~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack then did a double take. Both Xelax and Janexna were knocked out. He was sorely tempted to hand the victory to the Prosecution since their opponents had no Pokemon in reserve. (Yeah, a bit of irony.)

    But the Prosecution couldn't have the win THAT easily. As much as he hated to do it, he reluctantly whipped out a small tube and a blowdart and fired a super-stimulant at Xelax, sticking the needle right into his butt.

    He prepared to fire another one at Janexna and aimed at her chest...

    ...but decided against it in case someone decided to interfere...
  2. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Demyx was zoning. Again. After a while, he noticed Denise looking at him. Then he realized she had asked for something. "Oh! Right! Sorry." He apologized as he found her bag and started looking for her pencil.

    After being handed her pencil, Denise started thinking as she started adding some details to the drawing she had started earlier. I wonder if Demyx is ticklish. Woah, where did that come from? I could find out... No, this isn't the best time to get into a tickle fight. Besides, I would lose. Badly. Though that wouldn't be the WORST thing that ever happened to me... Wow, if someone could read my thoughts right now, I'd be royally screwed...

    She finished her lineart when she finished her train of thought. "Demyx, could you grab my colored pencils?" She thought for a second and added, "and a cookie?"
  3. OOC: *gasp* Really? I never truly got any feedback, so I like hearing something.

    I was planning to go the BaseSebastian route and make a fanfic out of it for the Creativity Corner, so throughout the trials from Marluxia to Xemnas, since I won't be writing the side scenes anymore and skip to when she comes back at Xemnas's trial, for those who wondered what occurred and how it reached the fanfiction she'll give the Judge, they can read it there.

    And, in reality, placing it in the Creativity Corner, that's the actual Larxene fanfic she had to do.

    Anyway, unless you want to ICSP, there's no reason for cross-examining still. I mean, we didn't miss anything, right? And if we did, it's the Prosecution's turn. So Xelax and Janexna can get a good rest xD. Well, not Xelax anymore...D:.
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Would you rather have had Zack pierce Janexna's chest? :sweat:
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax suddenly regains consiousness... He stands up... ready to continue his defense... he glances around the room to see whats going on. Upon recieving a death glare from the judge. He decided to lay back down for a while. It seemed as though the judge would pierce someones chest if they drew the case out any longer. He then layed back out on the floor and played as if he was unconsious again, since it seemed to be the ideal strategy from, as Janexna was doing the same.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    150 stood up and looked over at Axel. It was time. He wondered if Axel really was guilty, or if he perhaps deserved a reprieve due to his condition of being heartless. After all, weren't most of his actions due to the fact that he had no heart? Surely that could be used as a defense. Legalities aside, was it right to charge these beings like ordinary humans?
    150 dismissed the idea. He was the prosecutor. His purpose was to prosecute. The humans' game was flawed, but it was merely his job to play it, not to reform it. And his duty was to get as many crimes onto Axel as possible, just as it was the opposition's job to deflect as many as possible. That way, the suspect was supposedly trialled fairly.Strengthening his mind, he began the Cross Examination.

    * Stationed at Castle Oblivion to assist with experiments on memories.

    Concentrating, Mewtwo focused his energy on trying to break Axel. If he fell, the defense would be in ruins. "How were you to 'Assist'? Surely all Murluxia required was Vexen and Namine. Possibly Vexen. You possessed none of their abilities for delving into the matters of the mind and heart, so why were you stationed? Were you aware of Roxas at this time? What were these experiments? Were they initially going to be carried out on Sora? If not, who?

    * When Sora was in the Castle Oblivion, after Traverse Town memory, I wanted to test his meddle so I cut in on Marluxia.

    150 grimaced. Little to do here. "What is a meddle? I am unfamiliar with the term. Were you referring to a medal, or perhaps a mettle? No matter. How did you wish to test his 'meddle'? What would have happened if he failed the test?"

    * I had a spar with Sora taking Marluxia's place, after a light introduction. Gave him some clues and left.

