~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    Sora was going to ponder answering and in a way he was glad he didn't have to. Obviously the two lawyers had never seen combat and Demyx -did- have the chance to escape and instead turned around to say his 'silence traitor' line and fight. Yeah, Sora admitted he was frustrated and in a hurry but the lawyer again was trying to say it was all his fault Demyx acted as he did when it was the same thing from before when Sora was nicer to him. It didn't matter really. Sora could say what he did and admit he was wrong but it still wasn't good enough for this lady. In the end though, he didn't care what she thought. He would apologize to Demyx personally for his attitude. She was right that he maybe hadn't merited such treatment but it wasn't her he had to say a word to. It was Demyx himself and he hoped in the end his testimony had helped Demyx out because he was as honest as he could be and did defend him too. That's what the lady did not care to see. He didn't like the way these things were going.

    Sora gave a nod to the judge and walked back to his seat rather somberly and sat down next to Kairi. "meh" was all he could get out as he ran his hands through his hair. Why he was being villainized when he was not even trying to make Demyx look bad was just lame...or was it? He had to think.
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Alright Xelax and Janexna. I'm going to assume you're bringing up Mullet Head up to the stand." Zack was starting to get a sneaking suspicion that this entire trial was a ploy to stall for time...

    "So whenever you're ready..."
  3. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    "The defense believes we have found enough contraditions do discredit the witness. One glaring contradiction overshadowed everything. He mistold the events of both encounters. He mistakenly accused Demyx of attacking him in The Underworld, when all he really did was summon water clones to dance with him. He then said he could not escape from Demyx, however there is no evidence of Sora putting forth any effort to evade him, but rather he attacks directly. In Hallow Bastion, the video evidence shows that Sora actually hangs out at the scene of the crime to gloat of his victory and challenge other Organization Members to combat. If his only priority was saving the people of hallow bastion, then his actions clearly contradict his motive." Xelax's arrogant smirk returned. "We believe that all the accusations which this testimony implys to be heresay. Unless the witness wishes to rebuttal my scenario of the statments, I see no need to continue our cross examination."

    He extended his arm towards Sora, "We are waiting..."

    OOC: Ok... you know how when certain characters in Ace Attorney really tighten the screws on a witness, the music changes... Well... here's Xelax's music.
  4. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack raised an eyebrow. "The Defense brings up some valid points..." He leaned slightly forward. "But you say this after he left the witness stand?" The judge tapped the gavel lightly, summoning a red energy canister with the letter "F" emblazoned over its surface. Popping the lid, he took a swig of the energy drink before placing the spillproof can down on his desk.

    "Alright, duly noted. Next?"

    Kairi wrapped her arm over Sora's shoulders and gave him a tight squeeze. "Don't let it get to you, Sora. The truth will always shine brightly through the darkness."
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax looked at the judge suprised. He then looked back at the witness stand... then back at the judge, then back at the witness stand. "HOLY CRAP! He did step down!"
  6. OOC: That would be wrong, that's what Janexna was waiting for, and never got. And now he freaking admits it :yelling:. Grr xD.

    Janexna had by then sat down calmly, about to bring Demyx up, but Xelax did have something to say, and said it. Her expression turned sheepish. The thing was already over, and there was no point to it. The whole thing was for Sora to see that everything wasn't up to Demyx there, and he did do some wrong as well. All she kept hearing was Demyx did this and Demxy did that, Demyx could've done this, etc. Which is why it was time to bring the Melodious Nocturne and see how he feels then. Yet, despite that she wanted to drop it, the truthful point was that, "Actually, your Honor, I said that if Xelax hasn't got anything to say, that Sora can step down. He got off the chair before Xelax could give his answer. Er..."

    With this, she bent down a little to him, whispering, "Do you want to pursue what you said now, or just let it go? Is up to you, but is better to go with our witness now. Oh, and who's going to question Demyx first after he gives the testimony? You or me?"
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "True. But it's really up to your partner. Do you still wish to continue?"

    Kairi looked slightly worried. "Sora...maybe you should've waited..."
  8. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax looked over towards Janexna. "Its up to Sora and of course the judge, if they want to keep going. Either way, Sora's testimony is proven flawed, a cross examination will only further the point. If its there desire then so be it. I really don't care, we got all the momentum, if we don't screw it up, we could get a Not Guilty verdict."

