~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Mewtwo returned Repliku's nod. "Thank you Repliku. I have few questions."

    Mewtwo glanced at Vexen, then mentally asked Repliku, "What was Axel's part in this? Could you please go into a bit more detail. You mentioned cards. Was he holding them?" 150 considered something, then said, "I am attempting to establish Axel's role in the changing of your memories as more than a bystander. Did he participate at all?"

    "Was the fight one to the death?"

    "Was Axel ever abusive towards Namine? Did he ever threaten her?"

    "Can you please relay the exact Dialog throughout that episode?"
    150 nodded again, then spoke to Xelax (Along with the rest of the court). "To save my time, the witness' time, the judge's time, the spectator's time and your time, is Xemnas going to allow this charge to be dealt with here, or is he going to ask to handle it himself?"

    "In the case of Xemnas allowing Axel to face justice, do you know what Axel's orders were from Xemnas?"

    "At any point did an organization member tell you to stop attacking?"

    "Would you say Namine was in danger? Who attacked first, Axel or Sora? Why?"

    "Were you in control of yourself, or were the memories of Repliku still impinging on your control?"

    Mewtwo sighed, knowing the answer to his question. "Was he right? To be real, did you only need to surpass your original?"
    "Did he lead you to your death?"
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku nodded and confirmed he was as ready as he was going to be.

    "Axel just told me what the cards were for. He really just kind of stood there and let the others do whatever. The show mainly consisted of Larxene with the idea and pushing, Vexen agreeing, Marluxia being there doing his part of watching and wanting what Larxene did and me contesting it. He didn't do much but just stand there really and seemed indifferent to the whole situation."

    "No, I did not want to kill Sora and he didn't want to kill me. I believed I was Riku but also was very determined to protect Namine because of the implanted memories. However, Sora was still a friend..kind of."

    "I never saw him be threatening towards Namine. I was not around all the time though but by my accounts he either ignored her and Larxene or Marluxia were picking on her. Once I stopped Larxene from it, though I wasn't myself then. However, Axel just seemed rather more nonchalant about stuff to include most people and he was scheming. He wasn't really hostile to anyone save for Marluxia at the end. The only time I know he threatened Namine was when Marluxia was using her as a shield and though he said he'd go through her to get to Marluxia, he never got a chance to."

    Repliku nodded and then tapped his forehead a moment in thought before saying rather even in their voices/accents what happened.
    And then she came to me and beat me up and dragged me off to go get my memory altered."

    "I don't know since I never met Xemnas and stuff. All I know is Axel was told to 'kill the traitor' and Axel deemed Marluxia to be a traitor to the Organization. In order to kill him though, because no one there could seemingly question him, such as Vexen, without being labeled a traitor themselves, he killed Vexen to get in closer to Marluxia to do the job. I don't think Axel really cared how he had to eliminate Marluxia from betraying the Organization, but he had to do something. Also, I think Axel was protecting Roxas, because Vexen shouldn't have put Sora in a Twilight Town memory which was Roxas's and Vexen was starting to say things he shouldn't."

    "No, they didn't and weren't really paying attention or quite a few were either gone or dealing with other things. Namine stopped me."

    "I was on the ground so...well, Namine may have been in danger. Axel did off Vexen simply to get the trust of Marluxia in order to kill 'the traitor'. So it's very possible he would have gone through Namine to get to Marluxia. How much danger she was in though was debatable. Sora showed up and Marluxia told him what Axel was going to do and Sora and Axel both faced off as Marluxia disappeared with Namine. I'd say they went after each other at the same time and I think Axel just went with it since Sora's head was so clouded at the time so I'd say it just was mutual. Also, when the fight was over Axel told him he was glad he helped keep him alive."

    "I knew that the memories I had of Riku were not mine. I also knew that Namine couldn't reverse them and oh well. I felt pretty empty and not sure what I would do. It wasn't like Riku's memories were bad but they just weren't mine and I wanted something of my own. Namine took that from me and didn't even apologize. I can say I was just lost. Not utterly out of control but just had no purpose but to want to be real."

