~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ooc: DDDDD8

    Why is everyone suddenly going emo on me?

    EDIT: So... It's over?
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Without certain characters and with a lack of interest, it's kinda impossible to continue. So I'm just going to end the RP like so:

    BIC: Zack heard a strange beeping noise inside of the judge's desk. He opened one of the drawers and his face twisted in horror.

    It was a "black hole" bomb. After it detonated, there would be no telling what would happen. There was only one thing to do.

    He bolted. "Court's adjourned!" Zack slammed his gavel down and instantly teleported himself back to his reality, leaving the entire courtroom doomed...

    As papers and objects started flying around the room, Kairi grabbed onto Sora tightly.

    Naminé did the same with Roxas.

    Before reality imploded, the last words that were uttered from their lips were, "I love y-"

    And then the Role-Playing Arena was down another RP...

    ~THE END?~​
  3. OOC: .................



    God bless, I think I just received the most shocking turmoil in my life. I've read everything, even from the Family Thread, and I was on my way to happy posting when THIS happened. It's so sad this thread died this way. And ICSP.... I'm not even damn joking right now, this killed my mood entirely. My heart just deflated. It's been nice guys, I guess...let's us battle once more in the future. This was so anti-climactic.
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Well, if ICSP is sticking around (after a break, that is), we'll pretend these posts never happened, 'kay? :)

    Hope you feel better. ;)
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "He seemed nonchalant about it. In fact, if I remember correctly, he was the one who gave Vexen the Destiny Islands card for me to implant into Repliku."

    "And this is a crime how? Last time I checked, Axel himself has had no abilities to manipulate memories."

    Naminé pondered about her answer for this one. "I would think that if Marluxia's plan were to succeed, eventually Sora would've faced Roxas." She looked up at Roxas with an apologetic look. "No offense, Roxas, but even though you can dual-wield, Sora has many more abilities than you do. He most likely would've beaten you at the time." Then she turned back to Harvey. "Under my...or should I say, Marluxia's...influence, Sora most likely would've destroyed Roxas and Axel wouldn't have wanted that to happen. At least that's what I'm assuming," she added as an afterthought.

    "Ah... but there is a contradiction in this testimony... and I see it glaring right here!" Xelax's sinister smirk reapeared. "It is a fact that Marluxia had no intention of facing Roxas, or any other Org XIII other than the original 6. Sora would never have faced Roxas if the plan had worked out as planed... So, Axel's motives were not selfish... but in fact were that of a subservant following the law decreed by his master."

    Naminé hesitated. Now that she thought about it, how DID she know that? After contemplating her answer, she said, "I won't lie to you. I have absolutely NO idea where that idea popped out of. Axel didn't say anything like that to me at all."

    "Please stick to the facts Ms. Namine... no speculation please."

    OOC: Sorry for stalling... but this is Xelax's entire cross examination... the testimony and cross examination were pretty tight...
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé shrugged. "I just answered the question. It's up to the prosecution to answer how it's a crime."

    Again, Naminé shrugged. She had no animosity towards Axel, so she didn't have anything to say to that.

    "Does that end the Cross-Examination for this witness?" Zack asked.
  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "Xelax nodded... Yes, the defense is satisfied with the cross examination of this witness." Xelax said.

    Damn, he thought, I couldn't find even a foothole in that testimony. I'm going to lose this case horribly if I don't do much better with the next witness. Well, at least I have Namine saying she doesn't hold animosity towards Axel. This could give me a moral backing later on... Why am I monologing? There is a psychic in the room who can probably read my thoughts! Ok... If I focus really hard... I can probably think of something which can upset his psychic readings... After Xelax thought for a minute he came up with something... something which would surely upset the psychic pokemon.

    OOC: Ok... I'm going to log off soon for the night.
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Still glad you decided to stick around. You're lucky that you have friends who care about you here. (referring to those many hours you were PMing) ;)

    And I'm also thankful that you decided to toss your Stealth off as well. :D

    Zack tapped his earpiece a couple of times. He could've sworn that he heard Xelax thinking that Naminé actually said something out loud. Shaking his head, he nodded toward Naminé. "You may step down, hun."

