~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack snapped out of his focus on watching a 3-D version of Janexna and Denise doing a virtual striptease via sunglasses. Hastily turning it off, he said, "Very well. Prosecution, who's the next victim?"
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Mewtwo sent a message to Harvey. "I think here we need someone with an inside view, therefore Namine would be the best choice, as she was able to witness almost everything in the Castle."
  3. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey gave a nod. "We call Namine to the stand." Harvey knew it was the next best option at this point. After Namine, they could call one more person if required and then would come Axel, which Harvey was preparing for. He knew there were a lot of things involved once Axel would hit the stand, if the red head could remain focused, on what they needed to know.
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé's face fell. "Again?" She took a deep breath. "Well, here we go."

    As soon as she made it to the witness stand, she asked, "What else do I have to testify about? Some of the things that I said from Larxene's trial could be applied to this one, couldn't it?"

    Zack shook his head. "You were called out. You stepped up to the plate. Deal with it." He cricked his neck. "Okay, Prosecution. Your move."
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey sipped his water and stood up. "Please go ahead and reiterate your testimony as now it is pertaining to Axel and not Larxene. You also had things to do with Axel after Castle Oblivion so please go ahead and go into that for us and what you know there. That is mainly where you will need to highlight things but a refresher of events from Castle Oblivion will do well too since now this is a different person and your occurrences with him will now be more focused upon."
  6. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: *gasps for breath* DDD8 Oh, my freaking hell, I think I just killed my eyes. T_T 3.25 pages of reading and 40 posts per page. I think need new glasses... but first I think need some Visine. D8 Alright my lovelys, I’ll try and avoid my laziness and attempt to post here more often. My humble apologies to you all, for my inexcusable absence. :sleep:

    Axel sat at his chair, slightly slumped with his back arched, sitting there in the most unusual, and perhaps the most uncomfortable position, as his left elbow rested on the wooden platform in front of him, while his right hand just sat loosely on his lap, as if paralyzed. His cheek somehow seemed to hang onto his palm as the position in which he kept his head was like if his face was sliding off his palm and would soon slide off it’s nimble grip and crash down onto the wooden platform anytime now. But of course, that didn’t happen . . . well, at least not this time. His emerald eyes were staring straight at the ceiling, and were lost in the . . . the . . . umm . . . the architecture and art of the structure? Who knows -what- he was staring at, -he- sure as hell didn’t. He’d been staring at the ceiling and sitting like that from the beginning of Demyx’s case, and hadn’t moved a muscle since. Only God knows how sore and cramped his muscles would be once he did move from this horribly awkward position.

    It was not long before he did move, and it was the smell of all the food coming from Xelax and Janexna that did the job, though it was a rather late reaction when you think about it, but hey, it worked, and after whatever length of time it was, Axel finally did move. The smell of the meatball marinara teased his senses, and the lovely aroma of the lattes literally slapped him on the face with its sweetness, and Axel’s alluring green orbs suddenly and subconsciously shifted from the ceiling to what was in front of him . . . the table where Xelax and Janexna were sitting down comfortably and eating. It was after a minute or so until he fully realized what and at who he was looking at. After three or four lost blinks, he lifted his cheek off his palm and straightened his back and—


    A small squeaking yelp of pain passed through his lips. His right hand immediately supporting his back like an elderly person, as if placing his hand there would lessen the pain somehow. Confused as ever, he slowly straightened back wondering why he was in pain, why his muscles were cramped and what the hell has been going on. The last thing he remembered was him talking to Roxas about something, so he turned to fine the seat next to him empty and the boy was magically gone from his side and was sitting back at the other side of the room. Everyone seemed so busy and serious, and maybe a little confused. Looking around the room, eyeing everyone, he mumbled to himself, still confused as ever, “Okeeyy . . .â€

    He’d been spacing out again, he understood that much. Somehow or another, he’d lost himself in his random trail of thoughts until he’d left the building, and he could not even recall what the heck he was thinking about just a few seconds ago. He’s definitely got to stop doing that. Bad habit, bad, bad, habit. Axel shook his head trying to snap out of it all but jumped as he heard his name coming from Harvey’s mouth and something about Naminé’s testimony. Wait . . . WHAT?!

