~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: lol, it had to be tried. The pity ploy. I <3 'd that, ICSP.
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Demyx fangirls, enjoy...

    OOC: Ready, guys and girls? I've had this sentence planned from the very beginning. Demyx fangirls, this is for you. :sly:

    BIC: Zack had his evil maniacal game face on. "Both Prosecution and Defense didn't do too badly this time around. I'll admit, all four of you made this take longer than it should have. But here's my take on the final charges:

    One Count Aggravated Assault/Assault - Phil - Olympus Coliseum
    Three Counts Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Olympus Coliseum
    One Count Theft - Olympus Stone

    I removed the proxy charge because Birdman, you're definitely right about there not being any 'direct' evidence, which is pretty much the whole basis of this courtroom and its past cases. Luxord was obvious. Demyx, however, may be in charge, but Janexna's correct in there always being Nobodies around even when the Org Member that supposedly controls them isn't living among the realm of light anymore.

    And what I stated about Jiminy stands, Peepee. Seriously, he wasn't included in the last three members, why would this be any different?"

    He gripped the gavel tightly in his gloved fingers and crackled electricity from his body for stage purposes only. "Demyx, in light of all charges, I hereby pronounce you...


    And your sentence..." He couldn't have had more of a sadistic grin.

    "I've seen how that cute court stenographer's been looking at you with her moonbeam eyes. She's obviously (like a lot of fangirls) madly attracted to you (I don't know what to, but still...)

    Since the charges aren't that serious, until Xemnas' trial is over, you are hereby sentenced to be Denise's secretary...no, that's too light." Zack cricked his neck. "I hereby sentence you to be Denise's man-servant until Xemnas' trial is over!

    If she asks you for some water, you will have a cup ready! If she orders you to make out with her, you will pucker up passionately! And if she orders you to strip..." A chill ran through his spine as the picture manifested in his mind...stupid Mewtwo. "...boxers or briefs are as minimum as you can go. PG-13 and all that." He shuddered again. "Oh, by the way. Just so Denise doesn't feel guilty for going overboard, all memories of your servitude will be wiped clean as soon as this tattoo disappears...unless she allows you to remember, of course."

    *SLAM* An aqua-blue and amber striped band magically tattooed itself around Demyx's neck. There would be no way to remove it by conventional means. Zack smirked at Denise. "He's all yours. Play out those fangirl fantasies. He won't remember anything unless you allow him."

    Then he looked over at the yellow pipsqueak and gave him a shadow of a nod. Being a Pokémon, he of all creatures would know what kind of punishment Demyx had in store for him...

    Naminé didn't know how to react, so she just gave Denise a faltering half-smile. "Um...congratulations?"

    Kairi couldn't believe what happened. "Slavery? That's a LIGHT punishment?" She crossed her arms over her chest and drooped her head. "Well, I guess it's kinda like stage hypnotism in a way..."

    "Alright, boys and girls! Here's a case we've all been waiting for! Mr. "I love that red hairdo!" The Prosecution may present its charges..."
  3. Repliku Chaser

    "...Well, at least it's servitude until Xemnas's trial is over and then he would go free...so that's not soOo bad." Riku wasn't sure what else to say about that. Of course he really didn't care to know if Demyx had a speedo under his cloak or not.

    Sora scratched his head. "Uh...so...um...yeah...I guess he gets to stay with us all then so that's ...kind of cool,..right?"

    Whatever kind of decision that was...well, it was too bad he didn't make Demyx everyone else's slave in the room too. Repliku was getting kind of thirsty. Ah well. He got up and wandered out to go get some soda. Going to the machine...he eyed it. Placing his hand against the machine, darkness opened a small portal and his hand went through and he pulled out a soda. After he dissipated the Darkness and then roamed back in after checking to make sure no one saw him. He grinned and sat down victorious. After all, Replikus didn't come equipped with money so theft was uh...maybe permissable. He wondered if he could try to pretend he was as silly as Demyx and that he didn't know better. After all he was only a few days old technically. He doubted anyone in here would suspect anything any way. Popping open the lid he gulped down some soda and burped quietly. "ahh..so good to taste food stuff for real."

