~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Wrong, the novels are NOT canon and nothing says they are absolute canon. They are especially not canon if the novels differ from the actual GAME. Nomura has -never- said the novels or manga are canon and just because one is written better than the other does not make it so. The game should always be first. Also, how do you know in Japan no one is complaining about the novels and having this very same problem in an RPG where a case is going on that must take evidence from sources to prove someone's innocence or guilt? You can't answer that. I'm sorry. In the end, if it's going to be a problem like this, the novel should just be banned as providing any evidence at all because the game takes precedence and why should we all have to keep referring back to the novel too when we've already found a few sections that contradict directly the video game? That alone is reason to say that only 'opinions of characters' should be used for any statements characters make in testimony etc. All other evidence such as fights happening outside the games etc should not be permitted -at all-. You find me something that says Nomura declares the novels as canon utterly and you win. Otherwise, to settle this once and for all, let's just dump the novel out for anything above character feelings at certain scenes, PLEASE. We should not be, on either side of the fence here, using the novels as ways to get people out of charges or get them more charges. Really, this is getting ridiculous.

    "Considering where Sora was headed, there was only one path down that way and Demyx was standing in it. Why? He could have gone back the way he came but that really wouldn't make much sense."
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Really? Didn't something happen that caused him to go down that way in the first place? Something involving the King?" Kairi pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I don't know the exact details, but I remember Sora mentioning it once..."

    Naminé looked at Kairi questionably. "He did?"

    Kairi shrugged. "Not to me directly. In passing."

    "You eavesdropped on Sora's conversation with someone?"

    Kairi shook her head. "No, he just has a bad habit of sleeptalking."
  3. OOC: As for the novels coming out, they are suppose to, but it keeps being held back.

    Nomura does not have to say the novels are canon for them to be, because the reason of their creation in the first place was to provide extra canon scenes that we didn't see. Is basic information. The manga, contradicts and changes things time and time again, even with scenes that did occur in the game, and how each member died even, so it obviously doesn't share the right flow. The same author Nomura hired as well to write Another Report that came in the booklet of FM+ is also the one that writes the novels (we can compare the author there, if need be). And as for Japan, there are others that do read Japanese and go to websites, and so far, nothing was giving out exclusively that could mark Nomura and the novels as lying. Of course, they're not in a RP where they try the Organization members in court, but that isn't the point. There still this one scene with Phil...where is not even the same scene where he meets Sora in the Underworld to speak to him, that he met Demyx, and from there after he begins to run away, we don't know what else happens. That's the thing. There is no real contradiction if we can't see what went on after a certain part because there is a blatant skip there (Phil was still conscious as the scene in the novel ended), and for all we know, Phil might've been saying the right events. And you're still not taking into account that not everything the English version of KH2 is the exact word for word process of the Japanese translation, it doesn't matter if it's official. Translations aren't always perfect (example being, Aeris/Aerith, that was in the English game). It doesn't make sense that the opinion and thoughts of the characters in the novel are taken, yet not the fights. Don't they fall on the same thing as they reflect on what happens? What about the repeated scenes where in Roxas's fights it shows Axel's recollections on the whole matter? Can you provide another reason as how Axel was hurt in Betwixt And Between then, considerirng that it was Saïx chasing him throughout the game as well?

    Is not because there is a need to take charges or not here, is because calling them uncanon for the one thing that you still haven't answered that is a contradiction with what I've already explained, is not true. Is this Phil/Demyx scene the only thing that you see wrong? You read the rest of the scenes, haven't you? Does it contradict as well? Something like that.

