~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey shook his head. "I would suggest just going with the two testimonies as they are sufficient and enough. I believe Demyx has some things he's avoiding but one of them I finally got out of him and the other is not so important. We should move on and not do this, Pika", he advised. There really was no merit in his mind to calling up Xemnas. If there was a reason to call up Xemnas, it would have been pertaining to Marluxia instead or against one of the other Org members, such as Axel. Really this wasn't necessary and Xelax pretty much had summed it up. He couldn't argue with his point either. "Demyx in the end seems to have been little more than an errand boy to the Organization, not really doing much into the actual mechanizations other than what exactly he was told to do. Let's just wrap this up."

    Sora sighed. He just wished Demyx's case would be done with. He was worried for him but also for Axel who came next and had done various things more and less than Demyx.

    Repliku yawned. "Demyx is such a wuss. I -do- wonder how a wimp like that got into Organization XIII. Then again, I also wonder why I was there at all so it's all good."
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power nodded. "Very well. let's just finish with Demyx. Judge! We are ready for your supreme judgement!"
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack raised an eyebrow. "You mind telling me what the Prosecution's charges are exactly? If I remember correctly all you've claimed was Aggravated Assault and Theft..."
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power scratched his head. "Uh...

    Aggravated assault on Sora, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy for the first Demyx Battle...
    Assault on Phil.
    Theft of Olympus stone.
    Aggravated Assault in Hollow Bastion on Sora, Donald Goofy and jiminy...

    Of course, I would be just as happy to forgo the Olympus stone theft charge, and let the gods deal with him on that. I am sure they would be... fair." Pika_power snickered, muttering something about Prometheus.
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey shrugged. "One count Aggravated Assault on Phil. He was unarmed and whether Demyx says he did not know what was going on with the other Nobodies, he was in charge and called them and let them do whatever. Since they cannot be held responsible, he therefore is and Phil was knocked out cold by the attack which was a ganged up maneuver."

    "Three counts Assault, one each for Sora, Donald and Goofy. No need to explain. Assault though instead of Aggravated Assault as Sora, Donald and Goofy could arm themselves and defend themselves and were able to get by the unwarranted attack."

    "Three accounts of Assault again for Sora, Donald and Goofy - one each for using the Dancer Nobodies which are under his control to attack the three at Radiant Gardens. I do not expect this to stick but there is enough evidence to present this as a fact and the attack was done prior to the battle between Demyx and Sora the 2nd time. However, I would like it to be acknowledged as evidence whether charges are given for it or not. No one else controlled the Dancer Nobodies until the end where Xemnas took control of them when Demyx was gone, same as when Axel was labeled a traitor and his control over Assassin Nobodies was failing."

    "And the theft of the Olympus Stone. No need to explain that either really as the gods of Olympus identified him and Hercules declared it openly that it was stolen and the person identified along with Nobody accomplices."

    "These are the charges I am placing forward and if Mr. Power is content with them."

    He looked over at Pika and then shrugged. "Okay..well again we aren't in unity so go with the charges you see fit, Your Honor. We'll just go with that decision."
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power shrugged. "Fine. What Harvey said, except add Aggravated assault of Sora, Donald, Goofy and Jiminy onto the charges for Hollow Bastion, and add aggravated Assault X2 for Jiminy, due to the Dancers and the first battle, as Jiminy was unarmed."
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "And how's the Defense see this?" Zack asked, pretty sure that they wouldn't take all of this sitting down...
  8. "This is what it is so far, coming from Birdman's stance, minus some alterations. In the honest truth of the battle, there was no weapon used to directly attack Sora. The sitar, while there, was not inflicted on Sora as a weapon of use to physically harm, and Demyx did what you would do with the instrument, play it. If there's prove that the sitar did bonk Sora in the head or otherwise, this remains. In that case, the music controls the water used, and this is where it proceeds. The water, is perhaps the true weapon here as that is what truly attacks, if you understand. While the water clones could be harmful, it was still in its own way, Assault, because if Luxord basically knocked out Will physically, the water clones did the same in restrospect. Unless, of course, the prosecution minds. And also, for Phil, I switched it to Assault By Proxy due to the testimony of the witness, and also because there was no weapon in use to increase it to Aggravated Assault at all. If there's no problem, I don't mind the charges as they stand at all," Janexna stated, shrugging to herself, and thinking if Xelax had something to say. Blocking off a yawn, she went to glare at Xelax for ignoring her questions before.

