~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: You know, another way to explain this is that the Keyblade is nudging Sora's heart in that direction. And you know that mysterious force that summoned all the characters to the courtroom in the first place? For all the characters know, it could be the reason for these paradoxical occurences. Just throwing that out there. :huh:

    BIC: Kairi raised an eyebrow. "Um...what exactly are we waiting for?"
  2. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: The Keyblade is not what makes Sora and his opponent stuck in battle. It's been seen a few times that it is the opponents that do it. Also, the Keyblade isn't going to nudge Sora to do that. We can clearly see when opponents in the games set up the fields so that's a no-go. The bosses want to trap Sora. Not the other way around. And why would the Keyblade want to make the situation as it was? That makes no real sense. He calls it to the battle there. Had it appeared in his hand and he was like 'wtf' sure, I could buy it but no, he brings it as Demyx brings his sitar out willingly.

    Having said that, Demyx really didn't make a show of making a 'barrier' so that's why I'm trying to fix things, because if you do lose, you have to do it all over again, so in the end, some reason to explain it makes more sense than just saying 'Sora felt he had to' which makes no sense. The time limit was there and obviously Sora -had- to do it. So a simple reasoning of the creatures were there to attack Sora to get his 'true disposition' is the most logical way to fix the dilemma without having to insert the other things. I have -no- idea why it is so hard to do this.
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3

    OOC: Well, the Keyblade has its own consciousness and will or else it wouldn't have "chosen" at all, right? *shrugs*

    But I don't know. Since we removed the KH characters from their own universe and into another reality, it stands that anything that they weren't aware of before, they are aware of now since they're outside looking in, shouldn't it?
  4. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Still this? Repliku, chill. ;)

    But seriously, let's resolve this. It can go a number of ways. The one most attractive to me is that I get Power to bring up the barriers and time limit, as in the canon they exist. The keyblade makes the barrier theory makes no sense, see hyena battle, riku battle and Saix battle.

    Oh, and I believe Sora made a joke about being sworn in, so I think that takes care of that.

    Roxas looked down as Pika_power continuously told Demyx he had no emotions. Bummer. Roxas' thoughts turned to Axel, and how he would deal with his own trial. figuring that he better sort something out, he stole Axel's attention by asking, "So, what's the battle plan? Obviously you are going to get done for kidnapping Kairi, perhaps something for whatever happened in Castle Oblivion, but I am unsure what will happen in the assault of... me." Roxas finished lamely. "I can possibly argue that the first fight was but a fun battle, although the second will be hard. Any ideas?"
  5. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: After some consideration, and to not keep breaking into dumb arguments all the time and slowing the game, I've decided I'm going to resign. Basically, I'll remain until you get someone to do the prosecution and take the place of Sora, Riku and Repliku (who probably isn't necessary any way). That way the flow of the game can continue and I can just slip Harvey out so another prosecutor can join in, much as we've seemingly been doing with judges any way.

    I do hope the game will continue and want to see how it turns out, because it is a cool thing and has really come a long way. So as said, I'll stay until you guys find a replacement, which shouldn't take long, so that it will go on, unhindered. I'm not doing this to kill the game or for drama so let's just go with this peacefully so fun can still be had.
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Oh come on, Rep. None of us want to see you leave. The teams have been even so far. You're pretty much the only other person on the forum that can match *TN* when it comes to arguments. If you need a break from this, fine. But don't leave because of these OOC squabbles. :huh:

    And even though it doesn't look like it, the court's been running more smoothly than it seems. Besides, who else is Pika going to be listening to when a voice of reason is needed?

    And you've never revealed what Repliku's been planning this entire time. If you go, that subplot goes as well.

    But in the end it's your choice. :nono:

    ...Because there's no way in Hades I'm taking your place. :sideways:
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand

    Please stay! Otherwise I will have to find someone new, and that will be difficult. Please stay!

    Besides, who else will discuss things with a clear head?

    In the case of you refusing...

