Our Generation

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Mathias Jay, Dec 19, 2007.

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  1. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    I mean that the generations of our parents/grandparents, etc and the generation of our children to follow us will always be the same. And don't worry, I'm with you on this, I believe what you say is true, I'm just saying its not likely to happen within our lifetime. And what you say about STDs and AIDS is true. Anytime I break up with a boyfriend I get blood tests for pregnancy/STDs, even if we used a Trojan or whatever. Just because you're always better safe than sorry, but we all know not everyone is smart or responsible. A lot of the people with STDs don't even know they have it, because they are IRRESPONSIBLE and do not get tested regularly.

    And despite the fact that there are no excuses for bing selfish, I think we are allowed to be because everyone that came before us messed up the world, not us. So why not be selfish and try to make our own lives better while everyone else messes theirs up? I'm not even going to try and save the world. I'm just going to raise my family better than I was raised and teach them compassion and understanding. I don't have the will or mental capacity to lead a world or nation, but perhaps my children will, or their children.
  2. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yea, i know prolly wont' happen during our lifetimes but it would be cool to have tho. and just choosing to raise your family better than how you were raised is enough! i think that is a good attitude about it :)
  3. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Hold on, let me get this straight, so you are quite happy to sit back and do nothing and just let your children grow up in a world that you know is flawed? We do not have a right to be selfish and saying that well the other generations messed it up so why should we even both, I'm sorry but that is incredibly wrong to me.

    Yes the world is messed up and yes the generations before us have left us with all their crap, but why should that mean that we give that same world to our children? Are you happy to have that resting on your children and grandchildren? Mommy couldn't be bothered to help the world so it is down to us. I don't want my children growing up in a world like that. How are things ever meant to improve if we just continue that way.

    I said in my above post that our generation isn't selfish :/ if all of our generation think the way that you are thinking, well maybe I was wrong
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I think the main problem is people aren't learning from the mistakes of the past. People are being brought up with all the bad habits of their parents and passing these on to their children, along with whatever else they've picked up along the way.

    I just think our generation gets slagged for no good reason. It's time for people to wise up and remove or change the bad elements or at least acknowledge that the good elements exist.
  5. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    True, but there are other things to it then just throwing my children out to the world. If you read any of my above posts, you would have realized that yes, I would fear for my children. But what can I do about it? I can't put every bad guy into jail ( I don't have good enough eyesight to become a cop, let alone a security guard). I can't make people stop lying and stop hurting each other. All these speakers and everything think they're changing lives? I've seen the effects in my old school: little to none. As said before, I'm not saying all is lost. There are people in the world that were meant to lead and make the world a better place, but I'm not one of them. I'm not smart enough, patient enough, or driven enough to do so. You put me on a podium and I would probably sound as illiterate as George W. Bush. I can however support those who could accurately represent me and what I stand for.

    You think I would be a bad mother for what I said? Think of all the kids who are abandoned by their parents, or mistreated and hurt. Or even the parents who try to hide all the bad stuff from they're children's eyes and sugar coat everything and twist and turn the truth to make it less brutal. All these kids are shown are either the bad stuff, or how to ignore it. They aren't well balanced, they won't fair well in the world unless something extremely dramatic happens to them to help balance it all out. Trust me, I know so. I'm one of them.

    So now I'm selfish and a bad person because all I want is to live a simple, honest life raising my children to be AWARE of the world both good and bad, to be educated and well balanced so they aren't left like a deer in the headlights in any dramatic situation? I'm not thinking straight or the right way because I want my next generation to be better than myself?

    Edit** I can't make the world perfect for my children, but I can try and make them perfect enough to face an imperfect world.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Firstly I would ask that you don't put words in my mouth and I am very serious about that. There is no RIGHT way to think, just different ways, just because I disagree with you doesn't mean I am saying you are wrong.

    Secondly, I resent that you imply I havn't read the rest of the thread xD I am allowed to have my opinion and just because it doesn't match what you say doesn't mean I havn't read your earlier posts.

    I agree that giving a sugared truth is wrong, children should be taught to see the world for what it really is, I think the parents who lie and shelter their children are in the wrong, but there is a difference in preparing your children and leaving the world a mess for them.

    Ok so you say you don't have the strength or the drive to make a difference, that's fine that's your choice and your feelings, and for sure we cannot lock up every bad guy and stop every bad thing, but if everyone was to think that there was nothing they could do, then the world would never change =/ I am not meaning to insult your character or your opinions, I just disagree with them.

    By all means prepare your children, but don't just carry on making the world a mess, hell even recycling can help you know, and small changes like that cost nothing but can save a lot.

    xD it doesn't take a lot to make a difference, but please don't use the excuse that because past generations did that, that it makes it alright for us, because that wont help anyone. How can we set an example to the future if we only carry on the patterns of the past?
  7. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    Thanks for pointing that out. Sorry if I put words in your mouth, I really wasn't trying to!

    See now we're on the same page. I wasn't saying that I'm going to cower in my home and not even do the small things that often matter. I'm not saying its not my problem, either. I'm quite the weird one because while I can sit here and say, well I have a reason to be selfish and I blame you, you, and you, I also will not sit here and do nothing just because of that. Yeah my parents sucked hardcore, but that doesn't give me the right to go out and mess everything up for myself and those effected by my choices.

