~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé was silent for a moment. She seemed to be struggling with a question in her mind. Finally she asked Denise, "Do you like Demyx? I mean, more than just a pretty face?"

    The absence of the old wizard's flame immediately caught Zack's attention. 'An illusion, huh?' he thought. 'Then that means the X-rays had nothing to do with anything...''

    Knowing that the concentrated X-ray beam caused any real harm, Zack once again turned on his X-Ray option and began staring at Janexna once more...
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Yen Sid let out a 'hmph' and then gestured and Zack's X-ray vision would cease to work as he stared at Janexna. He did not comment further as the man was supposed to be presiding over the case but it was clear this was not the right thing to do in the old man's mind, whether she was a Nobody or not. <insert angry Yen Sid eyes here> Instead of working now, the vision would show as if he were staring into a field of clouds that whirled about changing colors.
  3. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Denise thought for a moment. "Yeah. I love his cute bubbly personality. And just being around him makes me all giggly inside."
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack was slightly taken back by the sudden shift in vision, but it didn't faze him. After a few seconds, his sunglasses absorbed and recorded the old fool's magic power, adapting so it was immune to any more of his powers. The judge smirked slightly. He had spent the past few years dealing with both the supernatural and the industrial. Something as pathetic as this so-called supreme wizard's power was almost laughable. The psychic's power shouldn't affect it anymore too. Borg technology eat your heart out.

    Fortunately his 3-D scans of all the girls in the courtroom had finally completed themselves. There was no longer a reason to use the X-Ray function, so he switched it off and began to take model animations of his scans and posing them. Anything to pass the time until the Prosecution actually said something that required his services...

    Naminé went silent again before asking, "Do you think you'd ever want to date him?"
  5. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    She thought a bit longer. "Yeah."
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Suddenly, Zack got a weird feeling something was wrong. Hibernating the program he was using, he scanned the courtroom again. Indeed, he didn't know what it was, but he got the chills just thinking about it. And that said a lot.

    Not knowing what else to do, he double-checked to make sure all the courtroom's security systems were still functioning...

    "Hmm..." Naminé broke her gaze from Denise and shot a glance over at Demyx. "Dating material, huh?"
  7. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax could see that something alarmed the judge. He assumed it to be nothing... then he suddenly had a sureal feeling that a leviathan was going to come in and eat Zack... he had no idea why... but thats what he felt was going to happen.
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power looked at Demyx. "So you attacked him in the hope that Roxas would take over Sora's body, or something like that? Judge, surely this is more than mere assault. He attempted to suppress Sora's consciousness through violence. His mission may not have been to kill, but it was to strip Sora of control of his body. Either that or turn him into a heartless, as that is the only way for a nobody to be created. I am assuming from the battle in Sora's head in The world that Never Was, that a Nobody can also seize control of the body. Either way, it proves that Demyx had motives far more sinister than a spot of dancing. Am I correct Demyx?"

    "The first time you met, the time when you ran away like a sissy... I mean the time when you were tactically retreating, what were you running from? Sora was there, but for some reason you were past him, and were screaming, 'RUN! RUN AWAY!' I want to know why." Before me forgot, Pika_power added more in.

    "Demyx, at this moment, do you view borrowing the stone as wrong, or would you do it again? Also, the gods said that you has assistance of white beings in stealing the stone. Why would you require the help of dusks for finding a stone?"

    "Demyx, lying in court is a crime. You do know that, right?" Pika_power said, starting a patronizing tone. "Just making sure. So let me get this straight, Phil, wanted to know if you were going to participate in the games, so he ran after you. You accidentally summoned creatures to attack him, and they left him unconscious. I see a few problems with this stor- I mean evidence. Firstly, you made a mistake about when it actually happened. Secondly, Phil's testimony said you "Turned on him, then he was seeing stars" but by your testimony, you never turned around and you accidentally summoned beings with no hearts. Phil never mentioned Nobodies. He just said you turned on him, implying that you knew full well what you were doing. Thirdly, Dusks are not known to leave those unconscious alone. They knocked out three thugs in Twilight town, and were still circling them when Sora arrived.