    Destiny, please take Harvey's place! You can finally have a main character role! c'mon, same thing as in the justified thread.
  8. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    What the :censor2:?! RAWR! Damn it guys! I warned you guys . . . I had warned you ALL about keeping ALL the freaking OOC arguments out of this RP. I'd nicely asked you all to keep everything IC, and precisely for THIS damn reason. Did I not say that last time? I KNOW I said to keep your damn OOC mouths shut! I did not want to see or deal with this sort of stupidity again. We all went through this sh!t once, and we know it was not a happy time, and I really thought that it'd gotten through everyone's heads . . . But oh my god, I was damn wrong! If there really is a time when I want to smack people, THIS would be it. Why is it that people never listen? You all are first of all arguing about pointless crap [everything in the RP in general, the base of this entire RP] and now you all are just taking the freaking arguments to be a little too personal . . . AGAIN! And now we find ourselves retracing our steps back to square one when we first discussed closing the RP. Ach . . . I don't want to yell at you people, I don't enjoy yelling at you, but all your actions PISS ME OFF! You know what, as much as I hate to say it, I really regret ever telling you all to stay and keep the RP going. If you all aren't going to play nice, then there's no need for an RP that will cause everyone to hate or dislike each other over a stupid reason such as this . . . over a dumb game and what happens in it!

    Arg . . . :ranting:

    Repliku, hun, please, you know we've had this sort of a situation before, and I kindly ask you that you do NOT leave. Though you are not obligated to stay even after mine and the others' plea for you to stay. You are indeed a great debater and an awesome persecutor for this RP, and the RP really would not be fun, or the same if you leave. And how the hell can you say that finding a replacement for you will be freaking easy?! We don't have 20 Replikus running around the freaking forum. If you happen to have a replica of yourself, then you are welcome to place him here to take your place. Seeing as you don't have a replica of yourself, that is impossible anyway . . . There is NO ONE in this entire forum that can take your place in something—and I stray from my point. Repliku, please, please, DO NOT leave the RP. You are just as necessary in this RP as ~Amber~ is, or *TN*, DF, Pika or ICSP. This RP will practically lose half the fun if we were to lose you, love, and it just won't be the same, and I can see the RP plummeting to its early death. So once again, I request that you please reconsider this and stay with us. Do reconsider, love, you'll not disappoint, and no one will be disappointed.

    My last thought . . . SHUT UP WITH ALL THE FREAKING OOC ARGUMENTS ALREADY DAMMIT! KEEP IT ALL :censor2:ING IC EVEN IF IT KILLS YOU. For goodness sake people, just do it. I don't EVER want this sort of conversation to come up again. The next time I see this bull sh!t, I QUIT!!!
  9. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Uh, Pyro, two things.

    1. Please don't eat me...

    2. Get in character.
  10. Erkz Kingdom Keeper

    Jun 18, 2007
    In a place far removed from mankind.
    OOC -
    *quickly drops in after spotting the horrifying news.*

    No. Way. Stay. STAAAY.

    Now I gotta go, got an exam to write in a little bit.

    You better still be here when I get back. :(
  11. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: I've been trying to think how to word this. Pyro, you are right and the arguments have to stop. I'm one of the main contributors to it, along with TN, and really I'm rather sick of it and see no way around the problem but to leave so that things go on. I can't change my nature and wouldn't dream of telling others to.

    The problem is that the integrity of the RP rests on -evidence-. The evidence has to be mutually agreed upon in circumstances or we get held up. I.e. in this case it is about whether Sora was trapped into fighting the water spirits or not. Game mechanically speaking, he definitely is because he can't get passed the point if he fails to do so. He can't leave, he has a time limit, there is a field there. If he fails he goes back to the save spot and has to keep doing it over and over. However, if he doesn't -hit- the water creatures and start off the battle, they just float around him, apparently. So, we come to the problem that how do we make it fair and not just have Sora 'assume' he had to do something, when in fact by game mechanics he definitely -had- to? As far as some are concerned, it's fine to make Sora 'think' he had to do something, but it doesn't really apply to the game itself. Others believe it should be accepted there was a time limit and field and if Sora failed he'd go KO'd and have to repeat. This is the situation and could easily be resolved if the stubborn factor would take a rest. We constantly come up with arguments like this that do not have to be so consuming or irritating. The only cure I see is if ICSP would just take a more active, impartial role as an OOC final judge on the matter, since we seem to be too obstinate to resolve the issue without acting lame, then it would be a final decree.

