~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Harvey called up Namine. Unless Pika can convince his partner otherwise.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey stood up and moved towards the stand, pacing then back and forth as he mulled over the words of her testimony.


    "The order to do so came from Marluxia. However, what was Axel's attitude like at the time?"

    "Can you describe in more detail the scene between Marluxia and Axel? Also, it is true that Vexen was coldly killed by Axel. Did he show any remorse?"
    "I will say though he did not. When confessing to Marluxia that he intended to kill him with Namine present, Axel states that he was trimming the hedges or something to the effect. I can look up exact quotes later."

    "Can you go into more detail on why you think Axel let you go in the first place? Why did he want you to save Sora?"

    "Did this make Axel hesitate, or was Axel in fact going to go through you to get at Marluxia? Explain the scene here more."

    "Is this your assumption or did Axel actually say this to you?"

    And Axel did fight Roxas, twice. The second fight was much more serious than the first. Do you believe he intended to follow his orders given by the Organization? After all, he had offed Vexen under orders."

    "Why did you go with Axel even though Riku separated from DiZ?"

    "Please go into more detail on what transpired here and what happened that you recall."

    Harvey went to the desk and sipped some of the water there...then spit it back out on Avenger. "Why was there a gummi worm in my water?"

    Avenger shook himself off and just had this all knowing look of amusement on his face.
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "He seemed nonchalant about it. In fact, if I remember correctly, he was the one who gave Vexen the Destiny Islands card for me to implant into Repliku."

    Naminé didn't know whether Harvey was asking a rhetorical question or not. But she answered anyway. "To be quite honest, I think he was just doing his job."

    Naminé pondered about her answer for this one. "I would think that if Marluxia's plan were to succeed, eventually Sora would've faced Roxas." She looked up at Roxas with an apologetic look. "No offense, Roxas, but even though you can dual-wield, Sora has many more abilities than you do. He most likely would've beaten you at the time." Then she turned back to Harvey. "Under my...or should I say, Marluxia's...influence, Sora most likely would've destroyed Roxas and Axel wouldn't have wanted that to happen. At least that's what I'm assuming," she added as an afterthought.

    It pained her to say it, but...

    "Axel only hesitated for the obligatory dialogue to move the plot along." "Yes, Axel's exact words were:

    "So, yes. Axel was indeed going to destroy Marluxia whether I was there or not."

    Naminé hesitated. Now that she thought about it, how DID she know that? After contemplating her answer, she said, "I won't lie to you. I have absolutely NO idea where that idea popped out of. Axel didn't say anything like that to me at all."

    Zack raised an eyebrow behind his mirrored shades. He could swear he felt a mental disturbance within the vicinity. But he was certain of one thing...it wasn't coming from the Pokemon...

    "If I remember from that video clip with Axel's orders, he was threatened to destroy Roxas under penalty of becoming a Dusk. I don't believe Axel would've sacrificed himself for Roxas at the time. After all, failing to stop Roxas from merging with Sora would brand him a traitor."

    "I..." She remembered what she had thought at the time. She could've went with Riku who cared for Sora as much as she did. Or she could've went with Axel, a Nobody who she could relate to. There wasn't a right choice.

    "Both Riku and Axel each had their own objectives. At the time, I felt that Riku would probably be able to work better without having to worry about protecting me. But I was confident that we'd meet again."

    "After Axel allowed me to escape, I managed to find Riku in the Realm of Darkness. I pleaded with him to save Axel who had just lost against Saïx. However, Saïx managed to catch up with me. Riku was able to protect me, but this was when the Axel/Kairi incident took place. Eventually, Saïx left to where I assume Axel and Kairi were." She shook her head. "After that, I can't remember anything else pertaining to Axel..."
  4. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey turned and wiped off his mouth and glared at Avenger. He then turned and looked up at the Judge Zackarooni. "That is all I have to ask at this time to her. The Defense may question her now." Harvey then sat down and fixed up his tie to await the defense's turn and he hoped it would not turn out so ugly as last time.
  5. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack cricked his neck a few times. "Alright, Defense, you're up. Just remember what happened the first time you Cross-Examined her..."
  6. OOC: Guess break is over xP.

    "I shall pass, as I think that is very straight and clear enough. Unless, of course, Xelax would like to question the witness," Janexna replied, her mind waking up from its stupor as her body and nerves were plagued with sugar from the now finished donut, and the utter amount of caffeine that was her Ice Latte. She was jumpy. Jerky. Her feet and hands were shaking to move and wreck havoc like a crazy, cracked school girl, yet she had to keep professinal control. Right. Control. What Naminé had said was simple enough, and if they called up Axel, the blanks can be filled up, and can perhaps go to their favor if the redhead was smart enough to know what to do. Not that most of it was dishonest, so there wasn't such a problem.

    Thinking back, though, she asked as she looked at the judge, "However, I would like to reuest a official list of the charges, since the last time, it was jumbled together by Mr. Birdman and Power, so I need to know with what they will stick with so we can work it out."
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    150 stared at Janexa and questioned, "Was the list I announced before not satisfactory?

    In light of the evidence, here are my charges.

    one count - Attempted Aggravated Assault - Namine - Castle Oblivion 13th floor

    This paticular charge is supported by evidence given by Namine. Axel was indeed going to go through Namine to destroy Murluxia.

