~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    In the "at me" or "with me" way?

    "I only remember him being attacked where I said he was, at the entrance to the Underworld by Demyx. Hercules is the one who went to go get the stone but found it was gone. We were training with Phil then while he was gone."
    "Strange... The evidence presented by the defense implies that Demyx went into the main building of the Colosseum, then ran out, summoning Nobodies. Then again, Demyx also attacked Phil in the underworld... Anyone care to explain?" Pika_power was getting a headache. Perhaps using the defense's evidence was not such a good idea...

    "B-b-but..." Pika_power collapsed, headache building.

    "What do you mean, the battle being the way it was? Was there something stopping you leaving? If so, what?"

    "So was Jiminy in danger? Also, I would think putting nobodies with orders to attack anything could be an offense. I will have to look it up" Pika_power finished sarcastically.
    "Thank you Sora." Turning to the judge, he asked, "Note this please. Sora says he acted in preparation for self defense here. He was forced into this avenue by Demyx's past actions."

    "Spoke too soon..." Pika_power muttered, grinding his teeth. "Sora, in future, engage brain before opening mouth." he said through gritted teeth.

    Pika_power fell back on pleading pathetically. "But Demyx initiated the fight, right? Right?! You only had your weapon drawn for defense! He made the first hostile move! Right? Please...?"

    Mewtwo nodded at Repliku; there was little left to say. Instead, he turned his concentraction on Zack, attempting to find something degrading about him. If the evil bailiff was going to step in, 150 would have to try to keep him on the right side of the law.
    Studying Zack intensely, he looked for a fault.

    Mind... Inpregnable

    Clothes... outfitted with various equipment, much of it superflous.

    Courtroom computer... Clean.

    150 sighed. Nothing discovered. Out of a desire to be thorough, he went back to discover the functions of the equipment.

    Gloves... Psycho represser.

    Jacket... Forcefield of protection.

    Boots... Extra grip, magnetic.

    Sunglasses... x-ray, in function.

    Got it.

    Mewtwo mentally smiled. Finally, a fauilt. He checked where the X-ray was heading, and saw it hit the girls. A quirky thought came into his head. Bending the rays with his mind, he directed them away from the girls and onto Yen Sid's crotch.

    He sat back, waiting for the scream...
  2. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Okay, duly noted," Zack said absentmindedly. "Prosecution claims self-defense."

    He then noticed that all the X-ray waves were being psychically redirected to one point. 'He wouldn't dare...' Zack thought. But indeed that was the case. All of the rays were being redirected straight at Yen Sid. However, the smaller the target, the more focused and powerful the beam became. The concentration became so intense that eventually Yen Sid's crotch burst into flames.

    Kairi jumped at the sight of the old wizard's flaming pants. "Sir! Your robe is on fire!"
  3. Repliku Chaser

    Hopefully in the 'with you' because this whole scene is hilarious for some reason. Sora's so ..Sora and Pika is so Pika. It makes for an amusing combination of humor.

    "How I remember it...When Hercules came back he told us the stone was gone...but before that, Phil ran off and wouldn't tell us where he was going. Well after Hercules told us we all found Phil on the ground by the door to the Underworld and that's where he had been attacked. I don't remember another time." (player doesn't and i played through the videos. I may have to get out the game because neither the script or the videos here show it...)

    Sora smiled hopelessly and apologetically. "Sorry?"

    "They circled around and there was a timing to have to defeat them before or else I'd go out cold."

    "Jiminy wasn't hurt if that's what you mean. He usually can keep himself out of harm's way and unless I had actually gone down, he was pretty safe."

    Sora scratched his head. "Um..okay."

    Riku crossed his eyes at Sora and grinned funny...then stopped before others might take notice really, though those by Sora might have seen.

    Sora pouted. "Hey!" He then looked around and cleared his throat. "Ahem"

    Sora wasn't sure what to say here. He scratched his head and had this really difficult thinking expression donned on his face. He then sighed and replied probably to the chagrin of the Pokemon..."He was going to attack at that point whether I did or not. However, like I said, I wasn't running either."
  4. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: I'll just pick out the punishment and this the hell overwith. xD


    Darkness....the eternal abyss of blackness.....blacker than coal, blacker than the pupil of the eye, and way more black than Barrack Obama.
    This was what and all Luxord, the Gambler of Fate, saw, before a huge flash of light sparked before his eyes, engulfing him entirely.