    Xelax almost blushed, with his next line "By the way, you were excellent there, you drew out all the flaws, I merely just highlighted them, that was all you. I only wish to do what you could do."
  9. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Um...Xelax? I was asking if you want to continue...If not, then I guess...Demyx...will be coming up..."
  10. "Aw, chucks!" Janexna giggled in a very Goofy-like manner as her eyes closed tight in embarassment, turning her head to the side flustered as her cheeks turneda slight pink. She punched Xelax in the arm. Hard. Which was suppose to playful. Opening her eyes quickly at that in alarm, she went to hurriedly massage the spot in a apologetic manner, her face more red because of it. "Sorry. Got carried away. But thanks. You can do what I do, I learn from the best, after all. Is that, I did say I would take Demyx's and Axel's cases, didn't I? The more Sora said, the more holes I picked up, so I took them out. It was easy that way, really..."

    Retreating back, she placed her finger on her chin, thinking about the matter now after she calmed down. Her partner can be really sweet at times. "I don't think we'll get a Not Guilty verdict, considering Demyx did steal the Olympus Stone. But we're off on a good start, I guess..." She then sweatdropped. "Ehhhh, I doubt Sora would want to go through that again after this. I mean, he still needs to testify against Saïx, Xigbar, Xaldin, and Xemnas. Let him take a breather. Riku would then take over for awhile for Zexion and Lexaeus, and Repliku for Vexen. And the judge is Zack. That means he wants to move on, period."

    It was there he heard Zack's words. And she shrugged, giving a look to her partner as in "there you go, then".

    OOC: Goodness gracious, does Sora really needs to tesitfy for all these? xD The kid is going to get brain damaged like this. Has he gotten some Kairi lovin' to take away the stress?
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: What do you take Kairi for, fanservice?

    :silence: Oh, wait. :p

    BIC: "Sora, you look a bit...tense. Here..." Kairi rubbed her hands together and started to massage Sora's shoulders. "Yeah, you really are tense." She gave a gentle, but firm massage, and was pleased that Sora's body seemed to loosen up. "How's that feel?" Kairi felt it was better to give him a massage then start kissing up his neck. She was afraid she'd look a bit ****ty if she had done the latter.

    Zack drummed his fingers impatiently on the judge's desk, waiting for the Defense to make up their mind...
  12. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Maybe it got lost but Sora did in fact say he was brash with Demyx a couple times before heh. And I wish I had a hulk gif. Sora MAAAAAAAAD! lol

    Sora shook his head. "I DID say I had said things that could have provoked him. And I don't get where my testimony was at all wrong. I told the truth and would take a lie detector to prove it. You have no reason to yet again call me a liar when you yourself are one. I don't LIE."

    Now Sora was mad. This was total crap. "You didn't hear anything I said apparently. Neither of you." Sora walked back to the stand and sat down. Apparently it was okay to call him a liar with no real proof about anything from Xelax and the Judge bought it. Well, he'd try to fix it but he was really getting tired of this song and dance.

    "Let's get this out of the way then. The water creatures do attack and also there is a time limit they have to be defeated in. Also, by Demyx's own words he was to liberate my disposition with aggression. Apparently the lawyer Xelax doesn't know what aggression is despite being one of the most aggressive people in here. I could not escape from the Underworld fight with him. I cannot explain -why- it was that way but it was. I will not be continuously called a liar about it or anything else from this point on."

    "In the second fight I could not just turn around and leave because Demyx WAS in the way and HE dark portaled there in front of me, blocking the path. He also is the one who went a couple steps to run away and then turned back around to fight. I was -wrong- to provoke him saying he was a wimp. I admitted to it before but apparently NO ONE heard. However, he had the chance to run away, talk seriously or fight. I had those choices too, though I had to move on. Maybe he was -forced- to face me again and keep me busy. I have no idea and would want to hear Demyx's side but at the time, I knew very little of the Organization because they all were playing games and being elusive, using me."

    "I admitted that a long time ago and both lawyers of the Defense have apparently ignored my whole testimony somehow. Also, I did not GLOAT about winning against Demyx. I was -mad- I had to fight him and frustrated with the Organization. I called out a challenge which was one stupid sentence of 'does anyone wanna be next' or something like that and immediately after Donald said to not antagonize them, I stopped and got back to running on to go face the Heartless. That is -not- a lie. He is accusing me of things that are very false. I do not gloat like that. There's a difference between gloating and going "whoo hoo we kicked your butt!' and what I said and felt. Also, we were there for all of what...a minute for two lines, probably less? That's hardly hanging around for a long time like he's making up. My actions and deeds were to save the people of Hollow Bastion, let alone other worlds and to get the Organization off their backs and mine. THEY were the ones manipulating me and I don't think it is right that suddenly I am made out to be a bully when they were using me."

