~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Okay, since I'm judge for this case and if I have to make a decision, I'd go with there being only ONE count against Phil. Because the place that Phil was found was the entrance to the Underworld but not the Underworld itself. Hence, technically Phil was either still in Olympus Coliseum or an in-between place, but NOT in the Underworld.

    Most of the facts pretty much check out, but so far we've avoided having to deal with the "Are the novels canon" issue. If this is the only thing stopping us from continuing on, then we're probably going to be here for awhile. I say we'll deal with any other issues when we come to it. We can use the novels to fill in gaps if necessary, but if there's a direct contradiction, then the game events overrides the novel events due to the fact that there has been no OFFICIAL canon translation released and any translation that's been done was by third party fan-translators that haven't been officially approved by Nomura himself.

    BIC: "Yo. You done yet?" Zack said slightly bored at the pipsqueak's drama acting. "Because if there's no more questions, I think the court would actually like to move this along already." He chuckled to himself. Right before the psychic interfered with his X-Ray peeping, he got a good long look (and a 3D recording) of all the girls in the courtroom. And he was surprised to see this cute mole on Janexna in a place where no one would dare look...

    "You don't think Sora's going to be accused again by the Defense, do you?" Kairi asked Riku. "As dense as he is, even Sora has his breaking point..."
  2. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Before we continue, I would like to sort out this canon thing. Would I be allowed to charge Axel for the assault of Saix? (Assuming Manny doesn't dismiss it...) If we are going with the assault by proxy thing, then I would like a link to some translations of the Novels, as I am missing great chunks.
  3. OOC: http://turkish-delight.livejournal.com/308078.html

    Different Translator:

    Is good to compare, though there are not much differences except for the way is worded, or translated at times.

    The only thing I love is Riku's thoughts on the matter xD, it just makes him so much, ugh, emo adorable.

    I could've sworn you read these bit and pieces of the novel, though.
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Luxord clutched the seperate arms of the leather chair he sat in, faceing no one as Petunia and Vernon, and Luxord Assumed, Harry, had all went to bed, and allowed Luxord to sleep on the couch. However, the quite corpulent Dudely had moronically fallen asleep on the couch, tv still flashing, and popcorn slowly dropping onto the floor from the bag. Any attempts to move the child would most futile, so Luxord decided just to sit and meditate in the chair.

    After all, nobodies did not need sleep exactly. Sleep was for those who had hearts. Nobodies could find rest, but it was just anothe further ruse to try and fool themselves that they existed. Infact, that was the entire reason Luxord was now forced into matters he did not control, instances he hated the most. The very reason he had lost all chances to return his own heart from the depths of Kingdom hearts, was a boy...a boy and a key. And what was worse, Sora had not had the aid of his friends during the battle with Luxord. Sora had defeated him solely, and soundly. With this, Luxord had to give the boy some manner of dignity, rather than let it boil inside himself to kill Sora and his friends.

    Just then, a quick wisp of a sound reached inside Luxord's ears, hearing something slip out from the fireplace behind him. Calmly, he got out of his chair, and instead of a hostile anything, there was but a small parchment, right on the fireplace nook. Luxord picked it up, and turned it over from a blank side, sealed with a red wax seal-stamp, and saw the other side had writing on it.

    Unknowing of most of what the letter read, Luxord knew that "Harry James Potter" must have rffered to Harry, who Luxord had no idea where the boy was. Luxord then remembered Harry had talked about "Hogwarts", and "I've been getting letters from them." With these thoughts flowing inside his mind, Luxord felt as though this card in his hand might just win the jackpot and give him the upper hand in the game, so he slowly tore open the seal, and pulled out the letter inside, his eyes already adjusted to the dark, so he didn't have to cause a stir and turn on a lamp.