    Can you explain away any of these inconsistencies?"

    Pika_power finished off that questioning with a smooth end, then shifted onto the next area.

    Pika_power smiling a grin more suited to a sharpedo. " Demyx, have you heard of 'Ignorantia legis neminem excusat'? Do you know that that means? It means 'ignorance of the law excuses no one'. You cannot get off the hook because you did not know. The most you could get would be a reduced sentence. And I strongly advise against that, due to the fact that you felt the need to summon dusks to aid in your borrowing of the stone.

    As for you naming habits, that is exactly the sort of thing I am talking about. Did you ever mention your name to Sora? No? Then how could he name you anything except 'This Kook'?"

    Pika_power raised an eyebrow. "You drew it?"

    "In that case, why not drop it before any conflict was needed?"

    "And considering that you had orders to fight Sora, I would assume that you would not have let him past. Am I correct?"

    "I see." Pika_power nodded, with slightly more respect. Demyx seemed to be telling the truth, not that he would let that get out.

    "So would you say that you attempted to murder him, or would you only describe it as aggravated assault?"

    Pika_power looked at Demyx. The water manipulator had as good as given a confession, yet there was something resistant about him. Could it be possible that he was just trying to get justice?
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax snorted at the Pokemon's cross examination... not the sort of snort to show distain, but rather the typr of snort witholding laughter.

    "Mr. Power, was that a cross examination or a blatant accusation? I see no confession to murder, nor an admission to something more sinister than calling water clones to dance with him. Mr. Power, I am somewhat suprised, even of you."
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power whirled. "Ahem. I believe it is my cross examination, not yours. During cross examinations, unless you have something to object, you keep quite. In other words... Xelax, shut up." Pika_power turned to Demyx. 'Please continue."

    OoC: Yeah, I did enjoy that. Is that so wrong? v.v
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "Fine..." Xelax muttered... folding his arms in dissaproval...


    "Mr. Power is claiming that he got a confession, when in fact, there is none."
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "Ahem? Kindly show in the court record where I said that, and about what case. From what I can remember, I never said anything about a confession. I think perhaps a penalty is in order?"

    OoC: I think Xelax just read Pika_power's thoughts...
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack snapped back to reality. "A confession? Really? Because I don't remember him actually saying anything out loud about that. However..."

    He peered over his sunglasses at the Pokemon. "That last question was indeed accusatory. You saw what happened to Xelax when he tried to accuse Sora. I suggest you don't make the same mistake. We're here for the truth, NOT trying to make the defendant look more pathe...I mean, harsher than he really is.

    "In other words, tone down the direct accusations and be more subtle or I WILL penalize you again."
  14. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax cleared his throat "Ahem, I now point the courts attention to two of Mr. Power's previous staments."

    "Even Phoenix Wright could see through what you were saying Mr. Power."

    OOC: There... you happy? And yes... Xelax can read thoughts... Edgeworth does it all the time to Phoenix Wright... so no penalty should be issued...
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power turned a red tint due to the judge, muttering "I cannot see how that is accusing. I was genuinely asking what sort of crime Demyx thought that he commit. I apologize if it seemed that way. As for the other comment, I was asking for Demyx's agreement with my statement. Is that so wrong? I am trying to gather information. I was checking my theory with him, as he seems to be telling the truth and has a desire for justice, even though he occasionally slips up."
  16. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: No, Edgeworth reads body movements. Two different things. :p