    Harvey stood up. "As this begins, Axel's charges are the following:

    1 Count of Assault - Roxas - Fight in the Sandlot
    1 Count Aggravated Assault - Roxas - Mansion
    1 Kidnapping Charge - Kairi
    1 Attempted Murder of Roxas by Order.
    1 Count Conspiracy to Murder Sora - to get Roxas back, changing him to a Heartless again.
    3 Combined - 1 Assault Charge each to Sora/Donald/Goofy in Castle Oblivion. (first fight)
    1 Murder Charge - Vexen by Order of Marluxia - this may be contested by Xemnas.
    3 Counts - 1 Count each Coercion of Sora/Donald/Goofy. - Working with Marluxia.
    1 Coercion of Riku Replica - which led to murder and attack.
    1 Murder by Proxy of Zexion - using Riku Replica.
    1 Aggravated Assault by Proxy using Riku Replica against Riku.
    1 Attempted Murder of either Riku or Riku Replica in Castle Oblivion. - He set them to fight for one to die.

    "This is what I have come up with so far, your Honor."

    OOC: Sorry I had to edit this but realized I forgot Axel's charges. I may have to add to them but that's what came off the top of my head so far on the spot heh heh.
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power's eyes widened. "For the love of god... That's the norm where I come from! And his isn't even for life! Speaking of that, I have a question. What if Demyx dies of old age before his sentence is complete?"

    Pika_power sat down, and attempted to concentrate, but failed. He briefly closed his eyes to think, and he opened them to see Mewtwo down in his seat, and Kairi a few rows along. He considered making a fuss, but instead walked out of the courtroom to get some rainbow snacks, yellow in colour.
    He had almost walked to the machine when he saw Repliku reach in and take out a Soda. "Hmm. I'll assume your aren't going to pay for that." Pika_power said dryly.

    Mewtwo set himself down next to Harvey after a brief teleport between himself and Pika_power. "I will be taking this case instead of Mr. Power." He broadcast only to Harvey.

    He then stood up and added to Harvey's speech: "The charges I got against Axel were

    one count - Attempted Aggravated Assault - Namine - Castle Oblivion 13th floor
    Three counts - Attempted Murder - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Castle Oblivion 13th floor
    Three counts - Aggravated Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Castle Oblivion
    One count - Coercion Leading to Attempted Murder and Murder - Repliku - Castle Oblivion
    Three counts - Coercion - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Castle Oblivion
    One count - Murder by Proxy - Zexion - Castle Oblivion Basement
    One count - Attempted Murder by Proxy - Riku - Castle Oblivion Basement
    One count - Murder - Vexen - Castle Oblivion
    One count - Aggravated Assault - Roxas - Digital Twlight Town sandlot
    One count - Attempted Murder - Roxas - Digital Twilight Town Mansion
    One count - Kidnapping - Kairi - Destiny Islands
    One count - Manhandling - Kairi - Destiny islands/Twilight Town
    One count - Conspiracy to murder - Sora - The worlds

    Keep in mind that it is subject to change with evidence."

    150 sat down again, waiting for the Birdman's response.
  5. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Denise was quite shocked. Did he just say what I think he said?!? She blinked. This could be... interesting... A small part of her smirked. You know, that evil twin people pretend they don't have. But she decided to start with something light. "Um, sharpen my pencil?"

    Demyx more shocked than anyone else. Man-servant?!?!? He hoped Denise wouldn't go too far... He heard her ask for her pencil to be sharpened. "Oh, um, ok, sure, I guess..." He started sharpening her pencil. How long was this court thing gonna last? This could get interesting...
  6. Janexna was shocked at the amount. Well, she guessed that was what happened when you're in two games, and unlawful acts, and some cannot be refuted. Axel had even more than Marluxia combined, and that was only because the pink haired man got charged with the Murder of Vexen, when while he was a accomplice to it, wasn't the whole who killed. The list, otherwise, would've been shorter. Rubbing her eyes before this started, by damn, if there was not going to be a break, she'll make herself one. Getting up from her chair, she said to Xelax, "I'm going to get my freaking Ice Latte. We've spent almost 20 hours on these trials without sleep in between. I'm stunned we're even all awake."

