupled with old world traditions.
  3. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    Many generations ago, it was normal for a girl as young as 9 be married to a man as old as 34. And they got pregnant by the age of 12. Society kicked out this image of children having babies when the age an average person lived to was extended. When men started living until 60, most societies decided that the age for birth should be extended, and it eventually grew into this generation now, thinking that younger pregnancy never used to happen. But, younger pregnancy is not the problem.

    Over population is the problem.
    We have over 7 billion people on this planet, compared to the 2 billion we used to have.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Birth rates are dropping rapidly in the 'West' i.e. Europe and America. People are healthier and live longer, large families are not needed (and are really too expensive to support). People used to have lots of children because many of them would die of disease before they reached the age of ten.

    Death rates have slowed due to the fact that more people are living longer. Medicine is keeping those alive that would have died otherwise and most people are just living healthier lives.

    In developing countries there is still the need to have lots of children as so many die. They are also needed to help grow food and make money to support the rest of their family.
  5. godzilla3456 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 3, 2007
    United States
    well in some counties they make people keep a minimum of 2.5 kids per family. But when I first heard that I was really confused on having half a child and I still dont understand.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Marriages were not common at 9 years old. More like girls were married off at 13 to 16 years of age. They could be in an arranged marriage circumstance though from even birth. However, girls did have babies as young as 12 to 18 and it was not uncommon in the mostly 15-18 bracket. This has actually lessened and in some cases may be on the rise but really it is -nothing- like the older days.

    Also, as I mentioned formerly elsewhere, though there are some pregnancies, we are nowhere as bad as the baby boomers, which were born in families if 5 to 10 kids as a regular phenomena because of the wars. Most people for the last couple decades have had around 1 to 3 kids, in the U.S. and Europe. We've had it instilled in our brains that the 1.5 kids is the goal or something to maintaining a population without being overdramatic. China has a rule of only one child per household and having one additional child is 10,000 more the cost added onto the other care if someone's that rich to have a second. Really, once some of the older people are gone, the population will see a dramatic decrease. We live longer so there are more of us. Africans and some other '3rd world countries' have many children because they also have epidemics, strife and war and if all of those kids survive, it's a surprise. Especially in Africa, there is famine, Aids is a very serious epidemic killing off parents and kids and there are many war lords there. South Africa has its issues still too.

    There are quite a few suicides but it's not like people didn't die before and most suicides seem to be from older people who in the past wouldn't have lived that long any way, so really it's not cutting into the massive amount of elderly and soon to be elderly people we have. Gun shots aren't enough to make a fatal mark in population at all except when in the counts of viewing the war. Otherwise, it won't even make a dent.

    As for the last comments about factory waste and the world is a dump...yeah. It's turning into one. Even though there are efforts being done, it takes time to repair the damage that only took months to ruin. It's very sad. We do have over population but when the older people at 60+ currently, start fading, the overpopulation issue will be a thing of the past. As for how we clean up our messes etc, that's up to the rest of us to remember the mistakes made and to think ahead instead of just at the moment. I think most of us have learned that lesson since we have such a mess left out for us to handle.

  7. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    In the case of twins or triplets. You can't just put back a child when you have more than one, it doesn't work that way.

    It would be a state average. On average, the country's parents would have up to two children, some would be lucky enough to have triplets or one child and twins.
  8. KeybladeMaster123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 4, 2007
    My ideas on the topic (You may not agree) You hear this story alot about how the working class person is work oreintated and only later in life they want a child now when this happens this is normally to late this is not always the case though but it is still common. Now about the over population problem, we in Australia have water restrictions in quite a few cities and i was thinking this may be due to the population even though we have a small populace to other countries explain to me how this year Australia has had the most rainfall in certain months and yet our dams our almost empty... just a thought
  9. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    Being Australian myself, and living in the city that has the highest water restrictions in Aus, (Brisbane, level six in winter) the water levels are low because we've had a low rainfall for ten years, and most Queenslanders waste a hell of alot of water. The restrictions were only introduced a few years ago when the dam levels reached below 23%.


    But everyday an approximate of 1000 people move up to queensland. So it's no wonder we're running out of water.
  10. KeybladeMaster123 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 4, 2007
    Im a Townsville person myself, weve been having more then usual rainful and yet weve been put on more severe water restrictions, no watering between 9am-4pm, and i know Brisbane has it worst so dont say it
  11. redlion Moogle Assistant

    Oct 9, 2007
    San Diego, CA.
    Hey guy's my first post here,
    Im from Usa but raised in Mexico,soo my inglish it a bit rusty but here's my opinion of all this..
    In the usa the soo call "overpopulation" is in fact due pregnancy at a hearly age,yet strange in the majority of the school's we have what its call sex ed, right?
    not only that, but youl see in tv,radio,newspaper,magazine's and internet, of how many way's to talk whit our children about sex and way's to prevent early pregnancy, and that's fact we all know yet,out of a 100 parent's only 30 to 40% will actually talk whit there children at age 15, and out of those 30/40% only 5 to 10% will talk whit them at age 12 or so......and this in the usa, in wich we have a lot of option's and the soo call EDSEX,soo why there are still early pregnancy?

