Organization's XIII *Retry*

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hell Kaiser Ryo, Apr 22, 2007.


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  1. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane just smiled as he walked over to her "I'm surprised you can dance......." he became silent but once near Xirkai he pulled her close to his body "Have you ever waltzed before Xirkai?" Xane asked as he looked into her eyes.
    After the last one the Xarken right there turned to a white puff of smoke "Oh joy, transfer jutsu, should've known he would've pulled that while he is still anywhere..." Carex said as he felt rain drops fall on his cloak and head. Carex put the hood up over his head and sat there on the ledge as he pulled a golden locket out of his left pocket, inside was a picture of a blond girl wearing a yellow tank-top(don't ask how I know this), and wearing black finger-less gloves with a hole on the top-middle section. Carex sighed, he had a heart yet if he died now, he would be with his true love, after what happened that night. Carex soon had tears fall from his eyes, but no quivering came to his mouth and lung passage "Cathlene...I will not let your death mean nothing to me, only our love can stay alive, within me." Carex said as he held the locket in his hand.
  2. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie giggled "Well...i do now" She smiled "Zorx...thanks..." There was a minute silence "Zorx would you ever...lie to me about something big...or if there was a chose between me and something you dearly cared for who would you choose..." Jordie was a little nervous...She didnt want him backing out on her now...

    Meanwhile Krystal and Dean were hanging upside down "What do you mean share our feelings?" Krystal was the first one to speak. Dean was just plain confused.

    Suddenly a new person came into the picture. It was a small girl with freckles on her face and short ginger hair with a yellow and orange dress. She looked at Carex slowly from around the corner. She was shy at first but soon spoke up "Hello mister...Are you okay?" You could tell from her strong voice she was strong in heart. She slowly looked at the man she was talking to "Excuse me?! Mister?" She waited for the man to look down towards her. One thing was for sure...she didnt like being short.

    OOC: This is her thing

    Name: Aiime

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Weapon: She carries five small ninja stars and then a big one. She never uses them much only to kill the heartless and nobodies.

    Allegiance: ??? (No one knows)

    Appearance: [​IMG]

    Personality: Shy but strong in heart. She will do anything anyone asks her. Lots of people who have met her say that she is strange although she takes that as a compliment. She is a very fast runner as well.

    Bio: No one really knows much about her. Most people talk to her like a baby but she just says something rude back. Her family died in a fire so her grandfather looked after her then but he died a year ago. That left her alone. She does small jobs for money and she is always sticking her nose into stuff.

    Theme Song: Lonely Day by System of the Down
  3. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xirkai looked up at him and nodded. "Yeah, I've done it lots of times." She replied, smiling a little. "Whjy do you ask?" She asked curiously. SHe always had a habit of doing that.
  4. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Carex looked down at the girl, Carex just looked at her, and then got up off the stair step he was sitting on. Carex then kneeled down at the girl "So who are you? And where's your parents?" Carex asked as he looked at her, putting a large, blanket like towel that was in his left coat pocket, and put it around her small body. "You shouldn't be out in this type of weather....well, lets find a place to stay for the night, shall we then?" Carex asked as he picked the girl up with both his arms and and, holding her like a small child of his own.
    Xaren smirked as he walked near them "Isn't it obvious, if Zorx and Jordie like each other....what about you two?" xarken asked as he started to spin Dean into a counter-clockwise and then a clockwise motion for Krystal.
    Xane smiled as the music started and he began to waltz with Xirkai.
    Zorx looked at her and smiled, holding her hand with his right "You're the only thing I care for dearly Jordie...nothing more." Zorx said as he kissed her.
  5. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xirkai smiled as she held his hand, waltzing around wit him.It was fun for her, since she really never danced with someone before... unless you counted swining people around dancing. She wasn't much of a dancer, but she did it in her own silly way anyway.
  6. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    As the song ended, Xane held Xirkai closer to him, and looked deeply into her eyes. In his mind, he had never felt having no heart, because soon he French kissed her again. He and her were now on a couch, him being the one on the lower couch, Xane had now threw himself and Xirkai, on the floor. Xane was very much in love, but a person of same familiarity came into view, his hair was on fire including his goatee, he was a tall 7'' man, his armor was a skull based gold armor, and his sword was a long and glowing sapphier blue. The man watched the two lovers as he entered his home and sat on the couch "You two must be drunk...or are you two are getting to the part of making love in my home?" the man asked as he put the tip of his blade near Xane and Kirkai's mouths.
  7. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    "Hey Hey!! Leme go!!" The little girl tried to pull away "I hate it when people treat me like this..." She mumbled although it was kind of nice to have someone care about you for once and at least he wasint talking to her like a baby "You didnt answer my question! Are you okay? And whats your name? Im Aiime" Aiime told the strange guy