    It was there, she asked sweetly to her partner with a smile, "Do you want anything?

    The CEO waited as everyone gave a nod, and the only one who didn't, was, surprise. Larxene. She looked at her, and the other looked back, and they stood at a time still, not one moving.

    After three minutes passed by, Marluxia sighed. He just wanted to get this over with quickly, and get to work, something which he still hasn't decided on what he was going to do with. The girl was difficult sometimes. "Larxene, just nod your head, for pete's sake."

    Larxene frowned deeper. "No." She heard both men sigh this time.

    "It's quite alright, we do not need her to understand. Moving on, later as you explore the realm, you will find other things the control will do. Now, if you will please look to your respective sides." As Axel and Larxene eyed the left, and Marluxia the right, dents in each metallic wall began to appear, until it smoothed out of the way like sliding glass doors, and there were rectangle entryways for them to pass beyond. Outside, the background seemed to be the same color green, with lit numbers filtering through in milliseconds, or even less, up and down, as a matrix. Exactly like the view behind the CEO's desk. Under each door, there were tubular steel tracks, with one car each with a safety seatbelt and a bar to hold unto. The one on Axel and Larxene's side was black, and the other on Marluxia's side, was purple.

    "A...roller coaster?" Axel blabbered out surprised as he stared at his own, making sure he was assuming right. Something swelled within him at the thought, and he smirked, somewhat excited at the prospect.

    "I would prefer it be called a train, but yes, this is what we use to get by around the fanfiction reality. Each of these will take you to your respective rating section. The girl and you, seeing as you have the K+, would have to travel down, so it might be a roller coaster ride, after all, for you. As for Marluxia, yours is rated M, so you will head up instead, so you don't have to be concerned if you're going to be dipped. There will perhaps be some slides, but otherwise, you're fine. If you would please, I think I've explained enough. It is time to part, I have other matters to attend to quickly."

    Axel, grinning like he just won the lottery, went to ask, "Question. Does the video that comes along with the written work be edited?"

    "No. Think of the video as a draft, in that respect. And we don't have all 24 hours, so I will ask once more, to get going. Time is of the essence."

    "Well, I suppose this is it," Marluxia stated nonchalantly, turning to glance at Larxene as he directed the words to her precisely. She shifted her own blue eyes at him, raising her eyebrow as if skeptical about what he was trying to get at. "It was a pleasure seeing you again, I suppose. Don't know whether I will see you once more after we get out of this."

    "Right," Larxene replied shortly, before waving her hand casually. It was there she gave a sardonic smile, tinted with irony. "Then I guess this is where we part, partner."

    He chuckled darkly, the sound penetrating deep in his throat and chest. "Sure thing." He said no further, and with one last look, he turned, beginning to walk through the entry, reaching the platform it stood on. He then examined the boxed car, to see if it would fit someone like him, as from the outside, it appared much smaller. The color, something he was positive was done on purpose, didn't meet his taste. It was big, and wide, and at good length, and quite high as well with plenty of leg space. Letting out a sigh, he then carefully stepped into it, feeling quite foolish, and sat down comfortably with not much trouble. He was not going to wear a seatbelt, and if anything, he could hold on to the bar, yet the whole idea seeemd childish. Hearing a steam suddenly behind his back, he saw as the door was sliding back into the wall again, and saw both Axel and Larxene eyeing him before the solid block made the whole room, and everything in, disappear from his sight. Shifting his focus on the front, he heard a slight metal ding, and the car lurched forward at a reasonable speed and pace, though still quite fast as he traveled among the emerald vacuum that was the realm, as number seemed to flicker close to him. Making sure he put the control in his pants pocket securely under his cloak, he laid back, and waited until he reached his destination.