    ~Dear Harry Potter, as Head Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizadry, I would like to inform you, you may start your first year at the school, in order to learn the ways of wizadry and spellmaking.~

    Luxord's eyes sped over different items that were apparently needed by first years at this strange school, which included such strong commodities as a small, pewter cauldron, a collection of oddly named books, and a wand. Such things Luxord himself considered rubbish, as magic could not exist among normal people, those sorts of things had to be aquired by skill or acheivement, not by bloodlines, as most of the rest of the letter explained. Finally, Luxord' eyes reached the bottom of the parchment, reading out the name of the sender wth almost-familiarity: "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledor"

    The fact some things seemed so familiar, such as the strange elongity of the name at the end, and the different items needed and the odd book titles, that caused Luxord's brain to boggle for moment, leaving him standing there, in the dark, looking down at the paper. But catching himself, he merely folded the paper up, and neatly put it inside his cloak pocket, close to his side.

    If he were to hold the upperhand, he'd have to wait until morning and try to figure out things further while he still had a lead. Fortuneately, the Sunday Morning sun was just now coming up from across the sea of black tar, Luxord watching it as it rose without blinking. A smile of triumph on his features.
  5. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé was a bit curious what was taking so long for the Defense to finish their Cross-Examination. "They pretty much got all the information that's needed. What else is there?"

    OOC: As for the allowing to charge Axel, you'd have to bring that up with the new judge. I'm only doing the Demyx case. So, let's just leave it with the one charge against Phil and continue so we can go on.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power shook his head once, then waved Sora away. "You are the weakest link; goodb- I mean, thank you Sora, the defense may now rip your evidence to shr- I mean may now cross examine you."
  7. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Behind his sunglasses, Zack was rolling his eyes. 'Bout time..." he thought.

    "Okay, I believe it's the lawyer chick's turn to Cross-Examine." He raised an eyebrow. "Make it count."

  8. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    [MARQUEE]Sunday Morning and the Dursley family, Harry, and Luxord, were all sitting in their usual chairs, or in Harry's case, on the floor. Uncle Vernon, in particular, Luxord noted, was looking espeacially sumg that morning, for some odd or other reason.

    Vernon breathed a great sigh of relief, takeing a sip of his morning coffee.
    "Beautiful day, Sunday...Does anyone know why?"
    He asked around, everyone but Harry shurgging or setting their gazes elsewhere.

    "Because there's no post on Sunday..."
    Harry responded quite drearily, his eyes fixed on the carpet as if disappointed about something.

    Vernon moved about in his seat happily, takeing another drink of coffee.
    "That's right!"
    He responded quite quickly.
    "Not one blasted letter today, No sir!"

    Just then, a Barn owl caught Luxord's eyes outside, causing a minor stir with Petunia, who fidgeted in her rocker, and within moments, several other owls joined the Barn outside the windowsill.

    "Not one Bloody-"
    Vernon ranted on happily, until a familiar envelope flew from the fireplace, and landed itself in Vernon's thick moustache.

    With this, Harry was looking around in amazement, while the Dursely were looking quite confounded and worried, as a flood of envelopes fluttered out of the very same fireplace, and soon carpeted the entire living room, due to their sheer quantity. Luxord had already leapt calmly from his seat as envelopes flooded over the seatcushion, the envelopes contuing to pour into the room, and slide into the hallway.

    Harry was leaping in the air, hands extended to retreive just one letter, but Vernon quickly intersected, tackling Harry to the ground.

    "Pack your bags, we're going away! Where they can't find us!"
    Vernon yelled in rage between letters pelting his thick face and Harry's struggling. Then Vernon's eyes fixed right on Luxord, who had still not elected to take off his hood.
    "And you....are coming with us to make sure you don't contact one of those freaky friends of yours!"
    Vernon yelled acussingly at Luxord.

    Luxord took, of course, no offense, as he could not feel. But even if he could take offense, he would not, for this stroke of luck kept him around the mainstream, therefor giving him a upperhand. The thing he treasured most of all.

    Petunia and Dudley, however, were looking quite frightened at the sudden turn of events, and Petunia left the flooding hallway in a rush to pack bags for everyone.