    Clearing her throat, and shaking her head to ignore Mr. Power. Maybe he should eat the damn cricket by this point. Either way, she continued, "Considering this, I took out the other Assault charge, because, it's all depending whether it sticks or not by you, your Honour. Truthfully, it's all relative, and while there are what Birdman mentions, direct evidence or prove doesn't connect the Dancer Nobodies to Demyx permanently, something that has to be taken into account. In court, this wouldn't usually stick, as there could be other options as well since the event is pretty unclear, we don't know the full situation, and as I said, there needs to be some form of evidence to really connect Demyx to it. I won't mention any of the options, of course, they will just assumptions, though it would've been better to ask Demyx, or even Xemnas, this in the first place, instead of basing on assumptions only. Assumptions aren't facts, after all. However, it is in the decision you see fit. If Xelax agrees, so..."

    Theft of Olympus Stone
    Assault on Sora, Donald, and Goofy
    Assault By Proxy - Phil
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power took a bite out of the table for randomness, then spoke. "The sitar was the weapon that Demyx used to channel his energy. The only difference between hitting someone with the sitar and using it the way he did was the manner of the energy. Kinetic, in the case of him hitting, or magical, in the case of him channeling his energy through it and causing water to attack Sora.

    And why have you completely missed the fact the Jiminy exists? If he were in Sora's hood or what-have-you, then if Sora were to get hit in a certain way, he would be hurt. Thus assault on Jiminy.

    Demyx admitted making the final move in the Hollow Bastion fight against Sora, he appeared there with the intention of battling Sora, and despite saying he would move, he did not when he was asked to. He has admitted he could have been seen to have blocked the way too."
  10. Repliku Chaser

    "I will have to disagree with Janexna at a couple parts and maintain my charges as they were due to the evidence. Also, Assault by Proxy is not applicable to Phil. Demyx -did- call them and they did his work for him, yes. He was the leader. Also it would be aggravated assault considering the Nobodies -ganged up- on Phil who was unarmed. Therefore I maintain Aggravated Assault on Phil. Assault at least. I do not think 'by proxy' spells out the charge as severe as it is to siccing foes on someone and then just running off when he states they were doing their 'own thing'. It's irresponsible and -at least- Assault should apply to attacking a weaponless person with a few Nobodies and fleeing the scene."

    "Assault on Sora, Donald and Goofy I will maintain, as whether Demyx attacked them with his -Sitar- or not, he used it to summon creatures that would attack. Also, most people point a gun and fire it. They don't go bash someone on the head with it regularly. Therefore, he used a weapon to cause a reaction and this reaction was again, another weapon. Therefore it should stay as Assault."

    "Assault the 3rd time, I leave that up to you your honor but as said, I want it noted that there is at least probable cause to believe that the counts of Assault against Sora, Donald and Goofy on Radiant Gardens by the Dancer Nobodies could be plausible as though it cannot be -directly- proven, there is sufficient evidence that most likely leads that it could be the truth. This would also be most likely by Proxy if approved."

    "On the theft, there really is no dispute and it should be maintained."

    "I believe I've stated my angle and as Janexna said, I will also await your final verdict now."

    One Count Aggravated Assault/Assault - Phil - Olympus Coliseum
    Three Counts Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy - Olympus Coliseum
    Three Counts Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy Radiant Gardens - by proxy Dancers
    One Count Theft - Olympus Stone
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack rolled his eyes behind his mirrored shades. "Pika? We didn't include Jiminy in the charges for Luxord. We didn't do it for Marluxia. And we sure as shi-, I mean, we definitely didn't do it for Larxene. So why the hell would this be any different?!" Zack massaged his temples. "Hell, that whole wishing upon a star crap was a buncha BS. Calvin wished for a million dollars and when it didn't happen, he swore he'd skoosh him if he actually saw the little bugger." He stopped himself and cleared his throat. "Unless Xelax has any objections, I'll announce my verdict..."

    OOC: So yeah, I'm waiting on ICSP...
  12. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Someone bap ICSP to get his arse over here. I wanna see the verdict before I go to sleep. lol
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé glanced over at Denise. "You nervous? For Demyx, I mean."
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power chipped in again, spitting splinters. "These are my charges, just in case you missed them.

