~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: It depends. Do you guys still believe that I can judge fairly even if the Prosecution decides to call up Kairi or Namine?

    Granted, Pika's got a point. :p

    I'd still like to, but it's really up to ICSP since he technically has final say...:huh:

    BIC: Zack wondered if he should chance using his X-Ray Program Option again...but then decided against it due to Mewtwo still keeping tabs on him. He glanced over at Yen Sid. The guy either had fireproof loins or he was just extremely old and unable to feel down there anymore...
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Yeah. After all, Kairi and such are just the topic, not either side. So while Kairi may get argued over, Zack won't exactly take sides, as Kairi is impartial.
  3. OOC: I don't mind, and as long as you keep with the facts of the games, novels, or whatever, it should be fine. I mean, think about it. Repliku has Sora as a witness, Repliku Repliku, Riku, while he is a prosecutor (I think he has Zexion too, right? I remember he had asked for him since Daxma disappeared...and unless we need Lexaeus as a witness, he's going to have to be played by someone too). Pika has Roxas and all Disney characters at his hands. I myself have Xemnas, Larxene, and Marluxia. ICSP has Vexen, Saïx....

    So far, we've done a good job, and kept them IC in decisions and words. I don't why you won't do the same. However, it is up to ICSP, I suppose.
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Don't worry, that shouldn't be a problem with Kairi. She's almost clueless about what happened anyway unless someone told her...

    BTW, I don't suppose there's a novel translation that explains exactly what happened when Kairi got kidnapped by Axel? I was always wondering how Kairi ended up being in Saix's hands in the first place...

    BIC: Zack wondered what would happen after the new judge would come in. He still had to 'Backstep' to the past so he could stop Luxord from escaping after all...
  5. OOC: On Turkish_Delight part? Not really, just yet. But there is also this one -

    This is the part where Axel gets KOd by Saïx (and then wakes up in Naminé's lap in another scene. Grr. I'll show you that too, if you have't seen it...) D:. But the page also shows when Saïx gets his @ss handed to him by Riku. Good stuff :D.
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Wow. So THAT'S what happened! So Saix really DID steal Kairi away from Axel. The whole thing finally makes sense now!

    Out of character, Axel has my sympathies. In character, though, I can't let that sway the decision unless someone presents that particular piece of evidence. Of course, using it might save Axel, but harm Saix...
  7. OOC: Well, me and ICSP have already deemed Saïx, Xaldin, and Xemnas to be lost causes :/. We can't protect all of them for the crimes they did commit. Is there a charge on mahandling (if this is going to be used) since Saïx took Kairi by force?

    And I noticed this is like, the second time Naminé got beshslapped by a Org. member. Seriously >.>.
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Well, that's up to the Prosecution to decide. ;) And thanks for clearing that up. That's been bothering me for quite awhile. But as of right now, I guess we should focus on Demyx...

    ...AMBY! Where are you?! :blink:

    And yeah, if I were Naminé, I'd have been holding some animosity for all those hits...

    ...oh wait. :p

    BIC: Since things were pretty much at a standstill, Kairi decided to take out her iPod Nano and pressed "Play." She started mouthing the lyrics:
    "Hikaru kaze wo oikoshi tara
    kimi ni kitto aeru ne
    atarashii kagayaki, Happy Ready Go..."

    She didn't really care if she was sitting on top of Sparrow's face or not. She just wanted to escape from this boredom...
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Jack shiverred once, then threw Kairi off him, and rolled away. "Sorry missy, but I'll take my chances with the cannon!" He stood up and clung to Sora, putting him as a barrier between himself and Kairi.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Namine -may- be called to the stand for Axel but doesn't really -have- to be. There are others who were around Axel. But even if so, I think it could work. If you really want to do it, go for it. Just after Axel, give it up. Axel's is going to be amusing. ICSP and I haven't yelled at each other IC for a while.

    Sora blinked. His shoe was suddenly just gone. He looked down to see Jack. "Uh Jack, why are you taking my shoe???" He then looked over at Kairi and then at Repliku, who both had shocked looks at first but Kairi said it all when she mentioned that Jack was back again. Next thing he knew, Jack was by him, now clinging. "Captain Jack..what are you doing? ..There aren't any cannons in here." *scratches his head*.

