Original Character/Fan character Role Play Park

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Rayeofsunshine, Apr 19, 2007.

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  1. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Rix took a quick head count (Everyone is on the ship so no one is left behind) and shouted to cloud "Everyone is here!."
    Rix looked at Hana and said to her "Forget my question before this adventure has had enough bad memories in it from day one, we should focus on finding our mission to find Aerith Gainsborough in Radiant Garden (Lets say this a mixed universe of KhI and KHII but Sora, Kairi and Riku don't exist)" Rix said pulling out his journal and began to write what had happened since he met Hana to make use of the time it would take to reach Radiant Garden.
  2. Rikus#1fangirl Banned

    Apr 29, 2007
    In darkness
    "Radiant Garden...That sounds so wonderful!" Natalie said smiling...
  3. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    "Alright gramps!" he shouted, letting go of Natalie and taking his seat.
  4. valorwithinchaos Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 10, 2007
    at home
    "Are you sure you don't wanna tell me?" She sat next to Rix who was writing in his book. She rested her keyblade on her lap still running her hand along the inscription. She glanced out the window, she could just see a world in the distance, she hoped it was Radiant Garden, she wanted to know as much about the keyblades as she could.
  5. overload Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 2, 2006
    ''okay i gonna search for some profiles from you guys because i think it is in in so i need darkstars watch kupo'' said drake

    ''here you have, so we must find a aerith that sound cool enoegh for me'' said darkstar and he was looking to the dark keyblade it was that it was talking to darkstar.
  6. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Rix stopped writing and looked at Hana "Ok I'll tell you righy now what happened. I was 11 at the time I came home and I heard a commotion going on.
    I figured it was just my parents argueing agin and we would move once more.
    But when I entered the house I found my mother on the floor dead with bullet mark all over her.
    I was shocked and heade up the stairs to were the fighting was happening.
    I found my father dieing on the floor bleeding badly. All he said was "Take the laptop and Run Rix!" He died after saying that.
    Then I saw Hojo and he shot me in the head and I passed out.
    I woke up one year later in an empty water tank with Hojo looking at me saying "I finished the experimnets on you boy and believe me it wasn't easy putting cyberkinetic implants inside your brain."
    I was shocked and angry at him I lost control my TK turned on I destroyed the window between us and snapped his neck with my powers.
    I saw my dads laptop on a counter it was broken and I took it and left the building.
    I had inherited my parents money which was almost over a million munny.
    and I bought a place to live, went to school and lived a normal life while trying to hone my abilities.
    Could you tell me your story Hana?" Rix asked her after saying his story.
  7. valorwithinchaos Merlin's Housekeeper

    Apr 10, 2007
    at home
    Hana looked at the ground, "That's horrible..." Hana looked at Rix, "I'm so sorry.." she said miserably.
    "My story is not nearly that bad.." she mumbled, "When I was younger heartless attacked my world, We tried to fight them but one by one people started disappearing into darkness. A friend and I had lost both our families, so we only had each other. We looked out for each other and then when I was 14. We were in a really big fight against heartless, and then I..I.. " Hana started crying as she remembered what happened, she had ignored it all this time, not wanting to think about it.. "I..I got swambed by heartless and my friend, he stepped in and started knocking them of me, the last thing I remember was him getting covered in heartless then more heartless came and jumped on me..." she trailed off... "That must have been when I lost my heart!" she started crying more
  8. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    "Did you have a nightmare of the darkness consuming your body? I remember that happeing when I was dead (Technically Rix was brain dead for that year he got experimented on Hojo) but I kept on refusing and passed out. Did something like that happen to you?" Rix asked her trying to figure out how they had emotions while being nobodies. "Your story is bad Hana you lost someone that you loved and cared about whom gave you those emotions back that never happened to me. Even before my father died he only said get the laptop (Rix's parents never showed him love or any emotion, they actually kept running to hide the information on the laptop). But whatever thats nothing really you had a nice life and lost it thats the worst thing that could happen" Rix said feeling very sorry for Hana (He has no emotions when talking about his past). "Hana we're going to the Radiant Garden for a reason we are going to find a way to stop the darkness rember what the notes said 'there is a way to seal the darkness away permanently...' that is our hope and salvation right now. By the way I'm only here to help someone very important to me..." Rix said looking at her with kindness in his eyes.
  9. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    "Fasten your seatbelt kiddies, cause we're takin' off!" Cloud said over the intercom.
  10. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Rix hit the intercom button "Only if you stop calling me Gramps kiddo!" Rix then sat down on a chair and everyone on one instantly got buckled in automatically. "i guess its now" Rix said grabbing Hanas hand for support (He gets motion sickness but not real Vomit just a bad feeling) as soon as his stomach did knots inside him.
  11. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    "But you're my great-grandpa!" he put his hand over his mouth, he wasn't supposed to say that!
  12. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    Since Rix couldn't see Clouds face he said "Very funny joke. Now will you get us out of this world" Rix believed what Cloud said was a joke becuse he knew Cloud wouldn't be so stupid to reveal important parts of the futre (No offense Cloud).

    OOC: Good plot element I admit but its too soon to start the plot especially before Rix gets together with someone (Which he will).
  13. rikurep Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 21, 2007
    Aurora, CO
    i return, please tell me what has happened!
  14. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    OOC: Welcome back! :D Long story short, the pirate's curse was broken; Barbosa was killed; we found out Hanna, Rix, and Cloud don't have hearts; they left for Radient Garden/Hollow Bastion; Rix is Cloud's great-grandfather.

    BIC: "Heheh, yeah." he said, laughing nervously, "A joke. Heheheh."
  15. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    OOC: We're all on the gummi ship right now.

    BIC: What Cloud said happened while the Intercom was off. They finally got through the turbulance and were out in the universe (What I call the gaps between the worlds). Rix pressed the intercom on "We should head southeast for 20 minuted then west and we'll arrive at Radiant Garden" Rix said now letting go of Hanas hand "Sorry Hana got quesy on the ships way out" He said with slight embarrasment in his voice.
  16. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    "Alright!" he said into the intercom, turning the ship southeast and flying straight.
  17. swordser2 Banned

    appearance:short red hair,red eys,always weres a black coat with hood,has a gold chain wiith black diamond on it,has black bracelet with black gems so shiny,bout 5'7.
    history:lived on a beach with no one but herself so lonely she praid to the gods but no one ansewed but the darkness in her heart only ansewed she was so lonely she gave up and went to darkness there she became strong and became one with her iner self and now is looking for a new life to be herself and never be betrayed.persanality:she nevers has trust she must know you good before she can trust you nevers likes light unless she is happy always bored with life and speaks darkness some times poemsand riddles loves to be mean sometimes but now always feels sorry if some ones so sad but mostley good she is a scientist crazy for science. weapons and abilties:a element guitar that summons any element she wants in forms of other people or things, and a darkness fenir all black can summon the darkeness relam likes sonic blade and lots more. biography:the dark necklace and bracelets have gems to them and she must find them all for new abilties and keyblades when she wants more power the necklace get all the darkness out of everyone she becomes more powerfull.i hope ican join please my first time and iam very lonley::o:o
  18. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    OOC: Ouch, my head hurts! >_< Sure you can join. But you have to start in Hollow Bastion, that's where everyone is going! :D
  19. rikurep Gummi Ship Junkie

    Mar 21, 2007
    Aurora, CO
    where am i right now?
  20. Azure Flame Banned

    Apr 2, 2007
    Floating in nothingness
    OOC: On the ship, with everyone else.
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