~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: My last OOC comment for now.

    You know, I've been doing the best I can as judge and I've also putting a LOT of effort to have Zack remain neutral in the entire thing. Why do you think he's been going easy on all the insults and "evil" he usually does? :sweat: Really, I plead not to be booted out of the judge's seat so soon.

    But I'm just going to say this. I asked that new judge of ours and she said it was okay for Zack to take care of Axel's case. I'm only asking to judge just Demyx and Axel. Everything else that happens afterwards is completely up to ICSP and...her. There's no objections, right? :o

    And as for that whole water clone attacking business...I'm going to confess something. I didn't personally check it myself. I asked one of our fellow coders what happened when he just let Sora stand there. I guess it all depends on who plays the game and what difficulty level you have it set to...:huh:

    BIC: "Ahem." Zack was trying really hard not to strip someone's clothes off as he waited for the Defendant to answer the Prosecution's questions. "Will the Defendant answer the questions already? We haven't got all day!"
  2. OOC: And here I thought we had the answers -_-. Can we say they could attack first, but they just didn't at that time, but after Sora whacked one, they all went ape on him? Honestly, is kind of odd making sense of a game that had Goofy hit by a huge boulder, right in the skull, and be alright 5 minutes later. And popping out ice cream out of nowhere. That, and with the player losing, and Sora going KOd and back to the save point, I think is more of the fact that Sora, in the reality of the game, passed and won that first battle (hence, the cutscene after it, and seeing that there's no alternate scene like KH1 Leon's, whether you win or lose), so the players themselves in the gameplay can't move forward if they don't win, unless they destroy those water clones at the outside time limit the mechanics give them. It still doesn't mess with the real realm of the game that Sora had to do something, does it? (in other words, is still outside of Sora's and Demyx's reality). The Assault charge won't change either way. That's my last opinion on it to a final end, and the rest is up to decision of you guys, whatever goes on from here.

    I think if you can find a good reason, we can take yours, since you're the judge, and settle this. Or we can ignore it completely.

    You can talk it out with ICSP if still not agreed with, or another solution *shrug*.

    By the way, Pyrɸ, I WILL protect my man!! D< Don't think just because ICSP will handle it more, I'm not going to say anything! *huggles Axel plushie*

    Janexna wonder what was taking Demyx so long, but she guessed Power was being a bit confusing with his comments. She thought they all had a good idea of what happened, and in her opinion, Demyx's testimony was just to see his side of the matter.
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: The way I see it, Demyx summoned them, and they were behaving in a threatening manner, causing Sora to attack. Capiche?
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Okay, since I'm judge here's what I'd say. Water clones come out, Sora gets shocked by their appearance, assumes that since Demyx used the Olympus Stone to unlock his own powers that the water clones are hostile combined with the whole "use aggression" bit, decides not to take any chances, attacks them in fear of them actually harming him. The water constructs which are being controlled by Demyx, go after Sora regardless since Demyx is following orders to use aggression.

    So, both Sora and Demyx are justified since they both believe they have no choice in the matter to begin with. Demyx is following orders and Sora is attacking because of hearing Demyx's orders being read aloud.

    I don't see any problem with that point of view. Any objections?
  5. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    As for the time limit and barriers? The barriers do exist in game y'know.
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Okay, screw the time limit. As mentioned above, Sora attacks the water clones because Demyx read his orders out loud. So, Sora keeps attacking until Demyx is all worn out because since they're "clones" of his, Demyx is using up stamina for every clone he summons. Sora attacks until there's no clones left because he's counting on there being a limit to how many Demyx can summon and hopes to outlast him. The first time Demyx withdraws because he's weakened slightly and has enough energy to escape. The second, though, Demyx is putting all his energy into the mutual fight, so he summons water clones even if it kills him.

    The barriers...I'd put it off as a mysterious phenomenon. Yes, there are those that have the actual ability to summon them, but the ones that aren't shown...

