Organization's XIII *Retry-2*

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hell Kaiser Ryo, Aug 7, 2007.


Does this Rp go well, or am I that good?

  1. Hells Yea!

  2. YEEEAH!


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  4. Go **** Yourself!

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  1. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    (Yeah...poor poor girl....good thing it ain't you....that would just be a "yikes!".)

    Xaren just looked at her "Uh...s-sure...what about?" he asked her, sitting now on his bed.

    Zork just shook his head and sniffed his nose, wiping away the tears "Damn...I wouldn't leave her here but....I'm not going anywhere..." he said only to himself "I saved her...and I helped her....two years ago...maybe my emotions get to my heart because I...I can't act goth all the time, we can supress our emotions...gugh...I gotta go see her..." he said getting out of his seat and ran into the woods looking for Tohoya. In about three minutes, he finally found Tohoya, balling her eyes out, screaming at herself, when he heard her yell "I wish..... I never existed.. I only cause pain and suffering!". Zorx walked over to her as he said in a harsh and bitter tone "You're not like that! Never thin like that Tohoya! You're more precious to me than any other person! I care for you like you were my wife, but I care more for you like if you were a child! So don't act so stupid!" Zorx soon was kneeling down at her as he slapped her across the face, very hard, but very painful to him. After three more minutes, Zorx pulled her into a hug as he balled his own tear of joy and sadness.[Song ends]

    Xane ran over to Xirkai as he put her into his arms "Dammit Xirkai! You idiot! why did you do that?! I could've taken her, I am much more stronger at standing than you are after a certain critical blow...Xirkai...don't die on me...." he said as he hugged Xirkai.
  2. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Tohoya went silent, but still cried black tears of pain and misery. "I'm a devil.. a devil sent from hell to ruin lives! I'm worthless!" She yelled at herself, looking up at Zorx. "There are better girls out there.. go for them! I'm nothing but like an invention. used for a while then thrown away." She said in a softer tone, her sobs returning. "I'm not worth your time.. go" She requested, but.. she wouldn't let go of Zorx. Even though she wanted him to go.

    Xana sighed and sat down on a suddenly-existant chair. She sighed. "Xaren.. I think... I think you're taking our "relationship" a little to far for what I'm ready for. It just feel like your speeding from just talking and hanging out together to hugs and kisses.. from my point of veiw, it felt like you skipped everything in between.. and I was sort've hoping we could start anew.. Start over our relationship so that we don't go head over heals for eachother so quickly." She said in a soft tone, twiddling her thumbs and looking down, feeling slightly embaressed.

    Cher grunted, weakly beginning to stand up. "heh.. She's too strong to die from my blade.." She snickered, standing up. "Me and Xirkai are like sisters. We fight alot, getting ourselves hurt and stuff, but at the same time love eachother like family, even though we're near nothing to being related." She coughed, smiling a little at Xirkai. "Treat her well. We might meet again, someday maybe. For now, I must be off" She said, and almost disappeared like a flash of light.

    (I got to go too, so seeya tomarrow)
  3. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordie sat on the bench swinging her legs. She was waiting for Krystal and Dean to get back from getting ice-cream. She sighed and looked at the sky, it was filled with colours like, red, orange,pink,yellow and even a bit of blue. Not many people were out in these hours. Jordie wondered How the heck did Krystal and Dean get me out of my bed in the morning She smiled to herself. She never liked waking up early but her best friends told her they needed to tell her something.
    Suddenly she saw a wave of purple. flash around the corner "Come out, Come out where ever you are!" Jordie shouted, she didn't smile but she could feel amusement in it now. The three always joked around and tried to scare each other whenever they could.
    But something or someone was missing, she thought. She didn't know what it was or who it was, just something.....
    Hands gripped her shoulders and a boys voice shouted from behind her "BOO!" Jordie screamed, even though she knew what was coming.
    Krystal and Dean burst into laughter "Its too early!" Jordie complained but it didn't stop the laughter. Krystal handed her an ice-cream and she licked it "Im surprised the ice-cream stand is up yet" She muttered "It isn't that early" Krystal put her hands on her hips. Jordie could see the people coming into the streets of Twilight Town now and the sky was brighter.
    After a while (and a lot of ice-cream) Jordie realized why they were here "What did you guys want to tell me?" She asked and Dean smiled "Come on then, we will show you" He pulled Jordie's hand and Krystal followed behind "In the woods..." He pointed towards a hole in the wall.
    When the three reached the end of the woods a pair of tall gates stood wide open and inside was a big old mansion... "Wow....Its huge!" Jordie smiled and looked towards the others and suddenly the three bolted into the mansion.
    Inside was dark and broken pieces of wood and furnishings hung all around. There were two stair ways and they ran onto the one on the left....