    Larxene stayed gazing at the now normal wall, before paying attention to her still open one on the left, the roller coaster waiting for them, her and Axel, to climb in. It was needless to say, unlike her companion, she wasn't exactly looking forward to this...ride. Not that she was scared, or nervous, of course, just that she didn't really appreciate heading to something trivial in this type of matter. She just wasn't really in the mood to be thrown around, and then forced down. Not to mention, she would have to get in with none other than the redhead in question, and she was still highly annoyed with him. Nonetheless, thinking that it was about time she stared at him directly, and not really having a choice, something Larxene knew he had noticed, she leisurely went to scout her eyes over his face, yet there were no marks there, or any more traces of her attack before. In fact, it was clean as if it never happened. Larxene blinked when his green orbs shifted unto hers, staring at the other for a tense moment.


    She glared at the CEO, not for interrupting, but only because she didn't like "her", and then just twisted smoothly on her heels, and stalked off to the doorway, her boots clicking on the metal floor. Going outside and into a platform in, she found that while there was air, there was no wind or breeze, something that will maybe change once the "train" starts, she concluded. Wondering about the ride, she searched the thing, seeing that it fitted two people comfortably, and had enough space for them both to relax and have their own room. However, that only held her interest for a little while, before her eyes trailed the tubular track, going straight into a unknown void, though the fact that the CEO said that they might go down was etched on her mind.

    Larxene scoffed, yet didn't get in. Either way, she found the presence of somebody behind her, and she froze, knowing who it was, and not liking how she had her back exposed to him. Axel didn't do anything, as she watched him step into the cart without a single word, dropping down his butt on the seat lazily, and leaning back as if it was a couch. His hands fiddled with the seatbelt, as if placing it on just for the hell of it, and once it locked, he let out a yawn. She couldn't help but give him a dirty look, though she didn't know why.

    "Are you getting in?" Axel questioned lightly, not knowing why she was prolonging this any longer. He looked at her, but he wasn't certain whether she was going to speak to him just yet. He was kind of startled when she finally did decide to stop avoiding him, and in this case, his mind kept on pondering on the reason she even committed the act in the first place. Now, though, he wanted to get this roller coaster ride started.

    Really, what was holding her back?

    She didn't answer, but after a bit of reluctance in her part, and hiding it well, she carefully put her foot inside first, then the other, and after thinking about it for a second still, went to quickly sit down, almost slamming herself on it. Ignoring the surprised stare Axel was giving her, she put on the seatbelt that was on her side, and set her vision in front of her. Unmoving as a rock. They didn't have to wait such a long while, until there was a shake, a soudn fo steam blowing, and the car in a out of the blue flash, raced out into the open, in speed that met her face with rough slaps of wind, and she hurriedly grabbed on to the bar tightly, clutching it hard. Larxene didn't realize what she just showed, and unbeknownst to her, Axel was holding a hand over his mouth as if not to laugh.

    He couldn't believe it. He could not believe it. Axel had to blink his eyes a couple of times to make positive he was seeing the tough, Savage Nymph hang on when the ride was really just moving forward, yet she was gripping the thing as if her own life depend on it. Who would've though her of all people? Letting out a small snicker, making sure the blonde didn't hear, he concluded that this was going to be truly fun. He couldn't wait to go downhill.

    Man, where was a camera when you needed one?
  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax nodded, "Sure, get me a white mocha frappachino, a Kerns Nectar Guayava flavor, a Tutti Frutti flavored Juaritos, a bag of Wasabi Flavored Funyuns, a six inch Meatball Marinara with provalone cheese and Jalepeno bread, they can put jalepeno's in the sandwitch, but not too much, oh yeah, and a box of Tums... something tells me I'm going to want that later..." Xelax then sighed... he was hungry... and thirsty. He paused momentarily to let his stomach growl...

    "Janexna, did you get all that?"
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack's eyes shifted back and forth. "Okay, so who's the Prosecution going to be calling up? Considering that pretty much EVERYONE has been in contact with him, you've got a lot to choose from. Heck, bring up that Reppy kid. He seems to have a connection with most of the charges you brought up..."
  9. "Yeah. Kind of. I just know I have to go to a lot of places to get half, if not, all of them," Janexna muttered kind of taken aback, blinking a few times, before setting her eyes on the pen that was automatically writing the list Xelax had just recited to a notepad paper. She waited until her pen was done, and once it wrote the last letter, it flew out of the way, and then the paper got into her hand by its own volition. Ah. The power of Quintessence, life to inanimate objects, and the perfect ability for those who are lazy. Giving a smile and nod to the pen, she saw it give it back, before lying down on the table once more, still and unmoving. Folding up the paper and putting it in the breast pocket of her suit, she got ready to leave. Giving a small wave to her partner, she took her purse and hung the straps on her shoulders, before heading off, and out the knee high swinging doors that took people to the benches behind them.