    And is not even taking or adding charges, because the result in the end, was always Phil being knocked out. It doesn't even change anything, and the novels didn't contradict that either (the only thing left in the air is whether the Nobodies did it or not). It just didn't show how it exactly happened thoroughly, the scene just ends. Unless you disagree with that, that nothing else happened between this point and the meeting in the Underworld.
  4. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Until Nomura declares the novels as being more canon than the actual game we should take the game facts themselves above the novels when they contradict. The novels are of course much better than the manga and in some areas can be taken into account but when it goes against the game, the game should be held superior. That is all I am saying. Really I don't see why you are arguing the point and as said, you cannot prove that Japanese people who are 'roleplaying' out such an RPG as this would not caught in the same dilemma. Whether Phil was knocked out or conked on the head or whatever, in the game he is ON THE GROUND (and no I'm not mad when I am capitalizing here, but just trying to point this out) when Sora and team find him and therefore 'aggravated assault' or 'assault' charges would apply and nothing harsher could. There is obviously no intent to murder seen there regardless of whether you look at the novels or the game. It's clear Demyx did not intend to have him killed and obviously Phil could not defend himself and was unarmed from the attack as he was found on the ground when the group got there. So really, I'm confused why this is such a big deal since you also agree that the charge would end up being Assault. Also, you agree that Saix and Axel fighting should not be chargeable. So really, there's no need to argue the point really as in the end I think -most- of us any way know that Demyx can really only be feasibly charged with assault on Sora/Donald/Goofy and assault on Phil, as well as theft. It could be pushed that he be charged with a second count of Assault on Sora/Donald/Goofy by proxy because of the Nobodies but that would be the Judge's decision to decide if he's guilty or not and there absolutely just is nothing else that could have hopes of sticking. Demyx just wasn't an Org member with a lot of things he did wrong.
    I'm not dissing the novels, ok? I -do- take into account translations aren't perfect, even though I have been enjoying the translations I see so far. I just feel that extra punishments or bonuses should not be warranted because they aren't in the games or scenes like Phil etc are not what was in the game itself.
    Seriously, sometimes I think this all gets taken too seriously and I'm actually a person that is pretty neutral on my stances when it comes to the Org and Sora etc. The only reason I argued with ICSP in the first place was that it was declaring whether 'Sora' was justified or not and in the end though I feel sympathy towards the Org, I can also feel sympathy towards Sora and team and the way they were treated. I'm not some fanboy that thinks the Org should be punished more than they already were. Hence why I try to think IC as the characters and am not provoking a -war- about it and you can tell by Sora's own testimony here versus Demyx that he is not out to attach extra crimes to him. Sora to me seems the sort that would rather talk things out and if things can be resolved, to forgive and move on and do the 'right' thing. However, some of you feel different and paint him as a mass murderer. At the same time I feel understanding towards Org characters too and can feel bad for some of them but it doesn't mean their testimonies won't cause reactions in the characters and heck, I may change my mind on a couple I think were rotten jerks. Running Sora in this RPG is like a death wish in here and I took the character not to prove the Org's guilt but to run the character as I felt he would be ran and I've been getting challenge after challenge for it, trying to call Sora a liar repeatedly when I doggedly go through the scripts and scenes and even have replayed sections of the game through to ensure I'm getting it as correct as possible.
    I had voiced it before pertaining to other characters here being called OOC etc and am saying it now for Sora. There is no reason for people to be doing this and we should be having fun, right? Sorry for the long vent here but it is something that is bothering me that people keep attacking others over this stuff and we could be more cordial and treat each other with respect because hopefully none of us OOCly are just fanboys/girls out to make the characters into something they are not. We've all been writing strong paragraphs etc and this RP has been well constructed. Let's get off each other's backs, please. If I offended people, I apologize. It just gets to be no fun when I'm constantly getting attacked for stuff when I actually do the research and I'm sure others here do to and I think we all deserve some praise for that and trying to 'keep it real'.