    One Count Aggravated Assault/Assault - Phil - Olympus Coliseum
    Four Counts Aggravated Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy/Jiminy - Olympus Coliseum
    Four Counts Assault - Sora/Donald/Goofy/Jiminy - Radiant Gardens - by proxy Dancers
    Four Counts Aggravated Assault/Attempted Murder - Sora/Donald/Goofy/Jiminy - Radiant Gardens
    One Count Theft - Olympus Stone

    I feel that this is a fair representation of the crimes Demyx has commited. Considering the light punishments, he should have nothing to worry about."
  15. "Let's do it right, and say it was a Assault, but it was by Proxy. I don't think I need to elaborate on what you agreed with the Nobodies, as you even said so, so as it stands by actual charge: it is Assault By Proxy. Luxord, who attacked someone unarmed, Larxene to that connection on Naminé, and others, as welll as even the water clones who hit, are stated as Assault, so I don't see a reason why it needs to be Aggravated Assault on Phil if there was no weapon used. At all. There's a need to be consistent with this, since other members were already on trial with the same charge. And this is how it is going to stay from now on considering Assault or Aggravated Assault if we have convicted others. I do not maintain Aggravated Assault for this, as I have to diagree on this respect because of certain reasons."

    "I also want it noted that there is no evidence that Demyx did order for them to attack, and to consider the actual backgroung and activity going around the actual setting. There are always certain Nobodies, Dusks, and Heartless popping when you are heading somewhere, and I don't think it needs to be counted now, after all this time, as well as up to the 9th member, considering that so far, we haven't had this problem and haven't paste it on anything by this time so far. There are other plausible options and reasons why the Dancer Nobodies would've been there, and in all honesty, this shouldn't even be a charge here. I wonder why at all, in this particular case." There's no way this would normally be held up in court without the prove needed, and she will just have to see what it is decided, though she will be quite surprised if it turns out negative. She didn't now why they all bring this at Demyx after spending hours on trials, but whatever fist the prosecution to add more stuff on their list. Seriously. What a damn as hell slander to the guy, of all people. "Sorry, but it still remains:"

    1 Count of Assault By Proxy - Phil
    3 Counts of Assault - Sora, Donald, Goofy
    1 Count on Theft of Olympus Stone

    "As I said, I don't think the other Asault charge should be added since is your decision whether to or not in the verdict. Mind you, we do have to wait on Xelax..." She wass sure he would argue a lot more.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: I sent him a PM. Not sure he's around now. Really if he makes his final statement then we can go with this. We really don't have to 'argue' anymore charges really in themselves except to wait for Xelax's closing statement because the charges can be whatever as long as reasonable. It's up to the Judge to say guilty or not guilty yadda yadda *jig jig* HURRY ICSP. SLEEEPPY.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power looked out the window into the night sky. He glimpsed a star brighter than all the rest. A thought in his head, he said, "I wish upon a star with all my heart that Demyx is guilty of attempted murder of Jiminy Cricket. I wish for him to get given a really hard sentence, such as the Death sentence!" He raised his hands in a praying gesture.
  18. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "Yeah. I hope he doesn't get anything too bad..." Denise replied.
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Sora snickered despite himself. Though Pika was a hardballer on these court things, there were times he could be so funny! "That was just weird."

    "I learned to not wish anymore. I never get what I want in a good way then." <.<

    "How come no one will answer the question of how a wimp like Demyx got into the Organization in the first place???" Repliku shrugged. This matter would plague him for a while most likely. Then again, he was joking about it too. It was just fun to say and maybe someone in the Org like Xemnas would entertain him or just try to smite him later. Of course, he had no idea if he was going to live after this whole thing was over at any rate. So he had no fear. He'd already died once after all. He only had 3 cases to have to sit through or 4...before he was going to enact his secret diabolical annoying plan anywhoo. Then it was time to escape.
  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "The defense believes that Demyx acted in self defense in the case of the assult charges, and that the alledged theft was, in the defendants oppinion, a victimless crime as he did intend to return it. I mean c'mon, look at him!" Xelax said as he pointed at Demyx in the defendants chair, "How can you possibly give a bad judgement to this poor sap?"
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