Organization XIV

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Chad Thundercucc, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordxy was still knocked out
    As she woke up she saw Darxess' orb smashed to pieces
    "Oh no..." She said but she cut herself off. Jordxy was in pain...

    She had used to much power the first the knight had hit her she wasint well...

    She started coughing in pain

    " W-what are we going t-to do" She asked herself weakly
  2. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *teloports to Orb's last resting place*
    *stares at the remaining shards of his once upon a time weapon and friend.....*
    Darxess:"No.........why? Why did this happen? WHY?!!!
    *stares at Jordxy*
    *Sighs*"At least you are ok, Jordxy......"
    "The knight will pay for this.......Even if I must kill him myself.......HE WILL PAY!!!"
  3. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    "Im sorry Darxess..." She looked away
    "I should of been more careful then the knight would of had to deal with me and not your orb" She sighed
    "Time..." She said

    "THATS IT!!!!!" She shouted
    "I can bring your orb back Darxess...well i can try" She looked at him and slowly got up still in pain

    "Its the least i can do..." She got her symbol out
  4. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    "Don't do it Jordxy! At your current state of health, it would kill you! It is bad enough that my Orb is gone....but if you killed yourself trying to save him.....I....please don't!"
  5. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    She smiled at him
    It was nice to have someone who cared about her
    "trust me...i wont do much...I will be back" And with that she called out the name
    "Guaski!" and she disappeared

    She saw the orb and her and the knight

    "Hey Knight Over Here!!!" She called out to him and when he came around the corner she knocked him out
  6. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Watches Jordxy disappear*
    "Please be safe, Jordxy, for both our sakes....."
  7. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordxy came back to Darxess...

    But she was to weak to do she just fainted
    Darxess' Orb appeared behind Darxess... but Jordxy was out cold...
    There was a smash...One of her symbols had broken...
    It was a life symbol of hers...

    OOC: haha is she going to make it? Or not?!?! DUN DUN DUN.
  8. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Orb appears behind Darxess*
    "My Orb!! Jordxy, thank you....."
    *Jordxy appears before Darxess....collaspses....*
    *Stares at life symbol as it slowly fades....*
    "JORDXY!!!! NOOOOO!!!! WHHHYYYY??!!!!"
    *Orb intervenes*
    Orb:"She is not gone yet, Darxess......She barely holds on......Her life signs are faint....but she lives....."
    Darxess:"Jordxy....why did you do it? I know my orb is precious to me are you....."
    Orb:"Master......? She may live......But she needs help, NOW!!!"
    Orb:I will watch Jordxy.......NOW GO!!! WARN THE OTHERS!!!
    Darxess:"But.....thank you........."
    *Darxess teloports to the organization to tell them the tragedy*
  9. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordxy's hand moved..barely.

    She was still knocked out cold but in side her self she could feel warmth
    It was black all around her....
    "Hey im not weak any--" She cut herself off as she looked all around her..

    It was her spirit inside her
    "Oh..." She sighed

    " Darxess i hope your orb is back with you...its the least i can do" She smiled
    She started fading away
    "What? no i cant die..not yet...i need to hold on please!"
    Jordxy wasint as bad as she was before....she had found her strength...her strength to be alive...

    Although she was still knocked out cold
  10. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Appears before the rest of the Organization*
    "Please listen! Jordxy is in trouble! Leave Sora be for now.......We must help Jordxy! She barely lives!! My Orb is trying to keep here vitals up until she has help....but without anymore help....she will die!!"
    *One tear goes down his face*
  11. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordxy slowly opened her eyes..

    "Hmm?" She tried to at least sit up

    "OUCH GOD DAMN IT!" She was in alot of pain.
    She leaned against the wall in pain

    It hurt to hurt alot..she was still very weak and she didnt have any power left

    "H-hey i-im a-a-alive" She smiled weakly then saw Darxess' Orb

    She sighed in relief and in pain
  12. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Orb links up to Darxess*
    Orb:"Very odd......"
    Darxess:"What is it orb?"
    Orb:"She awoke...."
    Darxess:"She did?! Good job Orb! Thank you!!"
    Orb:"I didn't do it....."
    Darxess:"What? What do you mean?"
    Orb:"That's what's odd......She is fighting for her life in a way I have never seen in a nobody....."
    Orb:Nothing.....calm down, master.....I have seen this phenomonon in humans before....but never nobodies....."
    Darxess:"GET TO THE POINT!!!"
    Orb:"At her eairlier rate....she would be dead by now.....but she is holding on, by sheer force of will......if I didn't know better, I would claim she has feelings.....She is holding on for someone, master.......Love is a strong force......."
    *link is closed*
    *Darxess was shocked*
    *Darxess stood by himself shocked by the developments, yet equally pleased that Jordxy is alive....*
    "I never knew..........Thanks, Jordxy........"
  13. Xata of Organization 14 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 14, 2007
    Organization XIV Castle Oblivion
    I got the news....jordxy you are weak...darxess may i see your orb?