    150 saw why he had to attack Axel. His callous nature made him a threat to society. "A spar. What sort of spar was this? Was Sora informed it was a test? How much danger was Sora in? Could it have been life threatening? How did you give him 'clues'? Why did you give them to him? Were they intended to confuse him? Why would you want to do that?"

    * Larx and I talked when Sora hit floor 4 about Sora. Nothing big.

    "It is nothing big until the law gets involved. Then every single detail becomes vital. What did you say about Sora?

    * When Sora was at floor 6, Larx wanted to go fight him so I gave her the cards. I told her not to break him.

    Mewtwo's eye's flashed. "You knowingly gave her the key to fighting Sora? Surely your test was enough. What do you mean by 'break him'? Was there a chance that Sora could be endangered due to your actions?

    * Larxene cued me in on my suspicions of a coup against the Org after I said we needed him if we were going to take them on. She confirmed it by saying 'so you are in on it too?' and told me to keep quiet and left.

    "Were you placed in Castle Oblivion with orders to disband this plot? Did Xemnas tell you to eliminate anyone? If so, why not do it himself?"

    * Larx lost and Vexen showed up. Vexen wanted to test Sora which meant bringing out his little follower, Riku Replica. I gave Vexen a card. Riku Replica ended up abandoning his duty or something after he had memories implanted in him of Riku, against his wish. I stood around bored.

    150 let a psychic charge build in his hand and discharged it. A small habit from years back. Utterly useless, but he found it calming to use his abilities. "You say Larxane lost. This implies she was attempting to win. What would Larxane's victory have meant for Sora?
    "Now Vexen also tests Sora. Why? Also, why did he need to implant memories in Repliku in order to do this? Why not get Repliku to do it with his own mind, or just do it himself? Also, you say that you gave Vexen a card. I want to know why, and what effect it had on Repliku.
    "You mention that Repliku abandoned his duty. Yet you still let him go after Sora. I thought Sora was your key. Why would you let Sora risk being killed?
    "You say the memories were implanted against his wish. Did he appear to have sentient thought? How did he resist?"

    * Larx and Vexen then got into it, Marluxia came in and Vexen and he got into it and Vexen was labeled a traitor.

    Mewtwo was mentally stunned. What the heck happened there? Instead of stuttering, he composed himself to attack. "What do you mean by 'got into it'? Why was Vexen labeled a traitor? What did Repliku do? Why did Murluxia not appear before?"

    * Marly said he'd let Vexen off the hook if he'd go eliminate Sora personally. Vexen took off having no real other option and I told Marly that Vexen was going to really do it and he didn't care and basically teased Namine like she was going to lose him...which of course, after fighting Sora, I knew he'd beat Vexen.

    150 concentrated. What was a problem here? "Who is Namine?" He questioned. "I have not heard her mentioned by you before. Why was she in Castle Oblivion? Why did she stay there? Why did you allow the child abuse to continue? What was your opinion of her? Did it change over the course of a year? Why?"

    * Vexen decided to use a card of TT which was a memory from Roxas. This was trouble.

    "Why would he do this? Why was it trouble? Surely if Murluxia intended for Vexen to destroy Sora, it would not matter where it was done. Explain."

    * Marly told me to eliminate the traitor, saying Namine could fix what Vexen did otherwise. So yeah, I did that.

    "Why did Marluxia get you to destroy him? You previously said that Vexen would be pardoned if he destroyed Sora. What would have happened to you if you were to disobey? Why did you follow his orders?"

    * Larx and Marl said they used the test of loyalty on me as well as testing Sora's strength. Not like I didn't figure that.

    "Why was it so important to be trusted by them? Would Xemnas approve of you killing Vexen to gain their trust? Why is it you can gauge Sora's strength with one battle, but the rest of your group were required to fight him themselves and get Vexen to attack him?"

    * I let Namine go then to go help Sora and take away a power source from Marluxia.

    "Why not just kill Sora and Namine? You did the same to everyone else in the castle, or got them to kill each other. Sora and Larxane, Sora and Murluxia, Repliku and Zexion and Riku and Repliku. What makes Sora and Namine so different?"

    * Went on to go confront Marluxia and we had a brief fight and then he brought Namine there, putting her in front of him.