    "Sleep talking?" Riku chuckled. "I'm not sure what you mean really. Sora, Donald and Goofy jumped down after disobeying King Mickey's order because they wanted to help against the Heartless and Nobodies. The other people were fighting and he wanted to stay and do something. On the clearing there, whether Sora and the group jumped down or ran the other way, they still had to confront Demyx to get to the 1000 Heartless battle so I'm not seeing how they could go another way. Even when King Mickey catches up to them and after Goofy gets hit in the head, they still keep going down together so there's no way they could have left and gotten around Demyx another way in order to get to the Heartless."
  5. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: *twitch* Guys . . . careful. It's getting out of hand AGAIN. I DO NOT want a repeat of last time. I really am not in the mood for lecturing you all again, don't make me do so. :nerve:

  6. OOC: The thing is that I don't understand and what I'm trying to is what exactly goes against Phil being knocked out and what he said? Where's the contradiction that makes it so? As I said, there was a rift between those two scenes, and anything in that time could've gone on. That's what I'm looking for, where does it show against it? I'm not asking for anything else. Which is why I can't see why the novels should be discounted, not that they are really needed. As we all agreed, Phil gets knocked out anyway.

    And if that's the case, there's also FM+ with added extra scenes and Demyx referring to the Absent Silhouettes. So we need to make clear exactly what canon property to follow if we are to continue in the trial and all.

    OOC: Repliku, I have not been attacking you in the first place. The only reason why I'm discussing the matter over the novels is because you claim them uncanon as if it were fact, when it really isn't (and if you place this train of thought here, then anyone else will follow). Or at least you sounded like it. If you worded it the way you did right now...then well, there is nothing to say there.

    And Janexna's (not me, I put myself in her at times, but not always) job as a attorney is to question the testimony, which is what she's doing. While there is the correct list of order of events and what happens in the game, what other options, what could've been taken, and what could've been a peaceful agreement if things haven't been worded or said or done, is not. Is the same with Sora's thoughts and motivation. That's not in the game. You can guess by reaction, sure, though is not precisely given. If a attorney senses a contradiction or needs more info, they will ask for it. It will be the same with Demyx. In fact, real attorneys are more harsher than what I'm doing now, to the point where they intimidate extremely. They even walk around and point and make a presentation. Is the job. I'm here to defend the Org., not be against them, and thus, is in my power to follow that. Though when it seems fair is fair, is to be left alone.

    I don't even know where those two long paragraphs came from, to be honest (and I don't think I was here at that time, cause I surely don't remember reading anything of the sort). But since we're apparently on the topic now, I would like to point out that from reading, even a few posts back recently, that you're using your characters and calling out Janexna and Xelax out through them as if they are in the wrong. While it might not be in agreement with the rest, it doesn't mean that is the pure fact of the problem, and that we are making the Organization appear innocent just because you have it that they should be guilty. I would've ignored it, after all, is a character's opinion, but I've been noticing is been going on for while. If I misinterpreted that, I would like to know...
  7. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Okay, let's all take a step back, and review what needs to be decided on canoness.

    Com or Re:com? (Makes a difference. I did not mention it, but in the Larxane trial, we mentioned Goofy blocking Larxane. That was in com, but we went with com, where Larxane had her Kunai in her hand and goofy threw his shield to deflect them) I am impartial here, although CoM would be more convenient for us, Recom has more information.

    Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix? Are the scenes real? I would say yes here, as they are game canon.

    Kingdom hearts 1 final mix? (Xemnas battle.) I would say yes, as it is mentioned in KH 2.

    Novels? We can get minute problems from them. I have not read all of them, but if a relevant thing does come up, (Such as Axel against Namine, or evidence that Axel was plotting to turn Sora into a heartless) what do we do? We can smooth it over for Demyx, but for the conspiracy with Axel thing, I am sure something will pop up, and a problem will arise. So we need to decide this now, when the fight is not so heated. I will be unable to discuss it with a clear head when we are on the case.

    Manga? I think we all agree on a firm "NO!" here, right?


    "As Donald, Goofy, Riku or Kairi will testify, there was something blocking Sora! A barrier! Much like Sora's own "Reflect" magic, it is a barrier that no one is able to get through. It has been shown many times, most predominantly at Hollow Bastion, when Sora fought Possessed Riku. Riku/Xehanort created a barrier to block Donald or Goofy from entering. I have a witness statement with the signature of Goofy on it detailing the event. I suspect Demyx may have used the same type of barrier to prevent Sora from leaving. My interrogation of Sora is over, but would the cross examiner be as kind as to ask about the presence of a barrier such as this one? The signs are many Hexagons that appear when you attempt to leave."