    BIC: "Gathering information is fine. But I suggest you reword those questions. Theories only hold up in court if they are backed by evidence, after all."
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Its a little off topic... but Edgeworth actually does read Phoenix's mind, in the same way Xelax did to Pika. He saw where he was going, then cut him off, saying word for word what his opponent was thinking... remember the Rise From The Ashes Case? Edgeworth did that all day... I don't even think Phoenix said anything the first day, since Edgeworth interupted him with exactly word for word what Phoenix was thinking.
  18. Janexna frowned, and patted Xelax in the shoulder. "Just ignore the ra-pokémon. You should know by now how he is." She wasn't fond of the mouse by his behavior so far, so it was better to tune him out at times, which she was doing. She stil had her set of playing cards, and she was about to hagger Xelax about it again, before deciding not to. Demyx did kind of respond, but she really wanted a break before heading into Axel's case. Ohhhhh, her baby =3. She was craving a Ice Latte from DD, however. "Hey, Xelax, I was wondering. Won't the fact that the characters out of their universe mean that it affects the game's plot completely, since Kingdom Hearts hasn't really ended? They have to go back, don't they? Like Xemnas. He's suppose to come back for a last final round with Sora. It's the predictable cliché. And Axel. And the others might too, but if they are stuck somewhere else, they won't get the chance, and it creates a rift in the space time continuum. I fear Nomura will sue us, zo to."

    It was by now she was getting bored, and she asked Xelax more, "Hey, doesn't this whole justice thing remind you of the complex meaning of DeathNote?"

    Ignoring Larxene's heavy death glare of doom, she went on robotically now that "she" got attention. "I think you all know why and what you are in here for. I rather not permit outsiders, for certain obvious reasons, but this is a special case where I've been asked for assistance. You will finish what you need to do here quickly. The more time you waste, the more time you're imprisoned here. I'll first start with you, the female beast there-"

    "This female beast will puncture those balloons in your chest if you don't watch it," Larxene spat acidly, the only thing keeping her from doing so being Marluxia's hold on her. Again. She was getting tired of it, honestly. Sending a electric shock up the man's arm, making him let go quickly, she crossed her arms, peering eerily at the CEO with burning eyes. However, she kept her cool, considering her body was quite exhausted from her past actions by now. She wasn't going to take what a fake whore looking data, she guessed, said about her to heart. Oh wait. She didn't have one.


    "-as I was saying, your punishment as read, is 750, 000 words of K-Rated, Friendship Genre Fan-Fiction. I have calculated that if you just stayed with Axel here, it will focus more on romance than actual friendship,especially as this particular one is quite written to have feelings for you. In your case, savage, I've been studying your past, and I understand attraction when I see it-" Insert Larxene's hiss here. "-In this case, you are allowed to take characters out of complete fanfictions to form friends with, where there is no more plot, and it has ended. Three is the maximum. I have no need to explain to you how writing a fanfiction inside the Fanfiction Realm is, as your companion is quite aware of it, but I will explain this due to Marluxia." She turned to the pink haired man. "Your punishment is 500,000 words of M-Rated, Shounen-Ai Fanfiction of any Genre of choice. Luckily for you, this does not mean you need to have intercourse, and the genre, I'm certain, you will pick nothing at all of romance. Nonetheless, to make something yaoi, you will need that kind of basis. Do as you wish with it."

    Axel sighed. He hated drawn out things like these, more so when it had nothing to do with him, or something he already knew. The only time it peeked his interest was the romance speech of it, though truthfully, he didn't know how him or Larxene will get on speaking terms to be concerned with any romantic tendencies in the first place. They are in a strain now, they are both mad at each other, and he somehow knew they had to speak sooner or later when she will need his guidance. Didn't mean peacefully. Besides, the girl can't even love. And he wasn't just saying this because she was a Nobody like him. He had no clue how will she be able to start a friendship, however, he had a set plan in mind. They were definitley going to use Sora and Naminé. There was a pick of a third, but he didn't think they needed any more. And if Larxene can take Axel's company and be civil with Marluxia back at Castle Oblivion, maybe it would not be that hard.

    That, and Marluxia got off from being thoroughly humiliated. He was still hoping he'll be force to kiss a guy.

