~~*Organzation XIII goes to court*~~

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Princess Celestia, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Considering Mr. 21 is ALREADY being held in contempt and dealt with as we speak, it'd be kinda doing a double jeopardy, wouldn't you say? His trial's pretty much over and done with. Any other charges will have to wait until after the rest of the trials in queue are dealt with." Zack coughed. "In any case, if you feel that strongly about it..." He slammed the gavel and Pika's face was instantly clear of graffiti. "...There. As if it never happened." Zack couldn't help but smirk. "You're lucky I'm judge right now or else I wouldn't be wielding the gavel. Then I'd have no choice but to remove it MY way."

    Kairi rolled her eyes. "Yeah, a real gentleman, that guy," she said sarcastically. "But who's coming up? Sora or Demyx?"
  2. Janexna sighed, sitting down in a almost impatient manner. "You're wrong. That's just assau- *pause*....fine. When they are done with the testimonies, they could reply to that back later on." She'll let Mr. Power and his partner to their talking, and let the new judge and Pikahcu handle their...tension. Honestly, she was hoping to skip the testimonies by this point, she didn't think they needed them all each trial, especially for Demyx, as any information, other than reflections and thoughts, which really won't do anything on real court, could be found. That, and she wanted to get this moving. She was sure there was a reason fo rit, as they were so adamant. She really couldn't believe that after Demyx, there was Axel, who was number eight. Saïx won't give much of a argument, and neither Xaldin or Xemnas, and the rest like Zexion and Lexaeus, weren't that bad. The only one she thought would really last long due to the whole Repliku thing was Vexen's because of acceptance whether the relationship between them should be taken as father and son, or parental. It wasn't like the law had something about clones and their creators...yet. By the scientific rate they were moving...

    Either way, wow...they were almost done then...it kind of seemed unreal for it to end, as she had put so much effort into this case. Blocking off another yawn, they might as well get this part over with. She can probably even question some things herself. Getting out a law book to occupy herself with for future preparations, she opened the guide book on the page of Assaults and Aggravated Assaults, reading up on her knowledge. As her eyes wandered around, Demyx can simply be a misdeameanor. Demyx didn't use a weapon precisely in that sense, rather, played some tunes on a sitar to summon water clones that did not provide harm or may have caused any use for grievously body harm, as they just stood there doing nothing. The water clones were more of a "weapon" than the actual sitar, in her opinion. Let's see...a person has committed aggravated assault when they attempt to cause serious body injury, which Demyx didn't attempt to, as proven, or else the clones would have done more than just be targets for hitting. Next, is when it does cause injury purposely, didn't happen either. Attempts...there were no attempts to injuries and none of it was caused on Sora or his friends. Leaning her chin on her hand as she continued scrolling down, aggravated assault also boils down to the offender's intent. Hmm...she went back to the introduction.

    And the likely result was not death or injury again, she meant from water splashing around in forms that were quieted. The best they can do here is minor assault. It wasn't simple assault either which was another case...just assault. Assault can refer to something like a immediate show of force, which was more fitting. Aggravated Assault is more of a straight attack. Basically, it was Larxene. Of course, she wanted to read up on this more to see if she missed something along the lines...

    Scratching her nose, while the commotion was going on elsewhere until they got Sora or Demyx up there, she showed these pages to Xelax, wondering his opinion as she wasn't sure. He's been a longer attorney than she has been, as she was just new. Janexna almost shoved the book in his face like curious childlike earnest. "Hey, what do you think of this? They have to prove the water clones were harmful or something?"
  3. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power glared at the judge, but could not find any faults in his behaviour. He turned away with a distinct "Hmph!"

    The pokemon then reaiised there was work to be done. Swiveling around on his tail, he said in a loud voice, "I call Sora, the keyblade Master to the stand!"
  4. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xelax smirked. "This should be fun."

    He turned to Janexna. "Did you want to lead the cross examination or did you want me to?"

    OOC: Ok, goodnight everyone... last post of the night.
  5. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: LOL Janexna's doing the exact same thing Kairi was doing back during the Larxene case, looking up information and using it to turn the tide without actually presenting it officially. :D

    BIC: Zack cocked an eyebrow. It was clear that this wasn't going to be as simple as he thought. He thought it was just a simple matter of stealing and that was it. But if the court was going to analyze every scene this water guy was in, then the trial might take slightly longer than it should...
  6. Repliku Chaser

    Harvey nodded to Pika Power and then took a seat, going through papers.

