~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "Yeah, I'm supposed to be drawing stuff..."
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Really? What kind of stuff? I personally like trying to draw people myself..."
  3. OOC: Alright, let's get this moving then xP.Oh, and where is the Olympus Stone located before I begin? Cause if it's in open space...>.>..anyone could take that darn thing.

    "Yeah, I do have a few things to question, just a few, if Demyx can bear with me..." Janexna replied to Xelax and the rest, going to stand up neatly, with a reassuring smile at Demyx that it was quite short. His testimony was simple, and straight to the point, though it was best to clear off some things. "Some are just yes or no answers, alright? Okay, first off, Demyx.."

    "Are you able to use Reflect or use a barrier?"

    "So, you didn't really mean to let Nobodies, or anything, really hit Phil? Even so, you wouldn't hurt him intentionally, right?"

    "So you were thinking about Roxas and how to somehow liberate him, correct? While you got the order, that was your intention?"

    "Was a new order given to you after the first battle and into the second one? Or it was just that?"

    "You didn't know that it was stealing it, and in your mind, you simply borrowed it? So when Goofy...that's his name, called you a 'thief', in that time, in your mind, you weren't one. And as you said, you returned the stone after use to free your powers, didn't you? Just to make things clear."

    "Now, Demyx, will you explain exactly how the water clones work? Would you call it more of a challenge, than a fight? And, was there or did you say a time limit on Sora that they had to be defeated?"

    Janexna breathed. "Now this is a set of question that are kind of a lot, but don't take so much to answer. Through this whole situation, can you tells us more about how you were feeling? Did you feel insulted? Were you indecisive about what to do, under pressure of the order to use aggression? Things like that."

    "Did you ever intended to kill Sora, or truly hurt your friend? It shows here on the novels that you didn't like being a wuss, did anything they said hit you on that? When you said the line 'Silence, traitor!", were you simply acting tough from being tired of having these words thrown at you?"

    At this, she cleared her throat. "And finally, did you ever expect to win, or did you know you were fighting a losing battle?"

    " What would happen if Xemnas found out that you didn't complete the order?"

    " And, when you met the second time, in the beginning, you weren't intending to attack Sora, right? And...coming from that, if none of those words were spoken, if Sora tried, would you had let him pass without problem?"
  4. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007

    "No, of course not."


    "No, that was the only one."

    "Yeah, I was always planning on giving it back, and I did."

    "They just sort of dance around, and don't attack unless they're attacked first, so I guess you could say it was more of a challenge. And no, there wasn't any time limit or anything like that."

    "I was nervous, unsure, and yeah, I felt under pressure and that I really didn't have much choice."

    "No, I didn't want to hurt him or anything like that. I just got tired of them calling me a wimp and saying I couldn't fight."

    "I didn't think I would win, but I didn't think he would kill me."

    "He would have turned me into a dusk or gotten rid of me in some other way."

    "Yeah, if I had wanted to fight him, I would have gotten right to it instead of stalling with conversation."
  5. Janexna nodded, and she sat down, quite satisfied. "Thanks, Demyx. You did quite well, and we're really done. So, unless the prosecution has something to say, let's get this moving on." With another smile (he was so cute, damn it!), she took a new sip of water as she poured it in the glass, and simply waited to for it to continue. This was much more simpler than Sora's testimony, and she was glad that it was, since she got a bit tired out protecting her partner before.

    OOC: Also, speaking of which, we need to clear something up before we run this. First, the time limit. This is not Demyx's doing, obviously, and since Sora hinted at it (or rather, sensed it), it shouldn't have really been mentioned as it complicates things (the outcome wouldn't change, as he was still by instinct, thought to hit them). Demyx doesn't have the power of time. Nor did he say anything in the scene or anywhere else about instructions. And neither did Sora. Unless you can prove the gameplay affects the actual reality of the game itself, it should be dropped. I'm only saying this in case it comes up once more. That was only added to make it harder for the player.

    Is the same with the barrier. Mind you, I only asked because inevitably Pikachu therewas going to, our argue it, but everyone knows is also part of the gameplay. Every boss battle has this, is not part of their actual power. Is the same with others...and Sephiroth, as good example. It prevents the player from flying Sora off the cliff and down the pits below to die when the One Winged Angel swings (why the hell would he protect the kid?).