    Due to the limited time, Petunia quickly returned from the upstairs, with more bags than most people could carry, almost losing her balance halfway down the stairs. Thus, in a rush, the Dursley Family, Vernon holding Harry's head and the rest under his arm to keep the boy from escaping as the entire group flooded into the Dursely Car, being very cramped with one added passenger.

    And, with armies of owls flooding the sky, the Dursely car roared out of Privet Drive.[/MARQUEE]
  9. OOC: So, the new judge will start the next case? xP This is, my friends, a total of, four judges. Is Erkz ever going to come back though?

    "Don't worry, is only minor questions," Janexna comforted as the judge gave her a look, and really, Power just asked most of what she was anyway, so her list turned shorter. Standing up as she scratched her arm, she merely looked at Sora, knowing it was her turn to question his testimony.

    Janexna decided to track this first, as the rest was just summary of what they all know, and the Phil situation can be answered when Demyx was up, because all Sora gave was the one side. Basically, most of what he said can be questioned at Demyx, not him. So she didn't have much to say, unless Xelax did. "What I'm surprised is, that you keep saying he had 'acted' and had changes in personality, but from what you explained, he was quite the eccentric guy already. Are you sure his tone was 'accusing' as you placed it?"

    "Was it a weird changing of personality before?" Janexna asked curiously, not really seeing it, and all in his view because he was using a "accusing" tone. He almost acted the same way with Phil, and most of the time he's appeared and has his own scene in the novels, it was always the same persona. And there were no thoughts on acting or pretending to be afraid in writing then. "If Demyx kept being bizarre and a kook, all the time, wasn't he acting or would not that be the same range of personality as when you first met him?"

    "What were you saying to garner or get him to that point of 'mad'?" Janexna simply questioned, as she was sure it couldn't come out from nowhere, as Demyx wasn't really doing anything before then. "And when you were merely 'talking' to him, no weapons, civil, at that point, didn't you have a chance to walk away or have another conversation? Again, this would go for the first question, what were you saying instead of anything else?"

    Janexna knew he had said this before, but it was nice to repeat for good measure. She really thought Sora was pushing this whole confusion thing to another level. You would think everyone would get the clue by now. That was all she kept hearing as if he was trying to make a point. Obviously, yeah, he thought Demyx was weird, but if he replied to what the Organization member said, he wasn't that lost, because he obviously understood enough to respond the second time. And so did Donald and Goofy.

    Janexna shook her head. There was something missing there. "What were you saying, before Demyx said that 'you shouldn't judge anyone by appearance'? If this was self-defense at that time, why then, did you make your weapons disappear after you've gotten a reaction from him? Wouldn't common sense say to keep at guard if you think you were being threatened as before?"

    "Continuing from this here, which qualifies the same thing, did he beat you up by order the first go, though? Did you get hurt? Did you get hit? Did the water clones do anything but stand there and move while you destroyed them?" Then her eyebrows raised, wondering how Sora knew about the game play. This was already unsure debated topic, ever since Larxene's case popped up with the mention of Sora and the game over. "And what's this time you're talking about? Are you saying that Demyx had the power of time like Luxord and if it's up, you lose? Did Demyx say anything about having to take them out in time or there would be a consequence in defeat?"

    "How were you sure that he was trying to kill you? After all, didn't his orders said to use 'aggression', rather than to kill?" she inquired shortly, knowing very well that Demyx wouldn't have gotten another order, especially because still at that time, the Organization were using Sora. Demyx just took "aggression" to a real level that time to a man to man fight. People needed to learn here that just because you are placed in combat, doesn't mean instantanous death all the time. Or Sora would've been dead the moment he fought Leon back in KH1. Tch. Go figure.
  10. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Yeah, didn't ICSP tell you? He knows that me being judge the rest of the game won't seem fair to everyone (although I'm a bit more reliable), so he asked someone else to handle the judging as soon as Demyx's case is over with. But in the meantime, Judge Zack will "layeth the smacketh downeth" on Demyx's candy***. :sweat:

    BIC: From what Kairi could gather from this line of questioning, the second fight seemed to be by mutual consent. Neither Sora nor Demyx wanted to back off from fighting. Sora, she could understand as he was pretty stubborn and dense most of the time ("I've been trying to get him to ask me out, but he's just so clueless..."). Demyx...she couldn't really find much to fault with him. Heck, he was kinda hot when she thought about it. Not as cute and adorable as Sora, though.

