~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. OOC: I think due to the...situation, none of us should play Demyx ^^;, unless the prosecutors have no problem. Amber is unsure whether to quit or not (I think we scare her xD), I don't know where her mind set is yet, though. We'll see.

    "Um...don't reply to that just yet," Janexna told everyone, inwardly wincing, and simply grabbed Xelax's shoulder quickly, and made her face lean down on his ear, willing to make him see some sense of the tense, very tense situation, "I think you need to think over a few things..."
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey shrugged. "Due to the fact everything was stated before, we won't go over it again. Our points were addressed and Sora's testimony was in no way as biased as you make it out to be. As I said, it seemed clear to me that even as he was being examined by the prosecution he became angered and did not want Demyx 'overcharged' so let it rest now. Sora clearly came between the prosecution and defense and wanted more than anything to have the truth said. Therefore whatever bias you may have, it is unfounded. Whatever bias that Sora -had- at the time as well as what Demyx -had- at the time are their own and are important to the case. Let's just move on now."

    Riku yawned. "I wish they had ice cream here. Axel's trial is going to be an interesting one. Demyx's seems pretty cut and dry. Not sure why this song and dance is going on any way." Riku was sure he could be a great judge. Yuh-huh. Because he was calm and collected, not a meat head like Zack, and not eying some old man's crotch or checking out the girls seeing things that were probably not ordained proper. Then again, Zack was kind of cool because at least the court stuff was moving and he was sort of amusing, pretending to be super badass all the time. He had some skills, it was obvious, but it wasn't hard to figure them out since he was so willing to show them off. He wondered what Zack would be like at a party. Probably the real life of it. This turned Riku's thoughts to wondering what each person here would be like at a party and just what kind of party they'd go too. Now he had something to occupy himself with as things proceeded on.

    OOC: Someone else should play Demyx. Especially since you had a prob with me playing Xigbar, who is one of my fave Org members, so nyah. Actually, when it comes down to it, I wouldn't mind if you played Demyx as long as he's kept IC to his personality if Amber isn't coming in to do it. I would trust you with that and think as we keep going on we are becoming more to isolating attitudes of characters with specific characters. I think if we like the Org characters, we can do good jobs if no one else is filling the role so as we go on if there are slots I don't see why we can't fill them as long as we can keep prosecutor and defense lawyers with the tudes of themselves and keep other chars canon to how they are. I'd just say the requirement to play the Org character would be you -like- the Org character and also it isn't just so that one side or the other can win of course. If we can trust each other enough with that, I'm cool with it.
  3. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: And here I thought I was actually going to have to say something. I've been watching the whole thing and the only post I was waiting for was ICSP's, because he should have a chance to defend himself. But geez, you guys pretty much said everything I was about to post. :sweat:

    Anyway, I needed some time to think about it, so I could think about this logically without any bias.

    And I'll go talk to Amber in the Cookie Castle if no one's tried PMing her yet. I'd rather her be Demyx than anyone else...

    ...it also spoils the surprise that I have in store...:sly:

    But anyway, since all of you have finally got everything out of your systems...

    ...And remember not to take anything personally. This is Zack's doing, not mine. :sweatdrop:


    Zack was busy massaging his temples in frustration. 'So this is what caused the other two judges to go down...' he thought.

    Taking a deep breath, he said, "Don't insult my intelligence, Janexna or I'm going PG-13 all over your..." He stopped himself and cleared his throat. "The same goes for you Birdman. I can tell perfectly well when someone is biased. But..." His eyes narrowed. "May I remind you four that this trial is about Mullet Head over there, not Zola, and DEFINITELY not Zweiback. Although I may hate all of you to a point, the Defense is just doing their job of trying to defend their client. Attempting to destroy the witness' credibility is frowned upon, I'll admit, but I never said that Sora's testimony was going to be disregarded. Hell, we all know that without him, the Prosecution doesn't have a solid case against Demyx."