    OoC: It is canon. In the Hollow Bastion incident, Goofy is knocked back by the barrier in a cutscene. This is canon. I see no reason why the barrier's canoness should change over games.
  8. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Somehow, we just aren't trying to connect here and comprehend one another. Try to bear with me here. I also keep trying to write this short and I suck at that so if it's lengthy again, rawr. I tried.

    This court case to me would seem to be 'The Worlds and Victims vs the Organization XIII." This would mean that the Offense is there to try the Organization based on what things they did to the worlds and individuals that were victimized by them. The Defense is representing the Organization itself and their plight to get their Hearts back and soften the blow and discount any lies or points of views that would not count as facts. In most court cases the Offense are the hard ball players and the Defense doesn't just go on the attack of every single witness that comes up, especially flat out calling them liars etc without superb proof because it could cost them to be held in contempt and tossed out on their ears. If you want realism, this court case is not that way, though in some ways we do come pretty close, considering the characters we are all dealing with here from a fictional world with extraordinary circumstances. This to me though would mean that Axel vs Saix could not be brought up since both were considered members of the Organization and also how would the 'worlds and victims not of the Org' be affected in any way? Also, Axel wasn't actually murdered by Saix. The same holds true with the fight between Axel and Marluxia or Axel offing Vexen. However, we run into problems with say Axel vs Zexion because he used Repliku to off him who is a victim. We also run into problems with how Namine was used at the Castle, and the attacks on Sora and friends as well as Riku in his part of the game because these are all people the Offense must prove were affected and the Defense must prove the scene wasn't so dire etc.

    Now, taking this into account, the novels are written in points of view of character opinions in quite a few spots. This can be helpful for players to get more IC but it doesn't really help with some evidences which you have to play the game to see more. There are some discrepancies in the novels from the games that I have seen but you may be right and they are failures at translating, or it could be that the novelist took some liberties that should not have been done. Either way, all I am saying is that if something can be seen in the video game quite clearly as evident, we don't really -need- the novels to make it clearer. I.e. can we all not discern that in the game, Phil ran after Demyx, was unarmed, was obviously hit in some aggressive manner to force him to the ground in a state of unconsciousness and Sora and party found him as he was reviving? If this is true, why are we even dragging the novels into this when the scene is cut and dry? It isn't needed. There was some confusion early on that was addressed as to whether Phil was attacked once or twice because Pika thought it was Phil that went to get the stone and it was Hercules who actually did it. This was repaired by going through the script etc so really, I don't see even why this is an argument anymore. The novels don't have to be dragged out when the game is the proof in itself.

    I do like the novels, but when it comes to anything that is contradicting the actual game, we should remember that Nomura did not write a game from a novel, but gave permission for someone to write a novel from the game and even let the person write in character points of view which may be true to that character but doesn't necessarily validate the scene itself from other characters' points of view either. Therefore it makes sense to use the game as the deciding factor when it comes to evidence and attacks, damages etc and the novel can be used for points of view or some extra tidbits not seen in KH2 or KH2:FM+ or CoM. That's all I am saying. Perhaps I did get kind of harsh but that was only after it keeps being brought up again and again and you were rather vocal yourself. I think from now on perhaps we should instead of doing it IC to make ourselves be perceived wrong, perhaps we should declare OOC that the novel contradicts a person's testimony, whereas if the -game- does, it can be done IC because that should be also seen as flawed in the novel, and where it does with the link to the translation and then also check the game and just make the call swiftly. If though you realize the novel scene is different from the video game's, then the question shouldn't even arise as we should take the video game as the true story, because as I said, the novels are based on the games and not the other way around. As far as KH2:FM+ goes, I see no problem with inserting the scenes from it since also they turn up in the novels any way and it lets us keep to the story arc more accurately.

