~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    :blink: Zack didn't know why the Cheshire Cat decided to show up now of all times, but decided he had enough. He slammed down the gavel, imprisoning BOTH cats into cards. "You two are pests and things have changed since you were imprisoned. It's too bad that you decided to plague the courtroom once again. Because now you're going to wish that you had stayed in the cards."

    Taking both Cheshire Cat cards, Zack looked like he was about to open the portal to the Underworld and send them both to Hades. But in a twisting shock of plot, he instead took the cards and...

    ...placed them in a paper shredder, slicing up the cards into pieces of confetti. Zack was pretty sure both cats were killed (animal rights, his @$$) but just in case the cats survived, he said to the paper shredder, "The anti-morphing grid is in effect by the way. If you attempt to put yourself back together, escape from the sliced up card or have every piece of yourself start running around as little Cheshire Cat clones, you'll instantly kill yourself. Both of you. So PIPE DOWN, SHUT UP, AND QUIT F***ING CALLING ME!"

    Taking a couple deep cleansing breaths for good measure, Zack went back to the judge's seat. "Now that we've got another disturbance out of the way, who's doing the Cross-Examination? Janexna or Xelax?"
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "I can't change? How strange. I'm shreds of paper, I cannot caper! But this case is far from closed or shut. Rembember well, I still can cut!" So saying, the paper slowly started to rotate, circling faster and faster, creating a whirlwind of sorts. Tiny cuts appeared on the side of the glass area of the shredder, then with a crackl, it shatted, joining the whirlwind. "Your security systems have no effect, for while I'm a card, my identity's wrecked!" The small whirlwind of glass and paper extended, slicing the desk the shredder was on. Making for the windows, it hacked away at the bars, and soon they were also circling the courtroom at head-hight, causing a large danger. Finally, the whirlwind started to die down when all bits of paper aimed themselves at a chortling yellow thing. They shot at him, all aiming for one place. His mouth. "GAH!" Pika_power cried, swallowing istinctively.He half wondered what Zack would do now. He could hardly shred the pokemon.
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack hesitated. He basically had to choose between two vile creatures that he desperately wanted to be rid of. After contemplating the situation, he decided there was only one thing to do.

    "Yo, Prosecutor!" he said to the Psychic Pokemon. "Technically, your Poke-partner-in-law's health is YOUR responsibility. So, I'd strongly suggest that you help him out. I don't know much about Poke-physiology myself, but if we end up with a dead corpse..." He let the sentence trail off.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Axel looked at the display and grinned. "Sure thing Roxas! And we'll hit the garbage dumpster on the way out, Zack. No worries!" He watched the spectacle with the Cheshire Cat and Zack and now the yellow Pokemon with some interest. He pondered if the yellow Pokemon would choke to death on paper from the Cheshire Cat. Now that could be cool. And Axel couldn't be accused of attempted murder of Roxas...so it all worked out.
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    * Stationed at Castle Oblivion to assist with experiments on memories.

    Who stationed you? And what was your purpose there?

    * When Sora was in the Castle Oblivion, after Traverse Town memory, I wanted to test his meddle so I cut in on Marluxia.
    * I had a spar with Sora taking Marluxia's place, after a light introduction. Gave him some clues and left.

    What clues did you leave him?

    * Larx and I talked when Sora hit floor 4 about Sora. Nothing big.

    What was discussed?

    * When Sora was at floor 6, Larx wanted to go fight him so I gave her the cards. I told her not to break him.
    * Larxene cued me in on my suspicions of a coup against the Org after I said we needed him if we were going to take them on. She confirmed it by saying 'so you are in on it too?' and told me to keep quiet and left.

    So you manipulated her? Just out of curiosity, what do you believe would have happened if the attempted Coup-de-tate plaed out?

    * Larx lost and Vexen showed up. Vexen wanted to test Sora which meant bringing out his little follower, Riku Replica. I gave Vexen a card. Riku Replica ended up abandoning his duty or something after he had memories implanted in him of Riku, against his wish. I stood around bored.
    * Larx and Vexen then got into it, Marluxia came in and Vexen and he got into it and Vexen was labeled a traitor.
    * Marly said he'd let Vexen off the hook if he'd go eliminate Sora personally. Vexen took off having no real other option and I told Marly that Vexen was going to really do it and he didn't care and basically teased Namine like she was going to lose him...which of course, after fighting Sora, I knew he'd beat Vexen.
    * Vexen decided to use a card of TT which was a memory from Roxas. This was trouble.
    * Marly told me to eliminate the traitor, saying Namine could fix what Vexen did otherwise. So yeah, I did that.