    Axel . . .

    Naminé . . .


    Oh no! Ohh nooooo!!! Now he’d done it. He’s spaced out through half his own case. Good one Axel, nice. This’ll cost him, he thought. Crap . . . crap, crap, crap! It was here that he began to wonder once more if his coffee earlier -was- really drugged, as he’s never spaced out like THIS before. Pondering on everything, he watched in silence as Naminé went to the stand to speak. He bit his lips, wondering who else had gone before her and where his case stood at this point. The only thing he could do now was facepalm himself.

    ":censor2:" The worst was yet to come . . .

    OOC: Ach... I'll write something better next time. >_< This is all I can do for the moment. Hold on *TN*, I'm/Axel's a comin'... xD
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Can you get Axel to make conversation with Roxas or something? He just puked on Denise, as well as asking about Axel's case.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Sure hun, why not. <33

    It was amazingly obvious that everyone in court was tired. Many of the spectators were falling asleep while the other court officials were sitting and looking bored or uninterested as Naminé prepared to speak. Well, Axel might’ve been zoning out, but after observing the court for only a few minutes, it didn’t take long for him to see that the cases were still coming one after another, with absolutely no breaks in between. Crossing his arms, Axel sighed followed by a lazy yawn. He felt tired for some reason, but he chose to ignore it, just like he chose to ignore the sweet aroma of all the delicious food that still lingered and which was evidently the reason why he was able to snap out of his daydream. Well, he had more to worry about than just food at the moment, he just spaced out through half his case or whatever, and he needed to figure that out before he could worry about food. Keeping his arms crossed, he rubbed his chin wondering what he could do when his eyes wondered over to the opposite side of the room, where his gaze settled on the blond boy, Roxas.

    He looked a sick for some reason, and was apologizing to Denise [who also magically teleported to that side of the room when she was sitting two seats away from him a few minutes/hour ago, and Demyx for some reason was accompanying her as well . . . did he miss something?], who was having some issues. Well just by the disgusted squeaks and squeals coming from the girl, he overhead what the hell that had been going on on that side. Well, Roxas had puked on Denies for whatever reason, and Denies was definitely NOT happy about that. Axel took a moment to laugh it out before speaking, “Hey, uh, Denies, you might want to go to the restroom and clean that up, or it’ll stinkify the entire room, and you yourself.” He said coolly, hiding the laughter, “And Roxas! Shame on you for doing something like this to a pretty girl like her! If you needed to puke on someone, the dude next to you [Riku] would’ve been a good choice.”
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Riku looks at Roxas...then turns to Axel and simply gives Axel the flying bird and then smirks and goes back to watching the case. He liked Axel but it was still fun to get at him now and then since his reactions were so colorful.

    Sora blinked. "Hey, you shouldn't do that in a court room."

    "Not like the judge doesn't do it."

    Sora scratched his head and then shrugged. "Guess you have a point."
  10. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Sorry guys, it's taking me awhile to get the testimony ready because of real life stuff. Namely, university problems. I'll try to get it done as soon as I can sit down and focus on what happened. But likewise, I'd like to know where exactly to start in the timeline. I'm forgetting when Namine and Axel were first in the same cutscene together...
  11. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: DF, it was floor nine, I believe. O.o’

    Oh no he d'ent! *Z snaps*

    Axel only smirked at Riku’s reaction, a huge grin on his face beginning to form on his face, from cheek to cheek. It would’ve been a mature move to leave it at that [considering a man his age], but who the heck were they kidding…it was Axel. Keeping that grin on his face, he moved very slowly, steadily raising his left hand to the level of his eyes and his index finger pointing at the left eye. Exaggerating the sluggishness of his movements, he then placed his finger right under his eye and pulled down on the skin. Almost immediately, he poked his tongue out with that reaction, and let his breath pass though from under his tongue, making loud farting noises.

    Oh yeah, that would ~totally~ show ~him~. Making faces at a 17-year-old would definitely make him look like the greatest link.
  12. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Denise was spacing out again. She didn't even notice Roxas puking on her. "What? Oh crap." she said as her mind caught up with her body. "Come on, Demyx." She got up and started heading for the bathrooms, with her "helpful friend" close behind.
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Wait a sec... I thought Axel was on the org's side of the room?