    Dean and Krystal sighed when he stopped "O-of course we know they like each other! Were not stupid" Dean comment. They were both still a little dizzy "Why do you care anyway..." Krystal said weakly

    Jordie grabbed Zorx and didnt let go of him "Zorx....Thanks....Again..." She gave a small smile. To know someone loved her was great!!
  8. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xarken moved near Krystal as he held her chains "Because I know what weakness is Krystal....your father would say the same thing to me....if someone hadn't have killed 'im, along with your mother. As you Dean, you had only your mother to take care of you, until that night she mysteriously murdered...lets just say Zorx wasn't too fond of having Jordie all alone in this world." Xarken started to maniacally laugh at their pain.
    Zorx hugged her as he heard laughter, not just laughter but pain. "Jordie...I hear screams of pain and evil laughter coming from where Dean and Krystal are." Zorx said as he pulled her up.
    Carex just looked at her " my name, Aiime....I'm sorry if I walk with you like this." Carex apologized as he stopped and put Aiime on her feet but held her hand, with his right. Carex soon said "Your familiar to the person I love..." Carex soon had a tear fall from his eye but looked away from Aiime.
  9. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Aiime laughed "Really now?!" She sighed "I get alot of that....Being treated like a baby...But just because im small it doesnt mean anything" She tried to cheer him up "Dont worry...We have allllll lost someone we care about!! Its just a way of life...Man its one of those black thingy-ma-bobs" She got a small ninja star and threw it at the Heartless...Aiime caught the ninja star again and put it away "You know im only 5 years old and i have learnt how to use a ninja star!! I was pretty impressed when i heard no other kids my age had" A big grin filled her small face

    Krystal looked away. A tear rolled down her cheek "I knew it! I knew he was bad! But Jordie didnt listen!" Dean soon got angry. So did Krystal.

    Jordie nodded "We have to go save them! They are my best friends! Come on!" Jordie ran a little but looked around "And how are we supposed to get out of here?" She questioned not only Zorx but herself
  10. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    The Garden, the soulful clouded sky, all vanished when Zorx thought only of Jordie. "That answer you question?" Zorx said with a grin as he ran through the stormy weather.
    Carex looked at Aiime "Listen, Aiime, I making a promise to you...I will protect you no matter what, even if it costed my life." Carex said as he kneeled down to Aiime's height and hugged the five year old. "I could never allow a small person like you to be killed by a demon, not him..." Carex trailed off as he had tears fall from his eyes.
    Xarken soon pulled a piece of gray tape over Dean's mouth "That'll shut you up, plus it'll hurt you lips." Xarken said as he waqlked over to Krystal and moved her head to his eye pathway "I know the truth hurts....but we gotta make a few good reasons of it." Xarken said as he put a piece of gray tape on her mouth as well.
  11. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    "Yeah! But how did you do it?" Jordie shook her head and started running just behind him. Whatever was wrong with Krystal and Dean she would be there.

    Dean tried to talk but it was no use... He struggled as well. Krystal just hung there and thought. 'How could Jordie do this to us...' More tears ran down her cheeks.

    "You really dont have to Carex...I mean..." Aiime stopped when she heard Carex crying.....somehow she felt more special then she ever had before. She closed her eyes and hugged him back with a smile.
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xarken just smiled as he opened a portal and walked through it, but never left the world. As Zorx and Jordie were now with Dean and Krystal again he put a wall-barrier around the exit and entrance. "They are soo, easy to kill now. I'll just wait until Zorx is hit and kicked by Dean and Krystal." Xarken said smiling.
    Carex soon pulled her away from him and kissed Aiime's forehead. "I promise..." Carex said as he pulled her off the ground and walked into an abandoned home.
    Zorx soon slashed the chains Dean were in but was punched by Dean in the gut when Dean got down on the ground. "Dean what are you so mad about I haven't done anything." Zorx said as he held his gut.

    OOC: GTG bye
  13. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie looked at Dean "DEAN WHAT ARE YOU--" But she got cut off by Dean grabbing her and freeing Krystal "Jordie its a trap! Zorx doesnt really love you! He is a Demon who killed our parents as well!" Dean looked Jordie in the eye "I dont believe you! Zorx would never do such a thing!" Jordie shouted and pulled away "Jordie ever since you and Zorx have been together you have just abandoned us!!" Krystal yelled "No i havint!" Jordie yelled back but a tear rolled down her cheek. She turned to Zorx "Is this...true?" Jordie said weakly