    "Why did you go to confront Murluxia? I thought you were part of the rebellion."

    * I said I'd go through her if I had to. Sora came in and Marluxia said I was going to kill Namine to get to him and well, it went from there so Sora and I fought.

    "Were you trying to kill Sora? Would you have killed Namine to get to Murluxia? Why was Sora concerned about Namine? When did he meet her or find out about her?"

    * I faked I died there and then went to the lower levels of the castle.

    "Were you intending to loose? Why go to the lower levels? Who was there? What were they doing?

    * I encountered Zexion, gave him a card of DI to deal with Riku since he seemed determined.

    "Directional Influence?" Mewtwo mused. Perhaps his melee playing was a bad influence. "Ahem. I see. Previously you have manipulated others into destroying for you. Was this the plan you had for Zexion?"

    * He failed, I convinced Riku Replica to kill him saying it would give him more power to take out his 'other'.

    "Was this true? Why didn't you kill him? Why did you want Zexion dead?"

    * He then went to fight Riku and was dealt with. I left the Castle Oblivion shortly there after.

    "Did you intend for him to be killed by Riku? What would you have done in the case of his victory?"

    OoC: Will do the rest later.
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack was slightly surprised that Xelax decided to play dead. He was even more surprised that he kept the blowdart stuck in his butt. It almost reminded him of the ol' geezer whose crotch caught fire...

    He was sorely tempted in trying CPR on Janexna. Maybe rip open her top and place his ear on her soft skin to find a heartbeat...

    Kairi glanced up at the judge suspiciously. If she didn't know any better, she'd have thought that the redhead was trying to strip the girls of the classroom with his eyes again. But that'd have been stupid. He was supposed to be focusing on the case, not the Defense's cup size...

    Naminé was unsure of how this would play out. It was obvious Axel was guilty of some things, but not others. He seemed more of a wild card than anything else. Whatever the case, she was more curious to how Saix's trial would play out...
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power glanced down at Xelax, and noticed what was going on. Of course the pokemon was not going to miss a chance to get one up on Xelax, so jumping out of his seat, he landed on a bystander's head before propelling himself towards the comatose lawyer. "Sorry judgey, I think that something was done wrong here. Gimme a second!" Grinning maliciously, Pika_power jerked the dart out of Xelax's posterior and proceded to stab methodically along his buttock, making a hole every two centremetres.
  9. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Usually Zack had a chip on his shoulder when it came to the yellow furball. In this case, though, he didn't really care at the moment. Both Xelax and Pika were both pretty much whiners, so he saw it more as a...love/hate relationship between two creatures that really pissed him off. Instead of responding to the rodent, he turned to look at how the Cross-Examination was going. If Xelax had any objections to being stabbed, Zack would figure he'd hear them soon enough...
  10. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax felt an unfamiliar warm and painful sensation on his backside. Xelax mule kicked the rodent poking his backside.
  11. OOC: Darn. Might as well make the judge play the whole game, Pika o.O.

    However, I do believe Axel was a a-hole in CoM, so I would not mind if he gets charged for those >D.
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Whaddya mean? The last two posts I did didn't concern the judge at all!

    The next big post is up to Repliku. I've done my first lot of Castle Oblivion. I will do the rest after Axel replies.
  13. OOC: The judge is the rule and Lord of the court, so he had the right to play the cutscenes.

    And there's more? >.>
  14. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Zomg long post ahead. lol. I was here while people were still talking as I was working on this. That's sad. xD

    "I wasn't a scientist. I was there to make sure security was there and stop intruders and make sure there weren't betrayals going on as another Org member kinda told me there might be. I kept that to myself but was there as just extra security and to help out around when needed.

    "Yes, I was aware of Roxas at the time as he had been discovered a couple weeks prior to Sora showing up at Castle Oblivion."

    "The experiments were pertaining to memories and how they connected to the Heart or in our case, a lack of a Heart. You see, the Nobodies all had our memories for the 'most' part once we were able to think clearly and let them sink in. Roxas did not because Sora was a Heartless for so short a time and Namine had only faint memories to begin with for the same reason, though her hanging around Sora let her know who her Somebody was. Basically studying memories was important to the Organization as perhaps another avenue of studying Hearts and perhaps understanding ourselves more. And no, the memory research was not, to my knowledge and I delved pretty deeply in things, to be used on Sora initially. This was Marly's idea when he discovered what Namine was doing."