    Sora went up and took a seat once again after swearing in. "I sure have to swear a lot here." ..."I mean swear in a lot." >.<

    He then would give his testimony.

    We went to Olympus Coliseum and had a run in with Hades, met Auron and all, then returned to see Hercules.

    He told us about the Olympus Stone and said he'd go get it for us to borrow. We then went to see Phil while we waited. Hercules returned and said the Olympus Stone was stolen.

    He said that it was stolen by a guy in a black cloak who had some assistance with beings of white, which we assumed were Nobodies. Phil took off and we encountered him.

    He said he went to chase the man in the black cloak and the man turned on him and he had attacked him..leaving him 'seeing stars'. All Phil had wanted to do was talk to him to see if he'd be a replacement hero because he didn't know about the guy stealing the Olympus Stone.

    We left to the Underworld to find the person who stole the Olympus Stone and met up with Demyx. He called me Roxas.

    I thought he was bizarre..and he took out the Olympus Stone. I said he must be the thief. He said I was plain rude and took out some card that had orders on it to basically beat me up to get my 'true disposition' and summoned these water creatures to attack me.

    I had to defeat them with my friends in time or else I would be defeated. We did it and he left saying 'Roxas come back to us'. We acquired the Olympus Stone and used it and continued on.

    Later at Hollow Bastion. We found out from King Mickey about Xehanort and Xemnas and Ansem the Wise.

    We ran out because of an explosion...and Maleficent was commanding Heartless to attack the Nobodies and the Nobodies seemed to be winning any way.

    We met up with Maleficent who disappeared and had the Heartless attack us instead of the Nobodies. The Nobodies also went to attack us so we defeated both groups.

    We went to go help Leon soon after and to stop the Heartless. Dancer Nobodies appeared out of nowhere and began attacking us and we defeated them.

    We went on to help against the Heartless. King Mickey wanted us to leave but we couldn't just abandon the world to the Heartless or the Nobodies.

    We met Demyx again and Donald told him to scram. He was acting weird and I asked him how a wimp like him could get in the Organization. He told me to not judge anyone by appearance. I said I bet you can't fight and Donald said, but we can. He then said that 'they sent the wrong guy' I guess talking about the Org.

    I was reminded that the Org were Nobodies by Goofy so they had no Hearts so pretty much Demyx's weird actions of being afraid then not afraid and all were acts. Demyx said they did have hearts and Donald said you can't trick us...and then Demyx turned and faced me and pointed and said 'silence traitor'. He then brought out his weapon and smiled and well...we fought. He wasn't such a wimp after all.

    Demyx was defeated and disappeared."

  7. OOC: Wow xD. I just noticed that. Though it might get presented officially later on.

    I swear, this Court got me to watching 48 Hours: Hard Evidence, and other crime shows. Something that I hated my mom for watching. Go figure.

    Night, ICSP.

    Janexna just took the smirk as a answer, and shrugging, simply marked the page and set it aside as she closed it. Rubbing her eyes, she turned back to Xelax to answer his question, "You can do so first, if you wish. I may or may not have something to ask yet, I'm still undecided. It depends how the other questioning goes. Still, we can't inquire of Sora about his own attitude, as the charge isn't there for it where it needs to." She tilted her head. "Which makes me wonder on why we need the testimony....the first battle was there for us to see and the reaction of the Phil scene was shown to piece up the blanks...unless it's about Radient Garden..."

    She shrugged, only to see Sora come up to testify, and say a basic summary...a bit off hand with facts, though. "See what I tell you? Is pointless, is only to make Demyx appear more harmful than he was. Good thing he's up next though..."

    Larxene did not jump in surprise despite the fact that she looked like she got startled. After all, it appeared like, not that she did. And that was the case as the platform randomly levated up swiftly, going at reasonably quick speed, and she wondered what was going on...she was aware they were blatantly going somewhere, the question within her was the destination. Her wide, big aquatic eyes stared up as they kept ascending, noticing that a dark vortex appeared above, that reminded her closely of a black hole, albeit a weak one. It wasn't big, and she definitely could see it wasn't that strong, just to transport...and they were heading straight into it.

    The last glance she had seen before she went fully and utterly blind with nothing but thick ebony, was of Axel and Marluxia lounging around calmly in their respective spots and positions as if this was simple elevator ride. Admittedly, it kind of was, she hadn't even bothered to get up off the ground, and the redhead idiot didn't either. Just that alone gave her motivation enough not to be in the same height level as him. Either way, nothing was heard for awhile except the revving of the platform, so she just waited.