    What I'm really tyring to get at , is if gameplays are going to count or be added? (that shouldn't be, unless it pertains to the the abilities presented by the boss) Because, honestly, this isn't the first time the subject came up. The one that can happen in the actual game is Luxord, Time, durf >.>, and Saïx was the only one seen making a barrier to block Sora's friends out and preventing escape. Then Axel's firewall at times when he does it. And Xemnas's jumping to another vortex, locking them both in.
  6. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Actually it's declared the Olympus Stone was held by the gods and Hercules had to go to them to get it so it's not like it was just hanging out. lol. The gods even identified who took it which was a man in a black cloak and he had accomplice Nobodies. So it's not like it wasn't guarded to any effect.

    As for game play, I agree with you that it should be amended somehow in this but not entirely just 'removed' because it's one of the things that makes both Sora's and Demyx's testimonies flawed to the actual game. Either one attacked for no reason and yet in the game he -had- to or he dies, or the other one just tossed out harmless creatures that didn't do anything until you struck them and Sora could have walked off, which if the player had a choice, he may have thought of doing it because the option was there. So it just complicates things. The solution, I'd say the water creatures attacked because you are also arguing mechanics if you try to say that they just stood around and Sora would just do nothing and they'd do nothing. There has to be something to make up for the reason that Sora -had- to attack them other than the time limit, so can we just agree to say that they DID attack since I can't prove it as one ran into Sora when I left him standing there and did damage to him and I did nothing. It doesn't make much sense to put the time limit in as you are right, it's a player competition thing, but at the same time, dismissing they do -anything- is being used against Sora to say he had no reason to do crap, which obviously he did. So a compromise here?

    I'm definitely not going to argue the 'barrier' deal but there -should- be a reason Sora was forced to the fight seeing as the time limit factor -was- involved. So this would fix it up and still be 'liberating his true disposition' while time is eliminated from the picture and doesn't make the charge worse in any way.
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Mind if I do this one, reppy? I will do it tomorrow if you agree.
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Don't forget Xaldin's been seen summoning the barrier as well in the battle versus the Beast.

    Don't know how that pertains to anything, but Saix isn't the only one who's been seen. :huh:
  9. OOC: Saïx possibly wasn't the only one, but the point still stands that they were seenutilizing by themselves, meaning they are capable of it. Demyx didn't do no such thing.

    And if the Olympus Stone is guarded by Gods...how in the world did Demyx manage to do that? xD They just look at it being taken? >.>

    The thing is, Repliku, the mechanics of the water clones does not really stick, mostly because it's obvious that Demyx controls them and is using them, and Sora in the game, since Demyx summoned them to do something obviously, has reason enough to attack them despite that they don't until provoked. While Demyx didn't say that there was a time limit or that a time limit was put into it, he also didn't say that they won't do anything either if he doesn't touch them. He says nothing. And Sora also wasn't aware what would happen in the end if he doesn't defeat them, so is either find out, or do something, cause you are being challenged. By that alone, it would make Sora put in and defend himself, if he has any battle smarts. It might've not been Demyx's intentions but Sora had no way of knowing either. Remember, we make up the minds of these characters we play here, so is not like we know what they think at that exact time, the game doesn't tell us, so we have to make up for it. So, no, don't try to take that off. There's no good liable reason for it.

    The problem with the time limit, is that it doesn't come from Demyx's own power or within it, so if he doesnt have it, it's game mechanics the most that's making it and playing a hand here. At least the water clones were real, both Sora and Demyx were aware of it and saw them, in the battle and in the game, yet the time limit is outside, only for the player to see. Even without the time limit, the whole battle wouldn't change, except that the player can take his or her time slowly without anything hard. I mean, that would be extremely easy. See what I'm saying? Take the time limit away, and it doesn't make a difference, Sora would still have to defeat them if in battle (in some way, one or another). It doesn't really count here. And I truthfully don't think it should.

