~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack looked over at Harvey. 'At least someone has some sense...' he thought to himself. Out loud, though, he said, "Listen to your partner, Power. I'll let that first statement Xelax brought up go, but the second statement is the question I'm referring to change." He hoped that the Defendant had enough sense not to answer that last question before he said something everyone would regret...
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power sighed. "Meh. Fine. Demyx, were you attempting to kill Sora in the battle?"
  3. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Demyx looked confused. "No. I was trying to get to Roxas... So maybe he would remember me and come back to us! I never wanted him to leave..."

    Demyx pouted at the sissy comment, wondering why he added that. "I spotted a three headed dog while I was looking around... big three headed dog..."

    "Dusks help a lot when finding things. If you asked them to help, they will help you scout around... and they did before me."

    "Yeah... I guess borrowing was wrong..."

    Demyx groaned. More details?! Agh. That was the longest stuff he had to say ever! "I first met Phil back outside, and he asked if I can join to fight in a contest. I was lost, I didn't hear him well... so I almost said yeah, but then I saw what I was doing and pretended that I spotted something. He was going to sign me up!"

    " Then I ran, hoping something would stop him from following, cause he didn't look too happy since I heard him yell. He chased after me though... he's a really determined little guy. I managed to lose sight of him for awhile... and then I went to look for the stone... after, I met up with him again in the Underworld... and... well... uh... of course he wasn't that happy with me."

    "I freaked out again when I turned to face him. I began to run away, and then Nobodies appeared behind him I don't know what happened after... by what you said... they knocked him out. I did summon them accidentally... believe it or not... Nobodies have this bond. You can do what you will like with it... I'm sorry..." He really didn't know what else to say...this was just from his memory. He shrugged. "I don't know, about the Twilight Town thing... was a member controlling them or something?"

    "I know. It wasn't there about calling me a 'kook'... I don't think I even heard him! It was more the second we met. I thought he sounded kinda mean."


    "Because the stone had nothing to do with it."

    "No. I would've let him pass... I didn't really want to fight him..." This was somehow tiring him and he was really nervous already! Let this be over soon...

    Demyx wasn't sure what to make of that. He just knew it wasn't murder. "Uh... it was just a fight... I wasn't trying to kill him..."
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack pursed his lips. "That satisfy everything Power? It just seems to confirm what Sora already testified to..."
  5. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey watched Demyx. There were still two questions he wanted answers for that weren't making much sense. One had to do with Phil being attacked because no, the lesser Nobodies would not just attack someone without an order to do so. That made no sense. These orders also could extend so far that they could be on their own without the higher Nobody around. It was clear Demyx had to have ordered them to contain Phil at least while Demyx made a hasty retreat. The other thing was the claim that the stone had nothing to do with anything and yet Demyx had used it to power himself in the Underworld so he could liberate Sora's true disposition. Knowing Sora would be weaker there without it, Demyx had used it. Therefore the theft of the stone was very much intended since it was used. These two questions he would wait on if Pika did not address them but the rest of Demyx's statements were true and matched up well to Sora's testimony. The Nobody did seem anxious up there despite the fact he had -no emotions- which just proved to Harvey all the more that they at least had reactions off of former emotions. It made him wonder what in the majority of Demyx's life had made him scared before he became a Nobody. Perhaps it was the Heartless or just bullying of some sort. Either way, that attitude was a big part of him that he seemed only able to cast off should he 'get sick of it'. Demyx was proving to be rather interesting.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power facepalmed, then tried to explain. "Yes, I know you were trying to get to Roxas. You have said that multiple times. What I want to know is what that would mean for Sora. Were you hoping that Roxas would just walk out of Sora and start fighting for you again? Would Roxas emerging mean something bad would happen to Sora?"

    Pika_power nodded understandingly. "A big three headed dog. Perhaps I spoke too soon with the sissy comment.

    You don't sound so sure about theft being wrong. You sound as if you may re offend, if you had the motive to."

    "So when you summoned the dusks, they just attacked Phil? You gave them no orders whatsoever? They just saw an innocent Phil, and attacked him? I don't believe it. Dusks do not randomly attack people without orders. They long for a heart of their own, they do not attempt to eat hearts like the heartless. Even if they did, I see no reason why they would have left him alone once he was out cold. I cannot see them being summoned accidentally, attacking an innocent bystander then leaving when he was unconscious.
    Pika_power groaned. "You misunderstand me. I have no clue what 'Drawing it' means." Pika_power thought for a second. "Unless it is in reference to a fight, but no fight you had fits that description."
    His eyes widened. "If the stone had nothing to do with it, then why keep hold of it through the battle? Sora was fighting for the stone."
    Pika_power cursed. "So you would have disobeyed orders, and gone against command?"
    "Some of the attacks you were throwing around, and the fact that you attacked until you faded away lead me to believe that you were trying to kill him. How do you explain that?"
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack facepalmed. "Yo, Pika! He was referring to your question of who drew their weapon first." Either the Prosecutor was being extremely dense or he was acting stupid on purpose. Was he trying to prove a point?
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power glanced at Zack, and gave a thumbs up. "Got it, thanks!"
  9. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "I guess walking out, just get... some form of him. I really just wanted him back... to be in the Organization, I suppose you would have to fight. But it was Heartless that we took out, I don't get how that's bad..."