    "We're going to the CEO's office," Axel provided to them knowingly, not needing to, and not wanting to, but doing it anyway because he just felt like it. Tch. He had never really met the "it" itself, so this made him quite interested. As one could be when a Nobody. It was a shame he was written to be like them, without a heart to match the real Axel's situation as he was suppose to be his character. Couldn't Janexna do a plot twist and write him as a special case, though?

    While Marluxia remained silent to the outspoken words, though she couldn't know whether his eyes or anything shifted, her vision went in the direction where she heard Axel's voice coming from, as this was the pitchest of black and she could only go by the sense of sound. She had the urge to snap something back, but held back for some reason. Before she could process the matter further, there was a slight jolt as the platform finally stopped, though nothing really changed as seconds passed and passed. It wasn't until one small square glass panel in the ceiling lit up brightly out of the blue, making her shut her eyes as they had gotten used to the darkness they were in for that while, white flashes presenting themselves in her closed eyelids. Once they had recovered enough to reopen them, she blinked at the place she found herself in. The glass panel that reflected the light, now was lined up perfectly with other of its tiny kinds in a straight line right smack in the middle, that slapped across the whole room. The room itself was kind of odd. Looking down, she saw that the platform, which was a sort of metallic, smooth and rich polished slate gray now had no trace of being apart as it molded with the floor. In fact...this whole place had the same kind of metallic build and with the same color. The walls, the ceiling other than the lighting, the sides. Even the desk that was perched in front of them was followed the pattern, perfectly squared, clean, not one speck of dust from her view, and it seemed that it was attached to the ground as well. The only difference that contrasted with it all was the vast window that took up the whole wall behind the table, which only showed a green haze with lighter green number spiraling up and down...like a matrix; then there was the black, leather chair that appeared mighty expensive to normal standards. Either way, everything fitted, and she absolutely hated it already. Plain. She detested plain.

    Standing up on her feet as she saw Axel do so, not wanting to be the one down, thoughts were interrupted when a female voice vibrated around the whole empty space, spoken through a intercom that could not be specifically located.

    "Welcome to the Fanfiction Realm, and the main office. Please, for your pleasure, relax yourself with the continuing music presented until the right authority will be right with you."

    I'm in love with a girl who knows me better,
    Fell for the women just when I met her,
    Took my sweet time when I was bitter,
    Someone understands,
    And she knows how to treat a fella right,
    Give me that feeling every night,
    Wants to make love when I wanna fight,
    Now someone understand me,
    I'm in love with a girl...

    Larxene's eye twitched once. Then twice a few seconds later. This was so ridiculous. As she studied Marluxia to conclude his reaction, which was just searching the room as she was before blankly, she turned to see what Axel was doing, and found him actually mouthing out the words in sync with the music, his expression roughing up a bit when it hit the more high rocking notes. Since when was he so modern?

    Oh wait, scratch that.

    Feeling a intense, heated gaze on him, his green eyes locked sharply with acid blue ones, and he just gave a small smirk at her, as if daring her to say something, not stopping from whispering out the lyrics. He knew them, and he knew the song, nothing wrong with that. To get on her nerves though, and to somehow express his own sentiment concerning her, he tauntingly shoved the next course of the chorus at her silently as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "I'm in loooove with a girl..."

    The response was a scoff, and a yellow and blue kunai that narrowly missed his face thrown at admirable speed rate, but it did scratch the surface of his hair, making small specks of fire red float down in the atmosphere. He just chuckled though. You kind of get used to Larxene after a while. He had to give it to her, however, that even when his focus was on her and her movements, he didn't note her preparing a weapon lunge at how fast it was. The girl was deadly if given the chance.

    Coming from that, he had to dodge another one, she perhaps doing it for added effect.

    That one was close to be more fatal, however. He wasn't looking forwad for a third one, or else he'll be jumping on the floor.
  8. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Naminé was about to object about the absence of bullet points, but then stopped herself. As long as the points were separated to be Cross-Examined, then there should be no problem. "And here I thought we were doing Ace Attorney format," she muttered to herself.

    Something nagged at Kairi about Sora's Testimony. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she was pretty sure that Sora had told her something different...