    "Carex...What are you? I know you dont have feelings...I can sense it"
    She said slowly but soon wondered if he would get angry "I dont mean to be mean or anything!"She shouted as they walked in the home "Im just wondering" Aiime sighed
  14. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xirkai growled and pulled away from Xane when the man appeared. She quickly got up, karate kivcking the man straight into the wall in her clogs. She pulled her sword out of it's seath. "We're only here for the night, and the night only. So shut your yap and leave us alone." She hissed, holding her First sword out. The blade was long enought that it reached his neck, only a few cm. away.
  15. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Zorx couldn't even believe it himself, who would make him the bad guy here, and all Zorx could do was bow his head and tears roll down his face. Zorx soon got himself up out from the dirt but all Zorx did now was run from Jordie and the others.
    Xarken soon laughed his head off when Zorx tried to run from Jordie, Dean, and Krystal. Xarken then threw chains at Jordie, Dean, and Krystal, elevating them to his eye-sight. When they were near him he said "Way to go at breaking his heart you three, I couldn't have done it better myself, oh and those things I said, about your parents, Dean and Krystal, they were lies, and just think, Jordie still has feelings for him, but Zorx doesn't anymore, and besides that....Zorx will let his true self out in the open, destroying lives, Women, children, and even animals, making the world become engulfed into the true reddened won't that be fun?" Xarken then laughed as he tightened the chains around Jordie.
    Carex looked at her as he sat her on a couch that was covered by white sheets. "Aiime...I used to be a Nobody, a person without a heart, until I had feelings for a woman, she was brave....caring....and even had feelings for me..." Carex soon remembered a thought in his head, a small child locked into the very fabrics of time, never aging, and in five-thousand years the same small child would be brought to Carex. "Aiime....I remember now...something about you, something...that is happening right protect you, no matter what the cost...I'm not as I appear Aiime, I'm really five-thousand years old, never aging, never losing my life, and you are the child that was sent in a time vortex that was sent you into this area, and world." Carex soon hugged Aiime, Carex had thought he was acting like a father to her, but was he?
    Xane pulled Xirkai away from the man. "Xirkai, you don't wanna be a murderer here do you?" Xane asked as he pulled her a few steps away from the man. The man stood on his feet, he was taller than Xirkai and Xane "I will allow you to stay, for as long as you want, but only if you make love the first night in my home, and nothing less...or you can leave now and never come back." The man said as he stood there looking at them. Xane turned her around to him "What do you think? Stay here or leave Xirkai, and all we have to do is make love the first night....or would you rather we not and leave?" Xane whispered as he asked Xirkai in the ear.
  16. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xirkai froze. Make love with Xane? Sure, she had a relationship with him, but it was too soon for her. She smiled nervously and turned into colred dust, which blew away with a gust of wind. She faded into her room, the sand building her back up. "Scary man scary man scary man.." She whispered withf rigfht, sitting on her bed and holding herself. She was shaking with fear.
  17. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane didn't get an aswer out of her. He walked over to the guy "So what's your name and why are you trying to let Xirkai and me do the "Love" making huh?" Xane was now becoming angred by him but was then pulled by the neck up to the ceiling. The man looked at Xane with darkened eyes that only a demon could have "I am....Akan....and why do I ask this of you, because you both are young...and in love, but if you don't want to I won't make will just have to find another place to stay." Akan said as he put Xane back on the ground. "She's in a state of shock, but I will allow you both to stay if you do me one favor." Akan said as he looked at Xane and Xirkai "And the favor would be?" Xane asked Akan "You both must.....wear these collard-chains around you necks....why do I ask this, because I am a tormentor, ravanger of hurt and destruction....and since your friend is in a state of shock I'll put this on on her." Akan said as he put the collar around her neck and tied the chain around a nailed chair. As for Xane he tied the chain around the same chair and put the collar on his neck "Now what?" Xane asked "You both will not be eating for 24 hours....that is all you must do, but you can drink water...and that is all." Akan said as he went into his room.
  18. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    (Dude, she was oin her room.. XD. But I'll go with it)

    Xirkai only turned to dust once again. But the collar came with her. And she couldn't move away with the wind. SHe turned back to normal. "D****T!! Get this friggin collar off of me! Black makes me look goth!" She hissed loudley, kicking her legs around and thrashing wildley. But it was no use.
  19. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    "Sorry..." Xane said as he looked at the ground. "I didn't mean to do this was my own heart that wanted you to feel love..." Xane soon hugged Xirkai. Akan came back out and whipped Xane in the back. Xane gasped as he pulled away from Xirkai "What'd you do that for?!" Xane gritted as the whip lashed Xirkai in the back as well.
  20. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xirkai grabbed the whip before it hit her and threww it the other way, throwing Aken against the wall. "It's bad enough you got me agitated with this collar. Now unless you want your a** handed to you, I suggest you don't whip me" She threatend angrily, the ends of her hair turning red.