    "I meant mettle. I wanted to spar with him and see how he held up physically as well as emotionally and mentally. I wasn't going to kill him and had he 'lost' I would have just teased him some and encouraged him to keep looking for his friend. Really in that scenario it wasn't a fight fight. It was just a spar."

    "I assume Sora knew it was because he didn't try to really kill me and I didn't try to kill him. A spar is combat between two people that are not out to kill each other. Kinda like a fun duel." He grinned. "It was a lot of fun too!" Axel then shook his head. "He was not in any life threatening danger there. I assure you of that. I had no intentions of killing Sora at all, nor would I have even if I had thought of it because it would have ruined my plans on finding out what Marluxia and Larx were up to. I do mean it though when I say I had no intentions of killing him at all."

    The clues? I just said to keep going and that he'd find what he was looking for but lose something else. Yes, it was elusive but that is what I was supposed to do. He thought I meant Riku and the King and I left the three thinking about what they'd lose to find them. Yes, it was intended to be confusing but those were the orders of the time any way. I couldn't just be coming out with what was 'really' going on, ya know. That would have compromised me."

    "I said he was a rare individual. He had done something none of us had except for our Superior, which was to have a Heartless that was still cognitive and able to think. Basically he wasn't a typical Heartless at all since they all tend to become mindless and just crave Hearts. I was intrigued by him and she noted it so that's pretty much why that I told her."

    "Of course I gave them to her. She wanted to go and get in the action and refusing her would have put me at odds with her and well, that would ruin what I was trying to accomplish. I told her to not break him because yes, Larxene is a sadist and she liked to sometimes take things too far. If she had done so, I'm sure she knew Marluxia may even be annoyed with her so I'm sure after my reminder, she wouldn't. She may like to torture and all but she was also big into this plan. Was it going to endanger him possibly? I didn't think so by what I knew of her. I could have been wrong but sometimes you gotta gamble."

    "I was put there to assist, as I said. I was told by Saix to watch for traitorous acts so I took it as a cue to keep aware. None of the others knew of this though and why Saix said it, I figured he had a good reason to believe something was up. Xemnas was not the one who gave me the order but Saix was pretty much 2nd in command and Xemnas was off doing stuff at the time. Saix didn't tell me to eliminate anyone. However, we all knew that being a betrayer of the Org was death. So I think I could assume here what had to be done and I was kinda an assassin for the Org if need be."

    "Larxene wasn't attempting to kill him there either. When I mean she lost, I mean that she tried to tell me she had wasted a lot of energy 'throwing the fight' as she said and I called her on it saying it looked like she lost. She knew she had to let him go on, so it's just wording here."

    "Vexen at first did not want to implant the memories in Riku Replica. That was Larxene's idea and Marluxia backed the decision and he agreed to it because doing otherwise would put him in a very bad spot as Marluxia was in charge of the Castle Oblivion. I gave Vexen the card to the next 'world' in Sora's memories because he wanted to 'test' Riku Replica and use him to confuse Sora more."

    "Riku Replica was no real danger to Sora prior unless Vexen would have told him to go after Sora. Yes, the memories were implanted against his wishes. As I recall the scene, it was pretty much what was said earlier in Larx's case by Namine. Larx brought up the idea, Marly backed it, Vexen reluctantly agreed, Riku Replica was defiant. Larx was taunting and he attacked her. She hit him hard back and after he was downed and yelling she knocked him out and Namine did her thing. I suppose at that time we should have figured he was more than just a tool, but in the end, we all were kinda and he was a creation and if Marly and Larx wanted this, it was going to happen. Also, things made by Vexen...let's just say all weren't the greatest so I wasn't really 'caring' at all."