    Then, in a moment, the light and darkness was gone, revealing a small suburb atmosphere, with only scarce light about, cast from lamposts. Luxord had wound up lying on his front, in minor manners of pain.

    Even worse than the pain, were the questions. What was that darkness? What was that light? And why is that bush looking dead at me....?

    Thinking of the last question, Luxord jumped to his feet, looking directly at the bush that was staring right back at him! He summoned a Nobody card deck into his hand with a flourish and darted his eyes at the saring bush.

    But in a moment, instead of anything hostile, a boy leapt out of the bush instead, quite young, probably only eleven, and looking quite scared.

    "I'm sorry...didn't mean to frighten you, sir..." Said the young boy. He had messed up jetblack hair covering most of his forehead, and was wearing a striped red shirt with white stripes along with the red, which looked rather big for him, and had jeans also a bit too large for his lanky frame. He wore round-rimmed glasses, which were scraped and cut in several spots on the glass, and beneath the glasses were deep, blue eyes.

    Luxord, a bit off-balance, quickly regained his balance and dismissed the nobody cards back into nothingness.
    "Perhaps I acted with too much celerity myself."
    Luxord rhetorics, offering his hand down to the boy to help hoist him up.

    Thr boy looks up at him with queer eyes.
    "Acted with what?"
    He asked confusedly, and took the hand and let Luxord lift him back up to his feet on the sidewalk.

    Luxord realizes that he had used rhetoric again without noticing and stands befuddled for a moment.
    "Celerity means haste. Quickness?"
    Luxord replies, putting in "Quickness" for reassurance.

    The boy nodded his head, though still looking a bit off, as he nodded, a lightening shaped scar could be seen through a part in his hair.
    "I'm Harry, Harry Potter, by the way."
    The boy introduced himself, shaking the hand he already had in his own.

    Luxord shook the hand back slowly, not really enthusiastic about any of this.
    "Luxord...The Gambler of Fate."
    Luxord says back, haveing no surname and haveing to use his Nobody title instead.

    "Are you from around here?"
    Harry asks, cocking an eyebrow.
    "Your accent sounds familiar."
    He notes on Luxord's similiar British voice.

    Luxord, haveing to lie, just shakes his head, not replying with any words.
    "Shouldn't you be home? And why were you hiding in those bushes?"
    Luxord asks to change the subject of where he came from.

    With this Harry looked embarrased and blushed red in the cheeks.
    "I was running from my cousin...Dudley..."
    He replies, shrugging his shoulders nervously.
    "But he'd be home by now, anyway."
    He notes afterward.

    Harry's eyes suddenly lit up.
    "Do you know anything about a school called "Hogwarts?"
    He asks enthusiastically.

    Luxord merely shakes his head truthfully, haveing never heard of such a place.

    Harry changes his mood down a notch and just smiles nervously.
    'Oh well...it's just I've been getting letters from them about something...but I don't know what.."
    Harry explains.

    Luxord scratches his chin, deep in thought for a moment.

    "Do you have any place to stay?"
    Harry asks curiously, and grins when Luxord shakes his head "No."

    "Well if I show you the way, I'll go inside first, and then you can knock on the door a while after me, this way my Aunt and Uncle won't know you're with me."
    Harry goes one, a little spite in his voice when mentioning his Aunt and Uncle.

    "I'm pretty sure they'll let you stay for the night, since you look like somebody they'd like..."
    Harry notes on Luxord's almost refined look, despite his Organization Cloak.

    What happened next helped to aid the one down to the idea, as the once clear Saturday night sky turned black and started to rain, which would give anyone reason to wear a black water-******ent cloak.

    Acting on instinct, Luxord pulled the hood of his cloak over his head and zipped it up, bits and bobs hanging from the front zippers.

    Young Potter had already made a run for home as soon as the rain started to down pour, as he had no way of protecting himself from the droplets of liquified vapor himself.

    Luxord waited a while on the sidewalk, waiting to see Harry run inside a house on the block, on Privet Drive.

    With a heavy sigh of respute, Luxord calmly made his way through the pouring rain, heading towards the same house, unknowing of where this might lead him next.
  5. OOC: Lol xD. Harry Potter! Oh my....D:. What's the punishment though?