    Three counts - Attempted Murder - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Castle Oblivion 13th floor
    I am certain that Sora and his friends were in danger from Axel. Namine has just stated that Axel was willing to go through her to get at Murluxia, so I see no reason for him not to have the same attitude with Sora.

    Three counts - Aggravated Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Castle Oblivion
    This is Axel's first encounter with Sora. I feel that this is a fair charge, as it is my belief that Axel planned to attack Sora before hand.

    One count - Coercion Leading to Attempted Murder and Murder - Repliku - Castle Oblivion

    The attempted murder is Riku's, while the murder is Zexion's. He coerced Repliku into doing this for him.

    Three counts - Coercion - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Castle Oblivion

    He led them on into the castle, taunting them with promises of Namine.

    One count - Murder by Proxy - Zexion - Castle Oblivion Basement

    Xemnas may dismiss this charge.

    One count - Attempted Murder by Proxy - Riku - Castle Oblivion Basement
    Axel told Repliku to go after Riku. Repliku was quite clearly unstable, and Axel knowingly took advantage of his mind.

    One count - Murder - Vexen - Castle Oblivion
    Xemnas may drop this charge.

    One count - Aggravated Assault - Roxas - Digital Twlight Town sandlot
    He appeared, and attacked Roxas under orders of Organization XIII. Not much more to say. Roxas threw down his weapon, but it returned to his hand, so it was not consensual.

    One count - Attempted Murder - Roxas - Digital Twilight Town Mansion

    This ought to be an... Interesting point to argue.

    One count - Kidnapping - Kairi - Destiny Islands

    Kairi did not seem to go with him willingly.

    One count - Manhandling - Kairi - Destiny islands/Twilight Town
    He grabbed her to force her to follow. She was struggling.

    One count - Conspiracy to murder - Sora - The worlds
    This is a theory about the motive of Axel's actions after Roxas fused. It needs evidence to support it. I am hoping to gain this evidence later.

    That is all I have got. My partner may have different. charges. A few of these are relative to Xemnas, so I wish to know what charges he will free those under his jurisdiction from."

    Mewtwo sat down, finished.
  8. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    ((Is it possible for me to join?))
  9. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    Since this is a cross between Ace Attorney n' KH..

    [/MOVED] to Crossover RP section

  10. "No offense, but I have come to follow more of Birdman's words around the events that happened so far. So if he wants to give his, I'm all ears too," Janexna replied, a bit flushed from being flustered at that. But really, he was the prosecutor who she had come to respect, and in turn, respected his opinions.
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack gave Janexna a glance. He could almost imagine bending her over and spanking that nice, shapely...

    Kairi nodded thoughtfully. Although they had different personalities, both Pokémon prosecutors seemed to have the same way of thinking when it came to charges. And she had to agree with Janexna...Harvey had proved to be the voice of reason time and again...
  12. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: it wasn't really a crossover in that way... The Ace characters and some originals fill in voids as this is the trial of the Organization. This would actually have fit more in Extended... Ah well. I'll have to browse through the pages to find the accusations Birdman had. I'll do it in a few.
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Forget it, she's not coming back. :sweat:

    Anyway, as much as I hate to admit it, some of our posts don't exactly fit the "Extended" rules. Not all of the posts here have more than ten lines minimum (or whatever the rule was).

    BIC: Naminé subconsciously smoothed out her dress. Sometimes she wondered if she should start wearing a training bra. But then she realized that she didn't exactly have the rack for one...yet.

    Zack looked back at the Court Record.

    "That's what we have on record..."
  14. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Thanks for posting that.

    Harvey gave a nod. "Yes, those are the former charges of mine as it stands at the moment." He would then wait and see if Xelax had questions in mind for the girl who sat up there so quietly.

    Sora waved. Namine seemed to be doing fine up there and so far, no one was flame-broiled yet. He wondered who would be called up next if the other lawyer on the Defense side had no questions. He looked over at Axel. He really did have a lot of charges against him, some of which Sora hadn't known of. He hoped though they would be merciful on him since he did turn things around. He had been pretty bad at times, but he did learn from his mistakes. Sora found himself wringing his hands in a nervous sort of gesture as he continued to watch and wonder.

    Riku gave a nod to Namine. She seemed to be doing alright up there and he knew that she probably was not so happy in a sense to testify against Axel but at the same time, she was probably helping him by showing he had made some amends. As he heard the charges listed again he let slip out "Darn, those really are a ton of charges." He then looked around..let out an ahem clearing his throat and sat back in his chair.
  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: This is nothing short of epic... but I gotta leave it for now.

    *TN* can choose who she wants to be her next Associate Lawyer... lets say Xelax just... dematerialized or something.
  16. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: You're leaving, just like that? The teams were still even, though! Removing Xelax just destroys the balance!

    Besides, you started this whole thing, you could at least finish it 'til the end of the trial. :huh:
  17. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Expected. Guess that's how things go. I don't believe anyone can replace ICSP. If it happens I may or may not come back because I'm pretty distraught over this choice. *goes off to emo*
  18. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3

    OOC: Same here. The RP just won't be the same.

    But I won't go emo, though...:p
  19. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]

    Well, I've been debating over 3 months whether to quit this RP or not. I just found a good reason to finally make up my mind. Have fun guys, and find yourself another Axel, Xigbar and Xaldin. It's been fun.
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Welp, seeing as Pyro quit too, we have nothing to continue. It's been fun but all good things come to an end.
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