    Xajita sat on the tall light that hung over the dark old room, watching the three children "Well...this will be easy..." She smirked and jumped down from the lamp once the three kids went into the room.​
  4. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    (YAY! Jordie post! *tacklehugsglompcling*)
  5. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Zorx wouldn't let go of her as to him, Tohoya was mor like family than anyone else could be, to him..she was a being worth helping to save "I'm not leaving you...not now, not ever Tohoya." he said saftly, to where his gasps couldn't be heard.

    Xaren just smirked as he crossed his arms and looked at the ceiling "I think saying that is a bit-too-far, don't you think Xana? And besides, I wasn't even going to mention it..." he soon looked at her twidling her thumbs still "But why start over? It's not like you can change my emotions now...and let me guess reason being in why you say these things, is because you looked at something, that looked in my room." he finished with a sigh, in which his room transformed into the ocean floor.

    Xane just didn't look at Cher "Dammit...why did she have to be here at all?" He asked himself, picking Xirkai up and plaing her on her bed.
  6. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: Heh...I was hoping you hadn't gone too far without me...


    The three went into, what seemed to be a library with shelfs of books all around and a long wooden table in the middle, with a drawing on it....
    Jordie saw a crayon lying on the floor and looked at the drawing...Suddenly a flash back hit her..

    "Jordie! Jordie! Come quick!" She heard a little boy shout...
    Suddenly she saw her own self when she was little "Whats the matter Zorx?" Jordie asked "Dean said he found an alien in your dads study!" Jordie gasped "Hes not supposed to be in there!!!!" Jordie shouted

    A flash of white appeared in front of the older Jordie...

    They were in a study with books and jars and charts...Dean was standing in front of a jar with green in it "Dean!" Jordie shouted and tripped over a piece of paper...The paper had the same design as the one on the tabled except it was completed......


    Jordie stumbled back, surprised "W-what....?" Dean and Krystal looked at her "Are you okay Jordie?" Jordie nodded and completed the drawing...


    Xajijta watched as an opening came before the floor...the crack of the door didn't show much but it was good enough...She smiled. ​
  7. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    (Nope, we actually have gone at least a full good 16 other one had 57....and we all know that it took much longer than excepted.)
  8. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Tohoya eventually stopped crying. She sniffled a bit, wiping the black tears that still hung onto her cheeks. She smiled a little, looking up at Zorx. "I never did thank you for.. saving me two yars ago, did I?" She asked, laughing at herself slightly. "I never really did care about anyone else but myself back then, the same now too.

    Xana sighed, shaking her head. "Forget I was even here. This was a waste o my time.." She said, opening a portal and walking out of his room.

    Xirkai was out cold for a while more, before finally waking up in aching pain from the open wounds. She sat up in her bed, looking at her scars. They glowed a strange blue, then the glow disappeared, along with the scraches and cuts as if they weren't even there before.

    (Yup... and after reading those 57 pages 7 times already, I still love to reread it OwO)
  9. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    When the children walked down the blue stairs, Xajita opened the door completely "Im sure the other members wont approve of this...but thats their problem, if they want to sit on their butts all day..." She trailed off as she sneaked to watch the children "Perfect...Just as i want them..." Xajita whispered to herself and smiled a great, deep, evil smile.... ​
  10. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xaren just smirked as he looked back at the oceans ceiling " would be nice to actually have her here once in a while....or most often." he said finally closing his eyes and sleeping away at the sound of water, which turned into a field at night.

    Zorx just smiled " did never thank me back then, and you do care about" he said as he kissed her lips.(yeah, guess what's gonna happen when Jordie gets ahold of Zorx...and when Tohoya finds out, Love "freaking" Triangle.)