    Is the same with the barriers, which also shouldn't be added. Obviously, when Sora is attacked and gets into battle when somebody tries to hurt him or his friends are in trouble (Sephiroth, Xaldin, Saïx, etc.), he's not going to be like, "Oh, snapz! Scram! *hauls @ss*". Sora, in the game, defeats the actual fights he's in, that's why the game does not move forward unless you get through the obstacle. The only time it was different was back when you fight Leon the first time, that there can be cutscenes whether you lose or win to him depending. It doesn't happen that way for the rest at all. That's why, when is game over, Sora doesn't get killed in the actual game world, or else, KH2 would have ended >.<. The best that game over means to the player is that you lost, fainted, got KOd , and you need to do it again until you win. Because Sora wins, and that's why the next custcene they show them fading. And if the Org. member doesn't die there, then when does he/her die? There's no other battle for it. Is also the same way that Sephiroth wouldn't summon a barrier to keep Sora in, when he could slash the kid, send him flying, and make him fall off the cliff they were in and win (not to mention, kill him).

    I don't think gameplay or game mechanics liek that should really count (and I mean those with the time limits, barriers, things to make the player only find things harder), unless there's prove in-game that the bosses could do it. Deal? This is not Demyx's fault. A good example is Luxord, because as his power is Time, is blatant that he would give Sora time limits to do things and does it in different creative ways (Nomura really dwindled the power of time here D<, Luxord could've gone back to, like BBS). Is the same with how Luxord makes Sora's friends disappear as cards twist around them (and that cutscene travels into the game play, because Luxord did do it, and that's why they are not seen).

    While the others, like Saïx and Xaldin, or whoever else, actually do forbid Sora to go out intentionally by creating one themselves. We witness it in the cutscene, and we see they have the power to do so. These characters don't know they are in a game where people in another universe can control them xP, that has to be kept in mind.

    I think is the best way to deal with this. If they are seen doing it, it can be used as argument, because they know they are responsible. If not, then is just the gameplay outside of that world, and shouldn't be used. There are too many flaws otherwise.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: My solution would fix it saying that he had to fight them because they did do damage rather than taking the time limit into effect as it is a game mechanic. Also, some game mechanics may have to be analyzed as they come up. The time limit thing was a competitive thing for the player, so we remove that and it's fine but there's no reason Sora -had- to face the battle if the water things weren't going to do anything. He was unarmed through the whole conversation so that doesn't make sense to just throw it off on Sora that he jumped in to kick butt when he had little reason to there. Also, I'm not saying for the 2nd battle to count that there was a 'barrier' there though there was technically. Which is why instead I had Sora say he had to go past Demyx there to get to the Heartless, because that was his destination after all and a more viable reason why he couldn't just turn back. Some things we can mold to testimony when it comes into debate like this. It makes sense in the first battle to say he was attacked because otherwise the point of the water spirits was lame and we simply could have skipped the scene were it not for the timing count. It was already established any way that Sora would not go and 'die' the first fight but go KO'd possibly if he did nothing. It makes sense because otherwise the efforts of Demyx under orders was for nothing as well.

    Also, Pika, feel free to go ahead with the cross-examination. I am working on Axel's stuff anywhoo cuz I don't expect Demyx to last too long.
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Barriers are shown to be canon. They have take place in a cutscene over the course of the two games (Ansem SoD, Saix,) As for the Sephy (Every time I say that name I think of Naughts and Crosses) battle, Sephy summons a barrier to stop Sora running away. If the barrier were to remain incomplete, Sora would be able to step around it.

    Sora cannot jump off the cliff, because what the player does is still somewhat subject to Sora's will. If Sora the character sees no benifit to doing that action, the player cannot.

    The Hyena battle helps prove these points, where no barrier is created. Instead, when you try to leave, Sora says "No, we need to find the Hyenas."

    The time limit I am undecided on, as without it you can say that the clones do not attack until you attack them, but with it, we can say Sora was forced to attack. Obviously I think we should go for the second one, as it is closer to the truth.