    "Here's how I see things. We've heard one side of the story. Fuzztop even admitted that he was faulty in his actions as well. And being the goody-two shoes he is, it's clear that he's blonde underneath all that brown hair of his."

    "The evidence that both the Defense and the Prosecution have presented only shows what the water constructs are capable of. This evidence, however, don't change anything. It disproves the Defense's statement that they are only capable of dancing around harmlessly. They can attack and cause physical harm."

    "However, the Defense's point that the water clones wouldn't have attacked first is also valid. So, their counter is justified."

    So my judgment on the matter is this. The evidence presented by both the Prosecution and Defense doesn't change anything whatsoever." He turned his glare towards Xelax. "Sora's testimony stands as is. He's been a credible witness so far, but we all know that it's only one half of the story. If you wanted to discredit him as a witness, you should've done it back at Marluxia."

    Then he whirled around on the Prosecution. "The evidence you've presented doesn't change anything at all. Only that the water constructs are capable of damage...which wouldn't have happened if they hadn't been attacked."

    OOC: I checked the battle in question myself and it's true that the water clones don't attack unless Sora, Donald or Goofy attack first. :huh:


    Finally he turned his stare towards Janexna. "As for you, the counter-evidence that you've presented didn't show anything that we didn't already know. The "player" that was "controlling" Sora was obviously not going to let himself be attacked at all and wouldn't stand around and get damaged. So the counter-evidence to irrelevant evidence was indeed irrelevant as well."

    "So in conclusion..." Chaotic energy was rising from him in waves.

    "ALL FOUR OF YOU will be penalized. I told you before that I won't take any crap from any of you. You've wasted enough of this court's time with pointless bickering."

    ! ! ! ! !

    ! ! ! ! !

    ! ! ! ! !

    ! ! ! ! !

    "I don't want to hear any arguments. We all want to get this trial over with, so get Mr. Crew Cut up here so we can finally hear his side of the story." He raised an eyebrow. "And this time, Defense, tell him what to testify about or else he'll just sit around waterlogged and unsure like he's been doing for the past half hour."

    "WHAT?!" Kairi couldn't help but yelp. "You've gotta be kidding me!"

    Naminé was just in shock. A quadruple penalty? Either this judge was an idiot or he knew more than he seemed.

    OOC: Again, please don't hate me for this. :cryinganime:
  4. OOC: I hope you know Janexna said only to say that the player in that video didn't give chance enough to pause to show the water clones don't attack unless provoked. Of course, the player won't stand around doing nothing. Especially as the gameplay gives you a time limit D:.

    Otherwise, Janexna is cool with being penalized :D. Honestly, we all deserve some whiplash.

    Now we just need to see where Amber stands.
  5. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Well, she's been a bit intimidated by our "Repliku-sized posts." But I'm pretty sure she's still in. Just remember that since Demyx is your defendant, the Defense has to be the one to instigate the Testimony. Otherwise, we'll be waiting for Demyx to say something when he hasn't been asked anything yet.
  6. OOC: Ahh, I knew it :D. It was the posts. When is she going to begin? I already said Demyx can start his testimony before all this went on xP. Do I guide him on what to say or something?
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: I believe Amber's pretty new to the whole RPing thing (unless I missed it somewhere else), so I guess you should ask specifically what she should testify about. Guiding would be nice. She's your defendant after all. ;)

    It's up to you if you want to wait until everyone else has their say. Zack's pretty much cleared the path...
  8. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax didn't flinch at the universal penalty. "Oh well, at least its fair." he muttered to himself, as Demyx redies himself for his testimony.

    Edgeworth spontaniously yelled out in happiness. He had an epic gleeful cheer. He just broke Ryo's grip record at the Tokyo docks.