    It seemed to her that he was only following orders and was only sent to deal with Sora as a sacrificial lamb, so to speak. It wasn't really his fault. But at the same time, it wasn't exactly Sora's fault either. She wondered how the other side, the other story would be...
  11. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power cursed under his breath. "Goddamn consensual agreement..."
  12. OOC: Yeah, I knew, I just thought you would be taking care of the Axel case. And now that I think about it, it slipped my mind that I only saw Donald without a weapon as he was the one that talked (I thought if he did, why not the others?). Either way, I'll make Janexna rectify it, is only questioning, and is Sora's job to say something. There's nothing much to argue there since it doesn't count anyway.

    And speaking of what doesn't count, coming to the Nobodies situation, we can't say that Demyx did order them or did not, unlike the Phil scene (due to that, I won't ask Demyx about it, because we really do not know, and whichever answer, it might be false. There are many possibilities, especially since Demyx seemed not aware where Sora was exactly and did not expect him to appear) So like in typical court, unless you guys get sure evidence that he did to convict him, then the charge is considered moot to bring out by law. Or charges, depending if it goes with the Hollow Bastion investigation. If we're so adamant about it, then we can just leave it to Amber to choose that answer for us.

    In conclusion, do we really need Demyx's testimony? The two charges of theft and assault of Phil and Sora, is quite obvious. We got what we need. Then again...it wouldn't be fair.
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    I talked to the new judge and they gave me permission to do Axel's as well. :)

    BIC: Zack rocked back and forth slightly, waiting for Sora's response. In the end, it didn't really matter to him. He just kept thinking about that mole...
  14. Princess Luna Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Nov 18, 2007
    Equestria, betch. B]
    OOC: Er . . . Hello, peeps. Umm, what exactly are we waiting for? O.o'
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Sora to finally answer Janexna's Cross-Examination.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Seriously, we should just remove the novels at this point since everyone wants to keep bringing them up and they are not canon as Nomura did not do them and some points are just counterproductive to the actual game information.
    This is an opinion off something non-canon and really we keep bringing up these things and it's totally irrelevant. In the actual game, Sora doesn't think he's bizarre for no reason. It shows Demyx acting through the emotions in the first scene and the second scene. Also, the Phil scenario is obviously not canon either if it happened different from the games. Anything that happens different from the games should be excluded because it is tampering with 'evidence' and is not official. The only reason I think the novels should be used at all is to fill in little character opinion details that aren't expressed in the game. i.e. Namine's opinion that Riku was using her is her opinion in the novel, and it can be used because it's solely an opinion; not a fact necessarily and it would be her word versus Riku's in the end.

    Sora frowned. He had thought he had expressed his thoughts pretty well and clearly as he could. He really just had no idea what to even respond with at the time but would try. "Demyx acted the same way he did the first time pretty much which was changing his expression of emotion. He would act afraid, and then defensive and then counter with something accusing and stuff. I said he did the stuff the first time with the behavior and we did not want to be caught off guard again by it because the first time we talked we did not draw weapons on him at all until he summoned his water beings."

    He sighed now because she obviously did not listen to what he had said and pretty much had again said the whole conversation. "I had a chance to walk away and so did Demyx. I said we both could have left and he even started to run away but then turned around and said I was a traitor and we fought. I already said the stuff I said and Donald and Goofy did. Maybe he got annoyed at the saying the Nobodies had no Heart thing. I'm not Demyx so I don't know. I also thought I said why I didn't walk away. The Organization were there and so were the Heartless and Maleficent and I certainly was -not- going to run off and leave Hollow Bastion undefended when both the Nobodies and the Heartless were attacking me and my friends even before we got to Demyx. I was tired of them playing games with me. He could have left. He started to. I had a reason to stay and wasn't going to run away when people were in clear danger and I had to press on. And uh...having another conversation? About what? The fine weather they were having in Hollow Bastion as Nobodies and Heartless were destroying everything?"