    Pika_power grinned. Despite the problems Demyx's testimony presented, he had a great opportunity in front of him. "Sorry, I have tried searching up 'Liberate true disposition' in my pokedex and from the way your attorneys say it, it seems as if you mean it to be different to 'Force Sora to show what views he has on us.' so kindly explain what you interpreted from that. Oh, and was that all the note said? How were you supposed to do that?"

    "So you went to hunt down Sora before he even heard of you? If my sources are true, according to this, you went out and actively found Sora to liberate his true disposition via aggression. Is this true?" Pika_power turned aside briefly to mouth at Sora, "Restraining order!"
    Pika_power turned back to Demyx, a smile on his face. "You didn't like feeling weak. I agree, it is a rather nasty emotion, isn't it. Then again, it is an emotion. You are a nobody. You have none. You did not feel weak at all. The most you could do would be to display weakness. Therefore you have committed perjury." Pika_power took a minute (Pronounced my newt) break to glance over to the judge.
    Snapping back to the defendant, he continued questioning. "So Demyx, you did not realized borrowing without asking would be a crime. Ignorance is no excuse, nor did you seem willing to return it without a battle.

    "Objection your honour! The 'goat-man' in question, Phil, was training Sora at the time of the theft. By his account, which I have here," Pika_power took out an ironic cue card, much like Demyx's. "His account says that he was knocked out while going into the underword, as he followed you to ask if you wanted to be a hero in the games. Phil was found knocked out by Sora after the theft had taken place. We also know Phil trained Sora during the time of the theft. So if the assault of Phil happened when Demyx says it did, Phil would have been unable to train Sora. What's more, Phil has said that you 'turned on me and the next thing I knew, I was seeing stars.' There is no mention of anything remotely resembling dusks. I don't know, but you seem quite confused. This is your second mistake. Are you certain you are fit to stand in court?"

    Pika_power shrugged helplessly. "Where did they confront you? Why were you there? I need to know more please."
    "Did you have a prior encounter with Sora? Why the 'Ah, you!'"

    Pika_power smirked. Perhaps Sora was cooler than he thought.

    the skittle munching pokemon burst into laughter. "excuse me!" he hooted, a tear in the corner of his eye. After thirty seconds, he calmed down, and eventually wiped his eyes. "I apologize. I find it amusing that you consider that rude. Throughout this testimony, you have been busy naming them strange things. 'Sora's pet duck' for example. This shows a huge level of hypocrisy. Besides, it is theft. Borrowing without permission is theft."

    "Were there barriers in place to stop Sora escaping throughout the fight? Also, did the clones attack him? Sora has mentioned a time limit. Was there a time limit? Who drew their weapon first?"

    "Did you drop it willingly, or were you unable to hold it any longer due to strength?"

    "So your appearance was a complete accident? Later you say 'I told them they were sending the wrong guy' this implies that you intended to show up there at the same time. So it may not have been a complete accident, correct?"

    Pika_power gritted his teeth. The next comment would be risky. "Awkward moments arise from shared embarrassment, or another similar emotion. You are a nobody. I believe we have already touched this point. No emotion."

    The duck was concerned about the state of his friends. You were blocking the way, correct? Sora was stirring, yes. I cannot say for certain, but it may have been a result of how you summoned water to fight for you last time you guys met."

    "The 'ouch' implies emotional harm. Again, no emotions for nobodies."

    Pika_power muttered. "What about actions?" Realizing he was going off topic, he coughed politely.

    "Would you consider this justified?"

    "Wrong guy to do what?"

    "Ahem. You lack hearts, as I may have said before."

    "So you attacked them because you were tired of them calling you (True...) names?"

    "Who took the final step and instigated the fight? Also, was there a barrier in place?"

    Pika_power sat back, waiting for an answer.
  12. OOC: But didn't Sora armed himself while Demyx was getting ready, even before summoning the water clones? So he must have at least perceived it as a threat of some kind from Demyx took out hsi sitar, which explains most of the reason of why he could've thought that it was a danger to himself. So in his mind, he had to face it. Especially from past experiences of Organization members along with it. The point is, Demyx threw this at him without no explanation of what they are capable of, and he couldn't sit there and wait to find out. Is not wise. After all, while the water clones didn't attack until they were attacked, they still can give damage. So, while they didn't do anything wihout being provoked, they aren't so innocent once they strike back (and who controls them? Demyx did use aggression, just not as high unlike the second). If a person who belongs to a group that is against you summons water creatures, who dance and follow you around constantly, wouldn't you feel the need to hit instead of wait until they pulled something? (and you know, they could've, if Demyx controlled them any other way) Never leaving you alone? And Demyx must've summoned them to him for a reason as well. With all these factors, I don't think it makes so much less sense as you make it out to be, honestly. There was still the air of a hazard around them.

