Organization's XIII *Retry-2*

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Hell Kaiser Ryo, Aug 7, 2007.


Does this Rp go well, or am I that good?

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  1. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    (It's fine, but you might wanna spell check some of your words. y'know, the ABC chekmark on the right side of the quick post?)

    Xaren looked around the seaweed forest, only to get his tail-fin caught, his neck, and wrists tangled in it as well as his dignity to not control the nature of water "I hate....seaweed..." he grumbled waiting for Xana to laugh at him.

    Xane moved up "Well...reason being, I was actually in Twilight Town when Your portal opened up underneath me....and that's where I fell...Or did I open it and want to make a fool out of myself in front of you?" Xane said grinning at her.

    Zorx looked at her as he sighed " long as you're not mad...I think I'll get us to Twilight Town now..." he said as he sat back in his seat, only to find that the steering, rockets, and weapon systems were offline or damaged "Uh-oh...this ain't good..." he thought, surprised to see how the ship was totally broken without getting into battle.
  2. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "Alright... what stupid thing did you cause to break this time?" Tohoya teased, crossing her arms and looking at the controls. "Idiot.." She mumbled, laughing to herself in her mind.

    Xana condured up a water tornado, which acted like a Boomerang. It cleared or picked up everything in it's path until a certain distance, then zipped right back to her and melted into just plain water. It managed to pick up Xaren in it's swirling pot of doom, then brought him back to her, letting him down in the sand. "Have fun in my water tornado?" She asked, laughing a little.

    Xirkai snickered and poked him har on the shoulder. "Nuh-uh. It was you. I didn't open no portals." She aid, accusing him of it and giggling lightly.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Saiyo could only she black but she was not dead then she heard a voice "You are all right" Saiyo looked around she saw a girl
    with a beautiful white dress and blonde hair but she was see through she was a
    ghost "I seen you ar'nt the best at combat so i have given you the power of guarding and healing" "Who are you? and HOW did the nobodies go?" Saiyo asked "Well when i rescued you the light i emitted was too much for the nobodies" the girl said "Well thats solved but whats your name?" Saiyo wondered "My Name is Namine"
  4. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    " that a fact..." Xane soon got on top of Xirkai, pinning her on the ground "Well my seems you've just been wanting to make me act like this huh?" Xane asked with a seductive tone (Yes "Suductive", so sue me if I say it.).

    "Uh...weeeelllll....Uh....the Rockets, Weapons, and The steering systems are offline for some reason, except why the life support system is still on I'll never know..." he said to her as he tried pressing buttons but nothing happened "Man...this is what I get for making a Gummi Ship out of Defensive power...".

    Xaren swam up to her "Not funny, Xana...I hate having to deal with water, my element is nature, naming the stuff up there! Not down here!" he gritted at her as he poked her shoulder.
    (Hold-up, Namine's alive...that makes no do realize at the end of KH2 that she became one with Kairi...right?)
  5. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "Again, you're an idiot. And that same idiot is going to fix the problem he made." Tohoya taunted, petting her pet robot spider, which made a strange sound that sounded like an immitation of a purring kitten.

    Xirkai gave him a stern face. "Dare try it and I make you fall from the sky again and miss my balcony." She threatend, giving him a look that ment she was serious about what he was trying to do and what she had just said.

    Xana giggled. "So? If you weren't so stupid, you'd know that you can control underwater plantation too if you practice enough" She sighed, crossing her arms and looking up. "But..." She added, grinning. "Only I can teach you the right ways to do it, unless you want the plants to fight back at you when you try" She teased, giggling and watching her bubbles fly up into the water then disappear.
  6. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane just smiled "Yeah yeah....but I'm not doing that...just this.." he said, kissing her lips.(Heh, tounge on tounge action jk)

    "Fine...but only on one condition....everytime I make a give me a kiss, full lip-lock all right, sounds fair?" he asked her.

    Zorx just grunted "Here's an Idea...why don't we just wait for a while...if the systems don't come back online, then I'll fix the the meantime...we should think ahead.".

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    yes but Namine still deserves to have ger own GHOST right?
  8. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    (Yeah, fine, but only a ghost...)
  9. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Xana laughed. "I never said I would. And I won't" She said, crossing her arms. "No matter what you say or do." She said, turning her back to him, then turning her head around and sticking her tongue out at him.

    Tohoya looked at Zorx, then ripped open a space in the controls, laying her techno spider in it. "Zeccha025, go find the problem and fix it" She said, laying back into place halfway. "And now we wait." She said, sitting back into her chair with her box in her lap, starting to fiddle with wires.

    Xirkai smiled with relief slightly, knowing Xane wasn't trying to do what she thought he was.

    (Sorry, my mom needed to print out stuff on the computer, so I couldn't type XD)
  10. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane had soon stopped kissing her "You know what...I've always seen you more beautifully in the moonlight..." he said with a smile as he got off of her.