    Janexna watched the questioning kind of dully, finding that Sora was making himself a little too innocent on the situation at some parts. Which was fine, because if he can do that, Demyx can too. Either way, she was kind of tired of hearing things basically be repeated, and she found the whole Auron thing pointless. Why pursue it? Demyx wasn't there. The only thing that can be contradicting is the Phil thing about two accounts, yet, Phil had mentioned, like Sora put it, that he was looking for another warrior, hero, fighter. In the novel scene, it was there Phil was suggesting it when they met and Demyx had fumbled with the answer in turn, then ran away, leaving Nobodies popping up, whether to stop him from following or he did it on purpose to mean harm. Which would also fit with the creatures Phil had said to Sora in KH2. So the problem lay in the settings, not the interaction. This was among other things. Drumming her fingers, she turned to Xelax with a smile, stating, "I'll be up for the questioning first, it seems. Have a few things to say."

    With that, her eyes shifted to look at the court, a bit impatient, "If Power ever finishes up, I mean."

    "Let me go!"

    "Not until you end your b*tch mode."

    "That b*tch mode will massacre your a** if you don't release me! I'm warning you."

    The last words came out a low, quiet snarl, resembling the lioness when on the prawl for her prey, tense as her pointy, sharp teeth revealed themselves in preparation. That alone was a strong warning for you to stay away, when it came to Larxene, but as typical of him, he didn't listen. Not that he felt threatened anyway. Her throwing kunai at him had gotten to the point where she actually was seriously about to stab him with all smiles, and of course, he had to defend himself. Larxene was a avid fighter and sure of her abilties, so she had no problem going against him. He had only managed to snatch her arms and place them behind her back, only to press her against a wall when she was momentarily distracted, secured and locked, making sure his legs were in between her own from the back in case she tried a sneaky move. This is where they found themselves now, her struggling in his grip as her face was planted on the surface of the wall, and she was fiery enough to closely let loose at times. Yet, while Larxene was a dangerous feline as she is, and he was quite slim compared to other members, his male strength still exceeded hers. She was wasting energy trying to get out, though he was aware that soon she will electrocute at some point once she will tire to prove that he had no power over her at any level. Including muscle.

    Axel sighed, rolling his eyes to the side dully. He smirked. "All you have to do is stop. Is that so hard for a wild cat like you?"

    "F**k you."

    "I'll pass." Not really. But he wasn't going to tell her that.

    Marluxia just watched this show boredly, seeing members fight times to time, including himself, so his eyes wandered from the irritating pair to the room. It was a wonder on how he ordered them before to stay in the same room in Castle Oblivion to check on Sora's progress, and had made it out alive and with good companionship somehow. Because, really. This was nonsense. Then again, this wasn't the real Axel, and tides have changed for Larxene and her opinion on the red haired male, due to his own conspiracy against them. Marluxia did think a lot on how much that actually affected her, as she never gives her trust easily, not even to him, yet Axel gained it in a small while. She unintentionally dug her own grave. Foolish. Yes. But even he saw how much Larxene had wanted Axel to be in their team. Just in what manner did she view him, back then?

    This Axel was underestimating her at the moment, though.

    His eyes just blinking naturally, he then pondered how long will it be until this CEO appeared. This was getting tiring. And loud. "You're slowly weakening her, Axel. Just let her go."

    Larxene's patience was thinning rapidly as she gritted her teeth behind her tight, pursed rosy lips. Her hands clenched into tight fists as her body shook from this unrelenting anger she was feeling and holding to. It took all her will not to shower the whole place in lightning and kill him. B@stard. How dare he think he overpowered her? Stupid, cocky, son of a- she went to thrash once more, not wanting to use her power yet as she wanted him to know that nothing will hold her down. Axel will never have any type of hold on her again. In fact, she didn't know why she was taking it easy on him. Nevertheless, it was Marluxia's comment that made her fizzle violently. Weak? She wasn't weak. She was not weak...she wasn't. Closing her eyes as Axel pressed her harder due to her almost slipping away, images flowing through her mind from her past, both from her Nobody life with the loss on Castle Oblivion, and before she even lost her heart. Memories best forgotten, taunting her. Something in her chest tightened. She was not weak. Damn them all.