    The judge peered over his shades. "The testimony just now...are you sure it's accurate?" He saw an unimportant contradiction, but as judge, he had to be fair and let the testimony rest as it was. Yes, he had actually viewed the tapes himself. "Oh well, whatever. Pipsq...I mean, Mr. Power. Your Cross-Examination, if you would."
  9. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Guys, I took this whole thing from the script. It is absolutely accurate. Not sure why it's being questioned like it's fake. Heck, I even put in that Sora goaded him to fight. :/ Aso, doing those bulletin things is darn hard. I try but I don't like having to keep going back to the scripts either and watch the kh-videos over and over again either so...I try to just get stuff in there so I don't forget. Sorry if it's not the 'exact' formula you want. I tried *sniffle*. Also, I can't see Sora 'lying' about it so not sure what Kairi is saying.

    "It's what I remember from my side of things." Sora gave a nod confirming so.
  10. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    OOC: Alright, don't worry about the bullets. As long as we can still Cross-Examine properly. Anyway, I might as well say it then. The only contradiction I see is when Sora said that HE was accusing Demyx of being the thief. In the vids, though, GOOFY was the one who accused Demyx, not Sora.

    Like Zack was thinking, an unimportant contradiction. I don't know if it would make a total difference or not...
  11. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: Watching the video again... http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=kh2cutv3 go to the first Olympus visit. ...watching...watching...wish I could just move the bar faster. lol....watching... I found something else I needed to amend which was seeing Demyx when they first arrived. I'll pop that in real quick...watching some more...blah blah... okay you are right. let me fix a couple things here.

    "Well, I just remembered it was Goofy who said he must be the thief and after, Demyx said it was rude and then read the card saying to 'use aggression to liberate his true disposition' He used the stone and then we fought, or well he brought out a bunch of water creatures to attack us."

    Also...we saw Demyx first when we arrived at the Olympus Coliseum but well, down a set of stairs which was the entrance to Hades' realm and he ran by us and through a portal yelling 'run away'."
  12. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Zack looked at Sora thoughtfully. "So you're amending your testimony? Since the Cross-Examination hasn't started yet, I'll allow you to do that, but just this once."
  13. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: I'll fix this up the way it should be because he'd have said it in order.

    • We went to Olympus Coliseum, saw Demyx run by yelling 'Run Away' and he ran into a portal. We had a run in with Hades, met Auron and all, then returned to see Hercules.
    • He told us about the Olympus Stone and said he'd go get it for us to borrow. We then went to see Phil while we waited. Hercules returned and said the Olympus Stone was stolen.
    • He said that it was stolen by a guy in a black cloak who had some assistance with beings of white, which we assumed were Nobodies. Phil took off and we encountered him.
    • He said he went to chase the man in the black cloak and the man turned on him and he had attacked him..leaving him 'seeing stars'. All Phil had wanted to do was talk to him to see if he'd be a replacement hero because he didn't know about the guy stealing the Olympus Stone.
    • We left to the Underworld to find the person who stole the Olympus Stone and met up with Demyx. He called me Roxas.
    • Goofy who said he must be the thief and after, Demyx said it was rude and then read a card saying to 'use aggression to liberate his true disposition' He used the stone and then we fought, or well he brought out a bunch of water creatures to attack us."
    • I had to defeat them with my friends in time or else I would be defeated. We did it and he left saying 'Roxas come back to us'. We acquired the Olympus Stone and used it and continued on.
    • Later at Hollow Bastion. We found out from King Mickey about Xehanort and Xemnas and Ansem the Wise.
    • We ran out because of an explosion...and Maleficent was commanding Heartless to attack the Nobodies and the Nobodies seemed to be winning any way.
    • We met up with Maleficent who disappeared and had the Heartless attack us instead of the Nobodies. The Nobodies also went to attack us so we defeated both groups.
    • We went to go help Leon soon after and to stop the Heartless. Dancer Nobodies appeared out of nowhere and began attacking us and we defeated them.
    • We went on to help against the Heartless. King Mickey wanted us to leave but we couldn't just abandon the world to the Heartless or the Nobodies.
    • We met Demyx again and Donald told him to scram. He was acting weird and I asked him how a wimp like him could get in the Organization. He told me to not judge anyone by appearance. I said I bet you can't fight and Donald said, but we can. He then said that 'they sent the wrong guy' I guess talking about the Org.
    • I was reminded that the Org were Nobodies by Goofy so they had no Hearts so pretty much Demyx's weird actions of being afraid then not afraid and all were acts. Demyx said they did have hearts and Donald said you can't trick us...and then Demyx turned and faced me and pointed and said 'silence traitor'. He then brought out his weapon and smiled and well...we fought. He wasn't such a wimp after all. We defeated him though.
    • Demyx was defeated and disappeared
  14. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power sparked for a second, preparing himself for the trial ahead. "What sort of experience did you have here? Why did you go to see Hades? Why did you exit the underworld?"
    "Why did you want to borrow the stone?"
    "Did phil mention any more? What sort of assistance did these "beings in white" give? Did Demyx look to be in control of them?"
    Pika_power's ears pricked up. "Judge, two counts of assault on Phil please. Once for this time, and once for the theft of the stone!"
    Turning back to Sora with a look of glee on his face, he asked, "How did you find him? Did Phil look to be hurt? Where was he?"