    In the case of other countrie's,like i said i was raise in mexico, much of the guilt of overpopulation its cause of the goverments and the poor planing they do when it comes to solve problem's like education,food supply,medical attention and soo on..
    infortunatly, the people that live in this country, and i say as for family's they put their children to work in the early age instead of sending them to school why? cause you either eat or study, and in the case of a big family where they are 3 or more brother/sister...only one get's to go to school while the other 2 work or drop out of school to help in the house,is a simple of that. and in the end its due to that fact the in this type of country that the goverment dont put attention on the people,cause there more interested in there pockets getting richier then the poor working class.i base this solely in the case of mexico cause i was raised there from 5 to age 15, soo i know what im talking about, in the case of africa and more of this "3rd world country's" as some fellow said, the problem its cause many of them dont have the enough support of the ONU, why? cause they dont have anything to offer,simple as that, cruel but true.

    Now as for the part that we are living longer than the folks of the past..
    well i doubt that, why? its not that we leave longer cause we have better atmosphere,or better not chimical inhance food or water,or better tecnology,no.
    The fact is we are afraid of dead, dont believe me? ill give you and example whit # of reasons:
    1: Instead of fighting like the old day's we resolve our problem's whit word's, thus tru the power of negotiation we avoid war/conflict's, thus less Dead.
    2: Cause, for the goverment (and im not paranoic ok?) kepping you alive its more benefictional to them, cause they get to keep getting your money tru your taxes,medical bill's, gasoline, grocery shopping school's etc etc etc....
    3: Thus i return to the previous, we has people whana live longer cause we whana have are dream's/fantasy's/ilutions/goal's come to life that we are willing to make anything to stay alive, even if it means trowing away your dignity/honor/tradision and pride, in order to be richier, have a better job than the next guy, thus creating envious, jealusy and greed, in wich in this era are more inportant than to be one's self, we whana be like "That guy" and not being our self" we whana have what "That guy has" and we whana earn it fast and easy, but we never consider the possibility of what we truly are, a bunch of greedy person's the in the end when we die we dont take anything and we are forgoten on the passage of time, instead of being in ourself's and making the world a better place for everyone else,we only tink of ourselfs and nothing more.

    but, i tink something good has come out of all of this i suposed, we live longer for those reason's right?.....if not then why are we living longer? when we have so many deseases like aids/cancer/diabetes/nutrition problems i our children/ and many more things i can keep listing?that fact is the in some countries up to 27k children die daily due to poor nutrition and deseases? the fact is, we are living in a poor invoramental state, that we depend soo much in water that we start to filter water from the sea cause our river's are to poluted to drink anymore......

    Has for the person's that kill them self's..well i have nothing to say but.....there just weak minded, they tink their world has crumbling down and they cant do anything about it, and as allways they search for someone to blame cause if their missfortune,or own weakness, and they used such lame excuses when they do...cause there family its poor,cause their bully in school,caue of this and that....
    And im sorry if i hurt someone by saying this but that's how i feel and its the true.
    I hope i dont bore you to Dead, but that what i tink of all this. still nice topic. BB.
    p.s. im new at this and dont know how to make one but can somone give me tips to make a sig or a flash? thx in advanced.
    p.s.2 nevermind i found it -.-
  12. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    i remember two years ago - my friend said there was only one good thing to smoking - it's killing off people - at that moment i thought she was sick

    but then it hit me - people choose to smoke - they deserve what they get - it's not right for people to die from passive smoking - but the world is over populated
  13. Luka Deafening silence

    May 25, 2007
    i think still your friend is very unsensitive ...

    here in germany the doctors say we'll lose population ...
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Repliku raised the point of the baby-boomers. As he said they were born in the period immediately following the war. They are all retiring around now dramatically dropping the number of people in work meaning that pensions are going up so taxes will have to go up accordingly.

    When they reach the end of their life-spans there will not be anywhere near enough people to replace them. Birth rates since the baby-boomer period have dropped and in some places the population is hardly growing at all. It is all about cycles, every country goes through them at some point. It's built into the cycle of the economy, primary then secondary then tertiary.

    EDIT: I spelt pensions wrong ><
  15. Repliku Chaser

    The sad thing about the water issue is that too many people use water to wash their cars daily or weekly and also water their lawns. It's not that there isn't enough for people to drink. People are stupid with how they treat water and that's why water restrictions happen mostly. At least that's the way it occurs here in some states I have lived in. There's nothing more annoying than knowing there's a water restriction and seeing some wealthy jerk who can take the fine and pay it off easily so he can water his stupid lawn so it's green and pretty! Gotta love it. I wonder if it's that way in Australia too because I know in some European places the same sorts of things happen. Fining the wealthy and upper class people who are the biggest offenders does little. Considering many people now drink bottled water, one would think otherwise the problem would be not so bad.

  16. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    Well, Repliku, in answer to your question...

    I'm in the state that has the highest level of water restrictions, and the government are trying to get most people to stop using the city dam water. The wealthy get fined, yes, but so does everyone else.

    Luckily, Queenslanders realise how low our dams are, and you see quite a few wealthy people going out of their way to help with the water restrictions instead of going against them.
  17. newman Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 13, 2007
    U.S.A. getting very overpopulated.

    Here in the U.S. we are rapidly getting over populated. One of the main reasons is because of our illegals crossing into this country.Another reason is because there are too many people having way to many children.People are also living longer,and their children will also.While birth contrl is practiced by many responsible people,there are more that don't.The U.S. will eventually burst from its seams if alot of things don't change.Any country that can't keep its population in check would be headed for disaster.Alot of factors come into play with all this,one wouldn't have to think too hard to realise them.
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