    I don't want to waste time arguing with people over stupid crap like this but the game itself is based on this critical evidence from the video game and also from the novels when they are used. Just raising the issues causes strife. Maybe someone else will just let things slide but I just cannot and so I am a part of the guilty party. This is the reason I am pulling out of the RP. Everyone wants to continue, so by all means it should be done. Since I am leaving, I won't be so inclined to care and argue points anymore of evidence so the RP should run more smoothly even if it is slanted. I'll just drop my side of this and go with TN's way and move on till someone else comes in and they will probably be more inclined to not waste your times. So, feel free to move the RP on and let's just drop this whole thing. ICSP, when you find a replacement, just PM me and I can move on out and let's not take anymore time OOCly here on this. If someone wants to PM me that's fine but the whole reason I am leaving is to keep the RP going, so let's just do that now.
  12. OOC: *shrinks from Pyro and hides under a rock*

    And to be honest, that's the most unfathomable decision you have made so far, Repliku. While the first debate of, the novel thing, was calm and we agreed that we weren't understanding each other, you're going to let one (because this, I think, is the first time it ended this way) simple argument, in a forum, in a RP, that shouldn't have escalated the way it did, and that we are both sorry for, make you leave? Ridiculous :/. That shouldn't stop anyone. Obviously, there are times when we all get too high of ourselves, it's bound to happen sometimes, but to simply quit for this reason, is just not worth it. This could easily be forgotten and glossed over, just like a argument between a wife and a husband is (don't get me wrong xD), and everything will be alright once things calmed down. Hell, I don't even care anymore what the hell we were talking about before, and whatever anger or annoyance I felt from it, left after a good rest. Is a message board. Is nothing to take so seriously, to the point where you are leaving people who want you here (including me), and don't want you to go, and a prosecutor that the court actually needs. Pika_Power and Xelax are the reckless and fired ones, while we remain levle-headed and disccus evidence, and go to a decision that is fair. No offense ^^;, but Pika_Power will definitely need your help (with me and ICSP in there), and I don't know who can we find who's better and make good arguments on the prosecution's side.

    That, and I already hinted at the fact that I would prefer things likes this to be argued IC. I can't force you to change your decision, but you're going to let meaningless squabbles that we can forget a hour or 30 minutes later drive you away? You can take a break if you think you need a breath of fresh air from this, but as I said, quitting is not worth it. Think about it. If I don't let this get to me, so can you, and we can all move on as if it never happened soon (just like other arguments before that I don't even remember about).
  13. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: It isn't unfathomable due to the very reason you give. This is a forum and I'd like to have my friends and not argue over stupid things or be misinterpreted constantly. Most people will come together and hatch out a mutual agreement but you seem allergic to the word 'compromise', TN. No offense, but really, you are hard set and won't work out things unless it blows up and I'm frankly tired of it. A husband and wife LIVE on the word compromise, so if we wanna go there, yeah...if they did not there'd be a divorce. ICSP won't make a decision either because I think he has a hard time being impartial because he really gets into his characters. Pika has a hard time of it too, so often it falls on you and me OOCly as much as it can ICly.

    You bring up that it should be kept ICly. The point here is that if we went by IC, you would be -very wrong- as the game mechanics cannot just be tossed out and -do matter-. You want it gone and to assume that Sora just figured he should do something, but the reality IS that he had no choice because of a time limit and he was blocked. Otherwise, if he loses he has to repeat the crap over and over. So, do you even see why it can't be done or the defense should by any reason lose the debate?

    This is why I brought up compromise between you and Pika, to say that the shield and time limit wouldn't be counted BUT the creatures were there and would attack. He agreed despite the fact it weakens his position some and Harvey's. It doesn't change the charge Demyx gets but it makes sense to add it because then it cancels out the game mechanics but doesn't play down on them. It is the most -non-biased- way to look at it and yet you still refuse it and won't let something rest that benefits both parties and moves us along.