    It was at that moment that all sense left her, and when she reopened her eyes, she tensed, smoldering wrath and rage filling her face, her orbs glowing with cold blazes as her face slowly turned around to see him. She had lasted too long from letting him get away with everything, and she found no problem on slamming her head on his face back, making him finally loosen his grasp on her. However, now that she was free, heated to where it shook her, there was no stopping her hunt. Sounds of static ranged around the room as Larxene high kicked Axel on his stomach mercilessly, striking him with lightning, as his body flew on to the other side of the wall in a loud slam. It wasn't the end there, as she summoned her kunai on one hand as her eyes lit up with a blue light that matched the color of her element, and she quickly ran to hurt again while Axel was recovering on the floor. "How dare you?!!"

    Just like that, she felt her own body being held back all of a sudden, and growled, looking up, only to spot a flash of pink. Her eyes narrowed. "Marluxia, back off."

    "No," he replied simply and sternly, his arms grabbing her by the waist tightly, this time, in a more stronger prison. Axel was to be fine, despite that he was bleeding from his nose and he had a cut lip, because he was certain that unpredicted attack will not stop him from standing. However, he could care less about his state. He was just stunned at the reaction. As was Axel. This was....it wasn't the fact that she was angry, or that this was a easy temper tantrum. One of them hit a deep, scarred spot that they shouldn't have. Which he figured was his doing, as Axel didn't say anything worth this ignition. Fortunately, he was the one touching her at the time.

    "Damn you to hell! You have no rule over me anymore!" she halfway screamed and spat, shaking her head vehemently as she had to get rid of another imbecile who trapped her as well. Her eyes blurring and burning, she put all the effort she could offer form her high strung insides, fighting, and fighting. Because that's what you always needed to do to get around and survive.

    He let out a sharp breath, saying calmly, "That may be true, but I know when you are getting out of hand that you are a danger even to yourself. This is not the time for this." He had seen many things with Larxene, yet he had never witnessed this much emotion and animosity from her so far. Not from a Nobody. When she played her games and went into battle, she always had a smile on her face, overconfident, elated at the pain she gives, but this was different. There was no laughter, there was no fun. This was pure, unfathomable fury that rose from her suddenly. Her eyes did show madness, yet there was something opposite shimmering there that he couldn't distinguish. She was greatly upset, and he did not understand why.

    Or why she could even feel it to such a extent.

    "I make my own time!" Larxene exclaimed, moving violently to get at anything. She wasn't sure even what herself. She just needed to vent.

    "And I make my own time as well. Which is now. I suggest you be silenced and calm yourself, or we will need to take immediate measures and higher your sentence. You'll not do this in my presence."

    With the new voice appearing, Larxene had startled briefly and slowly halted, her breath quick as she was roughly panting, and all eyes turned to the newcomer and owner of this realm.
  6. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: I have absolutely NO clue what the punishment is. I don't remember Harry Potter being one of the choices. I thought it was either Star Wars Episode I or Adam Sandler. :blink:

    Whatev. Hopefully Base'll enlighten the rest of us later. :p

    BIC: Naminé was completely confused. Why did Yen Sid's cloak spontaneously combust? She glanced over at Zack and could almost make out a direct line of sight...

    Zack discreetly switched off the X-ray function of his sunglasses. It was obvious the psychic was to blame. Of course, he knew that was the plan from the start, to put blame on him. If the Pokémon decided to accuse him, though, Zack was ready with the security log to counter. It was still recording all psychic activity within the courtroom and the judge was ready to activate the psychic feedback again if push came to shove.

    He lowered the psychic shield long enough for a single thought to reach 150, "Do that again and you'll be spending the rest of this trial walking instead of hovering." Then he turned on the psychic shields again and asked, "Will that be all? Just pray that you're not wasting the court's time with meaningless questions..."
  7. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC: Haveing to put up with Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, Dudley, Snape, Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, and Neville Longbottom. Isn't that punishment?

    I just figured on Harry Potter since Luxord is a Brit and all, Jolly good. But I was caught on a line when it came to me "How will Luxord get into Hogwarts? He's too old..." But then it hit me! You'll see.


    Luxord rapped on the door, and shortly thereafter a shrill voice from the inside carried all the way through the doors and into Luxord's ears.
    "Vernon! Get the door!"

    And within moments, a portly man, with a ruddy face, practically almost purple, a thick moustache much like that of a Walrus, and with no neck, peered his tiny eyes at Luxord, who had his hood up, which masked his face and made him look like some sort of hoodlum. Fortuneately, the pouring rain, which caught the portly man's beady eyes reassuringly, gave one reason to be wearing a hooded-cloak.