    What would have happened if you refused?

    * Larx and Marl said they used the test of loyalty on me as well as testing Sora's strength. Not like I didn't figure that.
    * I let Namine go then to go help Sora and take away a power source from Marluxia.

    This action benefited Sora and Namine correct?

    * Went on to go confront Marluxia and we had a brief fight and then he brought Namine there, putting her in front of him.
    * I said I'd go through her if I had to. Sora came in and Marluxia said I was going to kill Namine to get to him and well, it went from there so Sora and I fought.

    Was this a threat on Namine? Or an ultimatum to Marluxia?

    OOC: Thats it for the CoM cross examination... I'll do the rest later...
  6. Repliku Chaser

    "Well, Xemnas stationed me there along with the others. It was our job while he and others were doing other stuff. My purpose was just to be around basically and watch that things were going alright. I'm not really a scientist sort so that stuff was left to them. I was just there to keep things secure."

    "Basically what I was supposed to, that he'd lose something to gain something special. I was referring to Namine but to him it meant more he might find Riku or the King or both. I said it elusive on purpose because at the time he didn't know of Namine at all."

    "I was thinking about how Sora was unique and he survived being a Heartless with his memories and mind still there and Larxene was commenting on why I was so interested in him. Basically he intrigued me because he managed to do only what one other being had done, though not as grand of course, and that was our Superior."

    "I believe Sora would have been a mindless drone, it could have affected Roxas in some way, and well, all of our plans to try to get our Hearts would be utterly a failure because Marluxia was in this for power and personal gain. His ambitions were not for our betterment by what I could tell and it was not in the Organization's best interest to take out Xemnas and replace him with someone who had no purpose other than power.

    "If I had refused I'd have been in the same boat as Vexen and in a bad position, though they couldn't have said they'd tell Xemnas on me because I'd have laughed and just said all about their little coup. So I'd have had to have been killed. There was no way I was taking on both Marly and Larx together and well, Vexen needed to die at the time. I needed more time to get in on this coup and be trusted with what exactly the two were up to so killing him would prove my 'loyalty' though when I said I'd kill the traitor, all along I meant Marly."

    "The Organization wasn't out to destroy Sora or Namine at the time and yeah, it benefitted them since I let her go do what she wanted to do any way. I knew she'd go and do it though she could have just ran for it had she chosen to."

    "Ya know, I really didn't care. I just said it to make him realize I was coming for him regardless of whether he wanted to hide behind the little girl or not. I was pondering my strategy of how to get passed her and Sora comes in with his memories all jumbled up and Marluxia used it to his advantage. At this point I was just went along with things and let it play out and Marly left with Namine so I fought Sora and took it as a way to make it so Marluxia wouldn't know I was still in the game. Sora then would go on and if he had failed, I'd have gone and done something. I like surprise stuff."

    OOC: Thats it for the CoM cross examination... I'll do the rest later...[/QUOTE]

    Axel nodded and was still very relaxed, leaning back in his chair though he tapped his fingers on the armrest. This whole sitting up here on trial thing was kind of fun.
  7. OOC: Axel's cross-examination is soooo easy. There's not much to ask at all.

    Being the Axel fangirl that she was, her Ice Latte lost its importance as she gazed at her baby, hearing his responses to Xelax's questions in his rich, deep, sexy voice that, while really belonging to Quinton Flynn, sent her mind into a turmoil of deliciousness. Janexna was already imagining the very same voice in a husky whisper lingering in her ear, her body shivering at the warm breath faintly tracing her tender skin. With a lovesick lopsided smile, she looked up at the ceiling with starry, dazed eyes as if some light was shining down upon her, sending her into unmerciful fangirl heaven. She saw the angel that was Axel, his deep, green orbs that resembled fresh grass glittering down at her, his gorgeous and flawless face and skin making her go into a soundless magnet, as if she was levitating to his form, his charm, his fire red hair striking back in his spikes, oh so soft and....