    "No, he was very wrong. Taking Zexion's power did nothing for me. Fighting Riku did nothing for me. I know now what it was I was missing to be more 'real'. It was to make myself my own identity. Maybe rename myself, go do things, make my own lasting memories and be part of stuff. Killing did nothing to help. I'm sure there Axel just set me up to get rid of Zexion and then after knew Riku would kill me off. In the end, Axel would be the only survivor out of Castle Oblivion that was with the Organization. He worked it out that way and I don't know exactly why, but that's how it was."

    "Yes, he did. I'm pretty sure he knew I'd lose to Riku because my fight was stupid and Riku had grown in power past just Darkness."
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Mewtwo returned the nod Repliku used to return the nod that returned the nod he originally gave.

    "Thank you Repliku. Unlesss Xemnas is going to allow Axel to be tried for crimes against the Organisation, they may cross examine you."
  4. Janexna had closely come back to the front doors of the court room to hear Repliku's few answers to the cross examination, and she wondered why they got him up first. From what she heard, he wasn't even in half of those scenes he was describing, so how in the world was he so informative to each situation he wasn't present for? Even before he ever made his appearance. Some of the things that the members there said were even in privacy, like the Axel and Larxene one. It would've been better to call up Sora first, who was going to testify, she guessed, anyway due to Kingdom Hearts 2. Then Naminé, to fill up the background events, and she was basically more in existence in the actual scenes. And then Repliku, for the interactions he's actually there for. She halfway wondered how he was going to respond about knowing so much if she ever asked, because the whole "I heard" from Sora, -insert any other character- excuse won't work. At least not as thoroughly as he explained it. Or that he watched the game, or saw it in the internet, since he wasn't doing any of that all the time he was sitting down.

    Rolling her eyes at the obvious plot hole that was going on in this RP-

    OOC: Hey! Don't break up the damn fourth wall! :yelling:

    "Sorry," Janexna squeaked at the disembodied voice of her alter ego, before *TwilightNight* wiped her memory of the event, and got her back into character. Ignoring the fact that Repliku shouldn't know half the things he did, she couldn't really get in because of her hands and arms being full. For one thing, she got a huge, white box, that on top had Xelax's food orders and drink, as well as her own Ice Latte, something she didn't want to let fall. At all. The whipped cream on top was still there, though, yay. Luckily, all the restaurants were close, as the building was centered on the economics side of things, so she didn't have to go far. Having to use her Quintessence to make the door go to life, she watched as it opened it for her, and she carefully and cautiously stepped in, making certain not to make anything drop. The door shutting behind her, and releasing her ability, she slowly went down the path in the middle of the row of benches once more, finding it quite hard to keep balance when she was in her stilettos. She just had to wear them, didn't she? Stopping her walk, considering she was here, and most of it was Xelax's food, she titled her head to the side to spot him, and barked in a frown, "Xelax! Come help and get your food!" She then sighed. "At least the drinks...-_-"
  5. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Actually, since Mewtwo never asked about those, I will delete the ones that he doesn't have a 'clue' about since I didn't really think about it at the time and was just typing stuff at 4 am, going through both RR and Sora's stuff. The top 3 things are deleted since he could be 'told' but eh, you are right. So, I am amending the testimony now and the rest can stand since Mewtwo went after the ones that Repliku would know and never had to be countered.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Okay, so to get the full story, I need to talk to Namine. Got it.
  7. OOC: Yeah, I was going to point it out OOC, but I thought it better with Janexna in her over the top ways. That, and I've been wanting to break the fourth wall >.>. I couldn't miss the chance when it got to my brain. And to cover most of the info on Kairi's kidnapping, as that's one of the charges, and the half reason Axel did so was because Naminé actually wanted to meet her, she can come up. It would kill two birds with one stone, since Saïx also had a part in those as well (if you're planning to use them...), so there doesn't have to be so much testifying when Naminé gives her full recount of events by then.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: making Repliku go first though isn't a bad move. It gets the least known and yet most critical stuff others weren't there for out of the way. Riku, Namine or Sora could also all testify, as well as Roxas to understanding Axel etc since no one was really there the whole time and understood him absolutely. I did realize after you mentioned it thoiugh Rep wouldn't have known the first 3 things he said, but fortunately he wasn't asked them either. So it's all good still.
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power burst back into court, smiling at his skill with emo, darkness-tainted cloned teenagers. His face fell when he found no one saying anything, and everyone just staring blankly ahead. "helooo?" Pika_power asked Janexa, shoving his face close to hers. "Can we continue with the trial? Do you have anything about Mansex with Axel, or not? If not, cross examine him." Pika_power jabbed in Repliku's direction, then walked calmly to his seat and sat down.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku hoped they would just not cross-examine him. It was better that way for everyone in the court room unless they were going to be civil about it. He masked his hidden anger as well as he could muster over the treatment of two people he cared about now but when it came to him, he just didn't care about repercussions and the big omnipotent acting judge was just not intimidating to someone who had seen the very worst in people already and only had lived for a couple days as it was. Having only animosity in existence but for one shining light and one fake promise, it made for a nasty mixture when the power of destruction was yours to command.