    "Hey!" Repliku whispered to not well, disrupt the court that was all dealing with Demyx and whatever. That drunk guy had returned. Now he was stealing stuff from people. He glared as Jack was now clinging to Sora desperately and his eyes narrowed. He then sat back hoping the pirate was done and turned to watch the court case.
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    "Aye mate" Jack said slowly to Sora, "But your girly friend over there is singing something, and I cannot understand her..."
  12. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ooc: Amby's computer got shut down by her mom so she lost everything she was working on, then her network crashed so she had to hack into a neighbor's network just to get online. She also has no clue why she's refering to herself in the third person. *goes to work on reply again*
  13. Repliku Chaser

    Sora grinned. "Even if you don't understand her, she has a great voice, doesn't she?" He snickered. "Do you want to get up now and sit in a chair? That has to be uncomfortable."
  14. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Oblivious to Jack's fear of her singing, Kairi calmly got up from the floor and sat back in her chair, mouthing off the next stanza:

    "mezameta bakari no tokimeki hajikesou
    mune poketto ni tsumete sora wo miageta
    maegami no yukue wo kagami to niramekko
    orijinaru egao de kakenuketai yo..."
  15. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Jack stared at Sora, then came to a decision. If no one else was going to save Kairi, he would have to do it himself. "Jack jumped off Sora, and leaped at Kari, attempting to remove the earplugs from her by force.
  16. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Just as Sparrow leapt, Kairi noticed that one of her boots was untied. She bent down to tie it, unaware of the soaring pirate that passed above her.

    "ichibyou goto dokidoki irotsuku kono hibi ga
    mirai chizu ni naru takanaru kodou..."
  17. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "I inter-inteparted. Wait- interpreted! Yeah, I interpreted that I should somehow use a type of force, to bring Roxas out. I didn't really want to hurt him, so I tried to keep it down, but I had to fight too. I don't know how I was supposed to do that, they just gave me the card with the order. I just went with what I thought. Yeah, that's what the note said."

    "My superiors said that the place was in the Underworld to where Sora is. So I went there. All I knew was that I had to do something, and I ran by him when..." Demyx hesitated a bit. Great. Now they'll probably think he was a wuss. "I was running off...and, to be honest, well... I don't believe about that Nobodies don't have emotions. I do remember how it was like, but it's also like it's there in your chest too. And... I don't know what to make of it... but I wasn't lying. That was how I felt... I don't really know explain it well..."

    "I never said it was a excuse. I just thought that at that moment, it wasn't stealing. I found the thing, and when I remembered what Xiggy, er, Xigbar said, I took it to use so I can use my powers. I didn't really mean it..."

    Demyx tilted his head in confusion, before blinking in realization. "Oh! Sorry. I meant after I took the stone. I wasn't sure when I met him, though. I just know that I did. I did turn and ran off when we reached the Underworld, as he was still chasing me, when I thought he stopped before... back when I first saw him outside the Underworld. I saw Nobodies popping up behind him at the same time... I don't know why he said, but that's what I remember..."

    He trailed off there, as in deep in thought on that time. "...I might have actually called them accidentally. I was thinking a lot about something stopping him... and I guess they answered to that. They kinda follow you like that. I'm sorry if that hurt him though. I honestly wasn't meaning to. He just... kinda freaked me out... I know is not a excuse, so I guess that's my fault... sorry...." He frowned a little.

    "Well, I passed by them in the Underworld. And, they confronted me in the Underworld too." He scratched his head. "Didn't I answer the second question... before... well, as I said, my superiors sent me here, I just didn't know what exactly to do yet until I found Sora cause I didn't know if I was going to find him..."

    "As I said, when I ran past him. That's the first time I saw him. But, the members and I knew about him....

    "I only named them strange things because I didn't know their names... and some I can't remember. It's not that I did it on purpose. I know the dog is Goofy now... I don't know about the duck yet though... and now I know the goat or man... is Phil, right?"

    Demyx kind of flinched at the last sentences. "Okay...I just didn't know at the time..."