    Good Gawd, this Nobody was unbelievable. Thank you, Nomura, thank you for that beautiful pixel and data that you have blessed us with, and now, girls all over the world can fawn over the unreal-

    Wait, but he was real, right now, wasn't he? That snapped her back down to earth and out of her stupor, then set her eyes on Axel hard. She gazed at him intently, unmoving, the very fire in her irises rivaling those of the red-haired man himself, in a fierce determination, as if possessed. There was no way that guy was going to leave this courtroom without having her way with him first. Hell no. She smirked evilly, in her mind seeing herself doing the insane, evil laughter of all doom at her ploy, at her plan. He'll be hers! BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! It was a shame Xelax was taking her Axel case, knowing she had claimed it before. However...shifting her eyes away from him then, sneakily, she slowly crept her hand behind Xelax's neck without anyone looking, and karate chop silently the weak and tender spot on the back, making him out of nowhere slam his face into the desk after freezing for a second, his head planted there, unconscious. The evidence that it was her doing was hidden even before any normal eye could catch it, and feigning surprise as she eyed her side at the fainted Xelax, she gasped, her eyes "concerned", "Oh no. It appears Xelax is out of order at the moment, unfortunately. I hope he's alright..."

    Janexna took a moment there to mourn, before a grin lit up her face quickly, and she stood, facing Axel with a almost hyper streak. "Guess that means I'll be taking over the questioning! Isn't that great?!" She smiled at everyone as if they have to agree, before getting serious, or as serious as she could be when her fangirl side had finally been unleashed and out of her cage. "OMG, you're so hot! Even hotter than Riku! Even hotter than...than the guy you're suppose to be based off, RENO! Which is why you're so hot! Somebody pinch me! 8D I love you =3. Forget Larxene. FORGET ROXAS! Have me!" Insert squeal here. "Of course, of course, the questions to your testimony..."

    "So, you were concerned?"

    "Did you give Vexen the card before or after the idea came up? And what did you think of Riku Replica then?"

    "So, in retrospective, to all that you've said here, you really weren't with Marluxia's plans at all, and merely working against him in secret the best way you could? And, got to give props, you did extremely well in thet regard." She sent him a little wink, before composing herself to her professionalism again, though her grin wouldn't be shaken off. "Anyway...without you, things would've gone awry, and Sora would've been a zombie for further use. Is with this, that I ask, did you want Sora to be a mindless drone? Do you think, with what I'm picking up here, that you somewhat cared about his health? For him? For Roxas? Were your actions held in regard of actually helping him, somewhere within?"

    "What dictated your actions there? Did you expect the outcome, or where you just leaving the Riku Replica to go his own way, and simply using that to take care of someone else? Did you say anything else at him after killing Zexion, any order, or did you just leave once it was finished and let him do what he wanted?"

    "Were you, in all honesty, ever planning to kill Roxas in any of this? Judging by the scene, was your first fight decided with the both of you as you went at each other both weapons at hand before battle?"

    "In a novel scene, you are seen speaking with Saïx in that very event, telling you about turning Sora into Heartless, something, it appears, that you had no idea about and was fairly confused, to even questioning if it was a plan of the Organization. Were you really going to turn Sora into a Heartless to get Roxas back, or was that Saïx's own mind game? Just to clarify."

    "So you did not kidnap her for any other personal and dirty means? Only because Naminé said she wanted to meet her, right?" Janexna sent a sly look to him, as if saying he could kidnap her any time and she'll be willing. "What was your conversation afterward when you were on the Twilight Town beach, and Pluto was licking you? And I mean, licking in the most innocent way possible."

    She sent another sly stare, with a suggestive and naughty gleam in her eyes, as if he could lick her, or she him, any time. "What did she say? "
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack almost cringed as Janexna began doing the usual fangirl shriek and "I want joo!" dance.

    Usually this would've been where he'd shout for order in the court, but just this once...
  9. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Playing Axel is so fun. He's such a lonely and yet zany guy. He is one of my absolute fave characters though we all know Janexna is his biggest fangirl that would slay anyone else in line.