    OOC: Now I'm confused... is amber playing or not? I can always edit out Demyx's part... She told me via PM that I was going to be Demyx...
  9. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ooc: Ok, what happened was I had given up, but DF convinced me to stay. Sorry for the confusion :sweatdrop:
  10. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax cleared his troat as he began his examination.

    "Demyx, can you cleary describe the events which transpired at Olympus Coliseum, The Underworld, and Hallow Bastion in question?"

    Xelax let out a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I just want to hear the truth from your perspective."

    OOC: OMG I'm so scared...
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Speak for yourself. This is the first time I've been excited in anticipation all thread. :sweat:

    BIC: Naminé glanced over at Denise, who just seemed to be doodling or something. She seemed a bit lonely, so Naminé decided to go and make some new friends. After all, the memory witch wasn't involved in this case anyways.

    She walked up to the court stenographer and gave her a warm smile. "Hello! You're Denise, right?"

    Kairi was still busy massaging Sora's shoulders, but it seemed the boy didn't even notice. So with a heavy sigh, she gave up and sat back in her seat. She glanced over at Yen Sid and was still amazed on how the wizard could sit there with his crotch on fire for an entire hour and not even flinch. She gave a sideways glance at Riku. "Do you think the judge was being fair with that call?"
  12. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: I'm scared because I have no idea what amber is going to say...

    Goodnight everyone, I'm going to bed...
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: That's what makes this so exciting. She's pretty much a wild card that neither the Prosecution nor the Defense has any control over. It's better having an outside witness testify than one of us that's pretty familiar with the whole debate...:sly:
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Seriously? Those bloody forms don't attack until you attack them? Ugh...

    Pika_power grinned. "Two penalties on Xelax. He needs to keep his nose clean. With a couple more of those hand outs, we will have a clear shot at the org!"

    Pika_power then realized his own penalty. "damn judge... Must be on something..."

    Mewtwo chuckled, realizing that Pika_power had penalties, but he didn't. Best not to inform the judge of that though.

    Pika_power suddenly pailed. "I think we might just get a Not Guilty here... It depends on whether we can prove the time limit hurt Sora or not."
  15. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: When I saw the judge's decision, I laughed. I'm not mad at all OOC and find it amusing. It was a reasonable thing to do and Harvey has been called on stuff like this before so it's not like he's not used to it!

    "Repliku sized posts"! I have post types named after me now. Sorry Amber if we intimidated you. I'm sure you'll do great as Demyx so please hang with us here!

    Harvey wasn't so ecstatic that he was called on a penalty but he could see the reasons why. He sipped some water and would wait for Demyx's testimony now. This is what, of course, they were all waiting for with anticipation any way.

    Sora did say something to Kairi but someone missed it. However, he was grateful to her for massaging his shoulders and it did help relax him some. "Thanks, Kairi. That did help." Sora was also calming down ironically by the judge's decision to give all the lawyers warnings because he had felt that Demyx's case was going rather more brutal either way than it should. Maybe they could now focus on the truth instead of ripping apart testimonies whether from the Org side or his side.

    Riku shrugged. "It stopped the debate that was just going in circles. The case here is very heated so sometimes the lawyers need reminded to keep cool themselves so in the end, I see it as fair. They seem more vocal than any of us do really and are two extremes trying to come together to make some justice happen. What's funny about this is that now that we've gone through some of these cases, I think the rest of us aren't so extreme and willing to listen now that we are actually given the chance. We didn't have this option before so it's almost enlightening in a way to hear the sides of us and the Organization. Before, it was a lot of guess work and there were obviously mess ups on both sides. It shows me how stupid miscommunication can be and makes me think more on my actions so that I'm at least understood." Riku was taking everything in. He had before had the unique perspective of watching many of the activities of Sora and also of the Organization. Seeing it come to light here from either side was interesting and showed him that he too didn't get everything though at the same time he perhaps understood it better at the time in the past than Sora, Donald and Goofy had.
  16. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    ooc: Sorry I took so long. I fell asleep while typing it up last night, and my mom made me do chores all day, so I didn't get onto the computer until a little while ago. I'm supposed to stick this image in here, right?