    He rubbed his chin thoughtfully recalling things. "As I recall, Larxene said that his experiment failed, referring to Riku Replica running off in the Castle Oblivion and he was annoyed and said that she should talk better to him. Marluxia came in and backed Larx, saying he was a failure. Vexen said that he was number 4 and shouldn't be talked to that way and Marly reminded him that Xemnas put him in charge and questioning that made him a traitor. Larx then said that betrayal was a capital offense and Marly told him that he would report his failure to Xemnas."

    "Well, it was true that he'd gain more power to take out his other but it wasn't true that he'd become 'real' because of taking Riku out. I didn't kill Zexion because I was still actually hurting from the fight with Sora but also because I felt I had to get rid of Vexen's tool because it was a last remnant of Vexen that might cause problems for me."

    Axel ran his hands through his spikey hair that for some reason allowed such a thing to be possible. His hands even pulled away unscathed. He then let out a deep sigh. "Yes, I totally intended for him to be killed by Riku because Riku Replica despised him and also hated his own fake existence as it was coined. If he had won Riku somehow, I don't know what I'd have done. I really was thinking that Riku would win considering he took out Lexaeus, who was definitely no slouch and also Riku had managed to even grow in power with Darkness and stability so much that he actually learned how Zexion was finding him and used it against Zexion. I knew the outcome as much as I did with Vexen versus Sora."

    He studied Repliku a moment and yeah, he could swear in a way he felt regret but yeah...it had to be the former emotions of a past life that by instinct were saying he 'would' feel them were he his old self. He then looked over at Roxas apologetically as if to say 'yeah, I'm a really bad person and now you know the whole story'. He wondered what Roxas thought of him now. He even wondered what Sora thought of him now. He knew Riku had known things but also he didn't know it all either. Namine even didn't know all of the grim details. He placed a hand almost instinctively on his chest where a physical heart may be, but also where people denoted their Hearts were. He blinked at the reaction and set his hand back on the armrest and looked at the Pokemon, collecting his cool and then smirked with amusement. The instinctive memory of emotion had passed.
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    As this trial went on, Kairi felt slightly guilty. Sora had only went through Castle Oblivion was because of his feelings for her. Not Naminé, but her. It might've been a different target, but it was still his affection that drove him forward. And the entire time on the island she had been forgetting him. A tiny part of her remembered, but it had been like a distant and far-off memory that she was unable to recall.

    'Don't blame yourself, Kairi,' Naminé said through their inner link. 'You couldn't have prevented yourself from forgetting. I'm your other half after all. However...' She raised an eyebrow at the Princess of Heart. 'Why don't you have any pictures of you, Sora and Riku anyway? Wouldn't those have reminded you?'

    Kairi shrugged with an embarrassed smile. 'I guess I forgot.'

    Zack's head jerked slightly. He realized that he had completely dazed out of the first round of questions the Prosecutor had said and hadn't noticed the irrelevant questions such as 'Who is Naminé?' He shook his head and refocused back on the Cross-Examination. It seemed that the damn Psychic wasn't done yet...
  16. Repliku Chaser

    Sora listened to Axel and the questions asked and glanced over at Kairi. "It's weird to remember all this now. I so didn't before. I also kind of just remembered... Namine" he said and turned towards her. "Thanks for helping us back there to get our other memories back. I never did get to say that to you though I meant to."

    Repliku frowned as he continued listening to Axel's side of the story. At least the red headed jerk wasn't leaving anything out really. Maybe he was trying to atone after all, but what did that really mean to Repliku personally? He still hated the idea he was just considered something so lame that was to be used as nothing more than a toy and experiment and he could be tossed away. But in the end, he had to come to the realization here that the Org members themselves were not fairing much better when it came to how they treated themselves. They were expendable too. Vexen was, Zexion was, Axel was, Larxene ..in the end they all were mostly not deemed much more important when they all went against the system, against Marluxia or Xemnas. He pondered more in this because he wondered why but perhaps the answer was as simple as they just did not have hearts so if they weren't going with the plans, they were risks and there was no real conscience behind it. The world of the Nobodies and Repliku was a bleak one. Despite how he might be angry at what was done and he knew it was very wrong, he felt more sympathy now to the Org members and he could relate more to them than he had wished to. Maybe he'd have to rethink some former judgments. But would it even matter to them if he did?