    "Can you please detail this encounter more please? I feel some more detail would be appreciated. Only if you feel you can, of course." Pika_power was still hopping up and down from the info Sora had given him before, and was trying to look after Sora as much as possible.
    "How did he summon these creatures? Also, what did the cards say? Did you pressurize him into the fight?"
    "What do you mean by 'Defeated?' Killed? Drowned? Heart taken? Who also suffered this attack with you?"
    Turning to the judge, he yelled, "OI! Udge-head! If Roxas was in Sora at this point in time, does the assault count for Roxas too?"

    "And...?" Pika_power asked, clueless.

    'I see... Was Demyx involved here?"
    "What types of Nobodies attacked you?"
    "But aren't dancers Demyx's nobodies? So did Demyx send his nobodies to attack you?"
    "What do you suspect the nobodies would have done to the world?"
    "So the org sent him. Did you draw your weapon, or threaten him at any point? If so, why?"
    "When he said silence traitor, did it seem like it was a mask being lifted, or a mask being put on? Did you have your weapon out/in a threatening stance at this point? Could he have fled? Did he attack first?"
    Pika_power sighed. "Disappeared as in Axel disappeared, or as in death disappeared?"
  15. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "Exsqueeze me? Udge-head?" Zack muttered something about a yellow Furby under his breath before continuing. "Since Roxas merged back with Sora already and therefore had no physical individuality during the time, no, he would not count. He didn't count for Luxord, so he would have no reason to count this time either."
  16. Repliku Chaser

    Sora rubbed his temples. He looked over at Demyx and then at Riku. He was at odds with himself over what just occurred. Demyx wasn't really that 'bad' to Sora. He had been a member of the Organization but he wasn't so rotten a person in the end...like Axel...this was going to be hard as he didn't know if he really liked the way this was moving. Though no one was really getting the horrible punishments they could have gotten under another judge, it was still starting to feel weird. Of course when the defense came up they'd do the exact opposite and make it like Demyx was totally innocent. So what was he supposed to do? It was either let Demyx have a ton of charges...or let him have none...and well, both felt wrong to Sora. He looked at Riku rather imploringly for some answer since he was always so smart.

    Riku looked back at Sora, catching his gaze of confusion. He wished he could help him but just pointed to his heart and mouthed the words "Go with your Heart", hoping it would be enough.

    Sora gave a nod and put his hands down before him on the door of the witness stand box and exhaled slowly before responding.

    "I guess we miscalculated where we were going to be and ended up there. There's not really another explanation for it. We met Meg right after we arrived and found the right way to go and she was attacked by Heartless so we helped her. She said that Hercules had been fighting nonstop in the arena and was worn out, ready to drop, so she was going to go see Hades and ask for him to give Hercules a breather...so we said we'd go for her and had to keep the conversation under wraps. Things didn't go so well trying to talk to Hades...he was rather mad at us for being us, and helping Auron who he was really beating up bad...so we left there since there were Heartless all around and he was up to do worse. We ran with Auron out of there and unlocked the door since he sealed us in and went to go see Hercules.. We told Hercules we couldn't do much there since we were weaker, and he said that the stone would help and that gods used it whenever they had to go down there because the place drains people of power so we thought it might be a good idea to find out what Hades was really up to since it seemed he was out to get Hercules and there were a lot of Heartless. Lastly we wanted it because Hades showed up and said he had taken Meg who had wandered into the Underworld, which didn't make sense because we were doing that so we were sure he kidnapped her."