    • Ok, so I was ordered to go find Roxas, er, Sora and "liberate his true disposition".
    • So I went to the Underworld.
    • I remembered Xiggy telling me about the Ollympus Stone, so I went to go borrow it because I didn't like feeling weak. I didn't really realize it could be considered stealing at the time. Sorry.
    • On my way to get it, I ran into this funny looking goat-man who scared me off, and I guess some dusks knocked him out as I ran away.
    • I went and got the Ollympus Stone, but was confronted by Sora and his pet duck and dog-looking thing.
    • I was like "Ah, you!" But then I thought I recognized my little buddy and I was like "Wait a sec... Roxas?"
    • Sora looked confused. "Excuse me?"
    • "Roxas?" I repeated. "Oh, it's no use.." I said, realizing I probably couldn't get to Roxas just by talking to Sora.
    • Sora still looked confused. "Huh? What are you talking about?" he asked.
    • I brought out my notecard with my orders so I could remember exactly what I was supposed to do. It said "If the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition" I was like "Right... Did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one!"
    • Sora called me bizarre as I took out the ollympus stone.
    • The dog-looking-thing accused me of being a thief. I thought that was just plain rude. I mean, I was only borrowing it!
    • I activated the ollympus stone, and summoned some water clones. I didn't want to hurt Roxas (oops, i mean Sora), just try to bring the Roxas half of Sora out in the open.
    • The battle finished, and I dropped the Ollympus Stone.
    • I begged Roxas to come back to us and left.
    • Later, I showed up in Hollow Bastion.
    • It just so happened that Roxas/Sora and his two animal friends showed up at the same spot at the same time. Whoops!
    • To get rid of the awkward moment, I greeted them, saying, "Hey, you guys are looking lively!
    • Their response wasn't nearly as friendly. The duck yelled "scram!" and Sora asked "Didn't we catch you messing around in the Underworld? How'd a wimp like you get into Organization 13?"
    • I was thinking, "Did he just call me a wimp? Ouch!"
    • Sora continued saying, "I bet you can't even fight!" The duck added, "Yeah, but we can!"
    • I told them not to judge anyone by appearance.
    • They brought out their weapons.
    • I was like "Oh, I told them they were sending the wrong guy!" kinda out loud to myself.
    • Sora asked, "Who is this kook?"
    • The weird dog told him that the organization was made up of nobodies.
    • Sora was like, "Right, no hearts!"
    • I looked back at them and said, "Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad!"
    • The duck told me "You can't trick us!"
    • I was tired of them being so rude to me, so I said "Silence, traitor" and brought out my sitar with a cool flippy move.
    • So we fought, and I lost and faded.

    Denise looked up. "Oh, hi! Yeah, that's me!" She smiled.
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: That was perfect Amber. :) Now get ready for the actual Cross-Examination...

    BIC: Zack nodded at the testimony. Everything seemed to fit with Mop Top's speech. Of course, it was the Prosecution and Defense's job to bring out the truth of the matter.

    "Alright. I don't see anything wrong with the Testimony. The Defense may begin their Cross-Examination."

    "Well, I know we haven't been introduced formally..." She held out her hand for a handshake. "My name is Naminé. It's nice to finally meet you, Denise."
  18. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    Denise shook the extended hand. "It's nice to meet you too, Namine."
  19. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax took a sip of coffee. Almost mimicking Birdman's sip of water, the mannerisms and everything. He composed himself before he spoke. "I see no need to further examine the defendant, as the truth has clearly come out. However, I do not know if Janexna has any questions." he turned to face his partner in law. "Well, do you see anything which needs examination, or should we just turn it over to the prosecution?"
  20. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "So what brings you here? I notice you're carrying a notepad. Are you the court stenographer?"
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