    She would've liked to see how Axel's trial would begin, but she was freaking needing her Ice Latte, and in turn, pushed ajar the front door, and got out of the court, so far, for the first time since she got here. Once she was in the hall, she released a serene breath. Truthfully, it was refreshing to get out of there and relax. Sparing a moment for the freedom, she walked from the area, and made her way down a small flight of stairs in the path to the outside world.

    "You know what happened one time to a girl on a high speed roller coaster? It was all over the news," Axel began with a evil smirk on his face, rather, began another one of his roller coaster stories of real life accidents that had occurred in the past for the female next to him to hear. As he bent his head to his side to look at her, he saw Larxene giving him a venomous, disgusted, and threatening expression, so much, that she lseemed like she appeared right out from the fiery pits of hell, and was about to send him with her. There was even a slight shadow cast on her head menacingly. All that was needed was the fire. Yte, he wasn't fazed.

    What? It was time for her to feel tortured, for once. He was going to milk this for all it was worth as they now slowly and anxiously went up the hill to start going straight down in a flash, which was, really, really high already.

    "I don't give a damn," Larxene snarled tightly, her eyes narrowed into slits, and glaring at the redhead before her as if to split his body in half painfully with a lightning strike, and then later jump rope with his spinal cord. She wouldn't let go though, to hit him, and her grip was unflinching. They could suddenly rush down at any given second, and she wasn't fond of flying off to who knows where in this green abyss she was stuck in. Her back was laying comfortably, yet stiff, on the surface of the seat, feeling like she was resting in a bed as her eyes were forced to stare straight up above as the cart kept rising and rising, the small sounds of chains, clicking, clicking, every freaking second, shaking all the while. Larxene tried not to look at how high they were. She had never really been in a ride like this in all her life...of course, not that she was scared, it just meant a whole new experience for her to take, and she didn't know what to expect, is all. Not paying mind to the sudden nauseating swell in her stomach, churning inside, however, she wondered something quickly...

    Why the hell was this taking so long? Is it always like that, just building up momentum, and suspension as the people started spitting out bricks? She shut her eyes angrily and in thin patience when she heard the idiot open his mouth again.

    "Well, I do, and I'm going to tell it to you," he nonetheless replied, a grin now formed as he saw they were getting closer, ever closer to the peek. "Is short, a girl was riding one of those upside down, twirling, roller coasters, you know, the ones that let your legs hang out in the free air? Well, it appeared that some mechanical problem made the wire snap, and it slashed her legs from the knee down completely off. She's spending the rest of her time in a wheelchair, sadly enough, with the disability of not being able to walk again."

    He actually did feel kind of bad for the girl, especially as she was only thirteen there, but he went to focus on his little ploy. "Oh, sure, roller coasters are usually safe, but accidents do happen, I think even one had side effect on a guy's brain due to the velocity, and he had to be taken to the hospital in a emergency. It turned out that he had to go through surgery. And can't forget, one day, the type of ride we're in, where we are stuck inside, slipped off the track, and almost flipped over. Thankfully, while injured, nothing serious happened to the good people on the incident. Of course, there was a time a person literally fell off the cart itself as the safety was loose and not well placed...things like that just happen anytime, anywhere...it's very dangerous."

    "Could you shut up? I hope you know what you're doing is not working, dumb@ss," Larxene muttered bored, her eyes opened again to give him a pointed gaze that could rattle almost anyone if they didn't have the upper hand. Imbecile. He probably was making all this crap up, and throughout this time, she wasn't even one least bit nervous. Or petrified. But he kept going. So she didn't understand where he was getting this idea of her being uptight about the ride from. Larxene just wished he nailed his mouth shut. Or she was going to do it for him. Or just rip his lips altogether and keep them in a jar for future warning for those who had dared to blabber on, and on pointlessly.

