I also think that everybody has some kind of trait that they're good at, unfortunately not always is something that the society finds usefull. It is a bit of complex thing to judge if it's right or not.. for exemple there is something like "Body intelligence", like people at gymnastics who can do what other people can't, it's great and all, but just because of that shouldn't them be able to read? To discuss? There are some basic knowledge that everybody has to have so they are not taken advantage of... some people say "Hell I never used all the math that I've learned at school", but they fail to realise that even without using complex formulas, we learn the "spirit of math" that is LOGIC, to know that "If A is equal B, and B is equal C, A= C ".. we need years of math to understand the logic of the world. Maybe people shouldn't be judged or tested, but that would lead them to believe that when they got out of school they wouldn't need to be tested and everybody would recognize them as GREAT... So Einstein is right, and yet he didn't propose another way just pointed out our system flaws.