    "He said that he was trying to chase the guy to talk because he wanted another hero to take Hercules' place because he was so tired. The man turned on him and all I remember was that he said the guy turned on him and he was seeing stars. We helped him up because he was on the ground dizzy. He also said that Demyx had ran to the Underworld and had buddies which we knew were Nobodies. He probably had control of them since it would not make much sense otherwise." *Sora shrugged. All the Nobodies had lesser Nobodies to help them for various things.

    He was on the ground in the sand and seemed roughed up some, like he had been nearly knocked out, but he wasn't really hurt badly and he seemed that he'd be ok. He was at the Underworld entrance on the ground."

    "Well we found Demyx and at first he was like 'Oh, you!' and like accusing sort of voice..then his personality changed..and he said 'Wait a second..Roxas? ..so I said 'excuse me' because I was confused. So he says 'Roxas' again..then goes that 'it's no use' and seemed disappointed. I asked him what he was talking about because it was even more weird now...and he pulls out a card from his cloak pocket and goes 'let's see here'...and reads it."

    "It said 'if the subject fails to respond, use aggression to liberate his true disposition.' He then said 'Riiight' like he did not feel so secure with doing it. He then said 'did they ever pick the wrong guy for this one'.. I said 'you're bizarre' because well, he was. He then pulled out the Stone and Goofy said he had to be the thief and Demyx said 'that's just plain rude!' and held it above him and used it to give him power there. He took out his Sitar and that's when we pulled our weapons because we had to fight. The sitar..he uses it to play music and the water creatures come out. I didn't pressure him into any fight there. I did later but here I tried to be nice and understand him but he was so confusing and then he read the letter, used the stone and was doing his thing. We had no choice but to attack and we did and then after he dark portaled out saying 'Roxas, come back to us'. He seemed upset but I didn't get why at the time."

    "I don't know what he would have done if he defeated me. I can only go by pretty much what the note said which was to beat me up to make Roxas come out. However, later on when I understood who Roxas really was...I didn't get the orders on the card to Demyx because really they don't make sense since the only way to get Roxas back would have been to well...make me a Heartless and I'm pretty sure Demyx didn't have that planned. Demyx didn't seem to really know what to do without his cue cards."

    "Donald and Goofy were with me and helped me out. No one else was there." He looked over at Zack as he spoke and gave a nod. Roxas more than likely should not count since at the time he was a part of himself even if Sora never knew.

    "King Mickey said that Ansem the Wise was not the same Ansem we had fought before and that he was someone we had to find because he'd know more on what the Organization was doing. He said that the other guy was an imposter and that the Nobody of Xehanort's Heartless was the leader of the Organization. That's about it in a nutshell, which meant that we had to learn more about this other guy."

    "I didn't see Demyx there and there were Dusks and Dancer Nobodies fighting against the Heartless. "

    "Yeah, the Dancers are Demyx's and it seemed any of the higher Nobodies had control of the Dusks. But when we fought the Nobodies with the Heartless because they all came after us, we were just fighting Dusks and the Heartless Maleficent left there. So, I don't know if Demyx did it or if they were under the control of Saix who was the other there."

    "I don't have any idea what the Nobodies would have done to the world. I just knew they were attacking me so I had to fight them. The Organization really was confusing and I just don't have answers there about what they were fully up to because they were attacking Heartless and seemed to want to draw Maleficent out but at the same time they were attacking me and my friends too. After we finished with that group, we ran into Dancers that fought against us which were Demyx's so I just couldn't say what was going on entirely if they were helping or just stirring up the Heartless to come out so I would kill them but also attacking us too...I just don't know."

    "So the org sent him. Did you draw your weapon, or threaten him at any point? If so, why?"

    "When he first appeared he said 'you guys are looking lively' and no, we didn't have our weapons drawn yet and I asked him if he was the one who did the stuff in the Underworld. Donald told him to scram and I said 'how'd a wimp like you get into the Organization XIII?'. He did this weird dance like he was supposed to be afraid...and I said 'I bet you can't even fight'. Donald said 'but we can' and Demyx's personality changed to a more serious tone and he said I shouldn't judge anyone by appearance'. It was then we pulled out our weapons because he did this last time and then went to attack us."

    "He then turned like he was going to run and hunched over saying that he told them they had sent the wrong guy, acting afraid again. So I said 'who is this kook?' Goofy said to remember that the Organization is made up of Nobodies and I said ..right, no hearts. We were trying to understand what his deal was. He then turned and said 'aww, we do too have hearts, don't be mad' like um..wanting us to understand maybe. Donald pointed and said 'you can't trick us' so Demyx again turned around. He then turned and pointed at me saying 'Silence Traitor' all serious and I was taken aback. He then pulled out his weapon and we fought."