    He looked at the prosecution and defense. "NEXT?!"
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey raised a hand. "Objection, your honor. Marluxia had plans to become the new leader of the Organization and he wanted to take out the top members. Roxas is one of the most powerful in the Organization and there is nothing to say he would have sided with Marluxia in intention. Also, Saix not one of the original six and yet he had a position practically as Xemnas's second in command. He would also have been a target as he was extremely loyal to Xemnas. Let's also count the fact that if anyone stood against Marluxia, regardless of their number, he would have attempted to use Sora to take them out and that -was- in fact his plan."
  10. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack raised an eyebrow. 'Kind of a wimpy objection, there...' he thought to himself. To Harvey he said, "Duly noted. However..." He looked at both Harvey and Xelax. "May I remind the both of you that this trial is about Axel, not Marluxia? Marluxia has already received his sentence. And I believe Xemnas had excused Axel in that sense if I'm not mistaken..." He started flipping through the Court Record.
  11. Repliku Chaser

    "I just brought it up to make things clear and yes, I am perfectly aware Marluxia is not on trial at the moment. It's for the records though." Harvey sipped his water and looked over at Mewtwo and was of course oblivious to the mental weirdness that was Xelax's mind. :)

    He then looked back at the Judge. "We have called two witnesses to the stand so far. I'm not sure if we have the ability to call another or if the Defense wishes to bring someone up now."
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "OBJECT!" Pika_power yelled, ready in the stands to scream something at Xelax when he realised something. "ion..." he finished lamely. While he was in the court room, he was not the acting lawyer, Harvey had dealt with it, and the most important bit of all. What he was going to say tore a hole in the testimony, it did not reinforce it. So instead of annoucing it to the court, he merely thought furiously, But there was a problem! Namine said that Axel let Namine stop Repliku from killing Sora so that Murluxia's plans would be foiled and that Roxas would survive, because he would not fight Sora. But if Roxas's safety was his reason for letting Namine save Sora, then why not just let Repliku kill him? Roxas would still be safe, Murluxia would be left high and dry, so that is not a suitable explanation.

    Out of forced habit, 150 did a brief sweep of the minds of the court. Not long enough to see if they were thinking anything related to the case, but merely to check if anyone had intentions of trying to stuff him in a cage, or hurl a pokeball at him. Finding nothing, he almost moved on, but got caught following a link in Xelax's brain. "Rick... Astley?" Mewtwo asked the thin air. How peculiar. Moving on, he lingered in Pika_power's mind, and quickly took in the point the pokemon noted. The Pikachu jumped in surprise when a voice in his head told him, "Information on its way."

    Mewtwo looked around, attempting to look 'normal' while communicating to Harvey. "Birdman, Power wants you to know something. I'll just forward the message to you. Please check your spam folder, as it may have been filtered." 150 selected Harvey's thought address, and clicked on the forward button.

    OoC: Okay, I feel more out of the loop than the time I went to sleep one night and came back here to discover that I was threatening to quit the RP. What just happened? ICSP quit, DF just killed us all, then ICSP post IC. I think that I must have missed the update. What's going on?
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: We're pretending the whole ICSP leaving thing never happened and continuing on with the trial. I'll continue the BIC later when I get back.

    Zack leaned back in his chair. "Well, it's up to the Defense if they agree. If they have no problems with the Prosecution then I guess you'd be able to call up another witness. But only if the Defense agrees."
  14. OOC: I would proclaim to have Axel take the stand, but we are not certain if we still have him in our grasp (Pyrɸ). Shall I call anyway?
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Maybe you should ask Pyr first. Hopefully she's still watching the thread...
  16. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Pyro resigned from the RP some time ago. I would volunteer to take Axel if no one wanted to or someone else can. He's one of my fave chars and Pika could interrogate/question him heh. But yeah, it's up to you guys who we choose to fill the role now.
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3

    OOC: I thought she said she only resigned because ICSP was leaving...
  18. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: She really hasn't been able to be around much and well, she doesn't seem to want to be in it anymore, despite ICSP's return. I asked her and she said she didn't want to come back really. I think it just lost its appeal to her.
  19. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    Alright, this is my last post here. I'm officially declaring that I HEREBY RESIGN AND AM NO LONGER A PART OF THIS RP. Do not bug me about the reason I quit, as it's got nothing to do with any of you. All my characters [AXEL, XIGBAR, and XALDIN] are free, and therefore anyone who wishes for them can have them. Have fun guys, and hope that this RP will end in good terms. Good luck.

  20. OOC: And there it goes D:. I'll also volunteer to play Axel if anyone doesn't mind (weird, two Axels, of course, I might stop what Larxene is doing, and just make her reappaer and done with her punishment around the end, or close to it). Unless we find someone else, or if one presents itself better.

    To be honest, I also lost some kind of appeal to this RP, yet the best we can do is finish it, as we're very close, and the rest, other than Xemnas, who even with the amount of charges he'll have, won't be as bad, cause he won't be argued, is easy. Since even with the way they did them, the crimes aren't that much.
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