    Axel let out a burst of laughter here and then covered his mouth and looked up at the ceiling and then back at Janexna. Yeah, she was really a trippy kinda gal. This was going to be interesting.

    "Yeah, those things" he responded with a grin. He began though to wonder if for some reason he would be made a slave to her as Demyx was to the drawing girl that was not Namine. Oh man, that would be perilous to his health, wouldn't it?

    Axel tapped his chin for a moment before responding. "Well, in a way, yeah. Larxene has a way of playing with her food if you get what I mean. We weren't supposed to really harm Sora and we all knew who he was."

    "He said he wanted to test out his experiment so yeah, I gave it to him then just to get him off our backs. Vexen could be highly annoying if I really cared about what he said half the time. As for the Riku Replica, as far as I was concerned, he was just some experiment that Vexen wanted to test and I didn't really give him a second thought. To be point blank about it, he was an 'it' at the time and just some lame thing Vexen felt compelled to bring out and play with to pat himself on the back over."

    Axel tapped his temple and then pointed at her. "You got it. You are smart. I never was down with Marly's plans. However, I knew they were going on by suspicious things he and Larx were doing. I wanted to find out what they were up to so I played along."

    He smirked coyly at the Defense Attorney. He then looked thoughtful once more. "No, I did not want Sora to be a mindless drone. It was not a goal of the Organization and Sora's welfare was not up to Marluxia to decide. I also saw no point in making him into what Marluxia wanted because he'd be worthless as a Keyblade wielder if he was going around killing people wrongfully and might even turn to Darkness. What that might do to Roxas could also not be known at the time. We knew who Roxas's somebody was and well, if Sora changed, maybe Xemnas would know what would happen but I sure didn't. Sora also wasn't a bad kid. He didn't deserve that. fate either...I do however admit the reason of course also was that Sora intrigued me, as I said earlier. It kind of influenced me to care some. Were my actions to help him somewhere within? Maybe. Being around Sora or Roxas for that matter, they do kind of rub off on you that they aren't so bad. I can't explain it really but I just didn't think making him a mindless zombie was well, right and I could justify it with logic that Xemnas certainly at that time had no intentions to get rid of Sora so Marluxia shouldn't get away with it either and it was against Org interests as it was betrayal after all."

    Axel let out a 'hmm' for a moment as if the thought back then really had never crossed his mind but then he was drawn to the moment of his actual death where he spoke to Sora. In the end, maybe he had made a soul conscience choice there in a time where Axel might have pondered if he actually had a working conscience at all. He then listened on.

    "This is where it gets kinda hairy. I guess I really need to explain it and yeah, it is rotten. If I knew then what I do now, I probably wouldn't have finished that off that way. Really!"

    He let out a sigh and his shoulders slumped. "Riku Replica had the seeds in him already to wanting to seek out Riku. Vexen had them fight to test out his experiment straight off. Then Namine did what she did and well after he realized that was all a lie, he was lost thinking on what to do. I coerced him into killing Zexion and yes, I also tweaked on those threads which were already in him since his mind was such a fragile thing and well, he had to go. I knew he'd go confront Riku and be defeated because not only from my influence but from his life and a competitive urge to well, be real. Had he not chosen to fight Riku, I don't think I'd have done anything else but I was pretty sure I knew what he'd do so I left it at that. I did play it and well it's not like I forced him to, but I can't say I didn't motivate it at all...but hear me out here."

    He looked up at the ceiling and exhaled slowly and then shrugged. "Remember when Larx called him 'a doll'? Well, that is kind of how we saw him. I saw him as an 'it' and an experiment of Vexen's that obviously had some faulty wiring but really that faulty wiring was a heart somehow. It didn't hit me at the time and well, it therefore didn't matter. He had to go to make sure the lines were all cut, since after all, I killed his creator and didn't want that getting out. I was pretty sure that Riku and Sora and Namine weren't going to go to Xemnas and say what all happened at the Castle Oblivion. I was covering my tracks because I really didn't want to be accused of being a traitor and well, I could have if anyone remained and put out a rotten word on me. Had he actually remained with Sora and Namine, I probably wouldn't have done what I did and would have dealt with Zexion myself. It just turned into convenience and well, if he stayed around it would suck for me." Axel was not sure if this actually hurt his testimony or helped it but eh, he didn't feel he wanted here to be misunderstood and he was going to be ripped on by the Prosecution when Janexna, the hot attorney fan girl was done with him. If he could get it out here with her presiding over the questioning, maybe the yellow pokey thing wouldn't have too much wind in his sails. Strategy, yes..that's what it's all about.