    "We pulled out our weapons when I mentioned it because he did this weird changing of personality to us before and then attacked us when we were still trying to even understand him. We didn't want to be caught off guard again. He could have ran off at any time but we were kind of mean to him and confused. I wouldn't have stopped him had he run off. What happened is like I said. And he did use powers and such and we knew after he said 'Silence traitor' he was going to fight because of that. We fought and well no one really attacked first..we all just went at each other." (player is saying this because at that point in the game, it depends who does get off the first hit and it was a duel sort of thing.)

    "I'm pretty sure he 'died' or went back to his Somebody or something. He disappeared in Darkness and also a water gush. When we went to the Castle, we saw his tombstone was like the others that were defeated so we figured he was gone."

    Sora was glad the questions were over for a bit. "Really, all things considered...as quirky as he was, he wasn't the threat or anything that other Organization members were. I feel like I may have overreacted because I didn't get what he was doing and it was confusing and he wouldn't explain. I didn't see him as the problem though that some others were. If he hadn't been in the Organization he probably would have been pretty decent and even fun to hang out with. I just want this to be fair because ...it just seems like you are going for more than he deserves and the guys over there are going to say he did nothing wrong...and just ...I think that...I just want this to be fair. I'm sorry if I am speaking out of line or whatever...but guys, just be fair to Demyx. I don't dislike him and do think if circumstances weren't as they were, if he was telling the truth and needed cue cards to direct his actions...I mean..he's not really a threat I'd fear to have living next door to me...which was used as an issue before about Marluxia or Larxene." Sora hoped it would make a difference, but he had a feeling nothing he said was going to on either side. In the end, Sora pondered what to do for sure if no one did listen and it was just going to be a circus over the member of the Org who had really done the least wrong.

    Riku nodded, confirming that it was the best that could be done. The extra charges seemed extreme for someone who seemed to really most of the time not even know what the heck he was doing. Maybe Demyx's somebody had partied too much in life and it made Demyx just a strange fellow.

    Harvey sipped some coffee and looked through notes preparing to question Demyx. Harvey would need to deal with the defense and also had to examine the personality of this person to get an understanding and press on the issues Demyx was guilty of. His taking the stand was going to be quite soon and after the Defense was done with him, it would be up to Harvey to make sure the counts would stick. He did not really get why Sora was being so sympathetic at this point but maybe the trials were having an effect on any of the younger people who actually did have hearts to care. Knowing whether or not having hearts in this case was a good thing or it was just getting in the way was going to have to be determined. After all, having sympathy for someone or having hostile aggression towards someone for crimes that were over the top were why judgments lay in the hands of other people so that they could be more impartial. He studied Demyx a bit and stuck his pencil in the air which Avenger chewed on, somehow making it sharper, and then began to write.
  17. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    "So, does that satisfy the Prosecution's thirst? Are they ready to give the reigns over to the Defense?" Zack was wondering if there was anything else the furball was trying to establish. Because with the current testimony, it seemed pretty straightforward...
  18. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    Pika_power groaned and wondered what the heck Sora was doing. Surely he knew that the idea was to lay the charges on as much as possible, then the defense would remove what they could?

    Pika_power groaned again, and let his head flop onto the desk. The last thing he needed was a witness that tried to put things on equally. It completely imbalanced the adversary system!

    Pika_power's ears pricked up for a second, then went limp again. "Who is Auron? What was he doing in Hades' chamber?

    "Wait, you have lost me. Was Phil attacked multiple times, or once? From what I have heard, he seemed to be attacked multiple times. Once when Demyx went to steal the stone, and another in the underworld. The first I got from the evidence the defense rashly presented, and the second I have been told by you."

    "So this was the second time, right?"

    "Was the 'riiiight" from insecurity, or because he found the mission boring? What sort of emotion did it seem to be? Confusion or sarcastic commentary? Also, did the forms harm you at all? Why couldn't you just turn and walk away?"