    Repliku then thought of Mewtwo's words more. He had to calm down. He thought of the words he had written on the paper. Yes, he had some way out of all of this and a way to kick the court in the butt. He had an escape route. He just had to play nicey nice until he could carry out his very simple plan and then book the hell out of there in the confusion. He'd either prove he was just a toy or he'd prove he was after all, sentient and in the end, he wouldn't care about the results but to see the looks on their faces. Oh yes, this gave him a sort of radiated calm...that can be found in Darkness at any rate. He was ready if he was going to be questioned now, but if not, he was content with that too. It would all work in his favor no matter how things turned out now. He fought back a smirk so as to not give himself away and sat there managing a stoic personality. That was what he needed from this point on. However, mentally shielded by Darkness, he didn't mind hearing an evil laugh that made him feel better.
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack looked down at the witness and hid a smirk of his own. Watching this pathetic shadow of a soul acting all emo was almost entertaining. Repliku thought HIS life was bad? Zack having his own world destroyed and every single one of his "master plans" foiled time and again by a buncha meddling teenagers felt more humiliating than having an identity crisis. What did this little punk know?

    Of course, Zack didn't actually say any of this stuff. And he wasn't a psychic, but he was pretty sure that was what this "witness" was thinking right now.

    Out loud Zack said, "Alright, if the Prosecution is done, the Defense is up to the plate. Oh, and by the way..." Zack made some complex finger movements to levitate the stuff in Janexna's arms and carefully moved them to the Defense's bench. "Maybe you should've asked Denise to help you," Zack chuckled smugly.
  12. Janexna pouted. "But that's Demy-kun. I don't want him to work too much." With that, she gave a small smile to the adorable Organization member, before walking the rest of the way back to the Defendants desk in a hurry, knowing she was perhaps disrupting the testimony, though it was really their turn anyway. Fixing her hair up a little as she stared up at the items in the table, she went to slightly take them off the top of the white box. Glancing at Zack, she muttered, "Thanks. And I have nothing to ask of the witness. Don't know for Xelax."

    Focusing back on the meals, she first made sure her Ice Latte was safe and secure, before breaking up the food Xelax ordered one by one in a very tight way, starting with his drink as she slammed it in front of his side. "There's your white mocha frappachino, the Kerns Nectar Guayaya flavor, or whatever the heck it is." Two more items. "The Tutti Frutti flavored Juaritos. And the Wasabi Flavored Funyuns." It was there she began to take out things that were foiled. "The six inch Meatball Marinara with provalone cheese and Jalepeño bread. They didn't put too much in as you said." With that, she then dug around her purse still perched on her shoulder, and then drew out the small box, throwing it at Xelax, thinking he would catch it. "Oh. And your Tums. I had to go to many places for you, you know. If it wasn't for that HAWT guy who gave me his number nice young man who was kind enough to help, I would've never made it."