    I'd put it off as an omnipotent force that no one has actually seen, most likely the same force and voice that talked to Sora and Roxas at the Station of Awakening and KH1 Sora right before he had to enter the final battle with Xehanort's Heartless. Maybe Sora's heart's being tested through these trials and neither the enemy he's fighting nor Sora knows where these other barriers come from. They just appear and trap both parties within an arena where only the more skilled can walk away victorious.

    If anyone else has a better explanation, I'm all ears. :huh:
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Sora is completely innocent, it is always his enemies that summon the barriers.

    You did give the offer, and I am the prosecution.
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC:[​IMG]You know perfectly well I meant something that we can all agree on.

    But anyway, Amber if you're out there, we're waiting for your response to the Prosecution already! It's the only way we'll get out of this OOC mess and continue on with our germ-riddled child-like lives! :dead:
  9. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: The water clones were summoned by Demyx and there is no 'Sora believed he had to fight' involved in this. He -did- have to fight them, whether we want to go by game mechanics or not. Also, he didn't believe it unlocked Demyx's powers. It DID let Demyx go to full power in the Underworld because that is what he used it for. It's why he took it in the first place and what was said that it would do by Hercules. Otherwise, Demyx never would have pulled it out in the first place. We can discount the barrier and time limit but the fact is the water creatures were there and not just harmless things so Sora was motivated to have to fight which was Demyx's motivation in the first place. As was said prior, despite this, it doesn't change the charges in any way but why you keep trying to toss it off that Sora just 'believes' he has to do something when clearly he does or he can't even get passed that point is something I am just not getting and not finding it impartial. I'm failing to see how Demyx was justified the first time around whether he was following orders or not. He -did- assault Sora and Phil by proxy if he's saying the Nobodies attacked Phil. Sora didn't assault Demyx.

    Also, it seems you are cleared for running Axel's case too, which is going to be a lot more demanding. I suppose though it works and will just go along with it. After that, however, I really think you should give the Judge thing over to the other person because she's not involved in this and will come in neutrally and Zack really is just not a fit Judge and is much more appropriate as a bailiff as he was created to be. This is nothing against you, DF but ICSP did find someone really fitting who is used to judging people any way constantly and so she'd fit the role perfect until Erkz would come back if he decides to. She can't just sit on the back burner for weeks after she did say yes.

    P.S. Amber, get a postin! We want to see Demyx's responses. Also, Pika, what Harvey said IC to Pika was there too, so hopefully amidst the sea of confusion, it wasn't skipped.
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power glanced at Harvey. 'Sorry to sound stupid, but how can they throw the no-hearts thing back in my face? I cannot see how it can be taken as a good thing, ever."
  11. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey gave a small sigh and whispered back. "The point here is that yes, they have no Hearts but obviously they have to have a soul and reactions to emotions from their former lives. They can use the 'no Heart' martyr card as often as they want but some things can be contested as far as how far they can play it too. You'll see, alright? Just trust me on this. Stop saying they have no Hearts as a way of declaring things like Demyx would not be 'hurt'. In one sense you are right, he wouldn't be hurt. However, if someone called him a wimp, his former memory of being called names would cause him to react as though he knew he 'would hurt' if he had emotions. Do you get what I mean? This is why some of their crimes, when it is played off that they 'had no Heart' to know better doesn't fly, but it is also why they may react seemingly emotional about some things. I hope that makes sense."

    Harvey took a sip of water and looked over at Xelax out of the corner of his eye to see if he was being copied again. "If the 'no Heart' thing is played too much, it can be used to garner sympathy in this case, and yet in others it can be used to burn the Organization. We want to be sure where we stand when we do such things and all. It just makes us look utterly unsympathetic and not understanding. Last thing we want to appear as is not knowing what we are talking about."
  12. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: I agree that she's more suited for the role. I just wanted my chance to show that I can be fair and neutral to the whole debate despite my beliefs. I promise I'll step down after Axel. :)

    And I got permission from her that it was okay.