    Xaren put his hand on her shoulder "Finally, you show more backbone to a higher officer..." he said as he turned her around "And you wear that?" he asked pointing at her chest, covered with a yellow shell-top.

    Zorx sighed "Why did I not think of that?" he asked himself, as he stood next to Tohoya " what do we do while we wait?" he asked her.
  11. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "Yeah, and I can believe that I'm gonna smack your face into a new shape if you don't stop making comments about my body you perv!" She yelled, turning aroung to him. She sighed, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. ventually, she opened them again, once she was calmed down.

    Xirkai blushed, sitting up and smiling a little. "You... really think so?" She asked softley, resting her head on her arms which were crossed across her knees which were curled up to her chest.

    "I'm fixing stuff. You go do whatever boys do while they wait for somthing to happen." Tohoya said, ttaching two wires the pulling out disks and data sheets and pushing them into place inside the metal box she held in her lap with wires connected to it almost everywhere inside of it.
  12. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane just looked at her, still with a grin on his face, "You and me could go somewhere else for a while....hmm...the most romantic place in the universe sounds like...mmmm...can you think of any place Xirkai?" he asked her.

    Xaren just smirked as he put his arms around her from behind "I think that feelings back from before..." he whispered in her ear, seductivly.

    Zorx just smirked "Since you're the only girl here, you do realize what a boy like me does with a girl right?" he asked as he moved in front of her and put his hands on her face.
  13. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Tohoya pushed her head away, taking two wires and putting them on Zorx's hands, giving him a shock with mild voltage involved. "Don't touch me" She said coldly, glaring at him and returning back to her work.

    Xana growled. "You must reeeeally want your face re-organized, huh? How bout I make it so you don't EVEN HAVE A MOUTH!" She yelled, her whips dispersing into her hands. They wrapped around Xaren tightly, then began to loosten as she swung him around, heartless scratching at his face wildley. Right before her whips threw Xaren, she opened a portal which she threw Xaren into, then closed it. She sighed. "He never gives up at it." She grumbled, swimming along the coral reef until she dove down into a long tunnel, which lead into a small cave like-structure, filled with all kinds up stuff. It was lit with heartless' antenne which glowed.

    Xirkai blushed even more deeply, but then her face went emotionless, then curiousity. "Somthing's coming.." She whispered to herself, turning within her room, which had many open windows so th wind could blow through. "I can feel it in the wind a... stong power.. closer" She thought outloud. her body tensed, unseathing her large first sword.

    (I'm thinking of making an enemy come and blah... but I can't think why or what the character should be like. XD)
  14. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xane got up "Wait here..." he said as he walked forwards and onto the balcony, looking over the edge.

    Xaren just landed into his room "Dangit...damn emotion or whatever this is, is making me get hurt more and more by Xana...hate this "thing"inside me..." he said aloud in his room, god only knows what he does in there.

    Zorx just jumped back as he licked his hands to cool his singed skin "Ow! Tohoya, why'd you do that?! I was only doing what my heart tells me to do, c'mon!" he said boldly at her, as he then blew on his hands.

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    Sevexlen appeared at Willow Castle looked at the crystal heart she had to have a meeting with the others she had too many questions shee had know the other keybladers weaknesses if ever they found out she already knew Saiyo she is so weak she probably dos'nt(sp?) how swing the weapon properly *tap* Sevexlen shot a flaming arrow out of now with her bow she missed what she was going for it was Mickey "You're majesty what a pleasent suprise, why arn't you at the castle with your precious Minnie and the others?" "Sevexlen i know what you're going to do!You are going to open portal to the realm of darkness are you!?" "Wise King are you but you do not know the reason i am doing it because when i capture a keyblader i can put him or her in there and never let the keyblader out i will torture it to death i want a meeting to see if we all allow it she said with a smirk "Well so long"

    Saiyo looked around "Aw Crap How am i suppose to get off this island? i have no gummi ship or anything i dont even now how i ended up here!"she said furiously
  16. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "Aww... Well well well. Looks like Kira got herself a wittle love slave, eh? And he's a cutie!" A long sandy blonde haired girl landed on her toes infront of Xane, bearly even making a sound. She was dressed in a black cloth armor-like dress with golden and white ripples and designes all over it, wearing a black tiara-like Laurel. On her belt was a longsword in it's seath. She mearly jumped over Xane and walked into Xirkai' room, landing on the marble flooring with a soft bounce of air in her step. "Move along boy, me and "Xirkai" have some unfinished buisness to take care of" She said, swiping her hand along in the air to show he needs to go away.

    Xana sighed with relief as she was finally along and un-disturbed in her most secret spot in all of Atlantica that only she and only she knew about. She sat ontop of a giant clam shell with a pearl in the center. She curled around it. Gently, Xana ran her pointer finger in circles around the top. "Let's see what Xaren's doing.. probobly having a fit because I pushed him away" She said softley, then image of Xaren in his room appearing across the pearl as she watched him.