    Xane just smiled at her "Awake now?" he asked Xirkai, now lying next to her apparently.
  11. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: I have to go, I will be on tomorrow! Good-night!
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    OOC: Where the heck do ya live?
  13. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    (It's morning where I am, and I ain't going back to sleep till 10:00 p.m. er' later! Zomg.. I was going to make Tohoya kiss Zorx on the lips, but you beat me to it! LOL)

    Tohoya was a little suprised that Zorx beat her to the kiss, but ignored the thought and jut relaxed, not turning or pushing away like she had done before when he attempted to.

    Xana ended up in the meeting room, ighing as she sat alone in the large cylinder-like room. Shebegan t summon up random water clones of herself, watching them giggle and play around in the chairs and glide through the air like a ghost, only made of water.

    Xirkai wasn't suprised that Xane was next to her on the bed. "Yeah, I guess. Where'd Cher go?" She asked, looking down at Xane with a mixed face of worry and boredum.
  14. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane just smiled and said "Gone...she left about the time you were knocked."

    Xaren couldn't sleep, and he couldn't dream either, which in turn, his room became the sun. "Mmm...I can't sleep...and why? Because I have to see Xana...why did I have-to-have a heart now?" he said as he portaled out of his room and teleported to his seat, only to see Xana messing with her water clones "Mmm....Xana?" he asked from the other side of the room. "I've been thinking about what you said and well...yeah...I'd say our "relationship" status has to go back a little, but not too far..."

    Zorx had stopped kissing Tohoya as he hugged her again "I promise Tohoya....I'm not gonna let you die....or be hurt by me or anyone else.." he said very gentle and kindly.
  15. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xirkai smiled a bit. "She's always like that.. See, we fight because she finished off my mother, if you know what I mean. my dad only injured her. But yet she's like a sister to me and vice versa, because I saved her life. We hate and love eachother like all family does, even if their no related." She explained, looking up at her ceiling, which had became her place to draw out her emotions thaat she wish she had.

    Xana heard him, but almost completley ignored him, lost in a trance of daydreaming among the water clones, which gaurded her in her chair while Xaren was in the same room.

    Tohoya smiled, looking upa tn the sky. "I'm just curious about this, for no reason it seems. Have you loved other girls the same way as me, or more?" She asked Zorx, looking at him with just a plain look.

    (Dudes... I just stapled my own pencil.. I never thought It was possible, but I did it!)
  16. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    OOC: Time for me to come in the story! ;D

    Tynoxahn opened his eyes. "What just happened?" He said. It felt like something big was happening. Like his fightning or about to die, but he didn't remember. He didn't know who he was. Tynoxahn looked up and saw a castle.

    "This Castle, do I live here? Doubt it. Does it have anything to do with me losing my memory? Well... better check it out..." Tynoxahn said going inside.
  17. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Cher stopped. She heard footsteps. Xana was still in the meeting room, and Xirkai was in her own room, so it couldn't be either of them, nor Xaren and/or Xane. Quietly, she un-seathed her sword incase what the footsteps were coming from. She stood at the corner, waiting for whatever "it" was to appear in her sight.
  18. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    Tynoxahn walked. Then he looked and his hands findings his weapon. Two swords. He felt as if someone was close by. Not knowing what the castle was and who culd be in it, he felt some fear.
    "Hey!" He shouted, "Is anyone there?" He said down the halls.
  19. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Cher's body tensed, she then walked out from behind the corner, pointing her soul blade out at whoever was there. The tip of the blade was right at his neck, and she held it there. "State your presence here in the castle That never was.."

    (Lol, that last sentance she said sounded really weird in a way)
  20. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Zorx just just almost jumped back when she said that " sorta did....once......but I don't now...why do you ask?" he asked surprised but kinda scared by her words.

    Xane just started to chuckle at what she said as he then had himself on top of her "And why did you save her? Was it because you know that you're nothing without her fighting you all the time? Or was it because both of you actually had the feelings for each other back then?" he asked her.

    Xaren just sighed as his vines made flowers on them as he sent one of the vines over to Xana, trying to reason with her.
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