~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "So, are you satisfied?" Zack asked the psychic. "If so, then the defendant may step down." He glanced warily at both sides of the court. "Unless the Defense has any objections or other witnesses, the debate for the charges may begin."
  2. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax leaned over to Janexna. "I think our side of the arguement is well represented, what do you think?"
  3. OOC: lulz.

    "Quiet! I'm daydreaming of Axel, damn it," Janexna hissed at Xelax, having been awake for a while now, truthfully. But, her mind was filled with many images of the redhead, as well as certain very R-rated scenes of her and him, that there was nothing to make her leave it. Unless, of course, she made them a reality. A devious smile lit up her face at that as her eyes were still closed. Oh, she can make it a reality. Crazily chuckling evilly in her head at the ploy she was building, bwuahahahahahhah, her other rational side cursed the hell out of the psychic Pokémon for being such a thorn on Axel's side. She was glad that the man snapped back at the insolent clone of Mew for bringing up pointless squawks, that made this trial last longer than it should be. Nobody annoys her Axie.

    Mewtwo was on her hit list, along with that irritating Pikachu. They should be trapped forever in a pokéball.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey gave a nod. "I have no questions, your honor." He sipped some new water he had there and looked over at the Pokemon to see if the inquiry was done.

    "oOOooh please say the torment is over!" He slid down the seat to disappear from view behind the little door and then peaked over ..then rested his hands on the door. "So yeah, we done with this so I can get charged and all that?" he inquired in a calmer relaxed voice. He then could not resist sending a wink towards Janexna because her responses were so amusing.
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Is this the jurist system here, or is this the "Decisive evidence" system?

    Mewtwo briefly considered raiding Axel's memories. The one thing stopping him was the threat of a porno watching judge.
    He was irritated. He had hoped to get more out of Axel. The fire dancer seemed almost to be telling the truth. The pokemon's only hope was to try to pin more on him than he confessed to. Mewtwo sighed. It was blatently obvious that unless he wished to degrade himself to the level of a pikachu and initiate a "Yes it was, no it wasn'!" shouting match between himself and Axel, he would have to step down.

    "Thank you Axel. You may go now."
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Axel grinned and hopped up over the door. "YESSS!" he said as he slid back over to his chair and sat down. He then looked around him at the other Org members and shrank in his chair a bit. "..this kind of sucks." He did as far as he was concerned, and focused, told the truth but he knew the truth would not only put him at odds with Sora and the others but also with higher ups in the Organization that already had felt he had messed up considerably.

    It was a rough thing to ponder over. There were some incidences that were hard to explain even to himself. When looking for the answer, it was as if there was just this void in the spot that should have it. Files were missing or corroded. He had gone through a lot of changes in merely a year. He had been 'content' to do what the Org had planned but things altered and it forced him to reevaluate his position and he began to be able to tell the difference between what 'could' be done versus what 'should' be done. He did not hate the Org. He didn't have a heart to. However, he did not really like most of them either. There were a few that he thought he could have liked occasionally. Demyx never fit in and Axel could better pull off he did, but Demyx was almost like the lost cause. Larxene perhaps could have been a friend if she was not so sadistic and well ..working with Marluxia. They did relate on a few things and Axel could be just as rotten as Larxene at times. She was a curiosity in the end. Then of course there was Roxas, who everyone picked on him about. He was a Nobody that should not care and yet Roxas meant a lot to him. He and Sora..there was just something about both of them that awoke in Axel something perhaps of a conscience. Something that made him feel whole. Others could ridicule him and even say stupid things about him and Roxas sitting in a tree crap, but Axel knew he simply cared and that was special. He imagined that Larxene wanted something to care about too. That's where the two related. Just he had found it and by the time he could say so, she was gone.

    Maybe they would have gotten along more, but again Marluxia and the plan at Castle Oblivion. Could Nobodies have found another route to attain Hearts? Axel would ponder the question for some time...but it was also likely to skip out of his mind when the next thing came along to distract him. He could not even bring himself to really look at the others. What he had said was in a way to 'save himself' but not how others might think. He had tried to explain things not just for him...but he also knew what he had done was wrong despite the emptiness inside that he and also others desperately wanted filled. Life was too complex sometimes. He shook his head and waited for the verdict so he could hear his audacious punishment from a judge he didn't get why he was judging. If he didn't like his decision, Axel would so just have to bring up his last wild card maneuver for the event. Yeah, a last plan at 'self preservation'. It was just the way Axel was.
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack was slightly annoyed by the "This is Sparta" remix buzzing around in his head (except it was replaced by Axel's "Got it memorized?"), but he had to make do.

    "Alright! I think this has gone on long enough. The charges. NOW."

    Kairi raised an eyebrow. "Ooookay? I think he needs to switch to decaf..."
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