    The portly man, Uncle Vernon, Luxord estimated, gave a forced smile and, probably due to his humility, offered Luxord to come in out of the rain. He stepped aside by the door, and opened it a bit wider to let Luxord walk in without a word.

    Luxord stood near the coat-rack, dripping only slightly, as most of the rain he had been doused with had dryed on the doorstep outside. Inside he saw a smaller version of Vernon lounging on the couch, mouth stuffed with kettlecorn popcorn, and eyes directed on the flashing televison. That must have been Dudley.

    And the person who came out of the kitchen with a sopping wet Harry, Luxord could only guess as Aunt Petunia. She was a thin, lanky woman, quite a contrast to her son and spouse, and she had poofy, wirey black hair, which was styled above a face most-similiar to that of a horse.

    Her eyes glared right at Luxord, who had yet to remove his hood.
    "Who is he?"
    She asked in a very tiny voice, but sounding as
    with one accustomed to authority.

    Vernon then shut the door behind him as he walked past Luxord without a word, headding right through the hallway with a stairs, and stopped at Petunia.
    "It's pouring like a mad march hare out there, Petunia."
    He stated sheepishly, as though he feared and or respected his wife.
    "We can't just leave a normal-looking person out on the streets on a night like this..."
    He finished with cowardice.

    Petunia peered from Luxord to Vernon, then opened her mouth to speak in a whisper, although Luxord could still hear her clearly.
    "Normal-looking? He looks like one of them.."
    She asks skeptically, putting emphasis on them.

    Vernon's beady eyes grew less beady.
    "You would know, does he?"
    He asks for reassurance, wheeling about as the two of them glared at Luxord up and down.

    After a moment, Petunia shook her head, even Luxord not being able to decipher if that meant he looked liked "them" or she just wasn't sure. And as if to try and prove it, she gave the same kind of forced smile Vernon had first given, and pushed Harry aside quite rudely, and walked up to Luxord with Vernon right beside her, who was once again wearing a forced smile.

    "Would you care for some tea?"
    Petunia asked almost kindly, the edges of her mouth twitching as she talked, as if not accustomed to smiling.

    Luxord gave a slight nod, deciding it best not to remove his hood or speak just yet. And with a little nudging from vernon, he made his own way into the living room, which was dimly lit by a few lamps, and the flashing television. Scattered neatly across the entire living room where old photographs of what looked to be a pink meatball with clothes. Luxord looked over his shoulder to Dudely, his eyes still fixed on the TV, and was sure the pink meatball was Dudely as a, not by much, smaller child.

    Urged to take a seat, no longer wet, Luxord sat down in a cushioned chair, which faced Petunia's rocker and Vernon's lazychair.

    Petunia was the first to speak.
    "So...where are you from?"
    She began worriedly, staring Luxord down with her large eyes.

    Luxord now determined that now was a good time to speak.
    He rep-lied( a mix of replied and lied), his British accent distinct.

    Vernon was next, his beady eyes also staring down Luxord.
    "I see....then you're not magic at all?"
    Vernon asked quite bluntly, his eyes then growing wide from catching himself at what he just said.

    Although neither Petunia or Vernon could see, Luxord cocked an eyebrow at the question, finally figuring out what a "them" was to them.

    Fortuneately, a whistling from the other room caught Petunia's attention, no doubt the tea water boiling, and Luxord was saved for a moment from answering the question, as Vernon followed her into the question.

    On the other side, in the opposite doorway leading into the hallway, Luxord caught Harry from the corner of the open doorway to the living room, giving him a "cut across the throat" signal. Signaling for Luxord to either lie or not answer the "magic" question.

    Within the following moments, Petunia came back in with a tray full of teacups and biscuits, and Vernon followed her with a newspaper under his hefty arm. The both of them took their seats again, and Petunia laid down the silver tray she was holding on the low coffee table, while Vernon opened his newspaper to read. Luxord guessed Vernon had said something to upset Petunia so much earlier, that he would not be able to interogate Luxord any further, and just leave it to Petunia.

    Petunia poured a cup of tea into a small cup, and handed it to Luxord, who took it without really wanting it, but sensing a need to please these people and not get suspicious.

    As Luxord calmly took a sip from behind his hood, one thought passed through his mind.
    This is going to be a long night...

    OOC: I wanted to do something I've never done before, something I'd like to do, and something that wouldn't be directly suspected.

