~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    150 half wished that Repliku's plan involved a painful death for Xelax. Mr. Two?!

    keeping himself composed and unemotional under his armour, he replied eloquently "In that case, perhaps we should wait until all evidence had been presented until we pass judgement."

    Roxas watched as Xelax crammed small edibles into his mouth in horror. He retched as food overflowed out of his mouth. Out of his control, had a sudden image of a Pig in Xelax's place, lying back with food running down its chin, piling on the stomach. He retched again, then threw up on Denise. He gagged, then shoved the image over to Sora's side, temporarily removing the piglax from his mind.

    Roxas wiped away a trickle of vomit from the corner of his mouth, then hastily apologized to Denise. "Sorry. It's just Xelax... Anyway, you may want to get water boy to see to the dress.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    "My name is not Bob, whether you call me Riku Replica or not. I have a name whether I hate it or not and wish I had my own but it certainly wouldn't be Bob. Thanks for making things more 'real' Nobody." He glared at Xelax annoyed.

    "As for whether I watched it, I was in a state where I could not act. I still knew what was going on about me but could do nothing. This is why I knew to go get Marluxia on the next floor even when everyone took off. Lastly, I am just giving a testimony from what I know. I am not the only one who knows Axel and so I cannot testify on what else he may have done wrong or right. I really don't appreciate what Axel did to me but at the same time, I'm not the only one who witnessed things he did and I'd tell the truth from my point of view. If there's a problem with that and you just see 'two counts' the reason is pretty logical to deduce that I am -not- the only person he has affected, both good and bad. Others will have other things to say."

    Repliku looked up at the Judge. "With your permission now, I'd like to step down and feel that I am more than done here and it's time to call someone who was around Axel more up here. I do not have it out for Axel but at the same time I just want to not be getting bothered or renamed by some idiot who is no more real than I am at this point." Repliku held his temper in check, realizing he should try to be better than he was feeling. However, if he heard one more 'Bob' out of Xelax in reference to him, Xelax's head would be bobbing on the end of Soul Eater, as far as Repliku was concerned. He had accepted the fact he'd never be treated as an equal, but it didn't mean he was going to be utterly demoralized either.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Mewtwo briefly considered. If Xelax were to get attacked, would there be enough time for Repliku to escape? Only if I were to step in. That would detrimental to Vexen's trial. Therefore, Repliku should not attack. Even so, 150 prepared himself to teleport Repliku out.
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Ok, new story in Creativity corner! ^^

    I'm not going to elaborate, because there's already enough info in the footnote and introduction to the first chapter. This also marks the first time I ever completely did a chapter in Wordpad, so there's little to no errors, and the wordings are very descriptive. If you like Harry Potter, Organization XIII, or just Luxord, follow this link! ^^ Don't be shy, it's good!


    It goes over Luxord's sentence, but isn't totally canon to this RP. I included Zack, Pika_Power, and You can't tell but Xelax and Jelax. Not to mention what I did to Pika_Power...xD...

    They'll be seen a few times more during the story, but not for long periods. The other Organization members from Demyx down will be down differently as well...^^

    So, I think I did Zack's character espeacially well, knowing very little about him, and the story is well set up. If you want to know what happened to Luxord, just read it.
  5. Janexna just simply watched boredly at the display, eating pieces of her BK chicken tenders and fries, sipping on her now sugary Ice Latté calmly, and at peace. The only caffeine she will ever have. She had heard Xelax's question, and turned her head to him, smiling quite casually, "As I said, that HAWT guy nice young man who helped me also had a thing for Funyuns. Actually, he was a snack and junk food type of guy. Kind of weird, since he was really packed and fit and soooo hot- homely. That's what kept me so long, your damn Funyuns, wasabi flavor whatever. He showed me a good place of where to buy them. So, thanks to him, you are now tasting it ever since college."

    A bite. Another sip. Then, "By the way, you owe me $22. 89. Extra for delivery and order." She held out her hand for the dough.

    Now, usually, you would never hear Larxene screaming the way she had done when the rollercoaster went down the tracks in so much speed, that the cheeks flapped backwards. Axel knew that perfectly, even when caught by surprise, that girl wouldn't show a sign of weakness even if her life depended on it, unless she couldn't deal with it. And so, there was a good reason for her screech. As it turned out, the seatbelt was quite loose, or rather, she didn't place it well, and since she was not holding unto the bar, once they spiraled to the bottom, with her light weight and lack of security, she almost flew out of the actual cart, literally, and would've fallen to the pits below if he hadn't reacted in time with the yell to sit her shaky self back down and grabbing her tight to hang on (you couldn't portal). She kind of bumped her head and elbow along with that, yet the moment she was back safe, and considering that there were more slides after the worst one, both her arms had looped around, in and throughout the bar, gripping tight. Her face was even planted at it, head down, eyes closed, and the back of her knees pressing into the seat as if to hold her as well.

    Even when they had slowed down to a leveled and straight track, and were now heading in a tunnel, she hadn't changed or moved from where she was, and it was there he figured too late that she had never been in a roller coaster ride. And well, what do you know? Your first experience you almost died for the second time. Not a good impression. While it shocked him to see Larxene in any kind of fetal position, he kind of felt guilty, knowing he was the reason for it. What turned out to be be a type of joke and a way to get her back closely endangered her life, and he knew he was the cause, if he had not bothered her so much for that exact thing to happen. Let go of her hold. Staying silent, and not disrupting her, he dismally placed his eyes on the other side, frowning, only to see them come out of the tunnel, and what met his sight kind of startled him. Thousands, upon thousands, of little floating white windows with typed words surrounded the black floors, on both sides of the spectrum, while the "train" was in the center of it all, moving forward, this time, at a very slow pace. Managing to read one close to him, he saw that it was fanfics, with only the summary, title, date added, word used, etc. K-Rated. This was it.