    Axel jerked back at this and his eyes went wide and then he shook his head. "Oh hell no! I never planned on actually killing Roxas. I was against the command but I couldn't speak out about it or else I'd be a freaking Dusk and no way. I didn't want that. However, leaving got me out of there and it would bide me some time. I could try to bring Roxas back. I tried to jog his memory the first fight. The second fight, I had a LOT of pressure with that threat looming over me so I decided to make it look good and make my escape. I did not want Roxas to go back to Sora but well, he was stronger and there just wasn't a way really to get him to remember much. He had me going there for a bit but he only remembered stuff because Namine told him. I could tell. So I had to go with my orders but I wasn't going to kill him...no way. He was my best friend. I didn't know what I was going to do after that, but I never sought to kill Roxas. Got it memorized?!"

    "Ya know, when he mentioned it, I almost thought about it but he was kinda playing a mind game with me to see what I was actually going to do since he knew I wanted Roxas back. I asked if that was the Org's plan and he was elusive and I figured in the end I got what he was doing. He was trying to figure me out there what my big goals were since he knew I wanted to restore Roxas. He knew how it would have to be done and I really was still in infancy stage of thinking it through. I think he was testing my cleverness and how far I would go. I think he wanted to get me keen to the idea too so that I'd have something more to be accused of by Xemnas with interfering with the plans. Sora being naive to the Org's plans was better to them at that time than bringing Roxas back who knew too much and refused to help. It was a way to set me up and I could have gone that way but I knew better.'

    "I kidnapped Kairi because Namine said she wanted to meet her, as you said. I won't say I didn't ponder about some things which led me to say some stuff to her that got Riku there and he Dark Portaled her out the first time. He even asked me later if that's what I planned to do and well I told him 'depends'. However, I did want to help Sora in the end. When I took her from Twilight Town I really did intend on bringing her to Namine but Saix well, he hit me hard when I tried to not let him take her and that was that. I swear!"

    She sent another sly stare, with a suggestive and naughty gleam in her eyes, as if he could lick her, or she him, any time. "What did she say? "

    In Twilight Town with the dog attacking me, you mean. Holy crap he was mauling me! Okay yeah, he was pouncing and licking me but yeah, I'm getting lost here." Axel cracked his knuckles. "Well, if you mean when I brought Kairi there and Pluto was there, well, she was rather livid with me but the dog lightened things up and she said I must not be so bad and I said I wasn't a bad guy or a good guy. I asked her if she wanted to still meet Sora and she said yeah and then Saix jumped us." He then shrugged. "If you mean though after when Namine and Riku found me pondering the meaning of life while I was seriously spacing out, they said they wanted to go to the Castle and well, I knew they couldn't get there unless I helped them so I told them to meet me at the mansion."

    "Just like she played with you, didn't she?" Janexna asked, though not in her Larxel mood, but rather, her tone was tight, and it came out a hazardous hiss, her eyes flaring in pure explosives as she glared heavily, a bad curl on her lips. In her fangirl phase, love for Larxene was gone. In her fangirl phase, anyone who dared to come 20,000 feet close to Axel will get hideously destroyed. In this, she hated when Larxene had caressed his cheek, touched his chest, put her finger on his lips, and RAAAAAAWR! HOW DARE THAT BESH?!!

    Her nostrils flared. "Why didn't you do anything to stop her?! I mean, is not like she was going to get mad if you said anything! You...you I don't know! You...sexy damn thing...you..!" Janexna let out a final snarl, and stomped her foot, and it was there she fairly calmed down, taking a deep breath. Trying to remember what the hell he replied to her question, she continued.

    Unfortunately, she was still in her jealousy sprint. But she managed to cope. "Did you have any idea what the 'experiment' was at that point? I'm sure you did, but, did you know what he was going to do with the card you gave him and how he was to go about it before it was disccussed between him and...Larxene?"