    "AH!" Axel barked out of nowhere, loud, shocking, and even shook the cart and bounced it as if something occurred. He spotted at the corner of his green eyes Larxene crouching and sliding slightly down in her seat, and huddling closer to the bar in alarm, and he couldn't help it any more as she fell for it. Not that she could blame her, he made sure he did it naturally, and in a way that was hidden so no one would know better, he was quite the expert on that, yet, seeing Larxene this high strung...it was too hilarious. He laughed. This was just...too damn amusing for him. And to think, it was only for the distraction as they reached the high point, and were about to go down.

    Unfortunately, Larxene didn't see this, not because she was blinded, but her surrounding was the last thing that was on her mind because of Axel's taunts. Her body shook with fury at the nerve this @sshole had to do that, gritting her teeth as her face had a small pink blush of embarrassment on her smooth cheeks. Why that, inconsiderate mother*^&%$#, she was going to break him. Letting go of her hold at that precise moment the cart was steadily preparing to spurt downward, her face heated with wanting to slash at the redhead's face, ready to strike, she began to yell, "Don't you ever haAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!"

    And the train went in a half a second darting below into the bottomless space, the high pitching scream trailing off in the stagnant, empty air.
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Mewtwo nodded. "Very well. I shall call Repliku to the stand. But currently he appears to be absent. He should not be gone long."

    150 let a thought form in his head. What if he is attempting to escape, and I have revealed him?
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack watched Janexna leave the courtroom with her purse. He didn't know whether to stop her or not, but he figured she'd be back eventually. And the way her butt moved from side-to-side when she walked was truly mesmerizing...

    Naminé saw that Denise was preoccupied with her new...boy-toy, so after excusing herself, she trotted back to the witness booth.

    Kairi was indeed curious to hear Repliku's story. She figured Axel was pretty much a wildcard wanderer...in a way, kinda like Riku, free-spirited and charming. Although she was still feeling a bit sore from being yanked away from her home like that...
  12. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku stopped and lowered his soda. He was just about to reenter the court room and heard his name called to the stand. What could they want with him? His eyes darted left and then right. He then backed against the wall in thought. If I just go back down the hall and hide somewhere for a long time...they'll choose someone else. But where to go? He looked down the hall and began to wander. He passed by the bathroom and stopped, unaware of much of the antics that had occurred there earlier with Namine and Roxas. He rubbed his chin and shrugged, walking in there. He then went into a stall and sat down on the toilet and went back to drinking the elixir of life...soda. "Darn it..I counted on Vexen's trial being the only one...crap."
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack drummed his fingers on the judge's desk. "Seeing as that your witness is a no-show and possibly taking a porcelain cruise, maybe you might want to choose someone else?"
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power watched Repliku go to the door, then turn away and dash to the toilets. He counted to 20, then followed.

    "What's so bad about testifying against Axy? Nothing to do with Vexed!" A cheerful yellow head slotted through the bottom of the toilet door told Repliku. "Your pal Mewtwo is waiting out there. Are you really going to stand him up?"

    OoC: Yes, a couple of posts ago, I got Pika to follow Reppy. You might have missed it.
  15. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku blanched a bit and then shrugged, putting on a tougher appearance about it all. "I don't like what Axel did to me but I was stupid too. I don't really want people to do to me what they already have. I'm a doll and a tool when they want me to be. I am only as sentient in this case as they will say I could have made a decision and not listened to him. I'm really only as real as someone wants me to be and I can tell you this. As fake as those two feel I am, they would feel -real- agony and hopefully death if they attempted on me what they've done to Namine and Sora. I don't care if I die and no one else does either, but I will certainly take someone with me if I have to hear only negativity. I have Darkness and I -will- use it. It's best to call someone up who will be 'nice' and take the name calling and harassment."
  16. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power nodded understandilngly. Then said with a grin, "You should testify. You were easily not in your right mind, and Axel took advantage of that."
  17. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Ok, sorry for my absence, but I've been trying to catch up on the First Harry Potter book before I got too far along. But within that, I've come to a cross-road.