    Now Sora was starting to get kind of annoyed because he had again, already said this. "He appeared doing that Dark Portal entrance thing and said we were looking lively. Donald told him to scram. I said something about didn't we catch him messing around in the Underworld and how'd a wimp like him get into Organization XIII any way. Demyx did this little dance acting afraid. I said 'I bet you can't even fight' since last time he sent water creatures at us and didn't do anything else and we had to fight them in a set amount of time or go out cold. Donald said 'But we can!' and that's when he said the line of you shouldn't judge anyone by appearance."

    He then shrugged. "The second time we were more defensive as well as offensive because as I said, we were trying to help others and were attacked by both Nobodies and Heartless and then he shows up out of the blue. Really, I'm not sure what you are fishing for here. We'd have put our weapons away if Demyx actually ran off like he started to and we would have continued on dealing with the threat at Hollow Bastion. "

    Sora sighed. What happened did occur whether she wanted to dance around the topic and get technical or not. "Yes, if the card is to be taken into account he had a direct order to attack me if I didn't respond properly. That's just the way it was. Also, he was supposed to liberate my true disposition by love taps? Jeez."

    "The FIRST fight, I did not ever say he intended to kill me, which is where he had the note in the first place. The second fight was not the same and was much more dangerous. He was tossing around attacks like crazy and was very near to killing me, ok? I gave him what he gave me which was the fight of my life. I don't think Demyx should be charged for fighting me that time and said so. It doesn't mean though the fight was not deadly but we both did it and that's how it is. He could have run away and no one was holding him from doing so other than maybe his orders from the Organization and honestly, that's not my problem since he never asked for help. I can't know what he's going through if he doesn't say."
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: I kinda agree with Repliku on this one. It's not that I have anything against the novels, it's just that they're not "official." If the game and the novels contradict each other, then the game automatically takes precedence. Unless the novels are officially translated (not fan-translated) and ported outside of Japan, they're not necessarily canon. It fills up gaps, true, but all it really does is create a deeper background for the characters. Other than that, they (as Repliku put it) taint the evidence.

    Besides, I don't think we want to add any more charges than there already are...:sideways:

    BIC: Zack let out a quiet sigh. He wondered if there was a point in having Sora repeat himself. "Is the Defense done with their Cross-Examination? Because as far as I can tell, there isn't any new information that the witness hasn't already stated. If so, Mr. Bush can step down from the stand. If not..." He peered over his sunglasses and narrowed his eyes. "...there better be a reason for this line of questioning. I won't tolerate any more stalling."
  18. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Sorry I didn't post for a few days and so you guys were stuck waiting on Sora. It figures though. Maybe he was thinking reaaaaaaaaaaaaally hard. I lost the internet when I payed off one bill and realized oops, I didn't have enough to pay the cable bill till this pay day after that. Go fig.
    Also, I'd say we should not have the Axel vs Saix thing count really because there's no point. Their feud was in the confines of the Org and harmed no one but themselves. It's about as relevant as charging Sora or Demyx for their 2nd fight which both did free of will or charging Axel for fighting Marluxia, in straight up combat. It's even less relevant because it happens in the novel and not the actual game.

    Riku looked at Namine. "I think that answers the question of what else is next. Not much. I'm sure now we'll soon get to hear Demyx's side, which should be interesting. If he wasn't in the Organization...I bet he'd have been kind of fun to hang around and go to parties with."
  19. OOC: Repliku, the novels are canon, there known to be, and are. Just because Nomura doesn't write it (unless he's a accomplished author), doesn't mean he's not watching everything that's being written in this particular work that connects to him, or is not official. How did the author know what scenes to place? What words to say? What parts of the story are important? What specific scenes? They are obviously a part of the game of the background events that we didn't see. This isn't like the manga where Vexen clones killed Xaldin. In Japan, no one's been complaining about contradictions in the books. The Japanese to Disney English just may have switched to fit better (after all, there are scenes in the novels that we see in the game, only it digs into their thoughts at the moment. You could see the words are the same, yet it can translate another way. Doesn't mean it's wrong...except the Roxas and Axel TWTNW scene, in my opinion. I'm glad Roxas wasn't shown as this jerk originally).