    Riku paid attention, listening to what was said. Axel really was not leaving anything out that he could remember from the Castle Oblivion or the journey afterward. It was a good thing for his case and perhaps he'd get leniency because he was being so cooperative, but he also knew Axel had done quite a bit that was down right rotten at the Castle Oblivion. He did ponder why Xemnas had so far cleared everyone of some charges but maybe Xemnas also was in thought on some things concerning how the Organization had operated before. Despite in the beginning not liking Axel much, he had grown to respect and understand him. The two were not so different in some ways. Both were loners but did not want to be that way. Both were loyal friends, and sadly, both could consider people that weren't friends to be less important. Riku had learned his lesson with the last flaw but would Axel? He thought on things and that perhaps Axel's testimony made things more clear on even understanding Larxene and Vexen a bit more, maybe others in the Organization too. Also, it showed the struggle the Organization itself had within itself with the members that obviously had their own personalities and desires that were not all just lining up with Xemnas's goals. Perhaps the only things that did unite them were that they all wanted Hearts and that they all were rather forced. He was glad Demyx seemed to get off light but wasn't sure that Axel was going to despite his change at the end. He did help Riku and Sora a lot, as well as Namine and put his life on the line to save Namine, but also sacrificed himself to let Sora go on. These were notable but it didn't mean he would avoid all punishment for them, most likely. After all, his schemes at the Castle Oblivion were really cold. He glanced about, studying others of the Organization for their reactions, not expecting much, as well as his friends' reactions he was sitting with.
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax looked around in wonderment, eagerly anticipating what the prosecution had to say in the cross examination. The pregnat pause in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He looked over at Axel sitting in the defendant chair, now giving his testimony, and wondered how it would play out...

  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    150 nodded. "You were the muscle and the manservant. Does this mean Lexaeus was unsuited to that job?"

    "Had you formed a bond with Roxas by then? Were you aware of Sora's relationship with him? When did you become aware of it?" Mewtwo's line of questioning may have seemed a tad off the topic, but it did have an aim.

    "So you planned to imprison a girl for an indefinite period. You saw nothing immoral about this?"

    "I see. At any point did you actually tell Sora that it was just a spar? I mean no offense to Sora, but he is prone to overreacting, especially when friendships are involved, as seen with Demyx." 150 was just pressing cracks, seeing if anything would give. He doubted it. He wondered if this whole lawyer thing was going to get easier if he moved to humans, opposed to nobodies.

    The pokemon boomed, sending out a psychic shout bound to leave everyone with a brain lying on the floor, under a table, holding their head.
    "You say Sora was in no life threatening danger, however, LOOK!"

    The psychic being stood up and raised his hand above his head. A small flash shot out, leaving two metal stars with red tips on them in his hand. Suddenly he slammed them onto the desk in front of him.


    "Observe, Axel's chakrams. His weapon of choice, and the weapon he used when fighting Sora. Please note the edges. They are clearly sharp enough to deal serious damage, and are often thrown in battle. These are the exact same weapons used when Axel fought against Sora the first time. Now please explain...

    *Insert appropriate theme-tune here*

    "Compromised you from doing what?"

    "How exactly did you know about Sora's past and that particular experience?"

    "Potential activity as a stalker." Pika_power muttered as his face grew numb from the cold floor. "Better remember that."

    Guess his own life wasn't a high enough stake...


    "You mentioned that Larxane considered the plan important. However she was happy to discard it when Namine revealed everything to Sora, while Marluxia was still certain he could bend Sora to his will. This proves that Sora was indeed endangered when you sent Larxane after him."

    "And there goes your defense of 'only following orders'. You acted of your own volition. You were never given orders to kill anyone, therefore you were not forced to battle Sora or give the card to Larxane.
    "As Murluxia was a traitor, you could disobey him without fearing retribution from Xemnas, and clearly you considered yourself an equal in strength to Murluxia, as you took him on at the end of Castle Oblivion.

    Your unlawful activities cannot be blamed upon anyone else!"

    150 glanced towards the defense, as if to say 'whatcha gonna do about it?'.
    Instead he simply asked, "Any objections?"