    So: KH2 - let's use it
    CoM - that too
    KH2:FM - why not
    RE:CoM - there were only a couple differences really so I don't see why not. It's overall the same game but for those little spots.
    Novels - most of the time they are fine unless contradicting directly a game scene. Points of view cannot be used as evidence, which would happen to be removed any way.
    Manga - no never ever ever ever ever.

    That work?
  9. OOC: The thing is, I've never really attacked any witness that's been on the stand, and if I ever did at one point that I don't know about, I obviously got that I can't do it. I never directly accused any of them either, but since this is popping up when we are having a conversation, I might think is directed at me. And while the Prosecutors are the hard balls, the Defense aslo, when having to prove someone innocent or so, get hard as well. If not more. I've seen many get passionate about their evidence and work, so it doesn't matter which side. And, of course, they don't accuse the witness, which goes back to what I mentioned above me: I don't do it.

    But while, yes, facts are the most important, the court looks at the witness and the defendants' emotions, train of thoughs, and motivation. Not needed, but just as important, and can be used againts anyone in trial as well, or to make a point clear. Some courts even lower the sentence they give because it was obvious from reaction that it wasn't as it seems to be. This is the reason why some criminals fake being remorseful, this is the reason why sometimes they are deemed mentally unstable, this is why some get off easier than expected, etc. So in the area of what Janexna is doing, she's allowed to question that. Things are to be tackled on all sides.

    Exactly. So where is the contradiction against the game that marked the novels to be seem as uncanon by you? (this is the main reason why we are having this here, and you still haven't really answered) Or the Phil scene? I know that you said if Nomura doesn't say is canon, it isn't, that they should be wary and all (and you do know, actually, that the manga is written by him? He's listed. Shiro Amano provides the illustrations, though I say the manga was a way for him to get out his own comedic and wild side), but what exactly went against what Phil explained to Sora if we get the same result? (unless, you're talking about the two different translations in the novels about Phil/Demyx). It doesn't really defy the testimony, as what happens in that unseen skip there after the Demyx meeting and before Phil goes unconscious is unknown.

    The only reason I brought the novels up is because one translation puts in the Nobodies, so they might have a hand in it...and it can changed to Assault on Phil By Proxy or something. But considering that this is faulty as well, since different translators depicted this scene differently, then we can discard it <--- that's what I was trying to dicuss IC with the prosecution, whether to take it or not, which is why Janexna put both. Guess we solved that OOC.

    And yeah, that works xP.

    Janexna's eyes twitched at Mr. Power's exclamation of Objection, in obvious disrespect. Did he just do that on her questioning right now? Which is not even allowed to anyway until the testimony is over with both witnesses? She swore, that pokémon was asking for her heel to dig into his furry a** to shut him the hell up permanently. She got chided on when she started before the testimony, and she didn't understand why in the world did the Pikachu kept getting away from acting they way he did. Not to mention, his whole point of disruption was useless any way because they were talking before the battle, and Demyx didn't have "Reflect" either.

    Idiot, Janexna thought only half-angrily, hoping Sora will continue and ignore the half pint.
  10. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack saw the annoyance in Janexna's cool, icy stare and knew what she was thinking. Clearing his throat he said, "Mr. Power? I believe the Defense isn't done yet, so I don't see why you're interrupting. Besides, "Objections" are only supposed to be used for contradictions in the witness' testimony. And so far I haven't seen any. And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Paintbrush Head YOUR witness?" He cricked his neck a couple of times. "You've already had your chance in the Cross-Examination. Attempting to fling an objection out of context again and I'm going to have to penalize you."

    The redhead sighed. So far only one penalty had been given and that was to the deaf/mute cloaked lawyer. The penalty system was there for a reason and Erkz had been too lenient on everyone so far. "By the way, as for the barrier point, it happened AFTER all the talk was over and Demyx drew his weapon. If I remember correctly, we're talking about what happened BEFORE the actual battle where either party still had a chance to leave."

    Then he glanced at Sora. "Please answer the Defense's questions so you can step down already."
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Mr. Xelax simply smirked. And took a sip of his coffee... sniffing the bitter fragrance. He somehow knew the judge thought he was an idiot... but now the Pokemon Prosecutor stepped out of line... so he was undoubedly going to be penalized soon.