    Random characters like Donald and Goofy
    Pika_power, Repliku, Namine, Riku, Sora, Kairi.
    More random characters like Jack.

    Lawyer area Judge area

    Org area
    Roxas, Axel, Denise, Demyx.
    Org area.

    I thought that was the seating. Axel visited Roxas on the good guys for a bit, then went back. Roxas went to visit Axel, (I think an ape hit him.) and Denise appeared. I assumed that Demyx was on the org side.
  14. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Oh dear... I was away for so long that I assumed Roxas had gone back to the other side along with Denise, since Axel was spacing and all. O_O Then considering that Demyx is the man-servant of Denies, he also went to the other side. D8 Crud, I think I'd confused myself. *facepalm* Ay! Ok, well...let's just pretend that Roxas, Denies and Demyx are all on the other side of the room. :sideways:
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: But I thought Denise and Demyx were in the washrooms? xD

    Another massive farting noise erupted into the courtroom from below where Roxas and Axel were now sitting. "I beg your pardon lads, I guess that rum is still taking its toll on me!" Captain Jack jovially laughed.

    Roxas sniffed the air. "PHEEW! You aren't kidding! Go to the bathroom!"

    Jack shrugged. "Fine, fine." He got up and waddled over to the same rest room Denise chose, as if there was something unpleasant in his pants.
  16. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "I find no contradictions in the last testimony." Xelax said, refering to Repliku's testimony.

    He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled up $20 bill. "This is all the munny I have." he said with a sad face as he looked at Janexna.

    OOC: Sorry for stagnating this... whats the next call? Prosecution, you have any more witnesses?
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Yeah, Naminé. I haven't had a chance to type out the testimony yet, though. To me, there's a lot of material to go through and I'm having a hard time organizing the timeline based on CoM and KH2.

    BIC: Zack raised an eyebrow at the memory witch. "Um...are you going to be starting your testimony this century?"

    Naminé shot a hard look at the judge. "Sorry. I'm just trying to get all my thoughts in order." She didn't know what was wrong, but the events of everything that happened were starting to murk together within her mind and she was having a hard time concentrating...
  18. Repliku Chaser

    ooc: Just copy over some of your former testimony and toss in KH2 and some novel stuff if you want and it should be good.
  19. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "I'm not really sure where to begin, so I guess I'll start with Repliku."


    -When Repliku was introduced, he had his own memories and personality.
    -After some conversation between Vexen, Larxene and Axel, I was...forced to create a false memory within Repliku using Vexen's acquired data from his fight with Riku.
    -Caught in Marluxia's plan, Sora came running blindly after me further into the castle.
    -Vexen was about to reveal the plan to Sora in "Twilight Town", but under Marluxia's orders, Axel killed off Vexen.
    -Axel allowed me to leave the room where I was residing in order to stop Repliku from killing Sora.
    -When Marluxia and Axel fought, Marluxia used me as a shield to prevent Axel from defeating him.
    -Marluxia was defeated and with Axel's...advice, Repliku finished off Zexion, thereby eliminating any other Organization member that could reveal what truly happened at Castle Oblivion.
    -I didn't see Axel again until after Riku brought Roxas to DiZ and transferred his body to the Data Twilight Town.
    -From what I saw, under orders from the Organization, Axel had to either bring Roxas in alive or eliminate him before he merged back with Sora.
    -As soon as Sora woke up, me and Riku found Axel and learned that Riku had orders to dispose of me, which Riku absolutely refused to do.
    -I decided to follow Axel when I had to choose between him and Riku.
    -We returned to the Organization's headquarters where Saix was going to eliminate both of us.
    -Fortunately, Axel gave me a chance to escape.
    -After that, I'm afraid I didn't see Axel again.

    Zack rolled his eyes. "Geez, took you long enough."

    Kairi raised an eyebrow at the judge. 'Some of us have OOC projects to take care of, you know," she thought with a disgruntled sigh. 'Course, I'm not really looking forward to getting stripped and tickle-tortured again...'

    Zack knew he was being mocked, but he quickly shoved it out of his thoughts. "Alright, Prosecution. Do what you do."

  20. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Who's meant to be examining again?
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