    She growled.

    Janexna blushed furiously at the compliment, swooning for a few moments. "Aw well...is not being smart. By the end of the game, we all knew."

    "This is something odd here. Why would Riku Replica ever tell anyone anything? It was not like he knew where the main headquarters were, and he wasn't alright in the head as well to focus on anything more. I don't really see him going up to The World That Never Was and tattle tale on you to Xemnas. He perhaps would've hated the Organization, and wouldn't want nothing to do with them if he even had his wits by then. I wish I would've asked this when he was on testimony..."

    She sighed, before turning back to him, a bit more serious. "Are you sure it could have sucked for you? Or, as before, did you let him go, and whatever the end result, you found it convenient, and it just didn't matter at all? Is that it?"

    Janexna grinned in a stupid daze. "Yeeeeeah...memorized..."

    "I believe you," was what she said, before eyeing him suspiciously, smirking. "To be honest, I think you were all tough talking just to hide the fact that you were a real softie. No matter what you said, your actions showed otherwise, and they speak louder than words. You were cordial to Kairi, and despite that you said you were neither a good or bad guy, Pluto appeared to think differently, and picked you as a good guy to lick a lot. Especially when he barked at Saïx. Dogs have senses. I would've thought against it in Castle Oblivion, because, let's face it, you were a real a-hole that time. Not on your actions, but more of your expressions when doing them. Anyway, you said that you may or may not turn Naminé into the Org. when she asked, and yet, when a member, Saïx, came, you went out of your way to save her and get her out."

    She pointed a sharp finger at him as if in a "OBJECTION". "Admit it! Take off that pride! You are nothing but a sweet, cuddle, red colored Care Bear inside!" She knew this had nothing to do with anything, actually, most of her replies had nothing to do with the court except for two, but she wanted to see what he would say.
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3

    "Please support all objections with evidence! How can you prove he's a RED colored Care Bear? He could be all orange for all we know!" Realizing that he actually said all of this out loud, Zack sat back down in the judge's seat.

    "Ahem, I mean, I don't really see any relevance in most of those questions, but I'll let it slide for right now..."

    'Can't believe that I got that bored...' Zack thought to himself.
  12. Repliku Chaser


    Axel was held in stride here. He was calm and relaxed not sensing yet the foreboding danger boiling within Janexna just yet. "Well sometimes she played around but that was different. I could deal with that."

    Axel suddenly realized what he had said probably was not the right thing and a blind mole could see her fuming jealousy as clear as day now. He blinked and drew back a bit and then just burst out laughing. "Wow, girl! You have got a temper but thanks for calling me sexy. Don't get that every day." He then tried to remember what she even asked...was this pertinent to the case? Well, a question was a question. "If it's any consolation to you, we weren't knockin' the boots or something." He looked off to the right as if scoping for exits.

    This is funny...she really hates Larxene, at least when it comes to her being near me. She's so vibrant in emotions. I wonder if I could get more reactions out of her. Axel rubbed his chin. "I knew about Riku Replica. When I passed the card at first I didn't really care what was going on. The idea Larxene had came after that and then Marluxia came in and they all had their superiority complex conversation. I stood there. Wasn't much else to do." Axel whispered next "You look really hot when you are flustered." ^_^

    "It was a compliment. I'm sure there are dumb people that didn't know." This talking like he was from a game was just weird. It was so real to him. What was wrong with these strange people? They were more deranged than him.

    "It's hard to explain. I admit I was wrong about it. From my angle though, I was trying to deal with the traitors, which Vexen was under suspicion and Marluxia and Larxene did their thing. Being as the Riku Replica was of Vexen's design, had his mind altered by Namine, was not going to be leaving with Namine and Sora, he became a loose string that needed cut. I didn't think he was too stable, he was supposedly defective, he had a lot of Darkness, his head was messed with by Namine and he had memories he knew weren't his and he was greatly troubled by it. I figured he'd never be as 'real' as he wanted and I better just get rid of him too before others find him and do something or if Vexen had some plan with him, that would be over. Had Namine taken him I probably wouldn't have done what I did, but the two separated and I felt he had to be dealt with in that manner. Again, I didn't really regard him as a person but more as an experiment that was amazingly 'sentient' or programmed. When it came to Vexen's stuff, most of the time we knew his experiments were amusing at best."