    *Darxess passes the orb to Xata*

    Ok now pass me Jordxy's bell

    *Darxess hands Xata the bell*

    ok.... i think i can heal jordxy.

    *Goes back in time and throws the orb at the knight. Grabs the orb grabs Jordxy's body and goes back to the present. He jordxy and Darxess watch the Knight in pain as how he is dying from the orb. Xata summons the Orb back and stabs the Knight in the stomach. Everyone is safe, but the knight is gone, thus no more questions*

    We must get back to The Land of The Dragons. We need to stop Sora.
  14. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    "I remember now..." She said to herself, whispering "What love is..." She smiled
    She tried to get up now but she was pushing her limits
    She sighed
    I hope the others are okay.. she thought
    She then got a vision that the knight would hurt one of them
    "Oh no..." Now she really wanted to get up...but even if she did...she didnt have any power
    Then she thought
    "Orb i know im not your master but you master and the rest of them are going to be in trouble the knight is coming you have to tell them please" She said to the orb
    She was still trying to get up but it hurt alot
    In the end she just fell down
    "Ouch" She sighed

    OOC: Do i have to edit this now?!?!
  15. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    *Burns with dark fury*
    "HOW DARE YOU CALL JORDXY WEAK!!!! I thank you for healing her....but don't insult her....."
    Darxess:"Please, don't.......the knight is still alive?!"
    Orb:I think not.....but before he disappeared.....I somehow broke into his mind.....much like how I telepathicly communicate with you......And I saw something troubling....."
    Orb:"I saw an army of knights......assembled for battle.....whether its in the past or near future.....It may cause problems....but, they seemed to be far from here......We will not have to worry for them for a long time....."
    Darxess:"Good....I had enough of these knights....I only regret I did not personally have revenge against that particular knight.....I wanted to end his life personally...."
    Orb:"I know, master......."
    Darxess:"At least Jordxy is better now......Now let's stop talking and follow orders...."
    *Takes one last look at Jordxy......Teloports to Land of Dragons*
  16. Xata of Organization 14 Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 14, 2007
    Organization XIV Castle Oblivion
    we have a kid to kill...cmon jordxy.....grabs her and teleports back to LOTD

    OOC: lets make the sora fight epic. Also anybody here play WoW?
  17. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    Jordxy looked at darxess.
    She got up and nodded teleporting to the land of the dragons to.
    But she was somewhere different...where there was no Organization members...
    "Oops i guess im a little off" She put her hands on the back of her head
    "Where to go..."She sighed
    "Im hopeless" And so she started walking
    "I may as well walk before i even get more lost by teleporting"

    She soon found Sora and thought that the others would be here too
    "Err sorry about that im a little off" She saw she was the first one to find Sora
    "Oh? Well thats a surprise....Im first one...I guess being off pays off sometimes" She looked at sora
    He looked as confused as ever
    "Errr never mind about me....Now orders orders...Dont you get sick of them but i guess we have to follow them right?" She had got her sword out
    "I have been given these orders to...errrrr....what was my orders? Oh yeah to stop you thats right...well i have stopped you havint i?" She was just stalling now untill one of the boys got here to help her
    She laughed " Well come on fight me if you really want im open" In her head she was thinking Hurry up one of you!!
    "Cmon sora please fight me i really want to fight" She sighed through her teeth
  18. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    OOC:Where did World of Warcraft come from?

    Darxess:"Yes, superior, I am ready for battle.....I never did get to avenge Jordxy by personally killing the knight......Now I will kill Sora instead....The boy will cry for mercy after I am done with him......"

    Orb:Master......please.....control your anger.....don't do something stupid....You will challenge Sora only with the support of the organization....don't try and take him on yourself!!

    Darxess:The knights, Sora, even donald and goofy......They will all pay.....
    *Charges up, covered in dark flames*

    OOC:We all know what happens now don't we?
  19. Jordier0xs0x King's Apprentice

    Jan 28, 2007
    OOC: I hope so but im sorta stuck here with sora if your looking for him lol

    Gotta stall gotta stall
    "Hey Sora look over there!!" She pointed then found a rope and tied them
    "Well i guess its better then fighting right?" She laughed

    "Now where the hell are they?" She sighed
    "For once i dont want to be the first one" She looked around
    "Hopeless they are...just hopeless"
  20. Jaxed Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 2, 2007
    Looking for a place to use my usertitle
    Orb:"My scans have found Sora.....and Jordxy is with him!"
    Darxess:"Where is he? And is anyone else with him?"
    Orb:"Somewhere in-between the world of for who's with him, other than Jordxy....only donald and goofy are with him..."
    *Darxess thinks to himself*
    (Why must you always charge into danger Jordxy? You can't face him alone!)
    Darxess:"Sora, if you harm her....."
    *Teloports to Sora's location*
    Darxess:"Jordxy, are you alright?"