Other Worlds

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by lostheart, Jan 6, 2008.

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  1. lostheart Merlin's Housekeeper

    It's a typical summer night as you lie in bed with your window open letting in the cool air as it blows gently by. You look up into the night sky and see millions of stars in the inky blackness of space. You wonder, "Are there other worlds out there that hold intelligent life and perhaps a world that holds adventures that the fantasy and sci-f- writers write so much about these days?"
    Ok, maybe you haven't. But I have. What do you people think about this?
  2. Mirai King's Apprentice

    Feb 17, 2007
    Isn't there already a thread on this?

    First of all, there ARE other worlds.

    There are currently over 200 known exoplanets. Most are within this side of the galaxy. So, with some logic, you can conclude that there are around 400 planets in this galaxy. There are over a sextellion galaxies in the observable universe, meaning that there are even more planets.

    Two planets about 20 light years away (Gliese 581c and d), possibly have life. Though Gliese 581c is probably too close to its star and is tidally locked, meaning it's too hot on one side and too cold on the other. Gliese 581d is slightly out of the Goldilocks Zone (where water forms), but, according to computer models, it has green house gases, making it warmer, and more suitable to life.

    So, in conclusion, hell yeah, there are other worlds. Many probably have life, but it's doubtfull that the life there is intelligent enough to travel here.
  3. .Kairi. Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Too close to the guidos
    ^All of this is true. ^

    As for worlds that hold adventures that people write about, it's unlikely. But who knows? The universe is so large, places like that might exist.
  4. Agent007 Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 22, 2007
    I think everybody has thought about this at least once in there life. How could you not? It's such an interesting topic. Plus all the footage of UFOs. You have to wonder. Where do they come from? They must have a home planet themselves.

    Wow I have to say. Thanks for the information. I did not know any of that. It's always great to read something really intersting like that. Thanks!!
  5. lostheart Merlin's Housekeeper

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