    And the reason I stand so strong by raising children the right way is because if more people cared enough and took the time to teach their kids all the horrible and wonderful things life has to offer, and taught them how to be more compassionate and forgiving of one another, the future would be so amazingly awesome. Thats why I got a little defensive there, CtR ^^;;

    But any who.. I think we got maybe a little off track there? This isn't about the next or past generations, or even about myself, its about OUR generation.. which is hard to pinpoint and recognize since there are a few of them mingling together in this forum. I consider someone to be in my generation if we are four years of age or less apart, I don't know exactly what an OFFICIAL generation time line looks like but I think its ten years. Kind of hard to think of someone 29 being in the same generation as me, though.
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Aye its alright xD

    I am very defensive where children are concerned because I fully agree with you, that they are not raised right and it isn't right how a lot are treated, so I appologise for getting so defensive too o_o;

    xD my childhood wasn't the easiest either, but I try to see past that and look at whats ahead of me now instead of being trapped by my past :) it can be hard, but trust me it is so much nicer.

    XD lmao yeah we did get off track a little bit, but hey that's what debate is all about. As for our generation I thinkwe have yet to fully realise our true potential, our generation is only just making an impact, and sure there are negative aspects, but there is also so much good =)
  9. Blademaster Mai'kel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 18, 2007
    My aleatorium
    Not to randomly burst in with an opinion, but I agree that this generation is a bunch of sloth-infested ******s. I'll admit, I'm a total slob. All I do is sit on my ***, play soccer occasionally, go here, listen to music, etc. I feel that the way I am is because of how I'm being raised. My parents and I don't get along very well, and they always tell me to go outside, but I don't, because I fail to see any enjoyment in it. I just cannot agree with my parents.
  10. uglynameless Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 7, 2007
    your face
    all in all, i don't really think so. Every generation's predecessors think that the new generation is going south and that leads some of the new generation to believe that but we really are not that different. "That" is a key word there because i think there is a small portion that is but just not much.
  11. Dreadnought Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 3, 2007
    No idea......
    Well it does kinda stink... I mean jocks have always been around but there are the groups that
    fade with the generation... Are generations temporary group stinks...
    I last generation had meditating hippies and before that they had the happy-go-lucky flower children...
    What do we have? Emos..... Wimpy, selfish, crazy emos..... I mean its not everyone thats selfish
    its just a few people.... television makes it seem that everybody would kill you for loose change...
  12. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    I actually agree - some of us are also thinking aboutthe present and not the future
    I mean teens at partys
    kids dressing up like (naughty word)
    kids actually know about (the naughty s word)
    its messed up
  13. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    True, but I think the reason for this is because its aired all over the TV, all over the news. Movies played where people sit around and do drugs, have s** at young ages. Honestly you see a lot about it on the Lifetime channel... I used to watch those movies on there all the time. Its a hard mesh up of how to raise kids.

    Kids are aware of all this stuff because either parents talk about it, or they see it on TV. Its hard to balance. You never know when a child is old enough to discuss these things with anymore. They see it on TV, they want to try it, think its cool or whatever. You think if you ignore it and block it off of the TV, you kids will be safe. What if your children encounter another minor who has tried/done things? They wouldn't know much about it, think its okay, go off and do it and either screw up their whole life or get themselves killed out something.

    Parenting is increasingly hard in these times with the TV and the computer and how commercial the holidays and birthdays and everything are now, its hard not to spoil a child to death. There are so many different factors to why we are the way we are, but the problem and question now is: What are we going to do about it?
  14. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I also think the fact that children are expected to grow up so fast these days couldn't be helping. Also, parents tend to be over-protective or just couldn't care less (I can see that may be a gross over-simplification). My parents for example were quite over-protective but I have to admit there was also the aspect of my laziness or at least my dislike of playing outside after a certain age. Technological advances also need to be taken into account. Kids don't have to go outside or actually interact with people to be entertained anymore, and it is certainly taking its toll.

    Also, children are more attuned to what is going on in the world. I for one watch the news as much as possible. On the point of the external environment (as opposed to the environment experienced inside the home) it is now more dangerous to go outside, or at least the perceived threat is greater. With all of the media hype over paedophiles and stabbings and gun crime many parents don't want their children leaving the garden if even the house. The media brings the threats of the world to your living room and local community x]
  15. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    the only reason i think kids are more snotty these days is becuz of these shi**y parents who think their kid can do no wrong
  16. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    i believe its the last generations fault that ours is so selfish and childish, the parents are giving them what they want and that's what they expect.. I mean how are you going to get through life when youre given everything.. and what happens when the source dies, then what will you do
  17. Darkandroid Gets it Together

    Sep 30, 2006
    I guess the Media has had a big impact, people are generally more aware. Generation after generation tend to share the same problems, of course each one has some differences, for some it could be war, or whatever. We probably do alot of things our parents didn't without realising, of course they won't tell you that maybe at least until your an adult. XD

    Even 30 years ago every teenager was sex mad. It's probably increased a bit over the years but it's natural for teenagers to try and act older then they are and try and grow up older.

    Though increased welfare could of caused some to be more selfish, in our grandparents generation there was war which caused rationalisation. And with the advances in technology which is moving so fast people demand more. But also more people are having less kids, maybe 1 and not the average of 2, so the kid won't know how to share because they never had brothers or sisters to know about sharing I have a step sister who was like that.
  18. sora roxas60 Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 19, 2006
    Aperture Science Laboratories
    I agree with Evil Man. I should know because I grew up in East Los Angeles. So, I've seen my fair share of drugs, alcohol, gangs, and violence. It all goes back to the parents. I always wonder why I turned out differently, though... I guess it's a matter of personality in some sense
  19. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    i do think my generation has potential but then again, this generation has broken the record for the number of school shootings so there's defintely something wrong.
  20. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    My opinion is that our generation is crumbling. There are 2 many brats and people in debt, its terrible. And all these kids have videogames at tbe age of 4. i got my first vid. game when i was like 10, or 11!!!!!! Our generation is becoming the dumbest generation ever. welcome back depresion numero dos!!!!!
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