    [COLOR="DarkOrange]"Perhaps Demyx was hoping he would reach Roxas? Remember, you were the first pair to become whole again. Also, where was Jiminy at this time?"[/COLOR]
    [COLOR="Red"]"I didn't see Demyx there and there were Dusks and Dancer Nobodies fighting against the Heartless. " [/COLOR][/QUOTE]"Curious. But the dancers then attacked you..."
    "Would you feel comfortable blaming Demyx for the Dancer attacker?"
    "So you were merely taking precautions, attempting to ward off a possible attack, while Demyx chose to attack you?"
    "Hmm. Did anything stop you walking away or past him?"
  19. Repliku Chaser

    OOC: You cracked me up, Pika. Unfortunately, Sora isn't going to get this stuff. lol. He has to have his 'blond' moments...even if Roxas is the blond.


    "Um..Auron was brought there by Hades because he was supposed to fight Hercules. He didn't want to but later he was used by Hades under his control by this doll thing we destroyed to fee him. ..There though when we met him, Hades was fighting him and basically wiping the floor with him because Auron was refusing to cooperate with his orders."

    "I only remember him being attacked where I said he was, at the entrance to the Underworld by Demyx. Hercules is the one who went to go get the stone but found it was gone. We were training with Phil then while he was gone."

    "I don't recall him being attacked more than once...just there. As I said, he was chasing him to get his attention to see if he'd be a hero to replace Hercules so Herc could have a break but Demyx turned on him and attacked him, basically probably conking him on the head to make him lose consciousness. I don't think it was really more severe than that because Phil seemed dizzy and was waking up but other than that he didn't really show he was injured more."

    Sora scratched his head in thought. "It was like he was being sarcastic about it and kind of like he felt it was rather stupid he was assigned the task of beating me up to get Roxas to come out." He was thoughful for a moment. "I had to fight them and couldn't really leave. If I didn't attack them in a certain time they would have knocked me unconscious or something. I wasn't able to run off because of the battle being the way it was and they wouldn't have let me get away."

    "I guess so. I didn't really have Roxas's memories though so at the time this was very confusing. He wasn't the only one though to say Roxas's name when referring to me so it could be he and also Xigbar and others weren't sure how things worked when a Nobody rejoins with the Somebody. It's why I wouldn't say he was trying to really 'kill' me there because even the card said to just beat me up."

    Jiminy hides out and is safe unless say I probably lost."

    "The Dancers did attack after we had fought the Heartless and Dusks...I am not sure what Demyx's orders were and it seemed to me they might attack anyone that went down there as the Nobodies weren't too picky in what they were attacking. I don't know if he singled me out to have them attack 'me' or not."

    "When I drew my weapon, yes, it was because he attacked me before when I was confused and trying to talk to him and this time I didn't want to play games. His changing kind of emotional reactions were just irregular and my friends and I were tired of the Organization messing with us, including Demyx. He could have ran off when we drew them but instead turned and took a couple steps, as if he was, then stopped and hunched over and said that the Org sent the wrong guy again. I wouldn't have attacked him if he ran away but when we said the Nobodies had no Hearts and stuff, he acted mad and yes, when he said 'Silence traitor' I knew he was going to fight because he armed himself, called on his water power and even did this showy stance thing. That's when we fought."

    "I am not sure. He seemed pretty mad for a Nobody. Maybe I could have tried to run or something, but at that point I really did not want to. I was tired of being tricked and used and if he wanted a fight, I was going to give it to him. Maybe he figured the same of me. I didn't understand him and I have no idea if he understood me either but at the time, I didn't care to just walk away."

    "He did try to kill me the second time but I don't believe so the first time. And the second time, we both were fighting willingly. It wasn't the same as the first time where he rather forced me to fight. " Sora listened to what Pika said and gave a nod confirming he understood what Pika was saying. He guessed though this is why he'd never make a good lawyer. He'd just want to have the truth as best he could and things to be better than they were before because in his head that's how the world worked.
  20. Destiny's Force Mess with the best, lose like the rest...

    Apr 16, 2007
    With Amber <3
    Kairi rolled her eyes. "Yup. That's my boyfriend alright."

    Naminé looked at her curiously. "What's that supposed to mean?"

    "I dunno," Kairi replied with a shrug. "Some of this stuff has to be going over his head. But there really shouldn't be anything else to go over, right? I mean, philosophy isn't exactly Sora's strong point."

    Zack was being uncharacteristically quiet. To the outside, he looked like he was paying attention. But what was really going on was that he had turned on the X-Ray Program Option in his sunglasses and was now taking in the sight of the scantily dressed girls in the courtroom. He figured the Prosecution would be done when they said they were...
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