    The barrier wouldn't be a viable reason for Sora not to turn back either, because there's no prove that some type of blockage was there for him not to turn back around, or even go pass Demyx, before the second battle. Once the fight started, he obviously couldn't leave it, especially as they both went at it. And of course, the barrier placed by the game was conveniently put there for the player. It wouldn't make much sense for one to leave a boss battle. That's why it isn't accountable to Demyx, because he had nothing to do with it by that point. Sora can't just sense the game play when it doesn't really exist in that form of reality, so it would've been a better move just not to hint at it at all. It just doesn't fit. Is not fair to mold the game play into the testimony when it doesn't play a part in the actual universe and scene (and to have senses of it either).

    Janexna shook her head at Mr. Power's questioning. He was simply questioning about Nobody's emotions, when the question of that was complex in the first place. And the perjury? No one was under oath. And she didn't even know what perjury he presented when that was exactly what happened, wasn't it? He was just ignoring the novel presentation, and calling it a lie, when it really wasn't. Whatever. She didn't know what else to think, and just hoped that Demyx answers truthfully. Sora never mentioned anything about a time limit at all, and Mr. Power was twisting his words to confuse the kid.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: *sigh* There should be no 'in his mind' he felt he had to face something that was what you make out to be 'nothing' yet players HAD to do because of a time limit. I'm sorry. Why should it be assumed Sora didn't have to do something when in the game he absolutely did or you lose the game? The compromise of saying the creatures attacked does work because otherwise the game mechanic should count. There's no reason that 'something' shouldn't apply that made Sora have to bother to stay and fight the water clones if they did nothing unless you attacked them. If we take out the time limit and shield, fine, but not without some compromise here to make it clear that there was a reason. The very fact you lose the game is enough to say that something needs to go there. This way we just remove the parts pertaining to any 'shield' questions', being 'stuck', and 'time limit' issues, etc and yet it shows a way to make it probable otherwise.

    Also, Hercules went off to ask the gods to borrow the Olympus Stone so it obviously was under some guard. They also knew who took it. How would they know if no one -saw- anything? It's clear Demyx stole it and had to know he did for his purpose.

    Also, it is -assumed- each character is under some type of Oath or else why bother to have them testify if they can and will lie? Perjury would exist. Of course, in the case of Demyx here he's tip toeing the edge so perjury isn't quite a 'solid' issue and could be scrutinized without further proof.


    Harvey whispered to Pika. "Man, stop riding the 'Nobodies have no emotions' card because they still have reactions to former emotions. Demyx was full of reactions and that's why he was so confusing. Also, I'd amplify the point of asking if he had 'control' of his Dusks that were with him. Did he order them to stop him or what? Demyx is trying to discount himself from the crimes by saying he didn't know he was stealing and the Dusks did things wrong. Did he discipline the Dusks...anything? So in the end you have things you can work with on the charges themselves and his reactions." He sipped his water and looked over at Xelax who was mimicking him and sputtered out a laugh to himself. That was highly amusing. "The more you use the 'Nobodies have no Hearts' thing, the more the others use it against you, so just keep in mind they have reactions to former life emotions and you'll be fine. Also amplify on the fact that he was sent to go after Sora and ask if that's his only purpose there in the Underworld."
  14. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: In the Ace Attorney world (and ICSP probably knows this as well), no one is ever charged for perjury. It's mentioned a few times, but no one ever seems to be actually punished for lying in court.

    Of course, since we're only using the rules and not the actual world itself, perjury is possible. However, the defendants are obviously not going to be declared "Not Guilty" so I would say we save the Perjury rule for the witnesses instead.