    He was about to touch Larxene's shoulder to announce it, yet thought better of going near her personal bubble. She perhaps wanted to kill him, for real, and it was best not to do so when she was relaxing herself after that dive. They needed to get out though. Running a hand through his red hair, he called quietly in a trepid tone, "Larxene?"

    No respond.


    Still, nothing.


    He got no reply again back.




    She twitched sharply, but nothing else.

    "Atom Ant?"

    That wasn't good.

    "Cable TV?"

    He got a dangerous snarl this time, and he stopped playing around with her, knowing it wasn't working. Rubbing his arms, aware that they were back to square one with her not speaking to him, and with a good reason this time, he sighed, gazing at the floor as he muttered, "I'm sorry..."
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack shrugged. "I don't think the Defense really had anything else to Cross-Examine anyway. Your testimony seems pretty straight-forward." Dismissing Repliku, Zack glanced out to the lawyers. "Alright, who's next?"

    OOC: Is the ball still in the Prosecution's court or are we supposed to alternate between sides? Especially since we've got more than one witness...
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Well it depends. If the prosecution agree, we can take it in segments. E.g. Castle Oblivion related crimes resolved, then we get Kairi related done, then Roxas.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: We can alternate or keep calling up witnesses. We have a few witnesses since no one was really -with- Axel all the time. He also had a lot of game play heh. It's up to the defense if they want to call someone up or not. We can go it either way.

    Repliku hopped down and went back to his seat, grateful for the reprieve and he had survived after all, his testimony time. He wished he had food. Darn.
  9. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Ooookay, I guess it's up to the Defense to decide or else we're not getting anywhere...
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power glanced as Repliku sat down beside him, then pulled out a giant dark chocolate bar and handed it over. "Enjoy." the pokemon muttered. "that thing almost cost me an arm and a leg; literally! Those machines have some sharp bits in them." Pika_power rubbed his backside. "Not to mention those racks the food sits on..."
  11. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku took the chocolate bar, opened it and studied it a moment and then bit into it. Oh, it was delicious. It was certainly worth the trouble to get. "I could get you another one easier if you show me where you got it from" he offered since the Pokemon was being so kind to him. After all, exploiting Darkness powers for petty theft wasn't such a bad thing, was it?
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power nodded. "Those vending machines outside. y'know the ones, right? Anyway, the chocolate bars are hidden behind the Cookie Bear Strawberry muesli. No one ever goes for the strawberry stuff, so someone found the ideal hiding place." Pika_power nodded knowingly, then continued in a heroic voice, "At least until I discovered the secret!" The pokemon glanced down for a second, and hesitantly added, "by falling down from the top rack..."
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku snickered. "haha, you are funny, but that does sound kind of painful." He then gave Pika a hug as if he were a big stuffed animal and then put him down. "I'll get you some more since now I know where they are."
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power frowned for a second, unsure how to take the hug. He decided he would tolerate it, provided Xelax didn't try it.

    "Ahem. Thanks." Pika_power said awkwardly, then pointed over at Axel to draw away attention. "What's up with him? He seems to be blanking the courtroom."
  15. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku stopped smiling and looked over at Axel and then shrugged. "He can zone a lot. He thinks too much or something. Maybe it's a Nobody thing to do."

    Harvey rubbed his hands together. "Well, if they are not going to call someone up for examination, I can call up one of three people. It's up to the Defense, as you said, your Honor."
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Uh-oh. ICSP is gone for a while, and TN is absent. DF, what do we do?
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: What are you talking about? ICSP is just pulling that invisible stuff again. And TN was leaving this case to ICSP. Ask HIM. :huh:

    BIC: Kairi wondered what the Defense was waiting for. Unlike the previous case which was extended for absolutely no reason at all, Axel's trial was understandably going to be almost as long as Xemnas'. She had to admit, the red-head knew how to travel...
  18. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: I think we may just have to run things kind of slow while ICSP debates life, TN is doing things and Pyro is gone for computer issues. You guys are always welcome to join my RP while we wait that I mentioned some time ago I would make. It seems to be moving along now. It's in the RP Extended area. Meanwhile I suppose if we don't go too fast, I bet we could probably call up Namine, since that is who was on Harvey's list anyway to call next. Then he decides between Sora or Riku because all that's needed after Namine is someone to tie up what happened where she wasn't which either Sora or Riku could do. By the time we probably got done with Namine, Pyro would probably be back and TN too and hopefully ICSP as well.
  19. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Well, I'll leave it up to you guys. Just tell me if you're calling up Naminé or not, even though we pretty much got some of her testimony back during Larxene's trial. In the meantime, I'm going to be working on the KH-Vids project...
  20. "For now, we have no witnesses to call. Is not like we will miss the chance of having to decide on one, so it will happen when ready. If the prosecution wants to, they can call up their next witness, if need be," Janexna replied, too busy eating and drinking, that she didn't notice there was a hold up. If Xelax wanted somebody in the seat, they still had the opportunity granted. For now, though, might as well let it continue until then.
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