    "Also, I am not perfect. I DO have a Heart and I was angry. That's not gloating. It's also not to say that just because Demyx is a Nobody that I could not have pushed him because I was mad at him and the Organization after what they had already done to me and friends. It's not to say I am stronger or weaker than Demyx. It's to say though that I am a human being and was frustrated and angry. I've only said this a few times now and I was NOT just out there having the time of my life. I'd appreciate acknowledgment on the fact I am a 15 year old who was stuck in over my head and frustrated and that is real. I made a mistake in calling him a wimp and if I was anyone else -but- me I would probably say that since he's a Nobody he shouldn't CARE about it and wouldn't have been bothered by it so it's all fake. Give me a break. On the next point, I was never asked to say anything about after the fight which was two lines and over with and all I was supposed to do was talk about Demyx and me and the others involved. The two lawyers could have -asked- me if that's what they wanted."

    Sora sighed. "I will not just be called a liar by him. I have told the truth from my side the best I know. I said before I didn't know Demyx's side and was willing to hear it now and that I felt I was harsh to him. I feel my whole testimony was ignored by the Defense and this is why they can just toss out things. Janexna made me repeat things and all and now this when I said things the best I could recall. I also said I don't feel Demyx should be punished in any way for the final fight at all. I don't feel I deserve punishment either or to be called a liar twice by Xelax. He has -no- proof at all in what he says because he's not me and he over-exaggerates. And lastly, if there was one person I owed an apology to in the Organization, that would be Demyx and so Demyx, I am sorry. I shouldn't have provoked you and I was going to say so after the trial, but I'll say it now. I don't expect an apology back. For whatever it's worth though, forgive me for being so brash with you the second time we met."

    "However, you, Xelax, I just don't know what to think about you and why you have to hate me so much to call me a liar." Sora shook his head. He WAS telling the truth and this was really getting old. From his point of view the events were as he said and that's all he knew. He had never been deceptive by his own nature.
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "What the..." Zack blinked. The bushhead was talking still?

    Kairi could only watch helplessly as Sora leapt up from his seat and marched straight back up to the witness stand...
  14. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Sorry DF. I had to edit it and Sora was told he could answer if he wanted so that's what he did and did go back to the stand to do so since he only stepped down because Janexna seemed finished when she said she took back her questions. Also, you guys, if you could give me a little time when I'm up. I do work and all and tonight was July 4th and I did go out and like totally party. whee~ Hope you all had a good holiday too if you are American. If not, well hope you had a great night any way. Also, I'd have Harvey do something but feel it kind of wrong to just have my character step in when my other character is on the stand to 'defend' myself if you get what I mean.
  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OOC: Reppy... Don't hate me... Its just Xelax has the upper hand, so I'm going to play it... Don't take anything Xelax sais personal. Its an attack on Sora, not you... get ready for Xelax's true disposition.

    "Sora." Xelax continued. "I wouldn't dream of calling you a liar. You are a lot of things," he hesitated, as the word murderer popped into his head, "But a liar is not one of them"

    He leaned forard pearching his body onto the desk, "That being said, I do not believe that it makes a difference, the fact that your testimony is flawed doesn't nessisarily prove you to be a liar, but it proves that your perception of the situation is wrong. If you would allow me to outline the scenario of exactly what happened closer to the truth."

    "Demyx's goal in the underworld was not to kill you, but rather to liberate your true disposition. In other words, bring Roxas out of you. The one we've all come to know and love. If you were a nobody you would understand how important friendships can be despite emotions." He glanced back over toward Janexna, then looked back to Sora.

    "Also" Xelax continued, "In hallow Bastion, you once again misinterpreted Demyx's intentions. You see, he was only there to help. Much like the dusk who was fighting off the hearless above you at the time. This clears up all the discrepencies as to his "Peculiar behavior" as it does the sentence, "I told them they picked the wrong guy." It also explains why he appeared before you in the midst of the battle."

    "Well, I percieved it as gloating, perhaps it was my fault, I would like to retract my statement. However, the fact that you now candidly admit how frustrated you were shows that you may have simply been blinded by your pre-judgement of Demyx, to the point where you misinterpreted his appearance and took it as a threat, when in fact he posed none. He only acted agressivly after you acted in an aggresive manner, and taunted him. Same as anyone would."

    "And I do acknowledge the fact that you are a 15 year old. You have been through more than most have by the age of 15. However, I will not elaborate more, since you are not on trial yet." he glanced over at Edgeworth.

    Edgeworth however, was not paying attention. He was in the middle of breaking his personal best speed record on the Autobahnring.