    "Continue." Mewtwo could not do anything here. It was a strong defense, and quite frankly it was not Larxane's trial.

    "You allowed Riku Replica to be sent after Sora. Why?"

    "But Vexen did tell Repliku to hunt down Sora. You have said you would not want Sora to die, but you considered sending a Riku clone with a jealous memory after him a good idea. Why?"

    "Yes. Now tell me; why was Repliku not destroyed? Didn't Murluxia consider him a threat to Sora? After all, a deranged wielder of darkness with a grudge against Sora couldn't be good for the plan.

    "Repliku seemed to kill him pretty easily. Why would you risk him killing Zexion and getting stronger and potentially beating Riku? Unless you were

    "Planning to have them destroy each other!"

    "Sorry, I don't believe you. I think that you were hoping to have them destroy each other, but your plan failed. After all, your aim was to destroy all remnants of those in Castle Oblivion, right? Therefore you would want Riku to die too!"

    150 saw briefly what happened to Axel, and the small spark of remorse(?) that appeared. For a second he was plunged into confusion. Was it really right to try to condemn these beings? Could they actually feel emotion? Perhaps they could manage society.
    Then it was gone. Axel drowned the feeling(?) under a waved of scorn. All doubt vanished with it. Anyone who could dismiss their morals so easily deserved all they got, and 150 planned on giving the fire dancer as much as possible.

    OoC: Phew! Sorry folk, I forgot entirely. The RP just lost me for a month. Ah well, I am back now. Thanks for the bump, I would never have worked without it.
  19. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack stifled a yawn. What was up with these people? The trial had finally seemed to be picked up, but then it began to slow to a crawl. It was almost like someone was messing with the flow of time.

    Undaunted, until Axel made his response, Zack decided to ponder one of life's most puzzling questions:

    ...What did the scouter say about Lexaeus' power level...
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Axel shook his head. 'Lexaeus is actually very smart despite his big appearance. He kept things calm for what he could be expected to and was a deep thinker. We all had reasons to be there. I didn't really question orders when it came from Xemnas. You just don't do that. But the point is he was there for his own reason and worked with Zexion and Vexen."

    "I knew of Roxas before Sora showed up. He was a secret and new to the Organization. Yes, I knew of Sora's connection to Roxas which is why I said earlier that both Larxene and I acknowledged Vexen had made a stupid maneuver in showing Sora a memory from Roxas which was the world of Twilight Town."

    "I didn't plan anything when it came to her. She was the property of Marluxia as was the Castle Oblivion, as deemed by Mr Bossman. I think I made this clear already. *taps his head and points at the Pokemon. "Listen. it helps."

    "Sora didn't kill me, did he? It wasn't life threatening and I didn't press on the attack and he didn't either. Really, I don't get the point of this."

    Axel leans back in the chair and let out a big yawn. "Look. I SAID that I did not intend to kill him and even told Larxene to not freaking hurt him too much. I know how to use my weapons, and maybe you don't and don't have control so a reject like you could point them out as an excuse. I clearly said I had NO intentions of killing him. I DID NOT I-N-T-E-N-D to kill him. Got it memorized?! I can't spell it out for you anymore than that." Axel's hands began to circle fire around them.

    "Finding out what Marluxia's plan was and who was all in the traitor thing. I've said that."

    "Because the Organization had been watching Sora and events that took place before he knew of us. Once we found the Keyblade Master we were monitoring him from the shadows."

    "Who asked you? Shut up."

    Guess his own life wasn't a high enough stake...


    "You mentioned that Larxane considered the plan important. However she was happy to discard it when Namine revealed everything to Sora, while Marluxia was still certain he could bend Sora to his will. This proves that Sora was indeed endangered when you sent Larxane after him."

    "First off, I am -not- in charge of Larxene. Second off, she knew the plan and she went by it that time. I didn't send her later. Blame me for what I did, not for what I didn't. I have nothing to do with Larxene going after Sora when Namine revealed things to him. As a matter a fact, I am the one who let Namine go so she -could- reveal it. Get your fact straight."

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