    I want to start the story over, so I'm just going to do the story in creativty corner, tell you guys when I update, and on the plus side, the story will be more filling and with longer chapters.

    Starting on first chapter tonite. *6-20-08*
  18. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku sighed. "I hate being seen as weak, but fine." He slumped his shoulders and exhaled slowly. After, he turned, gulped down the soda, belched and tossed out the can. There was no way he wasn't finishing the cola before this. He needed something positive to think about. He made his way back to the court room, figuring Pika would follow him. Oh, how he didn't want to do this. He moved through the double doors and made his way towards the stand with a determined look at the judge like if he had to do it he would. "Right. Suppose I'm here now."
  19. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Huh?" Zack looked down from his perch and noticed the Reppy boy was finally in the courtroom. "Oh, so you are here. Whatever. Take the stand, Prosecution and Defense know the drill." He glanced over at the defendant who didn't seem to have noticed anything that was taking place. "I sincerely hope the Defendant is paying attention for once..."
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Repliku nodded and took the stand. He sat down and was not going to be surprised if Axel was zoning. He could be super intelligent and aware of so much and at the next minute could be off somewhere else mentally. It was kind of amusing.


    * Larxene loses to Sora in some fight with Sora but returns and Axel and her talk and Vexen shows up and I was in the hallway overhearing the conversation. Vexen says he wants to test me against Sora and they agree to it with a bit of coaxing and mockery. I asked what the cards were for and Axel said they were of Sora and Riku's memories. Larxene then comes up with the idea to use me and give me Riku's memories. They do what they planned after Vexen says it must be done.

    * Between floors 7 and 8 I went and encountered Sora. I did as told with the new memories and fought Sora after getting angry about Namine. I left.

    * Namine and Axel have a convo and he tells her that Nobodies can't be somebodies but he was sure there was something she could do.

    * Larxene and Vexen have a argument about the experiment. Axel was there too but kind of playing middle ground though teasing Vexen. Marluxia labeled me a failure and said he'd report it to Xemnas. Larxene said treason is a capital crime. Marluxia gave Vexen the order to destroy Sora and Vexen, having little choice went to do so. Axel pointed that out to Marluxia who didn't care.

    * Vexen goes to confront Sora. During this time he takes him to a memory of his 'other' in Twilight Town. After, Marluxia gave him the order to kill Vexen. Axel went and did it after saying he would do what Marluxia said 'eliminating the traitor.

    * Axel comes back and passes his test to get in more with Marluxia and Larxene.

    * I meet Sora again who tells me I am 'free' because Vexen is gone. My memories were altered and Sora and I had the same memories of Namine now. We fought.

    * Axel after this let Namine go before Sora would go to Destiny Islands.

    * Namine confronts Sora on the Islands and then after he leaves there, all 3 of us meet in floor 12. Sora and I fought.

    * I was then going to kill Sora over false memories and Namine shut me down. After this he goes on but Marluxia comes to where Namine took me.

    * Axel shows up to confront Marluxia who calls him a traitor. Axel says he's the traitor and he would kill him in the name of the Organization. I couldn't do a thing. They fight some, neither gaining ground. Marluxia tells him to strike, but Marluxia gets Namine to use her as a shield and Axel says he is going to attack any way. Sora arrives and Marluxia points out to Sora that Axel would kill Namine so he then leaves with Namine and Axel and Sora fight.

    * Axel was defeated by Sora but leaves. His will is strong so he doesn't die and feigns it instead.

    * Marluxia was taken out and Axel spoke with Zexion and gave him a card to take on Riku because it was felt Riku was useless. Zexion fails in his fight. I wasn't there for this but knew about it since he brought me to see Zexion after.

    * Axel met with me and he brought me to where Zexion was after his fight. I had learned above that I was not 'real' but I had Riku's memories now and Axel said it would be nice to be real. I agreed with that.

    * He said all I needed was the strength and Zexion would be a good place to start so I killed Zexion, absorbing his power.

    * After, he monitored and I would die fighting Riku.
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