    In other words, everyone is automatically sworn under oath even though the very action of doing so isn't shown. Like Repliku said, what'd be the point of going through a Testimony then?
  15. OOC: You don't know what Sora was thinking or why he thought to stay either. It could've been anything. Just because you think that he wouldn't have stayed otherwise without a reason to attack because they didn't attack first, doesn't mean you can't accept the facts as they are, and that there could've been other options in his mind, or reason. You can't decide on something you're not sure of or haven't seen just because you don't agree with it. At least the time limit does not count because it was outside of the actual reality for the players to see, and it was not Demyx's own doing as well. He didn't have that power to make time, nor can he say, "Oh, look up there, Sora! See that clock thing above you? You have to defeat them before you get KOd". For the water clones, you can see the transition of the cutscene drift to the battle play on Sora's view for you to know that the water clones are there. Because of that, we know that the cutscene swerved into the battle, to prove that it's like a continuation before the player takes over. Is not just game mechanics, is what happened. *shrug* You can see the video yourself and check what I mean.

    Demyx, a Organization member, the group that are attacking Sora, summoned his sitar (where Sora summoned his Keyblade as well after, so he saw he had to defend himself), obviously to provide a challenge, and threw water clones at him. They kept following and trailing after him, while they didn't hit, they would not leave him alone. You can watch, everytime he walked, they were in the way. It was obvious that he had to get rid of them or have water clones for the rest of the time in Olympus Coliseum on his tracks. Is not like he had a choice. Either that, or whack Demyx for them to stop. This is the actual truth. You can say that he was trapped that way or something.

    It doesn't matter if they attacked first or not, they were still a threat. I'm sorry, but I think that is not a reasonable compromise :/. What I'm saying is in the game at least, yet you want to say that they attacked him first when it shows otherwise, and putting it in anyway because you can't find another reason that fits more to the liking except that they hit him first. You don't know what Sora's reasons were, is never shown. We should leave it like that. I didn't say that what I presented was also true, just examples of what it could've been. I honestly don't see the fair compromise here. Do you think the charge will change or something?

    Chill. I only questioned on why, since, you know, they are Gods and omnipotent beings with power over human kind. If that stone was in some guard, they let someone take it? That's all.

    Oh, okay. I remember that this was a topic, where you were thinking of having everyone under oath or something or not. I was lost a little bit. Alright.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Well if you don't want to compromise, then we should use the game rules which state that he had an amount of time to defeat them or go KO'd. Since that is the -reality- of the game. I'm not going to argue it anymore with you. If there is no way to resolve it why should we give in to your way of saying something when it ultimately goes against the game? I suppose it will just be something that will be glossed over since there is no peaceful way to settle it. You can go over the scene as much as you want and make it to your favor but in the end, the game states what it does. I was trying to make a situation where both could be happy but every time it seems there's always a wall there which seems to favor one side or the other. The way I stated it would have been fine for both sides and moved stuff along. But oh well. It gets rather frustrating but we'll just gloss over it because in the end, I don't think it right the story gets mangled to fit purposes IC. You can go with it's one way and we'll go with the other and let it stand. It just won't matter much in the end judgment either way. Both can be considered truths from a point of view. Done.

    Also, I was calm until this post. You were rude and really I'm about ready to drop out of this because I don't need to be told to 'chill' by someone who isn't willing to work things out. Kthx.
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Repliku... Sora never dies... thats not the reality of the game... even if the clock runs out.

    The "Agression" of Demyx does exactly what its supposed to do... "liberate Sora's true disposition." In other words he turns back into Roxas... the reason this doesn't happen in game, as that would completly alter the story line beyond all repair.

    Also, game mechanics which are not cannon are not evidence that something happens. Remember the Marluxia turning Donald and Goofy into a card?

    *TN* try to see from Repliku's point of view... he's trying to make a case... Also, the gods are not omnipotent... they are extrordinarily strong, but not omnipotent. Just look at Hades.

    Repliku, this was supposed to be fun, no need to take it personally. If you need to walk away and take a deep breath I can understand... but don't take anything which happens here personally.

    Destiny's Force... please intervine...

