It's kind of weird looking. ._. Depending on the size, this could look very strange on some TV stands... Also, if it is real, it sounds like it's basically going to become an emulator machine, lol.
hmm is it only going to run android based games? Because if thats the case, the psvita already won that fight of phones vs portable systems. If this is just going to play phone games not sure how far it will go.
well my point with the vita is that its better then smartphone games, and thats what this is going to offer? Pretty much in a nutshell - we can get better games that are portable.
Look who decided to start a Kickstarter.
I think it's pretty interesting. I like that it's open for hacking and so on. I just hope it means quality games will be released instead of ****** angry birds. holy ****. it made over 5 million dollars and it has 9 days left. i hope developers dont **** this up by making ****** games
Wow, from that video Fuk posted, it looks pretty cool. Except I don't like how they're designing the controller. Maybe something new, you know? Like that one old nintendo controller, but more original. Something that screams "Ouya." Also, the home interface in that video reminds me of the Xbox 360's.
It's just that the controller they're designing is meh. It's the same as the 360s and PS3s. I would want something more original is all. I want to hold a controller that feels new.