    Xelax, realizing that Edgeworth didn't give a damn about what he just said, or all the points he just made, placed his palm over his face as he lowered his head.
  16. Errr..okay, was all she thought as Sora stood up, and gave what would be another elongated speech, to which he was half-dozing off to. She just spent time hearing him for awhile, and sometimes he gave long responses that she had to listen to, so it was needless to say that she was kind of tired of the situation right now. Whatever happened to ignorance? It was bliss. Either way, she agreed to what Xelax said on his second to last paragraph, and she had blushed as he glanced at her on the friendship mention. He was asking for a big hug, wasn't he? Maybe tons amount of Skittles, along with a Twix. Or Milky Way. Or Snickers. Whatever floats him. For now, they needed to move this on, and eyeing Zack, she announced before Sora gave any response, "We would like to bring Demyx to the stand."

    Larxene was still pumped, but the presence of the CEO had taken her mind off what upset her, not that she knew where that tyrany came from in the first place. Now that she was relaxing, however, her mind processed well what just happened, and it kind of shocked herself, pondering where did that anger protruded out of her body of. It was like a explosion, giving a huge bang, before it starts to dwindle as it tires itself out, and that was how it was now. The feeling...the feeling she didn't understand, was now but a small sizzling burn in her chest, faint, distant...it was almost like it never came to be at all. Then again, she had always experienced it at times, felt something inside her, and in that while, she could pretend that she had her heart, and fool herself that what they didn't have was all a lie. Even so, she ironically went against the group that would have brought it to her, yet as it seems, it all ended into nothing. They never gained what they worked and fought for, that is, until it was revealed in that court that if they died, they had a chance to return whole. That's all they had to do? Let themselves be killed? They were better off dead, then. Funnily enough, Sora did them all a favor. Hah. She didn't trust Xemnas either anyway, and he was obviously a sexist. Minus points for him. If she had the path set out, she would've brought disloyalty to Marluxia as well.

    There were also moments that she thought if she really did want her heart back...with it you couldn't feel emotions, why would anyone want hurt and pain to return? Why would she? Without a heart, you were unfeeling and guiltless. Wasn't life less agonizing that way? It was gratifying to watch others go through it, and given by her no less, to make up for what she lacked, she suppose. Yet, while she derived enjoyment from that: the only thing she had felt close to a heart when she became a Nobody the first time as she clawed a Heartless, it also made up for what she went through. People were too happy anyway. Or maybe she was mentally unstable. She didn't know or cared.

    Breathing sharply, she snatched herself away from Marluxia's hold roughly now that he was distracted, giving him a hateful, dirty look as she composed herself, dusting and fixing her black trench coat. Larxene made sure not to check at Axel at anytime, and focused her sight solely on the "woman" in front of them, who looked fake, just like this whole place. Plain. Plain. So much like Castle Oblivion with its white washed walls, and its white washed ceiling, with its white washed floors, all white, white. It was like a freaking asylum. Larxene wondered why no one went nuts, now that she thought about it. And that damn prosecutor...getting the idea to sent her to a medical faciltiy. B@stard. It was stupid for him to think that would help anyone feel better, to show just how little he knew. Because she was a sadist? Because she couldn't feel remorse? Hey, she wasn't the one who had watched Zexion die with a amused smirk on her face. Or had imploded Vexen. The worse she did was kick and slap compared to what the rest did. Wrong? Of course. Nothing mattered to her though, she had passed that phase....long before she lost her heart willingly.

    Studying the "woman", who appeared like a plastic brunette barbie with a business suit to match the theme, her blue eyes grew when she simply began to walk toward where Axel was, a tissue box now in her hand out of nowhere. How the hell...? Whatever the case, she didn't glance at what she was doing to him, keeping her vision on the window behind her desk, the green numbers flickering.

    "I'm guessing you can bleed?" The CEO asked mechanically, and without much tone or emotion. She held out the tissue box out to him to grab, bending down as he was still on the floor.

    Axel just stared up at her blankly with a bloody nose, wanting to say "No sh!t, lady" as a iron taste filled his mouth due to the spill of the liquid. He silently just took the offer from her, quickly getting a great amount of napkins to clean himself up with. There was a astounding ache and bruise in his stomach from that glorious kick, and he felt like he got stabbed at one spot specifically. Not that Larxene didn't know that the heel of her boot can puncture. That was the worst blow he took on the whole thing. When she had snapped her head back, he had predicted the move in time to at least not let the full impact get thrown at him, yet while it didn't break his nose, it was enough to get it to bleed. As he wiped off around his jaw and chin, the blood now a bit dry due to the time, his green eyes gazed at the blonde female, heated, and for what reason, she seemed to avoid. Why? Didn't she love to see what she created or what? You would think she would throw confetti at the sight of blood. He was about to pissed off now. While he didn't fathom how in the worlds did she get that source of emotion from, he had been nice long enough. And patient. It was over by this point.