    "And I don't think so." He really had no idea why he asked questions he didn't really get himself.

    Demyx frowned. He was beginning to get uncomfy with the... what was he? Was it a "he"? Did everything had to be a straight answer? "Why would I re-offend? I only said it like that cause while now I know it was wrong now... I didn't know before..."

    "I thought I already told that... in my mind I wanted something to stop him or block him... and I think that's where they popped out and thought it as a order. Which is why I called it accidental..." He thought he said that. And... he was beginning to think by now the thing was just throwing words at him. What did he want? "Why wouldn't they leave? You never told me... was there a member there? Cause then is weird for them to do that... I don't get it..."

    Demyx tried not to snicker. "I took my weapon out in our first fight."

    "I thought you meant about me! About my reason... while I used the stone once, that wasn't what... what do you call that? Motivation?"

    "Of course! If Rox- Sora wanted to..."

    Demyx shrugged confused. "I was just using my power. Aren't you suppose to do that in a fight?"

    "And, well... from what I know... us Nobodies are made with somewhat of a weaker skin than others. That's why when it gets too much... we, er, fade away..."
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "No, I am not berating you about attacking heartless. What I am asking about is how Roxas would appear. What exactly were you hoping would happen? Would he just walk out of Sora and say, 'see ya!'? Would he take over Sora's body? The way I understand it, you are saying that you went to beat the crap out of Sora in the hope that something would happen."

    Pika_power groaned. "Do you not keep knowledge from your past life? Were you honestly never told stealing was wrong? I find that very hard to believe."

    Pika_power clicked his fingers. "Oh yeah, with Twilight Town, there was Saix around. My mistake. Anyways... Why did you not call off your nobody buddies? If you have a link that allows them to know exactly what you want, surely you would have the same link with those you control? Did you not know that they were attacking Phil?"
    Pika_power attempted to act nonchalant. "I see."
    "Please order your thoughts, then reconstruct that sentence. I cannot understand a word of it. Either you are saying you kept it as motivation for Sora to fight, or you kept it as a motivation for you to fight."
    Pika_power's eye twinkled. "Aha! But in that case, when Donald requested that you leave, why didn't you?

    Saying that you would let them past confuses me, as you dark portaled there to fight them."

    Pika_power smiled gently. "Demyx, you do know that shooting water at someone at high speed can rend limb from limb, right? Some of those attacks you threw around were more than capable of being fatal."

    His tone changed slightly.

    "Weaker skin? Do you have any documented proof of this?"
  11. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Man, he sure is asking a lot of questions... Denise thought. She envisoned herself running over and thwacking him, but figured that probably wouldn't be a good idea...

    "I was just hoping for something to happen.... anything. Yeah, I was hoping... I don't think there's anything wrong with hope... when even the order written by a superior said it can liberate his true dispositon... and stuff like that... and it's said that it can happen by what the rest said... other than that, I don't know."

    He sighed. He felt like he was repeating himself.

    Demyx frowned at him. Didn't he already say he knew it was wrong now? "I already told you that and more. And I don't know what else you want me to say."

    "No, I didn't. I really wasn't paying attention... and with my panic to run, that's what I did. It wasn't until later that I got that they really did appear! I wasn't worried... cause they weren't to attack him, you know, and they would've been gone by the time I stopped running, I sensed it. And I was afraid Phil will be mad at me if I go back... which I'm sure he would've been."

    "I didn't know they would go that far in blocking someone from following..."

    "None. I summoned my water clones in the chance that Roxas might appear... I said that."

    "It was a yell of 'Scram!'. I didn't think that was very nice. As I said, I was unsure, my boss was somewhere, and I was kind of lost of what to do....but if R-Sora needed it, or asked it of me... I would have... without a doubt... but I was always just thrown mean words about how I am..."

    "And so can any power. And weapon. It was a fight. And Sora was walking fine around all that and attacking back... I know how to control my power..." He shrugged, and then sighed. "It wasn't really fatal... except for me, though."

    "And, no? If I did, I would've given it to you. Is the reason why we fade, and are still moving and talking, we can't stop it. That's all I can tell you from a Nobody himself..." It was there he leaned back on the chair sadly. He gave into the fact that he wouldn't get out of here any time soon....
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power sighed, bored. With a mischivous wink at Harvey, he mouthed, "wake me up when something happens" then promptly fell asleep without dismissing Demyx.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey blinked. He then decided he should cover for his buddy. "Demyx, a couple questions and then you may step down."