    What was in the big white box remained a mystery, because she took her time to sit down, and relax, putting her hand bag back on the floor, before taking her own Ice Latte drink, and the Gyro she brought with her. It turned out she was quite hungry too. Unwrapping the straw, she started to mess with the whipped cream, using it to put the white delicacy in her mouth. After a few tastes in seconds, it was there she dug the straw all the way to the bottom, mixing the caramel and sugar with the actual latte and ice cubes, so it wouldn't be too bitter.
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack shrugs and then turns to Denise. "You know technically you could order him to actually LOVE serving you. It's not like he'll remember anything afterwards anyway." He smirked again. "Yes, it's THAT powerful."
  14. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "Ok... First of all witness, how do you prefer I adress you? Repliku? Replica Riku? Or some sort of other name showing your independance? Perhaps Bob? Would Bob work?" Without waiting for a reply, he continued.

    "Ok Bob, you were called to testify, but I don't see how you were anticipating to use your testimony to establish Axel is a criminal. The only two crimes you accuse him off is his forcing Vexen to dissapear, and the attack against Marluxia, which can only be described as a skrimage at best."

    As if overcome by some sort of ADD, he noticed a meatball marina sandwidtch in from of him. He immediatly stopped the cross examination and took a bite.

    "Ok, your honor," he continued with his mouth full, marinara rolling down one cheek, "How do you wish to adress this? On the one hand, if Marluxia was in fact in authority, then killng Vexen was mearly following orders, and is therefore protected by the law of the region the accused crime is alledgedly taking place. Otherwise Marluxia was a traitor and alledgedly attacking him was in fact protected by the law as well."

    Suddenly Xelax smelled coffee. Simultaniously, his foot felt cold. He looked down, and saw that his worse fear was realized... he he could cry, this would have been the moment.

    OOC: Seriously, its a paradox, if I defend one crime, I damn him from the other... I really would like to know what the judge sais!
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: You'd THINK this was a paradox, but you're forgetting one thing...:sly:

    BIC: Zack smirked at Xelax. "Nice try, but there's one thing you've forgotten." He tapped a few keys on the holographic display and brought up the Court Record. Scrolling through all the evidence, he selected a familiar looking piece of paper. "Know what this is? You should, considering you're the one who presented it in the first place. It's the notary that Xemnas had signed himself dropping the charges against Marluxia and Larxene. And since charging Marluxia of being a traitor could be considered double jeopardy, that means that Axel was merely following orders from the "Lord" of Castle Oblivion." Zack minimized the Court Record. "Now that that's taken care of, are you going to do your Cross-Examination or not?"
  16. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax scratched his head... then he reached down and picked up the wasabi flavored Funyuns... "Wait a second," he wasn't sure if he should adress the evidence the judge brought up again, or ask Janexna how in the world she found wasabi flavored Funyuns.

    He chose the wrong choice first, "Hey whered you find these? I haven't seen theses things since college!" he confessed.

    Clearing his throught, and taking a bite of a Funyun, he addressed the judge. "Well if thats the case," he turned back to the witness, "Hey Bob, Did you actually see the fight between Marluxia and Axel?"

    "Also, is there any other crimes you wish to accuse the witness of? because I only see those two."
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Of course, you still forget something.

    150 heard what they were saying, and decided he might as well give them something to think about. Slowly, he edged his way into their conversation. "That would work." he sent to Zack, "But at that point in time, Axel was following Xemnas' orders, not Murluxia's, correct?

    As for other crimes..." Mewtwo cut off. "Forget it. I'll let him explain."COLOR]
  18. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack struggled not to roll his eyes. The speakers were still tuned to psychic chatter, so the question didn't go unnoticed to the courtroom. The judge countered the question with, "I don't remember Axel ever getting any orders from Xemnas during the Castle Oblivion incidents, do you?"
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't Axel given the orders to check out C.O. by Xemnas? Either way, he did not seem to be following Murluxia's rule, if you take the attempted murder into account."
  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "Mr. Two, attempted murder has not been established yet." Xelax said leaning forward, only to spill more food unto himself. "One witnesses testimony is hardly justification of attempted murder."
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