    However, he knew Janexna was going to be fine. She hadn't asked him for help. He was sure she knew what she was doing. She was more knowledgable than he was, so she had to be working on something.

    Edgeworth grew bored quickly, he didn't know trials could be so boring if you were simply watching them and not actually participating. He pulled out his PSP and loaded his favorite game he was addicted to at the moment, Need For Speed Prostreet. He did a wi fi search to see if anyone was nearby. His GT-R 35 was going to take someone down in the Autobahn today.
  12. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Twilight, I think we are both confused. lol. Let's just move on. The only discrepancy was the Phil issue for now which either way just still turns into assault, and it wasn't that important. As I said, the whole thing kind of started when there was confusion over whether Phil was attacked twice or not, which is why I pulled out the script to verify it was Hercules who had gone to get the stone and came back to tell Sora and then Sora went and found Phil. For some reason I don't even remember, the novels came up. I think we're both exhausted and confused or something. So, I think otherwise we're all set and hopefully we have a plan now so we won't worry about this anymore. Sorry for the confusion.

    Janexna licked her lips. "Good, I only asked of it because you were emphasizingit it too much in many of the stuff you replied with. So, since you were guarded because of his weird personality the first time, you weren't so lost and confused as you placed it so greatly the second time?"[/quote]

    "It wasn't as confusing the second time. It was like it was a pattern with him of the first time so we just wanted to be sure we weren't going to be caught off guard again so we were more defensive and also more offensive in our words" Sora admitted. "He had a weird personality but it wasn't so confusing the second time...as in we didn't get him, but at the same time, it was like a pattern."

    "I couldn't just 'run away' from Demyx. We went down there to go help against the Heartless and there were a ton of them pouring out of the castle. Demyx was in front of the path and wasn't leaving. If he didn't go or let us pass then no, we could not have just ran off another way as there is only that way to the crystal area we had to go to."

    "I was answering Goofy when he said that the Organization is all made up of Nobodies when I said that 'right, no Hearts' and yes, I called him a wimp. None of the Organization was explaining what was going on and I was tired of playing with them. They had already harmed Beast and messed with people a lot and we were attacked by both Nobodies and Heartless and Demyx last time attacked us without provocation when we -did- try to talk to him. If he wanted to say something, I would have listened but at the point we were, we were desperate to move on and help stop the Heartless and also he was acting kooky again so we were done playing games. We wanted him to either say what he needed to or get out of our way. We were short with him. I admit that, but he gave no signs whatsoever of doing anything different than the first time we met him."

    Sora sighed. She was going to keep pushing something he -had- to do and try to make it like he didn't have to. "I had no choice but to defeat them and yes they attacked. They weren't really tough but we had to defeat them or else something would happen that would make us go out cold. I don't get why you keep asking me this."

    Sora was trying to have some patience but really he didn't see how calling someone a wimp was so bad when these people were kidnapping, drawing Heartless out that hurt countless people or made more Heartless, had messed up his friends and worlds etc. "I told you that we wanted him to get lost, fight or talk. If he wanted a fight, we were going to give it to him. If he wanted to run off, he could have. If he wanted to talk straight, he could have. We just wanted the Organization to stop playing with us and using us. Why is it so difficult for you to understand that? I said we used harsh words against him but really, he's the one who had to move it because we had no choice but to go past him to get to the Heartless. I was angry and in a hurry. After having to deal with him and Xaldin before, really it was growing old. Maybe you don't get frustrated when people are in danger and this guy appears and is holding you up saying 'looking lively' or whatever after you know he hurt one of your friends for no reason and also stole from friends and attacked you, but I'm sorry if I do."

    "I agree. The first fight was not meant to end in my death." Sora gave a curt nod. He was pretty sure Demyx was after all just trying to rattle his cage some to get Roxas to come out, though of course at the time he didn't know it. "I didn't understand the whole deal about Roxas and all since none would really explain it clearly and I had no memory at all of him, sadly. However, I knew even there that he wasn't really out to kill me because of the card and the way he acted."