    "One is, you were asked if you knew it was stealing at the time. I am unconvinced that you did not -steal- it and know you were stealing the item then and there. Otherwise why would the gods tell Hercules that a man in a black cloak -with- accomplices took it? It obviously took -some- effort to acquire and stealth. So, really now, did you know you stole it at the time or not? Also, as a Nobody, you have the memories of your past life. You glossed over Pika's question but I would like an answer. Did you never learn in your past life to not just take things without asking permission? You seem to be 20 or so years old, give or take, in appearance. So can you honestly just tell us that you did not know at the time you were taking it wrongfully? The theft is a theft regardless, but you are dodging the issue of the past as if trying to skirt around it and I find it hard to believe any 20 year old not raised as a thief would not know this, let alone the point even thieves know if they are caught they would be in trouble."

    "The next question. You say that you did not know what the Nobodies did and yet Phil says you turned on him and obviously looked at him. Also, Nobodies are intelligent but have no Hearts so why would the ones serving you just attack Phil without you giving them an order to do so and let you make the hasty retreat? The Nobodies all seemed to have no problems listening to Axel to steal photos from Roxas, so why would you not know what your many fewer in number Nobodies were doing to Phil?"

    "You mention your boss was nearby when Donald yelled 'Scram' and also claim you were confused and did not know what to do and just stood there still. Were your orders from Xemnas to hold Sora up and/or try to still get Roxas out or to do anything else? Since you again made the comment of "I told them they were sending the wrong guy" are we to assume you had orders to confront Sora there and it was not happenstance that you just dark portaled in front of him?"

    "After you answer these, you may go ahead and step down, Demyx. Thank you for your testimony." Harvey sat back down and was waiting for the answers. The situation was pretty set in his mind with what would work and would not, but he figured Demyx was at least having nervous memes so he'd give him his chance to fix things and maybe he'd be calmer knowing he was going to be able to get out of his predicament.
  14. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "Yeah, I learned in the past. I just don't know why it has to be brought up. But, usually when stealing, you get it from somebody else or a store or something. I never faced any Gods. And I never saw any Gods either. If that was it, I would have never gone through with it. I would have never passed whatever was in the way too. All I know was, that I would need the stone to help me, told to me by a... er, member, for powers to work in the Underworld. And as I said, I had Nobodies to help me find it and stuff. My mind... at that time, was not on that it was stealing. Honestly, it wasn't. Nobody told me what I would be expecting, just that a stone can help me. So I searched for it, found it, and took it. I can tell it was wrong and theft now, but before, it felt like I was doing what I was supposed to. I didn't think I would need someone's permission.... I mean, I never faced anybody or a person anywhere..."

    "Because I honestly thought they were just blocking him, or stopping him from following from what I was thinking. We can't always control their actions. I don't know why they got as far as stopping him by knocking him out, but that's not what I wanted. The order I didn't really mean, and they somehow popped out... it's not like I could really describe it to them either, cause it wasn't my intention to summon them in the first place."

    "I never got any new order, it was the same. The thing is, I kind of failed, so is either try again or..." Demyx trailed off there. "I couldn't go back to base without anything. I did know that in Hollow Bastion then, that something was happening there with Nobodies and Heartless. So I was kind of traveling. I did get word that I had to be around there by one of the members, just never thought they would be there. So yeah, it was surprising... in a bad way... because, if they were there, I knew what I had to do, I kind of always expected something, just not those three..."

    He stopped for a second, before smiling. "I can step down now?"
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Well, Mr. Mullet can step down. If there are no other witnesses, I guess we start off with the charges now, shall we?"
  16. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Demyx got down and went back over to his seat.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey poked Pika. "We're done with questioning on this end unless the Defense wants to bring someone up. I think the two testimonies are enough."

    Harvey didn't believe some of what Demyx said as it made little sense. Was he -really- that much of a gopher to the Organization that he never paid attention to much in it? Maybe it was true, but the thing with the Nobodies still bothered him. It made no sense since he also took them with him to get the stone in the first place and also he had Dancers at Radiant Gardens that attacked Sora freely. He felt that Demyx there was skirting the issue but there was no need to keep asking and asking.
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    A small bolt of electricity discharged into the chair as Pika_power shook himself awake. "Is it finished? Perhaps we should call on Xemnas. I am curious to know the effects of Roxas leaving Sora in the way Demyx attempted."
  19. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax overheard the pokemon prosecutor mention Xemnas. "I do not have any objections to Xemnas being called to the stand, as I believe his testimony would be nothing but beneficial to the defence, although, I do not see what new discovery could be made if he is in fact called to testify."

    OOC: I do not have any objections to Xemnas being called to the stand, as I believe his testimony would be nothing but benefical to the defense, although I do not see what new discovery could be made if he is in fact called to testify.


    Oh no... I think I'm turning into Xelax...
  20. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack was stunned. There was going to be a third testimony? For someone as easy as Waterboy? Zack slammed his face on the desk...gently. 'Somebody please kill these lawyers before I do...' he thought to himself...

    Kairi was still oblivious until she opened her eyes. It looked like the Prosecution and Defense were up to something. She hastily put away her iPod and watched the courtroom with interest.
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