Umbrella Inc. You might know them as this pharmaceutical company that claims to be able to cure diseases. You probably all know people who work for the company. Family. Friends. Neighbors. Probably half the world works for them. Nothing out of the ordinary right? Umbrella provides jobs. They pay money to their workers. They provide transportation to their employees. You probably don't think twice when you see their logo plastered all over that allergy medication or those pain killers. Well, there are some things you don't know about Umbrella. I could be putting my very life at risk-- ...Sorry about that. This location is secure but...they could be tracing my location right now. So I have to make this quick. Before I really am found out. What you know about Umbrella and the people who work for them is WRONG. Sure, some might not know what their superiors are doing but the higher ups...there's something there. ...I'll have to continue this later. But believe me when I tell you that Umbrella is lying to you.
Don't worry, I believe you. They created a virus which turns people into zombies and didn't bother creating a cure until it got out.
LIfE itSelf That looks odd. Maybe your only supposed to use the lower case? fitelf Fit Elf They are an exercise program for elves!!!