    Tohoya looked up at him, un-phased by his words. "My heart want's nothing more and nothing less than revenge. My life needs no love or friendship, no encouraging words. My heart seems to refuse what you desire most. Live with it" She hissed at him, yelling almost.

    (Just for fun, I got the picture of the enemy. Cher
  17. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xaren grunted in anger as he crossed his arms sitting on the floor saying aloud "Damn the Xana...she acts always like that too me...when my dang "thing" for her kicks in she acts like nothing happeneds, and all because I kiss her once, she has to push me away....*sigh*...I guess she would....seeing is how I act like I don't have a heart around her...when my heart was actually gained back.....five years ago...I guess...a Nobody, doesn't age without a heart...but does when it's gained one..." he soon closed his eyes as he continued "I wonder...does Xana, have her heart yet?" he asked himself.

    Xane looked at her now, drawing his blade "All right...who the heck are you?! Xirkai ain't talking to you one bit!" he yelled at her as he readied his battle position.

    Zorx looked at Tohoya then down back at his hands "I want no one....not even...the person....who saved you, two years ago...from destruction of yourself...Tohoya...there was, one thing that I never told you...about me....I acted the same as you, four years ago....I still do...some of the time, why do you think, I wear these clothes? Just for show? No...I act to wear them because I act most of the time as you...and why..." A long silence came over him for about three or four minutes "Because of my family..." he finished as he sat back in his seat, not looking at her now, and as little tears fell down from his face his lips quivered with gasps.
  18. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    "...Whatever." Tohoya said carelssy, smiling at his tears and pain. She hid it, though, because if he saw it he would get angry of her, even leave her to walk alone, if that. She pulled open the spot she had before, where Keccha025 hopped out them sat on the metal, bending then smoothing it back out to it's regular shap, then fitting it back in tightly. "Good robot." She praised the robot, setting it back into the box. "We can go now.." She said simply.

    Xana laughed at the pearl she was looking at, watching Xaren whom was surrounded with confusion. "If only you knew why I would push you away so many times..." She sighed, the image fading. "He doesn't realize that it takes longer for a relationship to develop, and he's passing it all and skipping it to hugs and kisses and other things that I'm not used to yet" She sighed, laying on her back and looking up at the colored ceiling, filled with gems she stuck into the rocks.

    Xirkai growled. "Xane, no. This is a battle between me and Cher, and Cher and I only." She said, stepping back through a portal, and came out from the other side in a chinese female fighter dress, her first sword still at hand. "Bring it on, air bender" Cher snickered, unseathing her sword. The two clashed swords together, pulling them back into the same position, then jumping at eachother to start the battle. The two went so fast and swiftly over the ground, all that you could pretty much see was a rush of colors.
  19. Hell Kaiser Ryo Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 28, 2007
    Where the Simple Man lives.
    Xaren just sighed " just turned out to be a drag...." he said out of complete boredness.

    Xane tried to keep his eyes on Xirkai and Cher for quite a little while for each attack or clang of swords "Damn...they're just too fast..." he gritted as he just stayed in one place.

    Zorx just started up the engines as the Gummi Ship blasted off towards Twilight Town "Dammit...I only did the things I did...even helped her, but now....I'm done with her..." Zorx thought as he landed the Gummi Ship near the forest of twilight Town "Get out!" he grunted in anger.
  20. Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 10, 2007
    Where you don't know
    Tohoya was silent for a moment. She picked up her box, standing up and walking to the entrance. She looked back at Zorx, holding back tears that were beginning to fill her eyes. She exited the Gummi ship, walking away into the woods. [Behind these Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson plays] Once she was out of sight, she fell to the ground over a stump, har arms cross, her head down on the stump, banging it against the wood as she cried, sobbing loudley. "I.. I shouldn't have treated him that way... he saved me from falling to peices.. from the darkness which I couldn't step out of without him.... Why.." She thought, Sitting up and hugging herself. "I wish my parents nevr died... I wish was the little cheerful girl I used to be... I wish..... I never existed.. I only cause pain and suffering" She sobbed between gasps and sniffles.[Song ends after XarentheTwilitAngel posts]

    Xirkai and Cher fought on and on, until the two stood facing eachother, covered in scars and blood. Both were breathing heavily. Neither won, as they both fell fowards, too tired to go on. "X..ane.. 'on't.. leave.. Che..r.. behind.." She mumbled, her words hoarse. At that point, both fainted, ignoring the pain that stung them from the deep cuts to the teeny weeny scratches. Cher's clothes could be considered ruby instead of blach because of all the blood shed onto it.

    Xana sighed, opening a portal to Xaren's room. She stopped for a moment, thought, and then swam through. She stumbled in, soaking wet. She sighed, shaking the water off like a dog, then looked up at Xaren. "We need to talk. And I don't mean later. Now." She said boldly.

    (Lol... Emotional Breakdown for Tohoya. Poor girl)
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