    The CEO took out two small, black remotes, with only two buttons: one red, one green, and a small screen. It floated to the hands of the convicted in question. "Now. The way you are going to begin your fanfiction, is to act it out. The mainframe has been fit to your needs, and every action, thought, and emotion you may have, the database will take it in with its highly capable censors, and automatically type it in writing. The green button you see there is to press when you are ready to start. The red, is to stop it when you're done. You are capable of writing more words than your punishment asks for, and the screen in the remote will keep count of how much you've obtained so far. Don't lose them. Amongst that, to make a plot, you are also allowed to explore a world of any fanfiction that is once more, completed. In this case, if you wanted to find a amusement park, you can. However, you are only permitted to choose ONE, so pick wisely for a resourceful fanfiction to be in. Make sure that a Axel, Larxene, or Marluxia don't exist in that realm either. We don't need confusion. When you have your world, press the green button twice, and the setting will become permanent. You will be watched, so you'll be penalized if you keep skipping from fanfiction to fanfiction when a realm is already sstored. My advice is if you're going to get characters, to stay in the world they are in. In the end, you will come back here, and you have a chance to edit your work in a computer. It will be read over by me to make sure you have not changed anything that is too drastic, and when it is over, your fanfiction will be saved in a disc. Along with a video of your adventures recorded, for a live visual. This will be given to the judge. Is that clear?"
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power shrugged at Zack. "It is the cross examination. Of course my theories need facts. That is why I am trying to get information from Demyx. I put forward a theory for him to disprove. When my theory is stable, I will end the cross examination."
  20. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey studied Xelax a moment. Something was wrong that he was saying though it was going to take him a bit to figure it out just what it was. He looked at Pika and whispered, "What you said was alright but you may wish to not ask the Defendant what charge he feels is more appropriate as he is not a lawyer or Judge. However, the stance on the theft and asking him to more explain 'how' Sora would be succombed to the spirit of Roxas is are points that need inquired. Retract the one statement about questioning whether he felt it was murder or aggravated assault and you should be fine to continue."

    Harvey sipped his water and looked through paperwork, figuring out the best course to take for the next case. Axel was going to be an interesting conundrum. He had definitely done things quite wrong but at the same time also did things that benefited Sora and likely Sora also would have leniency towards Axel, just as he had towards Demyx, though for different reasons that Axel actually turned sides and decided to assist him. Demyx was given more tolerance since Sora obviously felt he was a 'wimp' and if he had not been in the Organization, he may have been someone the boy could have called friend. Axel was more complex as he was capable of heinous acts and yet he also became capable of even sacrificing his life for what he believed when the fear memes were taken away. There was a loneliness about Axel that made him more complex as well and he wondered if Roxas being as unusual as he was, and also Sora, had awakened in Axel some link to his former Heart and instead of wanting to be whole as he was, he figured out the way to desire going back to being whole with his former Heart. It made for an interesting case. These two Nobodies especially were garnering sympathy from even the people that had been forced to face them because of their natures. Would the people who had fought against the Nobodies harbor the same feelings towards others in the Organization? He would have to think on the best angle of dealing with Axel's case and it was one of the reasons he had chosen to take it.

    It also made Harvey think that though they had no Hearts, it was obvious the Nobodies had souls. These souls may be what was possible of giving any a conscience and also reminding them of how they had once been. Could Roxas have gotten through to Axel on a level no one else could because some of the Organization seemed rather stuck on themselves and even easily psychopathic? These were thoughts to ponder and so Harvey busied himself on coming up with his working plan on tackling the situation with Axel. Pika was doing a good job with Demyx, despite some small errors and though it was clear he had an intolerance of the Organization, perhaps he was learning what modes to step into more for the role he had to take. Xelax was the opposite but also learning to somewhat tone it down. It was almost amusing that the two attorneys were so similar to each other in some ways, saying the wrong things and being very aggressive and yet they were opposites because of the sides they were on. Harvey sipped some water and mused. He hoped his office was fine when he would get back to it. Sebben did mention something about wanting to hunt for missing paperwork...which he was calling some sort of animal named 'Paperworkus Missingus" and so there would at least be bullet holes in the walls. He just hoped his boss didn't get a hold of any grenades like last time.
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