Clara Oswald, Clara Oswin Oswald, and Oswin Oswald really are (technically) three different people in canon. I still see your point though.
You realize, of course, that you must submit yourself to the mindless horde as well in order to make jokes like this We all stand in the shitstains of giants don't deny it
lol, yeah, there are too many Oswalds in Doctor Who canon for my tastes... Kinda reminds me of a certain keybade-wielding spiky-haired worlds-traveling kid we all know and love. How many Sora's are there now? I can't keep count. XD
Sora, Aros, Roas, Rsao, Osar, Rosa- ...Wait a minute Holy Jesus Juice one of the anagrams for Sora is Rosa how'd I not notice this sooner
Being original is too mainstream. Let's all be the same. Three cheers for conformity!! Yay . . . Yay . . . Yay . . .
lol, no, there are! I mean, what's the goal? 13? Didn't he ever hear that's an unlucky number? Maybe if he hired a burglar to even out the odds, there might be some hope still for his silly little plans.