    So, why quit? Because if a point is made that needs to be mutually agreed on and yet it cannot be and we just blow up into another stupid argument, people get frustrated, you and me included. I am tired of no compromise situations without threats and yes, anything else CAN and should be debated IC. I TOTALLY agree with you there. When it comes to game mechanics or asking if a novel scene should be used because it fills in blanks for characters, that just has to come out OOC or else we will have lawyers IC saying "That didn't happen because it's in the novel." or "This happened because the game mechanics refuse to let you do anything a different way." Get my point here? It sounds rather stupid for lawyers of a sort of 'real life' scenario for the canon characters to say 'the novel they are in', or 'the game they are in does this thing' and then be at odds with each other and then our little OOC comments come up of 'wtf, you can't go with that' stuff happens.

    You and I should be working -together- OOCly. We could solve this crap that rises up from any of us if we'd just sit there and take it to PM and go over what Pika or ICSP or DF, or you or I point out is a problem and hatch it out there instead of doing our usual OOC comments that start stuff. We could then present the proposed solution to others and let them resolve it. There isn't a problem out there we probably couldn't solve and make everyone happy IF we'd stop thinking we are on opposite sides OOCly when it should all be IC. Otherwise, since you are the dominant presence in the room with no one but me who will debate with you, you are going to have to get a 'yes man' to just nod and say whatever you say is the way. I need the counterbalance and so do you, TN. Our debates are for reasons. It's not the debate issues that are bad but how we handle them. I'm not going to though waste my time anymore because this IS a forums for fun and I'm not leaving the forums. If I know in my nature I'm not going to just bow down and people are obviously sick of us being this stupid, the logical choices aren't many. It's hardly ridiculous.
  14. OOC: Again, there is no need to quit, and while I do have a answer to what you say concerning the time limit and game mechanics (I'm just not going to report it here just to start things over, and is more like questions), there is a rational way to do it IC, as well. Quitting should be the last option in this case if nothing works out, but things can take another turn peacefully. Considering that Sora and Demyx, are not held accountable for something that they are not aware of, we can't simply blame this and tell them they were lying, which you explained. In this case, since the game mechanics are out of their "realm", so to speak, we can have Janexna and Birdman, have a private consultation with Zack, who is the judge, and come to a final decision based on his last word. DF, can choose for Birdman to explain himself first, then after he's done (it can happen vice-verss too), for Janexna to give hers, and it can go back and forth until DF, or Zack, has enough to decide on which path depending on the circumstances. That way, ICSP and Pika_Power, considering they are opposing sides, don't have to answer, and we can get a opinion from one that is neutral. I think this is the best road, and we can understand each other better. I believe there was a miscommunication between us somewhere under all this talk, and one that has to come out.

    I got the idea when in one of my college English classes, the teacher set up a debate for National I.D. cards, and formed two groups. One that opposed it, and another that were up for it. Of course, once one started, everyone was blurting out their reasons and not letting someone finish as they cut in xD, because, is in human nature to be opinionated (which we both are, a lot), and have things seen your way. It wasn't unitl the teacher, did the same thing I suggested, and one took the turn, while the other side had to raise their hand if they have a counter for it after they are done.

    So yes, we can solve this IC. Is possible. The question from me is, are you saying that the water clones can attack first, or that they provided the first hit?
  15. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: It -could- work hypothetically with a neutral judge that actually takes in the stuff seriously and I don't know if Zack is the right person for it. Erkz would have been fine and ICSP's choice for the new judge would have worked because they were seen as more neutral (though the new judge wasn't named, I know who would have played the judge and it was an excellent choice). I suppose though if people believe Zack can handle it, that would be fine but it means that ICly there will still have to be breaks and also there will be a toss out of things that cannot be brought up because how do you 'compromise' and make something out of 'game mechanics count' or 'novel scenario counts' ...or not. It's either one way or the other because otherwise it bends the truth of the situation as to what is admissible in court because it's done IC.