    As I've never brought up Harry Potter as a punishment, I figured it had some manner of surprise with this.

    Plus, the fact Luxord's a bloody Brit. xD
    (Nobody actually English take "bloody" with offense....especailly those who could easily ban me.....like CtR...0.o)
  8. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: The novel isn't exactly 'canon' though some parts can be taken that way to fill in gaps. I'd consider the fact that Phil was on the ground and pretty dizzy etc enough to say that they did hit him hard enough to knock him out cold because that -was- in the game even if we didn't see the act. However, that was the only incident also of him being attacked. I'm not sure why it's being said there are two attacks exactly. There was just one which is that scene, unless someone is recalling another scene I am forgetting.

    Sora hoped that he had done well enough because he really couldn't call on much more for memory of what occurred. He probably didn't 'frame' Demyx as well as Pika had hoped but Sora really wasn't sure, other than being a weird guy who acted afraid, then angry, then declaring people were rude or obnoxious to him...then being a rock star...then attacking...he didn't really feel Demyx was nearly as bad as others in the Organization had been. He just seemed to be a follower that just perhaps wanted out of his situation but never was going to admit it fully.

    Sora studied Namine a bit and then looked back at Pika waiting to see if he was going to lose his top or not. Maybe Sora should be quiet...yeah, that was a good idea. He made a mental thought of him zipping his lips and just sat there awaiting the reaction. He knew Demyx was wrong to do what he did but at the same time he was not going to make the guy's crimes worse. He also wasn't going to just say to the Defense that they were less either but the defense seemed to hate him any way and harbor some weird animosity to him which he surmised probably came in because they were defending the Organization. He of course couldn't make people like him so their opinions were their own but he doubted he'd be up here very long and Demyx was next.
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax scratched his head... the testimony was so long. And NOOOO! The Pokemon Prosecutor was asking more questions! Xelax pulled his hood even further down, and lowered his head.

    "I'm not here right now... let me know when its over."

    He shook nervously as if he was anticipating some sort of pain.

    OOC: I'm just messsing around...
  10. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Okay. Clear up one thing, then I am done.

    The novels seem to imply that Demyx attacked Phil on the way to stealing the stone. Why? In game, he attacks Phil when he has the stone. He knocks phil out and goes deeper.

    In the novel, he is wondering what to do about the cave's sapping effects, and then runs into Phil, knocks him over, then runs away, leaving nobodies behind.

    See what I am trying to say?
  11. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: So wait. You want Zack to decide what's canon and what's not? :blink:
  12. OOC: Not really. I mean, wasn't Hercules the one who found the stone missing and then the knocked out Phil was found? There could've been ways that Phil could've run from the Nobodies and got there until that point when he reached the Underworld. He did appear near the entrance, right? In the novel, the end merely shows the Nobodies appearing and Phil yelling at Demyx about where is he going. We don't know what happens from there.

    Then I forgot what Phil says to Sora again.
  13. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3

    Does that help?
  14. OOC: Intensely. I'm just wondering at what he stated about the Nobodies.

    And how the hell does Herc know about the black hooded figure if Phil was knocked out? (He said "we"). Did he see Demyx? o.O

    Seriously. I swear Nomura needs to quadruple check his plot and script.
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    That's the scene word for word.
  16. OOC: Alright. The thing is Demyx ran off to the Coliseum in the novel (let's spell it the KH way), then Phil said into the Underworld. Unless the Underworl is located around the Coliseum or inside, then I don't know xD.

    Though how Herc knew about this while Phil was knocked out is still a mystery >.<.
  17. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: Okay. We need to agree on a canon, otherwise we will be arguing about inconsistancies all game. Personally, I feel the novels should be ignored, but that's just because there seem to be problems like this.

    So far though, it seems as if Demyx is facing two assault charges. One from Phil's testimony, and the other from Janexa's evidence.
  18. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: The text there is exactly what happened and is canon. The novel is not canon and should not count at all in this regard as it differs from what was told in the video game. Let's please just go by the video game because the novel is great but at points it does differ and this is one so the game itself should always be held as canon instead when there's a difference.