    BIC: Kairi glanced at her cell phone for the time. It seemed that the magic in the courtroom was messing with it as it kept blinking 12:00 AM despite it being 12:00 AM for the past fifteen hours...
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Who is the new judge going to be? I haven't been told yet, and I would like to research them a bit.
  14. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Answered via PM. ;)

    BIC: Kairi was starting to feel a little worried about the whole situation. All the talk about "in-game" and "canon" was giving her a headache. She was still having a hard time beliving that their entire universe was just a fictional fantasy by some Japanese guy called "Nomura..."
  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Did I read a whole page of OOC comments?

    Ok... First of all, I like the format and do not desire it to change. I do hope it stays as is.

    Ok... heres the rules. From now on, all arguements over whether or not something is cannon, should be in character... I repeat, IN CHARACTER! Its up to the side presenting the arguement to prove with other evidence that thier evidence is cannon.

    And it is up to the judge to determine what is in canon or not. That way in the event that things get too out of hand, the judge can hand out penalties.

    Now... initially I had my reservations of Zack being a neutral judge... however he has been fair so far. However, I do believe a change of the gaurd is nessisary eventually, at least by the time of the Saix's case. As I imagine it would be harder for DF to be neutral if Kairi or Namine took the stand.... Sorry DF, but I would have problems judging one of my characters.

    Repliku, I do sincearly hope you stay. I really doubt anyone could find someone with such debating prowess as you. I explained to you earlier why you were such a worthy opponent. You are basically, irreplacable. Leaving would put Pika at a severe handicap.

    Does everyone agree to these changes? Is the overall format going to stay the same?

    Xelax felt as though he was being sized up by Mr. Birdman. He kept stealing glances in his direction. He stuck out his chest and puffed himself up in order to make himself look more intimidating.
  16. OOC: That made me LOL xD.

    So, from what I've seen in these posts, as long as the water clones were a threat and not harmless, and Sora had to fight them, etcetera, etcetera, is good. As well as distinnguishing the time limit and barriers, which never changes the Assault charge, we can move on, correct? Okay. Right. Good. If there are no objections... *gavel slams down*. Let's never revive this topic again D:. As I said, I'll agree to anything.

    Unfortunately, I can't respond, cause...well, the defense has nothing to say really. So I'm gonna take a break, and just read. Ah, wait.

    "Hey, Xelax, want to play a game of cards to waste time?" Janexna asked, as Demyx was taking way too long by this point, and rummaged around her purse on the floor that had the bag sized of sweets and Skittles, along with a card deck.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    A ragged heap on the floor seemingly came to life, and threw itself under Namine and Kairi. "Did someone say Cannon mateys? If so, I suggest TAKING COVER!" Jack shouted the last bit as he started pulling objects near him to take the impact of the "Canon". This included Mewtwo's left shin armour piece, Sora's zip overloaded shoe, a chunk of shadow from Repliku's leg, Namine's sandal, Donald's staff and the majority of Kairi's dress.

    OoC: So the KH universe is now revealed to be a game?
  18. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: But when would Kairi or Namine testify...

    ...oh. I guess their testimonies WOULD be important for the whole Axel trial. Unless the Prosecution calls up Roxas or any other member that Axel's been in contact with...

    ...which would pretty much be EVERYONE. :dead:

    I see your point. Darn. And I had such a good sentence planned for Axel too...:cryinganime:

    @ Pika: And who knows. The court's been using those terms so it wouldn't be a stretch for the characters to start becoming suspicious about their reality...:huh:

    BIC: Zack watched Janexna going through her purse behind his shades. He just couldn't get that mole on her butt out of his head...

    Kairi felt a giant tug on her outfit and felt herself being pulled roughly down, landing right on top of Jack Sparrow. "Oh crap, he's back."
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC:Meh. I think it would still be fairly IC ICSP. After all, Zack thinks everyone except the girls deserve to be swallowed alive by giant Sea snails.
  20. OOC: First, Zack is kind of creeping me out o.O....xD.

    Second, so wait, DF isn't taking Axel's case? >.<
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