    "Rock on!" He grinned.

    "Yeah, the damn dog liked me for some reason. I still stand by that I'm not a good guy or a bad guy. I just know sometimes I can play out either role. In the end, I just wanted to do the right thing. We were fighting for our Hearts. I wanted to be whole like the others of the Organization. But I guess somewhere along the line, after meeting Sora and Roxas, it made me think more about the cost of it...and would I be happy with a Heart, knowing what I had done to get it? I was kind of lonely and empty but at the same time, I wasn't trying to be evil."

    "I debated what to do to Namine because it meant whether I could go back to the Org or not...but in the end of course you know I didn't turn her in. It's not what she wanted to have happen and so I stood up for her, even if it really freaking hurt! Saix hits really, REALLY hard."


    Axel grinned cockily. "No way, sweet cheeks. I am so not that squishy. I refuse." He shook his head from side to side as though he were some 1st grader denying he stole someone's pencil off their desk while it was in his hand behind his back. He yawned then and crossed his arms as he sat back in his seat. Giving a final wink to Janexna, he relaxed. It didn't dawn on him that he probably should have played along with her and showed some ...feelings? Oh well, he guessed that Pikaman would be up to interrogate him and he could put on the shiny puppy dog eyes then if he had to.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power gagged forward at Axel and Janexa's interaction. What on earth was going on? He just couldn't quite understand their ways. It seemed as if Axel was flirting with her, but wasn't that an emotion? He turned to Repliku and gently tugged his arm. "Hey, uh, Reppy, I thought Axel was unable to feel emotions? If so, why on earth do they have this random stuff going on?
  14. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku shrugged. "The Nobodies don't have Hearts but they do have Souls and the memories of things. Some of their reactions are also, though without emotion, they are done because they know if they had emotions, that is what they'd be feeling so they gesture it out. They don't have Hearts but they do remember what it was like to have them and some may I suppose be more holding onto that memory than others. Demyx and Axel pretty much seem to be that way." He hoped that answered Pika's question because he wasn't sure if there was another answer over that or not. Axel was always peculiar, even if Repliku stood by the fact that he was an utter jerk in Castle Oblivion. In some ways it did look like he had changed and how it was possible to learn more 'sincerity' he wasn't sure, but he was monitoring it to make sure it was genuine.
  15. Janexna felt like she took a dozen dozes of crack and was so high, that she thought she would float in the air from how dizzy and daze she was feeling at the moment, stars sparkling in her eyes as she gazed at Axel as if he was the Holy spirit itself. Only much more of a eye candy. She was barely listening to him, only his sexy, luscious, and cocky tone of voice passing through her ears without the heed of understanding his words, making her almost woozy. OMG! OMG! He called her hot when she was flustered! OMG! SPASM! She was definitely not paying much attention after, lost in the real bliss of being referred to as hot by her future husband -- being a pixel aside. Sigh. She nodded absentmindedly, just...checking him out for 126357258 billionth time, and having dirty thoughts about all the things she could do. Yeeeees, all the nice things she could do. "Yes...I...I'm..d-doooone, your....Honoooor..."

    She smiled goofily, her body slightly swinging carelessly, entranced in the shameful fangirl spell.

    She really was going to lose it, she could already feel the room spinning...

    And then she saw the redheaded SECKS ON LEGS wink at her, making her freeze from being lovestruck like a nuclear bomb just exploded in her chest.


    And she fainted.
  16. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Seeing Janexna swoon and then faint like a love-struck groupie had Zack slightly speechless. It seemed that she wasn't the only one who was having naughty thoughts right now...

    Zack shook out the mental pictures of the naughty Janexna fantasies that began playing through his head.

    "Ahem. Well, Prosecution. Your witness. And Xelax?" He pursed his lips. "Maybe you should take care of your partner while she's down and out."

    Kairi exchanged a glance with Namine. She had to admit, Axel wasn't totally bad looking, but the desire wasn't as strong as the Defense attorney's...
  17. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Janexna cracks me up and Zack's reaction was awesome too. I hope you guys think I'm doing a decent job with Axel. It is fun to play him. ^_^ This whole scene has had me laughing.