    Using tissue among tissue, and abandoning the bloody used rolls on his lap, he slowly and carefully finished the job, looking down on the shiny surface of the gray floor to check that there wasn't any residue left.

    "You can get up now."

    He once more eyed the..."lady", wondering what she was still doing here. For the first time, this is where he sees the CEO, but he wasn't as impressed as he thought he would be. She looked very fake, not to the point of ridiculous, but making it look as if nothing was real. Even the chest was overdone. It would've been something to see if she wan't genderless, as for a split second, "she" could turn all male on you. He let out a breath. "Er, thanks for the tissue. But where do I-" He stopped in befuddlement, the bloody tissues he used nowhere in sight now as he looked down to check and show her-it. He brushed it off though, not wanting to question something that he could somehow conclude himself. Resting for a while longer, he grunted as he lifted himself up on his feet, wincing just slightly at the agony his stomach was facing. Otherwise, he was fine. He had been through worst than this, and this won't slow him down. Nevertheless, he began to walk without another word at the CEO, heading to Larxene in sharp steps, knowing she sensed he was coming as her body went visibly rigid.

    He didn't do anything though, as he simply stood beside her, while Marluxia just stayed nonchalant to the situation. What a @ss. It was him that prompted Larxene into this swirl of rage, apparently what he said hitting her deeper than anything. It annoyed him that she kept ignoring what she had done. And if the CEO had nothing to say, he would've forced her to look at him.

    "Now that this primitive action is over, we shall start with the presentation and your jobs in this world." The CEO now stood before them in the exact same place as before, in full frontal authority.

    Larxene frizzled, finding the distraction from Axel worth it, as he wasn't going to get to her, and her eyes didn't flicker to his direction. But did that b!ch just call her primitive?
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Done." He jerked his head toward the witness booth. "The witness can step down now." He reciprocated Janexna's glance and raised an eyebrow, his eyes still hidden behind his mirror shades. 'She wants me...' he thought. Then clearing his throat, he said, "Alright. The defendant will take the stand."

    Kairi was still worried about Sora. Her face was shinning with concern. "I hope he's alright," she muttered to Riku. "I've never seen him this mad before..."
  18. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    "Dude, it's your turn!" Denise said, poking the musician next to her. This guy needs to pay more attention... Then again, so does Amber... She quickly shoved the ooc thought out of her head and started adding actual details to her drawing.

    "Huh? Oh, right." Demyx got up and walked toward the stand. As he got here, he realized something. Stupid ADD! I forgot what I'm supposed to do next!
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Sora sighed and stepped down and sat back in his seat. Xelax did obviously not listen because Sora even said that he was not saying he was attempting to kill him in the first fight at all. There were other serious errors in Xelax's speech but oh well. What was done was done and he was not going to argue it anymore. He just really thought the whole thing was skewed and you can't toss out someone's testimony based on perceptions because that in itself is definitely not a lie. But it was up to the Judge and it was just something to hope that he was actually going to be impartial.

    "Don't let it get to you. Xelax did point out a couple things though he's very opinionated and thinks certain things that aren't going to be altered in this. You know where you goofed up and just accept that. It doesn't really matter what he thinks was right or wrong in the end as he assumed things and also was quite wrong." Riku patted Sora on the shoulder. "Take the lesson you need to learn. The other stuff is trivial."

    "I guess so. He just really has it out for me." Sora sighed in defeat.

    Riku shrugged. "We can't be liked by everyone."

    Repliku watched quietly as the proceedings carried on. More and more he was glad he thought of his plan so he could get free of this place. Maybe he could do it early on and then he could be off to go have fun elsewhere and enjoy life outside of the crappy castle. He had some sympathy to Demyx who seemed in a way to have been used by the Organization. At the same time though, he had made no attempts to rebel or do anything to help himself out of it. It made Repliku ponder how he should judge the guy who had a penchant for playing a sitar as his choice of weapon. Xemnas was a strong looking figure of mystery. He had obviously been very strict with the Nobodies to keep them in line but what was his story? This was where Repliku was not knowing and as he would hear more from now an Org member not part of Marluxia's loser club, it would be intriguing.
  20. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Reading Demyx's twitchy body movements, Zack had a fleeting case of pity. VERY fleeting.

    "You've been watching the court. You know the drill. You're here to answer questions. So, just wait until the Defense asks for your Testimony. Got it memor-" Zack did a double take as he realized what he was about to say. Stupid redheaded... "I mean, get it; got it; good. Defense, you're up."

    Kairi began her massage on Sora's shoulders again, hoping it would get his mind off of what he'd been through...
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