    "No, the second time, I'm sure the note was not a matter of anything. When he turned and said 'Silence traitor' he was dead serious and his whole aggression level was a lot more tense. I was not going to run away because I needed to go on and help against the Heartless as I said and I wasn't backing down from the Organization either who had Nobodies attack us. I could have turned back and that would have been in the opposite direction of the Heartless so no, I was not going to back down. He could have ran away and did not. In the end, as I said, we both agreed to the fight and that is all there is to it."

    Sora scratched his head in thought at her next question. "I spoke to Demyx the first time trying to understand him. He was not clear then and he wasn't clear the second time. If he was going to say something he could have but he did not try to by what I could tell. He was still playing games and even did a sort of scared little dance that wasn't really meaning he was scared. It was weird and again, we did not have time to play around with him. There were thousands of Heartless pouring out of the castle and the Nobodies were attacking us as well as Maleficent's Heartless so really, we just didn't have time to casually chat about whatever when he was doing the same kind of behavior as he did the first time. If any of the Organization had actually wanted to be straight up and not play mind games, I would have listened. After a while though, when in battle situations, you have to stop asking questions and move on. I was unarmed and trying to talk to Demyx once already. He proved he was not so trustworthy so I wasn't giving him a second chance to do what he did before. I'm sorry for that if he had any intentions at all of asking for help but it just wasn't clear to me if he was and I didn't want to play around with the threat at hand."
  13. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power turned aside and muttered something in pokemon language in a rude voice.

    He shoved three skittles into his mouth, and chewed thouroughly. He frowned. For some reason he wasn't enjoying them as much as he usually did, and they weren't the sort to decrease in flavour over time. But it wasn't decreasing either, really. No. It was a bitter taste, much like vinilla essence...

    Finally realizing what was in his mouth, Pika_power forcefully spat out the skittles. A blue, green and indigo lump flew out of his mouth, onto the table, or whatever may have been on it. He covered his eyes, not wanting to know what might have happened to the Avenger.
  14. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Did he just EAT AVENGER???!!!! lol I can't tell exactly but if so that's just freaking hilarious.
  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax smirked...

    He leaned forward to ask a question on the latest bit of testimony. "You said the defendant wasn't allowing you to pass? Did he use any means of stoping you before you threatened him?" Aha! He thought, you can't escape the truth. Claiming that Demyx was delaying you, when in fact you encouraged the delay.

    Edgeworth looked around suspiciously... did anyone in the room have a PSP of thier own and want to race him?
  16. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé didn't really know what to think anymore. Demyx was one of the Organization members that she didn't know much about other than in passing. She was more concerned with what Edgeworth was still doing here. She noticed that he was holding a PSP. 'At least it's not the GBA that he used to put in his back pocket...' she thought to herself. She would've said something, but the only game system she owned was a DS Lite...

    Zack smirked to himself. The Defense was on the offense and seemed to be firing itself up. He wondered if the Prosecution was going to do something irrelevant like objecting to badgering the witness. However, if they did, it'd be a penalty as it was still in the Defense's right to Cross-Examine. Without turning his head, his eyes glanced over at the crickety old wizard, whose crotch was still flaming from the concentrated X-ray beams that the psychic directed at. 'Someone who can stand having their crotch on fire and not even blink is either epic or a sloth' Zack thought to himself.
  17. OOC: Will do, I guess, Rep. Sorry as well for dragging it on.

    Janexna went to look at Xelax, surprised that he actually questioned something that she was about to say. Giving him a smile, she headed up before Sora answered. "His personality and attitude were the same, in other words. And you didn't need to say a pattern. Personalities don't need patterns if that's the way they are, unless we all do," Janexna replied, hearing again that he was trying to fend off Demyx's own self as fake. From this, she continued calmly, "You were offensive in your words, yet after Demyx, none of what you gave other members you met after were the same context, were they, since you were so frustrated? Yes or no? I mean, why not give Saïx the exact treatment from you, when what he did was much worse?"