    "No, not that I know of. I can't make one. No too. And, that's a no. I don't know why he said that, but I never set a time limit thing. And I drew it."

    "I dropped it willingly before I left."

    "I meant they sent the wrong guy to Hollow Bastion."

    Demyx looked down.

    "I guess it might have looked like I was blocking the way..."

    Demxy just stared at him.

    "I suppose so, since I don't really blame him because of what I did before."

    "To fight. To fight at all. I don't like it... I'm not good... I don't even know why they gave that order to me."

    "Yes, and no. I was tired of them calling me names, because...I always seemed as a wimp. And...it was kind of mean. I didn't want to fight him still...but then Xemnas and the other members...it was hard. Nobody said to kill him, so I went to fight again and at least wanted to prove myself I'm not that weak..."

    He frowned to himself. He probably was though as much as he didn't want to. If everyone said it...

    "Me. And again, no. Not that I know of."
  18. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Behind the shades, Zack was rolling his eyes. 'Took him long enough, the wuss,' he thought.

    "Does that answer your questions, Power? Or was there something else?"

    "What do you think's going to happen to Demyx if he's found guilty?" Namine asked Denise. "The way the judge is looking at him..." Shivers ran down her spine. "I feel sorry for him..."
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Sora turned and was watching Demyx again since Kairi seemed she could handle herself just fine. He listened to Demyx and Pika's questions calmly. He hoped that Pika wasn't going to be as hard on Demyx as Xelax had been at Sora. Demyx really didn't seem that bad a guy to Sora, especially now that he could hear him and he did admit to things. If there was another Nobody, other than Axel that Sora would actually want to talk to and understand more, it was the blond rockstar up there.

    Riku glanced at Kairi and smirked as Jack went by. "Can't you guys sit down and be good?" He watched Demyx's cross-examination and still was not sure how the man did not know he was 'stealing' and instead acted like he just grabbed the item but knew exactly what it was for. This seemed quite wrong to Riku, but other than that, Demyx had been pretty up front this second time around. He watched mainly the reactions to the 'no heart' that was said and frowned. He remembered how Namine had asked him to help Axel and he had been reluctant. He did feel that Roxas and Namine were special, despite what DiZ had said, but understanding the others were unique too had taken him a bit. He was almost annoyed at it. He was not sure if Demyx was playing around but he seemed pretty serious. He was near certain that the Org member was being, though somewhat absent minded, serious and seemed almost upset at the no Heart thing. In that way he was similar to Axel as he recalled. There were a few members of the Organization that Riku could definitely label as heartless psychopaths, but it seemed that some others, like Demyx and Axel had not just come from the same cloth as those others. To him, that was reason enough to give them a second chance and not be too hard on them. Of course, Axel's trial, Riku knew, was going to have more to it than Demyx's since he had played a double-agent and also betrayed the Org, but had plans to get Roxas out of Sora in his own way, using Kairi, and most likely something worse. He had sympathized with Axel, but it was nonetheless wrong. Demyx, to Riku, probably never would have done the things he had in the first place if he had not been with the bad members of the Org. 'Sending the wrong guy' was a true statement to Riku. He did wrong but so did Riku, under wrong pretenses, feeling that was what had to be done. If there was one Org member Riku didn't like one bit it was Saix and it was still hard to find a reason to care about him at all. Others though, like Demyx...he felt he understood.

    Yen Sid, at last, sick of the stupid illusion on him casted a spell that the illusion faded. He was paying attention to Demyx, watching keenly as the Nobody spoke. These people were indeed complex.

    Repliku watched Demyx and shrugged. Seemed some of the Org members had been used too and were not as crappy as some others. Of course though, they had more sympathy except by the yellow Pokemon than Repliku ever would receive because he was considered a doll. Despite the fact this really made him rather angry and jealous, he kept himself contained and couldn't help but see that Demyx was rather a weak member of the Organization. He had power, but he really had no will to use it the way the Org had demanded. It was kind of wimpy. He could see why Sora asked him how a wimp like him got into the Organization. After all, even if he had some power, he certainly had a wussy demeanor!
  20. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "I have no clue. It can't be too bad, right?"
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