    As for the scene in question, Hercules himself is the one who went to go get the Olympus Stone from the gods but was told that it was a guy in a black cloak with 'white beings' accompanying him which of course are Nobodies. Phil ran off after Hercules came back to go find someone to possibly replace Herc seeing as Herc was tired, while Sora and Herc were talking about the stone. After, Sora decided to go back to the Underworld because he had his promise to keep to Meg and that's when they found Phil at the entrance to the Underworld, on the ground. I pretty much had Sora's testimony just based off the video game itself to keep it straight forward. I will go ahead and fill in the 'words' of the text a bit more to describe the scene from the game if that helps. So in the end:

    Sora finds out about the stone from Herc. Herc runs off to the gods to go get it to help Sora out in dealing with Hades though he doesn't know Sora's exact intent since Sora can't really tell him. The reason why is because Sora made a deal with Meg to go talk to Hades to give Herc a break since he was worn out.

    Sora trains with Phil while Herc is gone, smashing pots and stuff.

    Herc comes back, Phil runs off to go try to find someone to replace Herc but doesn't really say that's what he's up to.

    Herc tells Sora that the stone was stolen and all that is known is some guy in a cloak took it and had white beings as accomplices. I would assume that the gods actually told Herc that this was all they knew at the time. Sora asks then if he can use the stone if he finds it and Herc agrees to that.

    Sora decides to try to head to the Underworld because it makes sense that the person would head there since he stole the Olympus Stone and also Sora has to keep his deal with Meg. Sora and company find Phil on the ground at the entrance to the Underworld. Phil says he saw a black cloaked guy who he was trying to possibly get to replace Herc but gets turned on and hit, then the Nobodies conk him out cold or something so he's found by the others and says he was 'seeing stars'. It's then that Phil finds out from the others that Demyx stole the stone.

    I hope that works to clarify it because that's what the game itself is declaring and I think the novel should be discounted here. Nomura didn't write the novel and the author obviously took some liberties here that shouldn't have been done. Does it all make sense? The novel is good in a way to fill in some personality etc but I don't think it should be canon when it comes into conflict with the actual game itself since the author is not Nomura himself.
  19. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    OoC: So wait... How far can the novels be taken? For example, (let's say it actually counted and Mansex didn't dismiss it), but in that scene where Saix attacked Axel, could I have that charge on Saix' card?
  20. OOC: But it wouldn't make sense then because if Phil said he was trying to get Demyx to replace Herc, this is perhaps the only time and conversation that took place, as it connects precisely. Demyx began to run off and Phil chased him as it's been said by Phil himself. There's no other second time where it would've happened in the same format. Phil simply said next thing he knows was that he was seeing stars all of a sudden after he had chased him. We could assume he might've actually avoided the Nobodies as he kept running after Demyx until the point where he was found near the entrance as they got him and Demyx disappeared inside the Underworld, perhaps getting the stone along the way. "Turned on me" doesn't always exactly mean that he suddenly got attacked, Demyx did run, after agreeing that he will fight, but then suddenly changed his mind as he figured out his mistake (in both translations Phil did not make it clear what exactly these games or tournaments were). I don't think is into that much conflict since we don't know what happens when Demyx starts to run away after that scene ends, or simply because Phil didn't go into detail in a conversation which is taken much more seriously than it should be. In my opinion, in all he says, Phil doesn't explain things well.

    Tell me. Where is the Underworld located?

    That, and you have to think that the novels are directly translated from Japanese, and the English version can be used to change more into their slang or replace words to fit the mouth's movements (for example, when Sora got up from his knees after Saïx refused him of Kairi, he didn't say "Why you-!" as in the English, he basically said, "I'll kill you!"). I'm sure the Japanese don't say, "I'm seeing stars". Nomura had placed scenes from the novels in the FM+, so the novels must have some accuracy in the actual canon and game, especially as it explains very much the background characters. Deals with the Org., which could not be just free liberty, in my opinion. Riku as well. And is been reported that Nomura checks all the author's writings, unlike the manga, where it is definitely liberty. Another Report (that came with the game), where Roxas wakes up and the whole Malificent thing occurs, is also written by the same man. At least, I'm guessing. It might be just translation problems in itself, even. After all, one out of the two translations says that Demyx was in the Coliseum already where he met Phil and ran from the building, not into.

    In FM+, even Demyx goes to explain about the Absent Silhouettes after the first battle or around that time, which is completely new. Sora mentioning Naminé to Riku and how he couldn't say thank you just before the armored Xemnas fight. Changes were obviously made.

    Oh, and it was Axel that attacked Saïx first, not the other way around.
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