    Also, I did boot up the game and play it and the water creature that hit Sora who I just had standing still did damage to Sora. So, I'm not quite seeing how what I said would not have been accurate. Ah, well though.
  16. OOC: I think Zack could handle it, and I mean, he's evil, but can do the job right so far (and I also like the judge chosen, I just can't believe we actually got her to agree :D). And I don't think it can't bend the truth, because, at times, we have to figure this is a game, and the characters are just brought out of it. Considering that there are various features in, there has to some sort of passage that we have to take. This isn't a normal court. If a need arises that something should be talked about it concerning situations like those, it could be taken care of when IC. And I do think that's the best way to the solution, in the future, if anything comes up again. And by then, we might get a new judge.

    If it turns out that the deal is the creatures would and can attack, did some damage, and if what you said just now is right (I'm surprised we didn't find the conclusion to the water clones by one of us playing it ourselves >.>, because then we have to depend on others' videos. We should've done that in the first place. This whole thing could've been avoided...*sigh* I'm trusting your word here), then we can agree. It also doesn't go against Amber's answer either so much. I think this is the core where the misunderstanding took place, and what started this whole mess (which I was trying to find out after the whole argument). Well, there goes that one...

    For some reason, I find it funny. In the ironic way.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Uh, Repliku...

    You [insert degrading comment here]

    You have just said the clones attacked first, or at least had the potential to. Thus the fight is solved. We don't need to bring up the barriers, or the time limit. We only need to mention that Demyx attacked Sora with water forms.

    So get back In Character, and present that evidence!
  18. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: that has been the point all along and Pika, you should present it since it's your case versus Janexna. ICSP and I are going to have fun warring over Axel. I'll agree to that from now on we just call a break of some sort IC and talk to the Judge if need be to present both sides and let the Judge decide. If it works, then good. no more arguing and driving me insane, let alone the rest of the room.
  19. OOC: It wasn't really the whole point, cause a video did show that they did not attack if not touched, and this, if we had it in the first place, all of this could have gone down well. So, it was four pages wasted.

    I guess that means you stay :P. I won't have Janexna argue it if that's the case, just how is it going to be presented? By one playing the game, or...something >.<. You can't just say it, after all.
  20. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    *TwilightNight* and Repliku, I thank you GREATLY for trying to solve this entire misunderstanding and argument, as I really, and honestly DO NOT want either of you to leave this RP, and this is directly implied toward you, Repliku, since you are the one wanting to quit here. There are obvious ways in which you both can solve whatever problems you two are having. Like you both have noted and [I assume] agreed that if there is a certain situation where both sides are facing difficulties, then it would be best for both of you to have a private conversation, WITH the Judge to declare what the final decision would be in a separate room or whatever, or over PM. [Since the question of Judge has come up, I would prefer the new judge over Zack (no offence DF)]. Yes, it is a fact that both of you should be working together OOCly rather than just arguing with each other in the RP itself and then hurting each other's feelings and ego and character and etc . . . Since we seemed to have reached a COMPROMISE here, then I really do not see a reason for you to quit, Repliku. Every problem has a solution, and since the problem here is that both your's and *TN*'s arguments are making people annoyed, then taking it to PM [or perhaps a whole new thread by itself, where you all can argue all you want, and have other's input on it as well . . . then reach a decision by voting for a best situation or something] would be considered best. I really do HOPE that this is the decision that was made regarding all your arguments and misunderstanding and how to deal with then in the future . . .

    You both arguing over useless things aren't driving me crazy, I can probably say the same of others. What DOES annoy me, and yes, piss me off, is that the arguing sooner or later become PERSONAL! That's what bothers me, lovelys, nothing more. And I can honestly say that that is the MOST childish behavior I've seen, and we all are grown, matured people, both mentally and chronologically [xD]. I hope, I hope that you've changed your mind Repliku . . . so far, I think I'm seeing a change in your decision to leave us, and hell, I BETTER. What must I do to keep you here Repliku? Bribe you with some cake? Get on my knees? O.o' Seriously, don't leave dear. It's going to pain us all.

    On a completely different matter . . . Janexna/*TN* will have a field day over Axel. Nothing beats the power of a fangirl. xDD But somehow I'm getting BAD vives from this as well. D'8 Please don't kill yourselves, or others when an argument does break out. I BEG YOU ALL.

    EDIT::: :blink: Wait . . . Scratch that :sideways:
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