    Why cant we be friends?
  18. OOC: I'm not saying we should see it my way, I'm just pointing out there are other possible ways that Sora had reason to fight. And another reason why the time limit cannot be counted. Is not that the story gets mangled, and I don't think it goes against it, it just doesn't have to be "they attack first". Because, they really didn't. You're talking about something in-game, that shows is truly happening, to something that's outside of it that only players can see. is not that I'm not trying to work things out, is just that there's a difference between the two.

    I can see his case, ICSP, yet it also doesn't appear the compromise is right. I was going to suggest of Sora being trapped better, as it doesn't go in any side, and it still shows that he has to get rid of them, and was forced to, but I guess I said it in the wrongest ways.

    And I really apologize for the rudeness I presented, but the only reason I said "chill" was that your post, or rather, when you answered the Olympus Stone, you seemed angry or frustrated. One or something negative, like condescending. I guess "chill" wasn't the right word to use (or slang), but I definitely felt that it was getting personal there, so it kind of started something with me. I suppose I misintepreted your intention or something, and I should've not be so reckless myself. Maybe I was heated up. I'm sorry...

    I'm guessing this should've been better to discuss IC when the time is right, because at least, we know is not the real person talking OOC :/.
  19. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Just answer me one question.

    Is the time limit really that important? Because from my point of view, it doesn't change the charges in any way whatsoever.

    And ICSP is right, the Olympus gods are NOT omnipotent. Yes, Hades is an example. But remember that in the Hercules world, the gods are basically just beings with funky skin, immortality and special powers. Other than that, they only have one consciousness and a limited point of view to the earth realm.

    Does the game mechanics really make a difference in all of this? Remember that this entire RP is based on a fictional setting. Real world physics and rules don't necessarily affect the KH world.

    The way I see it, if you lose to the time limit, all that happens is Sora goes back to the previous save point as if anything that he did after that point ever happened with no memory of it never happened. In other words, even if he lost to the time limit forty times, he always goes through the battle as if it were his first. So, the time limit doesn't technically exist for Sora since if he loses, his actions never happened.

    That's how I would explain it anyway. The time limit doesn't exist in Sora's perspective. It's the same for the Luxord battle. If he loses to Luxord, all that happens is he goes back to the previous save point with everyone intact with no memory of what's about to happen to him.

    And to explain the barriers, yes, we see Saix and Xaldin summon them. But the same thing happens in the Cerberus battle, and no Org members are there. I would usually explain these as the Keyblade's way of creating an arena for its wielder so not only can Sora not flee the battle, but the enemy he's fighting can't run either. Unless you have a better explanation for this occurrence, I'd say we leave it as a mysterious unexplainable phenomenon.

    Now, please, let's just continue on with the trial and save the bickering in-character so Zack has an excuse to penalize you again. ;)
  20. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: The point still comes down to Sora has to repeat the stupid event if he loses and has to keep trying to win it so it seems reasonable to say that it was a -necessary- thing for Sora to have to do. It isn't like he had a choice in the matter. All I was asking for to solve the problem so the 'shield' could be taken out and the time limit factor be eliminated but that there was a -reason- to bother with it. It fixes the game mechanics issue altogether but it seems that it is wanted to cover for Demyx that Sora 'FEELS' that he has to do it and that's just BS. In this case, it doesn't change the fact Demyx would get an assault charge but really it fixes the issue of game mechanics and I don't see why I get crapped on for fixing something and get a tude and repeat blah blah about how it was unimportant and yet Sora -had- to do it. This gives a -reason-.

    Also, I was not being mean in stating that Hercules had to go get the stone yadda yadda. I was stating it because it is part of the story and so Demyx would obviously have known he -stole- it and others did know he took it and had accomplices. It wasn't to be an ass and I wasn't upset. I was just stating it as the question was raised. I apologize there if I came off wrong there but answering a question shouldn't be taken so personally. I'm not sure how I keep getting taken wrong here but jeez, if you can't even work out and compromise a situation so it makes sense because it supports a cause IC that shouldn't be a cause since nothing changes other than correcting the game mechanics to mean something more 'real', I just am at a loss.
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