    Also, Pika, since I'm playing Axel, if you'd take care of the prosecution questions, I'd appreciate it.
  18. OOC: After this, there will be no more fangirl Janexna...well, not as much as this, though, she'll still want him and will get him. I would think that was the last straw of her body able to handle the abundance of Axel SCHMEX =3.

    I thought Janexna knocked out Xelax so she could take over the questioning? xD Did ICSP posted and woke him up?

    And don't worry, Repliku, you're doing a fine and excellent Axel.

    And I know I said I wasn't going to do this anymore, but meh.

    "We're going to miss our stop," Axel stated miserably [in guilt and in boredom], slumped down on his seat that was still the stupid cart of this stupid rollercoaster, with Larxene remaining in the same exact position for over ten minutes without even a twitch of a finger. A statue. Seriously. How did she do it? If it was him, ten seconds in and he'll be switching to another stance or something. He sighed. After attempting to be funny and make the atmosphere more cheerful failed while he was calling her names, like Cable TV [she did have those weird, but oddly cute antennae...], it wasn't until a bit later that he got that she was set on ignoring him, and it was getting under his skin profusely. The silence was irritating. And they were going to miss their stop, because the cart kept moving, even as slow as it was.

    It wasn't until five more minutes later, that he gave a exasperated groan, not exactly the most patient type of person, and he eyed the blonde next to him like she had grown multiple heads of Larxenes. Wait, she could clone herself, couldn't she? He could swear that was one of the things Janexna told him about Larxene's fighting in one of their many Savage Nymph lessons. That girl was truly obsessed with the female, unless it was him...meaning, Axel. Of course, he also could not blame Janexna for finding him attractive. It was so obvious he was good-looking and so damn sexy, and it was proven by the amount of fangirls he had on his wake.

    Oh wait.

    He was suppose to be exasperated at this second, not building his already large ego. Right. "Look! I already apologized, and I really did mean it. I don't know what else you want me to do to make up for that fact that you almost got killed on a rollercoaster ride that was completely my fault for the plan of distracting you from holding unto the bar."

    Shoot. Hold that.

    That didn't come out right, did it?

    He mentally face palmed at his lack of grace and thought. "No, no, no. That came out wrong. I-"

    He cut himself off when she moved, making him do a double take. Oh, crap. She actually moved. He watched her as she, tiredly, raised her head up from her arms after what felt like years, her grips loosening on all the hold she had, though she was staring quite blankly in front of her, and he wasn't certain whether it was thoughtful on her plotting his murder, or something else that had nothing to do with it entirely. It was fully expressionless, and he found himself staring at her intently, his eyebrows a bit creased at the attitude she was presenting. He noted a few small loose strands of her hair were loose, though it was insignificant enough not to be noticeable or for anyone to note it unless they were studying her deeply. In the end, she went to stand up cautiously, resembling a baby beginning to walk from the shaky legs after that wild experience, but she hid any weakness as always, and without a word or even bothering to glance at him, she stepped out with a cool swoosh of her cloak like she was never close to death the second time just moments ago....

    It was no doubt he sensed the coldness radiating from her where it clearly spelled out "stay away, or die", but, seeing as this was the job given to him, he followed suit nonetheless, and jumped off the train, glad to be out of that box the most of all, and his green orbs tracked her walking figure diligently. Sighing once more, with a roll of his eyes, he stayed behind her a few feet of her personal space as he headed along with her, passing through the many small, white screens of countless fanfiction stories, and pondering on what she was to do now. Not that he was in a mood to care, as this trip was failing horribly in terms of company. And he didn't know what else to say to get her off her b!tch mode either, because everything that came out of his mouth was worthless, apparently.

    Great. This was going to be so exciting.
  19. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: I love the side Larxene/Axel tales. xD. I guess right now we just wait on Pika. I believe ICSP said that Xelax's questioning was done.
  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Xelax is still knocked out... I'm enjoying watching the interactions...

    *Pulls out popcorn*

    I really didn't have anything to add TN... did you still want me to Cross Examine as well? Both the defense attorneys are KOed... LOL!
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