    "But, you weren't helping him leave, were you? In fact, you actually put up with the conversation, is that correct? And Demyx was not doing anything there or said anything to garner you from going on pass him. You stood there, and responded to him offensively. He was a 'wimp' to you by now from before, wasn't he? Did you try there to see if you could even turn around the situation without having to resort to the manner of speaking that might make the person insulted?"

    Janexna cracked her knuckles there, finding them stiff. "That's the difference between the first and second meeting. All Demyx could get out was 'Roxas', and all you had to say was 'Who is this kook?' and 'Excuse me?', before it all began. Would you consider that a try to talk to him? Did the chance even presented itself with the confusion there?"

    "I keep asking because, how do you know this? So far, Demyx did not say anything, the water clones weren't doing much of anything except letting you beat on them most of the time, so how did this conclusion come to surface?" Janexna simply questioned, wondering if he had the sixth sense, or fifth, or fourth, whatever.

    Demyx hadn't done any much harm at all compared to the other members, he was more compliant than most, and while he was in the group, what others did shouldn't be placed on him because he wasn't the one at fault there. If he was bizarre, how could he be blamed for being who he is? If anything, Sora took his frustration out of the least person who deserved it out of the bunch. And she didn't know why he was bordering on saying he was angry and frustrated, that doesn't justify anything. If she was pissed off and went out on someone, not to mention with what other people had done amongst it, did that make her in the right? Janexna was easily trying to understand by now, since while he said one thing, thre were others that somehow didn't match.

    It was in the next one she shook her head. "Why is it so difficult for you to understand that you could've made a choice as well, and done all that you said right now? Demyx didn't have a weapon. He wasn't doing anything to stop you by then, there was no battle. But you did talk. Considering you were in a hurry and there was trouble, you did waste the time and not attack by talking and using offensive words, did you not? If he was putting up a conversation, like 'you're all looking lively' after what he did, why join in and respond in the first place? "

    "How was Demyx playing games and acting, when that was his personality from the beginning that you agreed with? From there, you barely even knew the guy, so how was it that you can say how he should act and what was not real, and what was mind games? You did admit you understood him by the second time right now." It was then she swallowed, fighting back a yawn. The sleep was stil there. " How could you be surprised when he said 'Silence, traitor!' if you expected a backlash somehow?"

    "Alright then..." Janexna shrugged, noting that he wasn't out to kill out of his mouth. There was nothing more left to say there.
  18. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax turned over to Janexna... "You know, I think he's as stuborn as he is ditsy. Maybe we better start searching somewhere else." He said in a cationing voice. "What should we do now?" he inquired. Wishing his counterpart to take the lead.
  19. "No joke," Janexna chortled at Xelax's statement. He had a point though, people won't see what they don't want to see. There was obviously something wrong with the testimony on the motivations department and the feelings involved, and she really didn't want to leave this the way it is. Especially with statements that had holes that needed to be questioned, and which she found suspicious. Anyone with a naked eye that saw the scene could see it for what it truly was. That was enough for her. Others could. And the fandom could. Janexna knew this was not going to end if it continued. There was still Demyx to go through.

    She was still finding it hard to leave it. But if Xelax even hinted that it was going too far, then she guessed it was. Sighing, quite hesitating, she opened her mouth, but didn't say anything. She tried again, and she inwardly winced, "I...take...back my questioning, your Honor, Sora does not have to answer them. We'll just end it here for all of our sakes. If Xelax doesn't have anything to say, Sora can be free to stand down now."
  20. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack snapped out of his daydream involving Janexna, Larxene, Denise, the beach, and bikinis. Shaking his head to get back into focus, he cleared his throat. "Alright, the Defense rests, unless Xelax has something to say. And if not, then the witness can step down."

    Satisfied that the security measures were intact, Zack said, "Well, we've heard one side of the story. If the Prosecution has no objections, I guess the Defense can call their own witness."
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