    Not to mention, this is basically basing this off of one Phil scene that could've been reworded differently amongst the rest. So because of this, that means to dismisss everything else and call it uncanon. Especially, when after Demyx ran away in the novel, what happens after is not shown, and it doesn't really explain anything else. Demyx might've hit him once he reached the Underworld since Phil was still chasing him after that (running from the Nobodies as well), or the Nobodies might've hit him, Phil might've have made it that far into the entrance before it caught up to him, etc. I just don't see the great contradiction, honestly. It doesn't taint the evidence as much as it shows how it just started (in Layman's terms, is back to step1). Even if the novels are due to come out on the US and translated, who's to say the Phil/Demyx scene won't be there?

    Let's just keep it Assault On Phil, as it shows he was knocked out whichever way. Is that simple.

    And while I agree with why there shouldn't be Saïx charge on Axel, if you remember clearly, Axel was weak and hurt when helping Sora at Betwixt and Between, which we never got a reason for. How did that happen? The novels show and explain that, as well as seeing him wake up in Naminé's lap (he just got farther than Roxas there :D). Saïx took one swipe that was enough to take him down. So if it connects to the game this way, how is it not canon, again?

    Janexna licked her lips. "Good, I only asked of it because you were emphasizingit it too much in many of the stuff you replied with. So, since you were guarded because of his weird personality the first time, you weren't so lost and confused as you placed it so greatly the second time?"

    "Sora, running away from Demyx, does not equal running away from Hollow Bastion and the problem. Especially as his role in this was unknown and he didn't seem to be doing anything yet at that point in the beginning as you were talking. There wasn't a need to get through to him there, " Janexna thoroughly explained herself, noticing he was getting annoyed. But there was a point she was trying to make. She smirked. "Of course, not the weather. Let me make it clearer. Did you think of asking questions about what was happening in Hollow Bastion? What was the attacks for? Did it ever occur to you that he might have some information to give you? Did you, or did you not have a chance there to figure out things that you wanted to know when you were chatting peacefully, other than calling him a 'wimp' and saying 'he had no heart', and Donald telling him to 'scram'?"

    In other words, constant insults. She sighed there, wondering how to word it so he won't cry that she was accusing him. "Did you have anything else to offer other than your 'interesting' manner of speaking? And again, you missed the point. Did Demyx say that you had to defeat the water creatures in a set amount of time? Was there a time bomb? If the water clones weren't doing much of anything at all, how do you know this? Yes or No?" Then she blinked. "Wait-since you basically said that 'bet you can't even fight!' just because he took it easy before, as it seems, were you wanting and asking for more there?"

    "Sure. That would've been a loving scene. However, it was only a mark to expand that not every fight leads to death."

    "Either way, wouldn't the same note apply for the second? Having a fight is known as aggresion, right? Is not like he had shown another order, correct?" Janexna inquired, before adding, "You had a chance to run, right? As you said, you didn't. How was something holding you back? Did he have you at gun's point, as far as not solving it in another matter? Did you ever ask for any guidance or help yourself? Did you say anything in the same way he should've?"

    She waved her hand, as if telling him he didn't have to respond to that, but it seems like he was almost justifying his own reason about not running away. She just wanted to bring it out there.
  20. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: So the novels ARE coming out? When exactly? (I want to preorder them as soon as possible)

    BIC: Kairi frowned slightly. Something didn't seem right about how the events were being portrayed by everyone. Finally she turned to Riku and asked, "Hey, Riku? You know where Sora and Demyx's battle took place, right? Was there another route Sora could've taken or was there only that one path?"
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